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Speakeasy Page 7

by Bowen, Sarina

  “Ha! Good to know.”

  “But who gets to tell another person what’s sexy, right? And I think I just learned something about Daniela. And people in general.”

  “What’s that?”

  His brown eyes tease me at close range. “You don’t have to have a penis to be a dick.”

  “Omigod.” That sets me off again. I have to clap a hand over my mouth to hold in the laughter. Because he’s absolutely right.

  The bartender comes back, his arms full of ingredients. “Here we go, luv,” he says. “Let’s do this.”

  I calm down as he and Alec begin to discuss the mocktail. Apparently my drink requires ice cubes and mint leaves. I take a chance and glance around the room, noting that Daniela and Tracy have inched closer to us, damn it.

  If I had garlic to ward them off, I’d use it.

  There are other people in this room that I should take the time to greet. But I just don’t feel like mingling. If anyone asks me why Daniela and I aren’t together anymore, I don’t even know what I’ll say.

  Schmoozing colleagues can wait until another time. Alec, his sense of humor, and his Scottish bartender are more my speed tonight. I’m tired and emotionally drained.

  “Okay, let’s try this,” the bartender says. He hands me a glass containing mint leaves and golden liquid with ice cubes.

  “Thank you! No need to go to so much trouble.” I take the glass.

  “It’s what I do.” He winks.

  I take a sip, and it’s glorious. I taste lime, a touch of honey and the bite of ginger. “Wow.” I take another sip. It tastes great, although I feel eyes on my back once again.

  Daniela’s ex has approached the bar. “Do you have shots?” she asks. “I need one. Bad.”

  “No, luv,” the bartender says. “Just the wine and beers you see here.”

  “Really? Then what is little miss sparkly shirt drinking?” She jabs her chin in my direction.

  My blood pressure doubles immediately, because there’s no mistaking the taunting edge in Daniela’s ex’s voice.

  Alec puts a calming hand on my lower back. Easy, it cautions.

  “She’s drinking a mocktail I created just for her,” the bartender says. “Cannae get your buzz from that.”

  “How does it taste?” Alec asks me, as if Daniela’s ex weren’t even there.

  When I turn to face him, a sexy smile waits for me. “Lovely,” I say, and I’m referring to him as well as the drink. “Minty.” I take another sip. “Thank you.”

  “Can I have a taste?”

  “Of course!” I offer the glass.

  “Excellent,” he says. But he doesn’t take the glass. He reaches out, cupping the back of my neck. Then he leans in.

  I don’t see the kiss coming. But a split second later his lips are there against mine. My body experiences a jolt of confusion as he kisses me slowly. The sensation is so unfamiliar—stubble chafing my chin. The way I have to lift my chin up to meet him. But I guess it’s like riding a bike, because I tilt my head, perfecting our connection. He tastes like beer and fun.

  And man.

  God, it’s been a while since I experienced this. My breasts tingle as they brush against his hard chest. He makes a low, sexy noise that drowns out the sound of an angry huff happening somewhere in the background. I think.

  Actually, I don’t think. My tired brain clicks off, and I just kiss the hell out of Alec Rossi for a long moment.

  But all moments end. When he eases back, we blink at each other. “Tasty,” he whispers.

  It takes another three beats of my pounding heart to remember the joke he’s making. And that this is all just a funny game to tease Daniela.

  Isn’t it?

  I don’t dare turn around to see if she’s watching.

  The bartender clears his throat. “Get a room, you horny buggers.”

  I should be embarrassed, and I probably will be eventually. But I take another little sip of my fabulous drink and decide to worry about it later. I’ve already survived the one event that I’ve been worrying about all week. And while the law school used to be my whole life, it isn’t anymore.

  Let ’em talk. I’m out of here soon. I take a deep drink of my mocktail, and then another. “Bottoms up, Alec. I did my thing and I’m not in the mood to mingle.”

  “The lady gets what the lady wants,” he says, setting his beer bottle down at the end of the bar. “Later, dude. See you Sunday night?”

  “Aye-aye,” he says, snapping a salute to Alec. “Nice meeting you, miss.” He winks.

  I thank him for the killer mocktail. And then Alec takes me by the hand and finds my coat. When he eases it onto my shoulders, his breath tickles my neck, and I feel myself go still inside.

  That kiss! It was like medicine I didn’t know I needed. I’ve always been attracted to both men and women. But I haven’t had sex with a man in a long time. Haven’t wanted to. It’s women who turn my head lately.

  Isn’t it?

  Alec steers me outside, and I follow him like an obedient puppy. He opens the door to his truck like a gentleman, and he offers a hand to help me up. “I can climb into a pickup by myself, you know,” I hear myself saying. “Been doing it all my life.”

  “I’m sure that’s true,” he says, even as I take the offered hand. It’s warm. “But when a lady is wearing a short skirt, I always offer. Makes it harder.”

  “Makes what harder?” I mumble and he laughs.

  “You’re a fun date, Shipley,” he says before closing the truck door.

  It’s dark and quiet in the deserted parking lot. The only sound is Alec’s footsteps as he circles the vehicle to climb into the driver’s seat. He gets in and starts the truck, letting her warm up.

  “That wasn’t so bad, right?” he says. “I scared her off at the end, there. Hope you didn’t mind my methods.”

  “Totally worked!” I agree a little too quickly. I need to remind myself that kiss was just a joke.

  “It was a game-time decision. There was no vibrator handy, so I couldn’t scare her off with that.” He laughs.

  “Right?” I agree. But then I let out a curse, because I remember something.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I left my vibrator at Daniela’s. It’s in the bedside table.”

  “Do you still have the keys?” Alec rubs his hands together. “We could steal it back. The Great Vibrator Heist. It has a nice ring to it.”

  For a moment the old May makes an appearance, daring me to do it. I used to be a wild girl, always up for the next caper.

  But no. It’s silly and fun, but also a bad idea. “With my luck, we’d get caught and they’d call the cops. And I think you’re the one who pointed out recently that if I want to remain a lawyer, I should avoid arrest.” Alec has no idea how close I came to losing that privilege once. If it weren’t for a police officer’s kindness, I wouldn’t have been admitted to the bar at all.

  “You make a good point.” He gives me a killer smile, then pulls out his phone to check it, while I stare at his lips, our kiss still echoing throughout my body. “My sister is blowing up my phone, complaining about working with Smitty. He takes too many breaks, apparently.” Alec chucks the phone into the cupholder.

  “Hmm?” I’m staring again. But he’s so attractive. And he has a reputation for seduction. I used to hear my brother joke about it, back when they were more friendly.

  I wonder what it would be like to be one of Alec’s hookups—to have his complete attention and his hands on my body. I shiver just imagining it. “Alec?”

  “Yeah?” He lifts those dark eyes to mine again.

  “I just want to try something. Roll with me, okay?” The wild May isn’t quite finished tonight. She’s curious about why that kiss was such a mind-scrambler.


  I slide closer to him on the bench seat. Then I place a hand at the center of his chest. For a split second he doesn’t move. But then slowly he turns his masculine jaw in my direction. />
  “So…” I say in a low voice.

  We lock eyes. But I hesitate.

  “Fucking kiss me already,” he whispers. “If you’re going to.”

  So I do it.

  Chapter Seven


  The second May’s mouth touches mine, I’m a goner.

  My libido has been humming all night, ever since she shed her coat into my hands, bringing miles of ivory skin into view. I spent the evening wishing I could run my palms down her smooth arms.

  But this is even better. May’s kiss isn’t tentative. She tilts her head, fitting her hungry mouth against mine.

  And I can’t help it—I gently nip her luscious bottom lip between my teeth. Her breath catches in surprise.

  “You like that, don’t you?” I rasp.

  She moans into our next kiss.

  “Yeah?” I ask against her lips. “Then you’ll love this.” I pull her closer to me, upping the ante, deepening the kiss.

  Because this is my role in life—if there’s a song, I make it louder. If there’s a party, I make it bigger. If there’s a pretty girl in my arms who wants my tongue in her mouth, I give it to her.

  The sound she makes as we taste each other is deep and hungry.

  Yes, my body hums. I slow down, savoring her. I’m good at living in the moment, and I want this one to last. Our tongues tangle. I slip a hand inside her coat, finding her waist. She has a long, taut body that’s tortured me all night. Now I lift the edge of her sparkly top until my thumb finds silky skin.

  May shivers in my arms. She sucks on my tongue and groans.

  The sound goes straight to my cock, which is already hard. “Come here,” I growl.

  May only hesitates for a second. Then she’s on the move. It takes her a minute of scrambling until she arrives on my lap.

  The steering wheel is right there in the way, so I reach down to find the lever that controls the seat’s position and yank on it gracelessly until the truck’s seat goes skating backward. And when we come to a sudden stop, May is straddling me—her cleavage right in my face.

  I lift my chin, and for a long beat we just stare at each other in the dark. This is the point where it should all seem just a little ridiculous. Two tall people jammed awkwardly together in a Nissan Frontier.

  May looks a little shell-shocked. But her eyes are made of fire.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” I whisper. “You don’t even know it, do you?”

  Her eyes widen. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  I reach up and catch her jaw in my hand. Then I pull her down to me again. We kiss, and I feel the spark between us reignite. One kiss becomes two. Two becomes ten more. I slide my tongue against hers because I never want to stop. I run a hand down the center of her lean body, stopping when I can touch the bare skin of her stomach.

  When I do that, she squeezes her legs together, clenching my body. “Fuck,” she groans into my mouth. She grinds against me, and I make a noise like a horny bull in the meadow.

  Holy hell. May Shipley has a wild streak. Who would have guessed?

  Well, she’s come to the right place. I push her coat off her shoulders so I can kiss the silken neck I admired all evening. And when she flings the coat away, more skin beckons. My eager hands coast down her smooth arms, then over her exposed thighs where her skirt is riding up.

  “Yes,” she whispers while her hands take a trip down my pecs.

  “Yes what?” I pant.

  “Just yes.”

  Yes is my new favorite word. I feel crazy now. So hungry. As I claim her mouth again, May practically claws at me, urging me on. I shift my hands around to her bottom, which gets a dirty squeeze.

  Her response is to grind more hotly on my aching dick. And then—hallelujah—bold fingers open the button of my trousers.

  Who knew May Shipley was so much fun? She works the zipper down an inch or so, until space constraints stop her.

  But I like the way she’s thinking, so I up the ante again, working a hand under the back of her skirt, and inside the waistband of her panties. I dip down over the arch of her sweet ass, and she makes a noise of happy surprise.

  Teasing her, I skim every inch of her skin, massaging her perfect cheeks. Our mouths are fused into hot kiss after hot kiss. My naughty hand finally breeches the edge of her panties, and instantly my fingertips are drenched in honey.

  She grips my shoulders in both hands and gasps.

  Hell yes. Now I’m desperate. My voice actually shakes as I say, “Shipley, there’s a condom in the glove compartment.

  “Really?” she asks, then kisses me again. “You have a lot of sex in your truck?”

  “Wouldn’t say a lot.” I stroke her clit and her thighs clench. “You want to chat about it or do you want to climb on my dick?”



  She moans. “I can’t think when you do that.”

  “Thinking is entirely overrated.” Reluctantly I remove my hand. Then I reach around her body and pop open the glovebox. I find what I’m looking for and offer it to her. “In case of emergency, tear off the wrapper.”

  Then I pull her into my arms and kiss her again. I don’t want to stop.

  “Ungh,” she says a minute later when we come up for air. “Will you think less of me if we do this?”

  “Will you think less of me if I beg you to?”

  “Hold this,” she says, handing me the condom. Then her shaky hands get to work on the rest of my zipper. There isn’t much room, so she’s struggling.

  I have to pitch in and help her. “Hold this,” I say, freeing my cock from the confines of my boxers.

  May lets out a bark of laughter at my joke. And then a giggle chases it.

  “You shut up,” I whisper, teasing her. But the sound of her laughter does something good to my insides. I roll the condom down my length, then catch her smile with my lips.

  She laughs into my mouth. But when I lift her skirt and skim my fingertips across her pussy, she stops laughing and moans. “Jesus. You’re a fun date too, Rossi.”

  “The funnest.” I pull her panties out of the way. They’re the stretchy kind. I don’t even have to rip them. She lifts her body up, and I guide her closer to me. “Right there, babydoll,” I whisper.

  I hear May suck in a breath. Then she eases down, enveloping my cock with her wet heat.

  “Oh, fuck,” I whisper into the silence. “Unnngh. You feel so fucking good. Breathe, baby.”

  She exhales, her lips at my cheek. I wrap my arms around her and squeeze. Random car hookups don’t seem like her usual style, and I feel a rush of affection for her adventurous spirit. The kiss I plant at the corner of her mouth is tender.

  A gust of wind rattles the truck, and I feel like we’re the only two people in the world. Our rapid breathing and the breeze—those are the only two sounds I can hear.

  It’s beautiful.

  Kissing her neck, I roll my hips forward, deepening our connection. I have to move.

  “Oh,” she pants. “Yes.” Her fingers dig into my shoulders as she begins to rock.

  “That’s it,” I chant. “Like that. Take it. Fuck me.” I have a motormouth during sex. Never can shut myself up.

  May grabs my face and smashes her mouth against mine. Her kiss is devouring. Her hips roll and grind.

  We ought to be cold right now, but I break out in a sweat. I want to throw her down on a bed and fuck her properly. I want to roll around on a rug and kiss every inch. I want everything, and I want it right now.

  But I’m stuck here in the truck’s cab and the limited motion is a big fucking tease. After a few happy minutes, I grab blindly for the handle on the ceiling, and when I find it I use it as leverage, jacking my pelvis upward in the world’s most erotic one-armed pull-up.

  “Oh,” May moans into my mouth. She grabs the headrest behind me and braces herself.

  It’s fast and dirty. I can’t slow down, not with the noises she’s making.

�Oh fuck,” she pants. “Ah! Ohhhh…”

  “Bring it,” I pant. “Let me hear you get there.”

  Her breathing accelerates. Or maybe that’s mine. I’m a little confused and a whole lot turned on. This is going to come to an exciting conclusion pretty fast if I’m not careful.

  But then May grabs my hair and shoves her face into my neck. She lets out a soul-deep moan. Her body shudders around my cock as she whimpers my name.

  And that’s it. I’m done. I wrench my hips up off the seat one more time as the orgasm rips through me. She holds on for dear life as I pulse inside her.

  I’m not done kissing her, though. As I come down, I find her mouth with mine and taste her slowly. My body hums with sexual satisfaction, and I wish this moment would last all night.

  But eventually I have to breathe. I turn my head to the side and gulp for oxygen. “Fuck,” I sigh. “That was—” I have to pause for more air. “—the most exciting law-school mixer I ever came to. So to speak.”

  For a second she doesn’t respond. She dips her head and hides her face in the general vicinity of my neck. “Now I really don’t know what to say.”

  “I think ‘oh God, Alec’ already said it all.”

  She gives a little groan and keeps her face hidden.

  “Hey.” I stroke her hair. “Don’t regret me so soon. Most women wait at least a day.”

  She chuckles against my body.

  We’re still joined, and I’m in no hurry to lose her. God, I feel good. I am so easy. The family slut, according to my brothers. And unlike May, spontaneous truck sex doesn’t really embarrass me.

  “I just…don’t do this,” May says.

  “You should reconsider that policy,” I suggest. “Just a thought.”

  She lifts her face and smiles at me. “Are you always like this?”

  “Slutty? Pretty much.”

  “Unflappable is what I meant.”

  “I flap plenty.” I kiss her on the nose.

  Her expression suggests that I’m a very amusing creature. She shakes her head, then moves, disengaging our bodies. I let out a moan as my oversensitive dick is set free.

  Then she climbs back onto her side of the seat, leaving me alone in the cold.


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