Silent Night: Vampire Holiday Romance (The Night Songs Collection Book 4)

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Silent Night: Vampire Holiday Romance (The Night Songs Collection Book 4) Page 7

by Strassel, Kristen

  “I don’t know about that. So where are we going?” I had to walk very closely to him so we could make it down the hall side by side. The heavy shadows and my high heels didn’t make it easy. The last thing I wanted to do was trip Aidan and send him into one of huge bookcases, making it topple over. I didn’t want anything to ruin what promised to be a magical evening.

  “You never did like surprises.” He frowned.

  “No.” I let go of Aidan’s arm when we reached the living room, and he picked up my pea coat I’d carelessly thrown over the arm of the couch. I was embarrassed I’d forgotten all about it. This still wasn’t my home enough to leave my crap everywhere. He held it open so I could put it on. I don’t think anyone had ever done that for me before.

  “Why not?” He picked up his own suit jacket, which dressed up his outfit as much as mine, and threaded a tie through his collar. He had this all wrong. I was going to be the envy of the city.

  I picked at a loose button at the end of my coat sleeve. “Because they’re never good.”

  He took both my hands this time, and stood almost close enough for the fabric of his pants to brush my shins. “New year, new possibilities.”

  I didn’t want to go anywhere, I just wanted him to touch me. And if he kept doing it, I didn’t think we’d be suitable an audience for very long.

  Instead of making a move, because I was too scared to screw this up, I nodded. “That’s something I can get behind.”

  He pulled me off of the arm of the couch. My butt had taken my coat’s place while he tied his tie. “Let’s go celebrate.”

  We headed into the heart of the city, parking in between the theater district and Downtown Crossing. A block later, Aidan held the door open to a busy restaurant. Everyone inside was either in work attire or jeans and casual clothing. We didn’t need to be so dressed up to eat here. I gave him a puzzled look.

  I couldn’t hear what he said to the hostess over the happy chatter and music, but I followed both of them to our table, and found myself surprised again when it was behind a curtain. The room had only a few small tables, and was lit by tabletop candles. Unlike the bare utilitarian wood chairs in the main room, we were seated in cozy leather club chairs.

  “This is cool, it’s like a hidden room,” I said too loudly after the hostess left us with our menus. Some of the other couples glared at me, irritated by the distraction. The music in here was much more muted, and conversation barely audible. This place was too classy for me. I averted my eyes down to the menu, and did my best to stifle another outburst when I saw the prices. Way too classy for me.

  “It’s a prohibition era style steakhouse,” Aidan explained. “It’s hidden like a speakeasy.”

  “I’ve never been anywhere like this before.” I couldn’t get my head to stop swiveling.

  “That’s what I was hoping for.” He turned to the waiter. “I’ll have a glass of your Malbec, and what would you like?”

  “Oh, um--” He snapped me back to reality. If I ordered a Coke they’d probably kick me out. But I wasn’t old enough to drink. What could I get? The cocktails on everyone else’s table looked so glamorous. “I’ll have a Shirley Temple.”

  The waiter’s eyebrows shot up, but he simply nodded and walked away. This room had turned me into a fool. Whatever romantic notions Aidan had bringing me here were sure to disappear by the time he paid the bill. Oh, man, I hope he planned to pay the bill. Anything I ordered here would cost as more than I made in one shift at the store.

  “Excellent choice.” Aidan looked at me over his menu, the candlelight making his dark brown eyes dance and swirl.

  “It was stupid.” I looked back down at my menu. This place had caviar and foie gras. And I was torn between the macaroni and cheese and french fries. “Did you ever bring Marielle to a place like this?”

  He looked sad, and I regretted saying it, much like I’d regretted everything else since we’d walked in this building. “Places like this weren’t around when we were together. Or else I would have.”

  “What did the two of you like to do?” It helped me to talk about Memere, I hoped he felt the same way.

  “We both worked really hard, we didn’t have any money.” He looked past me, probably wishing he was here with his late wife instead. “So, believe it or not, we used to like to read to each other.”

  “That’s so romantic.” I forgot all about the menu in front of me and gazed off into space myself, imagining Aidan reading to me. The sound of his voice, still with just the slightest trace of a French accent, would soothe me into a relaxed, purring, semi-conscious state. “What did you do before you were a writer?”

  “I was in the military.”

  “Canada has a military?” I blurted out before I could catch myself. “Who fights with Canada?”

  “Canada plays a much more important role in world security than you would think.” If Aidan thought my remark was ignorant, he didn’t show it. “Just because we don’t pick fights, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be prepared.”

  The waiter returned with our drinks, and saved me from any more stupidity. My Shirley Temple was topped with a spear, overloaded with maraschino cherries. Maybe I wasn’t so out of place, after all. “Have you folks decided?”

  I shook my head slightly at Aidan. He leaned forward and whispered, “Do you want me to order for you?”

  I mimicked his movement. “Yes. Please.” I sat back in my chair to see what he’d choose.

  “We’ll both have the cheddar ale soup, and she’ll have the filet mignon, house rub, and,” he paused to wink at me. “Macaroni and cheese.” We both handed our menus to the waiter.

  “Good job.” My smile felt too big for my face. “I was afraid you would order me caviar.”

  Aidan scoffed, still leaning forward. “I know better than that. And no one wants to have dinner with someone who actually orders caviar. Plus, that mac and cheese looked too good to be true.”

  “Did you get any?” If I heard him correctly, he only ordered himself soup.

  “No. This is still my morning. I usually don’t eat breakfast.”

  “I never see you eat. Are you sure you don’t have an eating disorder?” I knew this behavior well. “Paige has one, and she’s so skinny you can see her ribs. You’re perfect just the way you are.”

  Aidan didn’t respond right away, and I didn’t say anymore. I was treading on thin ice. Paige would never admit she gorged and purged, and I’m sure Aidan wouldn’t either.

  He picked up his glass, clinking mine. “And so are you. Cheers.”



  “I didn’t even know food could taste that good.” I raved as we walked back to Washington Street. “I wish you’d tried some of that steak. It literally melted in my mouth.”

  “I’m not much for red meat,” Aidan said. “But you enjoyed it, and that’s what’s important.”

  “I just feel bad that all you had was soup! And wine.” We stopped at the crosswalk. “What are we doing now?”

  “Do you like to dance?” Aidan asked as we hurried across the street.

  “I don’t know.” How was I going to dance in these shoes? I could barely walk. “I’ve never gone out dancing before.”

  “Didn’t you ever dance around your living room with your girlfriends?” he asked as he slipped his fingers between mine.

  “Not really. Is that weird?”

  “No. You just have some catching up to do.” Aidan led me into the lobby of a fancy hotel and over to the elevators. Just like in the restaurant, he’d already had this planned. The hostess crossed his name off of a list and opened the velvet rope so we could board the elevator. No one questioned my age, probably figuring someone like Aidan wouldn’t be dating a child.

  The elevator shot straight up to the top floor, and opened into a plush lounge with a jazz band already playing. We sat down at an empty table, and Aidan ordered us drinks. A glass of wine arrived for him, accompanied by another Shirley Temple for me. We ta
pped our glasses together, just like before.

  The band took a short break, and I noticed that the room spun ever so slowly, so we could see the whole skyline of the city. It was probably the only thing that could distract me from looking at Aidan.

  As the band started playing again, Aidan held out his hand. “Can I have this dance?”

  “Of course.” I held my breath as he led me out on the dance floor. Couples joined us in the middle of the room, surrounding us as they moved to the music. I stood awkwardly in front of Aidan, letting him take the lead.

  He placed his hands loosely on my hips, moving them slightly up and down, to mimic the movements he probably hoped I’d start making. I started to tap my foot to the beat and tentatively raised my arms up to his shoulders. Without any warning, he pulled me in tightly and swung me around, almost lifting me off my feet. I shrieked in surprise. It worked, after that I loosened up and didn’t have that much of a problem keeping up with him for the rest of the band’s set.

  “Do you want to go out on the deck?” he asked. He hadn’t even broken a sweat dancing. I definitely was glistening.

  “It’s almost midnight. Will we miss the countdown?” After such a great night, I didn’t want the New Year to start without us.

  “We’ll hear it. Come on.” We had to weave through the crowd, which seemed to have blossomed while we danced. Only a few people were on the deck when we stepped out, the cool night keeping the celebration inside, even though the deck had heat lamps.

  “It’s so beautiful out here,” I marveled as I held on to the railing and looked out at the city.

  “It is.” Aidan brought his fingers under my chin, and turned my face toward his. He wasn’t looking at the view. He wasn’t looking at anything but me. Even with the cold, I wanted to melt.

  “They’re doing the countdown!” someone near the door exclaimed. “Ten…nine…eight.”

  “Happy New Year, Kyndra.” Aidan caressed my jawline. “Here’s to new beginnings.”

  “To new beginnings,” I forced myself to say, only taking my eyes off of Aidan as the crowd erupted, signaling midnight had arrived. I looked back at him and smiled.

  His other hand slipped around my waist, pulling me into his body. He tipped my chin up, and then his hand moved back over my hair. I put my hands around his neck, being so close to him I didn’t have anywhere else to put them, even if I had wanted to do anything else but kiss him. I closed my eyes as he leaned in, his lips landing softly on mine. I parted my own, letting his tongue explore my mouth shyly, and I held on to him for dear life. My whole body relaxed against his. Aidan’s hand rubbed my lower back, and I sighed against his lips.

  We stayed out on the deck, kissing for what seemed like hours. Everyone else had disappeared. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the lights come on in the lounge.

  “We should head out,” Aidan said, his voice raspy. He rubbed my arms. “You must be freezing.”

  “Not really.”

  “You have goosebumps.” Aidan shook his head slightly. “I’m the worst suitor ever.”

  Suitor? Part of me wanted to giggle at him using such an old fashioned word, but the rest of me wanted to die a little that Aidan might really consider this a real date. Not just having too much wine and making out with his roommate.

  I’d always heard that what you did at midnight on New Year’s Eve set the pace for the rest of the year. If that was true, this year promised to blow the last out of the water.


  My class was awesome. I came back from my first day of school with a smile plastered on my face. Aidan’s house was still and almost cold after the whirlwind my day had been. I stopped in front of his bedroom door, running my hand slowly along the frame, talking myself out of waking him up. Out of going into his room and crawling under the covers with him.

  I leaned my head against the frame and closed my eyes. He’d be up soon, and I had to be patient.

  Not only had we not kissed again after New Year’s Eve, we hadn’t even talked about it. We were like two people renting rooms in the same house, and nothing more. Of course, I wasn’t renting. Just freeloading. Would it be out of bounds to ask him why he didn’t want to do it again? I didn’t want to risk finding out. I felt foolish hovering around him, hoping to catch his attention while he tried to meet his deadline, so instead I just started hiding out in my room.

  Thank God school started, because it would help me get my mind off of Aidan. Maybe. I rubbed my eyes, and headed in to my room to relax for a few minutes before getting ready for work. After barely getting any hours and a demotion during our big sale week, I was scheduled every night this week. The schedule had to have been made out of pure spite. No one at the store had been happy about my decision to go back to school, except for me. I’d been so excited about school starting today I tossed and turned all night.

  The teacher had released us early today, and I had some time before I had to get ready for work. Even if I could only wear my pjs for an hour, it was worth it. I crawled under my blanket and opened my textbook to review today’s lesson. We didn’t have homework, yet, but I wanted to make sure I absorbed every bit of information we were given. The first day of anything always overwhelmed me.

  I woke up to my phone ringing and my heart pounding. Crap, I’d fallen asleep. What time was it?

  “Kyndra, where are you?” Katie didn’t bother with a hello. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. I just fell asleep, and I didn’t mean to. It was my first day of school today.” Five thirty. I should have been on the sales floor and updated on our daily goals thirty five minutes ago. Five minutes early was five minutes late. Great, in hot water again at work. I jumped up, and went straight to the mirror to wipe mascara away from my face. I could be there by six, if I could get a cab right away, it didn’t stop at any red lights, and ran through the mall. “I’m sorry. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “Actually, don’t bother,” Katie said, and I watched my jaw hit my chest in the mirror. It took everything I had to hold the phone. “We’re placing you on suspension until payday.”

  Suspension until payday meant one thing only. “You’re firing me?” I squeaked out.

  “With the two LP issues, and the no call no show tonight, that’s three violations in less than a month.” Katie almost sounded apologetic, but I knew she was probably psyched to be getting rid of me. “We’ve given you every chance we can, Kyndra. I hate to do it, but the rules are the rules.”

  Two LP issues that weren’t my fault, and Katie knew it. “Okay.” I’m not sure if my words actually had volume.

  “Make sure to bring in your keys when you come on Friday to get your check.” Actually, Katie just sounded tired. “I have to get back on the floor. I’m doing a double now.”

  Instead of saying anything else, I just nodded, a foolish thing to do during a phone conversation. After I heard Katie hang up, I hugged the phone to my chest as I squeezed my eyes closed to keep the tears from falling. When that didn’t work, I fell to the floor in the middle of the room and bawled.

  What if I couldn’t find another job? That was the only one I’d ever had and I got fired. I couldn’t even use them for a reference. I worked so hard, and all I did was screw things up. All I had to do was make it another month, and I couldn’t even get that right. What was I going to do with no money? I couldn’t expect Aidan to provide everything for me. He was already doing so much.

  Aidan. I wanted him so bad right now. He had to be getting up soon. I stared at my door, and tried to talk myself out of doing the second stupid thing of the day.

  Failing at that as well, I took a deep breath as I pushed Aidan’s door open. His room was even darker than the rest of the house. A fan whirred, the cool air the only motion in the room. My heart pounded so loudly I worried that alone would wake him.

  My eyes needed a few seconds to adjust to the darkness, so I could even see the bed. Aidan lay on his side under a plaid comforter. He was still asleep and h
e stirred slightly as I approached the edge of the bed. I held my breath, hoping not to disturb him. He slept with one arm under his pillow, and the other clutching the blanket, and much to my surprise, in a thermal shirt. A little part of me was hoping to catch him shirtless. Okay, a big part of me. I watched him sleep for longer than I intended to, and then jarred myself back to consciousness. Between the dark and the whir of the fan, it was enough to make me fall asleep again.

  Holding my breath, I tiptoed over to the other side of the bed. I picked up the comforter just enough to slide my body underneath, and crawled in, still near the edge of the bed. I stared at Aidan’s back. He hadn’t moved. This guy slept like the dead. Feeling slightly more confident, I scooted closer to his body. He still didn’t move. I worked up the courage to press my body against his back and rest my hand on his shoulder.

  I sighed, our bodies fit together perfectly. I pushed closer to him. But my bliss didn’t last long. Aidan flipped toward me, almost faster than my drowsy eyes could process. His hands dug into my shoulders, hard. I jumped back and gasped.

  “Oh, Kyndra.” His voice was gravelly but relieved. “You shouldn’t do that.”

  “I’m sorry.” I scrambled back, devastated, pushing away the blankets. “I’ll leave you alone.”

  “No.” Another quick movement and he held my hand in his. “Stay.”

  So many emotions swirling around my brain I couldn’t think straight. I had one foot on the floor, one leg still folded under me on the bed. I struggled to catch my breath. Aidan sat up, the side of his hair stuck up, smashed from his pillow.

  “I guess I don’t like surprises, either.” He pleaded his case one more time.

  “I just really needed some company,” I murmured.

  “You needed me.” His voice was soft.

  I nodded.


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