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by Markus Reichardt

  [91] This speculation is based upon J Medawar & D Pyke Hitler’s Gift- Scientists who fled Nazi Germany Piatkus ; London ; 2000 ; p.47/8

  [92] For a summary about the extent to which America intended and eventually did single-handedly seek out and take anything of commercial and military value it found in Germany and the formerly German-occupied lands see Tom Bower, The Paperclip Conspiracy. It is clear from Bower’s book that by late 1944 great hopes were pinned by private US commercial interests on the acquisition of German technologies and patents in areas as diverse as dyes for textiles, to vacuum ‘self-healing’ tubes

  [93] Charles Higham Trading with the Enemy Dell NY 1983 p. 64/5, p.69,115.

  [94] In reality FDR carried 36 states with 25 602 504 votes to Dewey’s 22 006 285.

  [95] Adapted from NYT November 8th 1944, p.16

  [96] For the very real possibility that the Germans did indeed run such experiments at the Wenceslas Mine in Ludwigsdorf Poland, see Nick Cook The Hunt for Point Zero Random House ; London ; 2001.

  [97] Roy Jenkins Churchill Macmillan , London ; 2001 ; p.786

  [98] this text and the Djilas- Stalin encounter are cited from D Volkogonov Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy Weidenfeld & Nicolson ;London ; 1991 ; p.536.

  [99] Antony Beevor & Artemis Cooper Paris after the Liberation 1944 – 1949 Penguin Books 2004 p. 115/6 this is how Churchill’s autumn 1944 visit to De Gaulle went.

  [100] Beevor p. 286

  [101] R M Wingfield The Only Way Out Hutchinson ; London ; 1955 p. 140 cited in Barry Turner Countdown to Victory Hodder & Stoughton ; London ; 2004 p. 63/4.

  [102] Cited in Barry Turner Countdown to Victory Hodder & Stoughton ; London ; 2004 opening page.

  [103] Memorandum by Willy Brandt (Stockholm) ‘Forces of the German Revolution’ submitted to OSS representative in Stockholm, cited in American Intelligence and the German resistance to Hitler: A Documentary History ed. By Juergen Heideking and Christof Mauch ; Westview Press ; Boulder Colorado ; 1996 p. 211.

  [104] Barry Turner Countdown to Victory Hodder & Stoughton ; London ; 2004 p. 90.

  [105] Cited in Michael Beschloss The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman and the Destruction of Hitler’s Germany 1941-1945 Simon & Schuster ; NY; p. 229/230

  [106] Based upon an episode retold in Beevor p. 150

  [107] Hugh Thomas Armed truce: the Beginnings of the Cold War 1945-6 Sceptre Edition ; London ; 1986 p. 755.

  [108] Taken from their conversation 18 July 1945

  [109] Brian Cathcart Test of Greatness: Britain’s Struggle for the Atomic Bomb John Murray ; London ; 1994.p.17/8

  [110] A variety of authors have speculated on how better knowledge about the American possession of the Bomb and his own, spy-enhanced access to nuclear technology influenced Stalin’s thinking. The best, most succinct is John Earl Haynes & Harvey Klehr VENONA: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America Yale University Press; New haven ; 2000.

  [111] Thomas Armed Truce, p. 753/4.

  [112] Thomas Armed Truce, p.649.

  [113] Thomas Armed Truce, p. 753/4.

  [114] Peter Hoffmann Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg und seine Brüder DVA ; Stuttgart ; 1992

  [115] Wolfgang Venohr Stauffenberg - Symbol des Widerstands ; Eine politische Biographie Herbig ; Müchen ; 2000

  [116] Konstanze von Schulthess Nina Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg: Ein Porträit Pendo Verlag ; 2008)

  [117] Dorthee von Meding zu erwähnen. Mit dem Mut des Herzens: Die Frauen des 20 Juli Goldmann 1997

  [118] Peter Hoffmann, Widerstand, Staatstreich, Attenta: der Kampf der Opposition gegen Hitler. Piper ; München ; 1969 / Peter Hoffmann Die Sicherheit des Diktators: Hitlers Leibwachen, Schutzmaßnahmen, Residenzen , Hauptquartiere München ; 1979 / Joachim Fest Staatstreich: der lange Weg zum 20. Juli Goldmann Verlag ; 1997

  [119] Will Berthold Die 42 Attentate auf Adolf Hitler Ueberreuter ; Wien ; 1997

  [120] Joachim Fest Staatstreich: der lange Weg zum 20. Juli Goldmann Verlag ; 1997

  [121] Siehe Henry O Malone Adam von Trott zu Solz: Werdegang eines Verschwörers 1909-1938 Siedler Verlag ; Berlin ; 1986 / Marianne Meyer-Krahmer Carl Goerdeler: Mut zum Widerstand Leipziger Universitätsverlag ; 1998 / Dorothea Beck Julius Leber: Sozialdemokrat zwischen Reform und Widerstand Siedler ; 1994/ , Otto Friederich Blood & Iron: From Bismark to Hitler – the von Molkte Family’s Impact on German History HarperCollins ; 1995 / Patricia Meehan The Unnecessary War Sinclair-Stevenson ; 1995

  [122] Hans Mommsen Alternative zu Hitler C.H.Beck Munich 2000/, see also Reinhard Kühnl und Eckart Spoo (ed) Was aus Deutschland werden sollte Distel verlag ; Heilbronn ; 1995

  [123] Klemens von Klemperer Die verlassenen Verschwörer - Der deutsche Widerstand auf der Suche nach Verbündeten 1938-1945 Siedler ; 1994 / Patricia Meehan The Unnecessary War Sinclair-Stevenson ; 1995/ Also Joseph E Persico Roosevelt’s Secret War (Random House ; New York ; 2001

  [124] Despite the clear ideological constraints David Irving’s Göring - A Biography MacMillan ; London ; 1989, as well as Peter Padfield Dönitz - The Last Führer Victor Gollancz; London ; 1984. For information on Hitler’s Secretary Borman Jochen von Lang Der Sekretär Ullstein; Berlin ; 1990 is the standard reference work. Die Portaits created in these works have also led to the marginalisation of these characters in the novel.. The same applies to Peter Black’s biography of Himmler’s right-hand man Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Ernst Kaltenbrunner: Vassal Himmlers Schöningh ; Paderborn ; 1991 / In all cases it is clear that without Hitler none of these people had gravitas. .

  [125] Walter Schellenberg Aufzeichnungen Limes ; Munich ; 1979

  [126] Peter Padfield Himmler Reichsführer SS Cassell ; London ; 2001

  [127] Maurice Philip Remy Mythos Rommel List ; München 2002

  [128] Desmond Young Rommel - The Desert Fox Fontana ; London ; 1955 / David Fraser Knight's Cross A Life of Field Marschall Erwin Rommel HarperCollins ; London ; 1994.

  [129] Tony Forster Meeting of Generals Methuen ; Toronto ; 1986 / Charles Messenger Hitler's Gladiator Brassey’s ; 2001

  [130] Siehe Gitta Sereny Albert Speer: His Battle with the Truth Alfred A Knopf ; New York ; 1995, equally Joachim Fest Speer: The Final Verdict Phoenix Press ; London ; 1999 / as well as the frequently overlooked Matthias Schmidt Albert Speer Das Ende eines Mythos Scherz Verlag ; Bern ; 1982

  [131] Rolf Dieter Müller Der Manager der Kriegswirtschaft: Hans Kehrl: Ein Unternehmer in der Politik des Dritten Reiches. Klartext ; Essen ; 1999

  [132] Adam Tooze The Wages of Destruction: the making and breaking of the Nazi Economy Viking/Penguin Group ; New York ; 2006 / Overy Why the Allies Won Jonathan Cape ; London ; 1995 p. 207

  [133] Gary L Simpson TIGER ACE The Life Story of Panzer Commander Michael Wittman Shiffer Military History Atglen, PA , 1994

  [134] Max Hastings Bomber Command Pan books ; London ; 1999

  [135] Lawrence Malkin Krueger’s Men: The Secret Nazi Counterfeit plot and the Prisoners of Block 19 Black Bay books ; New York ; 2006. / Walter Hagen Unternehmen Bernard Verlag Welsermühl ; Starnberg ; 1955.

  [136] Friederich George Unternehmen Patentraub: Die Geheimgeschichte des größten Technologieraubs aller Zeiten Grabert ; 2010

  [137] Siehe Christopher Hibbert Benito Mussolini: the Rise and Fall of il Duce Penguin Books 1962 / F.W.Deakin The Brutal Friendship Weidenfeld & Nicolson ; London ; 1962

  [138] Gordon Corrigan Blood, Sweat and Arrogance Weidenfeld & Nicolson ; London ; 2006.

  [139] Martin Gilbert’s In Search of Churchill HarperCollins ; London ; 1994.

  [140] Walter H Thompson Churchill’s Bodyguard Headline Book publishing ; London ; 2005.

  [141] Roy Jenkins Churchill Pan; London ; 2002

  [142] John Charmley Churchill’s Grand Alliance: the Anglo-American Special Relationship 1940-57 Sceptre ; 1995/ also John Charmley John Charmley Churchill: The end of Glory London; 1993

  [143] A Danchev u D Todman (ed.) Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke: War Diaries Phoenix Press ; London ; 2002 / Adrian
Fort PROF: The Life of Frederick Lindemann Jonathan Cape : London ; 2003 / John Keegan (ed.) Churchill’s Generals Abacus ; London ; 1999.

  [144] Robert Rhodes James Anthony Eden: A Biography McGraw-Hill ; 1987)

  [145] Alister Horne and David Montgomery's The Lonely Leader - Monty 1944-45 MacMillan ; London 1994

  [146] Norman Gelb IKE & MONTY: Generals at War Constable ; London ; 1994

  [147]“The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Montgomery. Collins; London ; 1958

  [148] Sir Arthur Harris Marshall of the RAF Bomber Offensive Collins ; 1947

  [149] Max Hastings OVERLORD: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy 1944 Michael Joseph ; London ; 1984, see especially p. 48.

  [150] James Bacque Other losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the hands of the French and Americans after World War 2 Little, Brown & Co ; New York ; rev. ed. 2008

  [151] Melville Shavelson IKE W H Allen & Co 1979 / David Eisenhower Eisenhower at War 1943-45 Random House ; New York ; 1986

  [152] Doris Kearns Goodwin No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Elanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II Touchstone/ Simon & Schuster ; New York ; 1995

  [153] Thomas Fleming The War within World War II Perseus Press ; 2001

  [154] See especially Dirk Kunert Ein Weltkrieg wird vorprogrammiert Arndt ; 1984 / Dirk Bavendamm Roosevelt’s Weg zum Krieg: Amerikanische Politik 1914-1939 Ullstein ; Frankfurt ; 1989

  [155] Charles Higham Trading with the Enemy Dell ; New York ; 1983

  [156] Joseph E Persico Roosevelt’s Secret War Random House ; New York ; 2002 / Eric Larabee Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, His lieutenants & their War Harper & Row ; New York ; 1987)

  [157] I F Gellman Secret Affairs: Franklin D Roosevelt, Cordell Hull and Sumner Welles John Hopkins University ; Boston ; 1995 / J Robert Moskin Mr Truman’s War: The Final Victories of World War II and the Birth of the Postwar World Random House ; NY ; 1996 / Robert Ferrel Harry S Truman: A life University of Missouri Press ; Columbia ; 1994

  [158] Jonathan Fenby Alliance Simon & Schuster 2006 / Michael Beschloss The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman and the destruction of Hitler’s Germany 1941 – 1945 Simon & Schuster ; NY ; 2002 / J Robert Moskin Mr Truman’s War: The Final Victories of World War II and the Birth of the Postwar World Random House ; NY ; 1996 / FL Loewenstein, H D Langley & M Jonas (ed) Roosevelt and Churchill: Their Secret Wartime Correspondence Saturday Review Press ; New York ; 1975

  [159] William D Leahy I was There: The Personal Story of the Chief of Staff to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman Based upon his Notes and Dairies made at the Time McGraw-Hill ; New York ; 1950

  [160] Robert Sherwood Roosevelt and Hopkins: An intimate History Harper & Brothers ; New York ; 1950.

  [161] Omar Bradley & Clay Blair A General’s Life Simon & Schuster ; New York ; 1974

  [162] Martin Blumenson Patton, The Man behind the Legend Jonathan Cape ; London ; 1986

  [163] Carlo D'Este A Genius for War A Life of General George S Patton HarperCollins ; London ; 1996 / Ladislas Farago's Patton: Ordeal and Triumph (Mayflower Paperback ; London ; 1969

  [164] R A Miller AUGUST 1944: The Campaign for France Presidio Press 1996 edition / David Mason Breakout- drive to the Seine MacDonald & Co London 1969 part of the Punrell History of the Second World War series. Brigadier General Albin F Irzyk He rode up front for Patton, Pentland Press ; Raleigh N.C. ; 1996. / Stephen Ambrose Citizen Soldiers: The US Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Bulge to the Surrender of Germany June 7 1944 to May 7 1945 Touchstone ; NY ; 1997

  [165] Vojtech Mastny Russia’s Road to the Cold War Columbia University Press New York 1979

  [166] Neil Orpen Airlift to Warsaw: The Rising of 1944 Betrayed W Foulsham & Co UK ; 1984, / Norman Davies Rising ’44: The Battle for Warsaw MacMillan ; London ; 2003.

  [167] Lynne Olson & Stanley Cloud For your Freedom and Ours: The Kosciuszko Squadron: Forgotten Heroes of World War II Arrow Books ; London ; 2004

  [168] Antony Beevor & Artemis Cooper PARIS after the Liberation 1945-1949 Penguin Books ; London ; 2004 (2nd ed.)

  [169] Simon Berthon Allies at War HarperCollins ; London ; 2001

  [170] Albert Axel Stalin's War through the Eyes of his Commanders Arms and Armour Press ; New York ; 1997, also Albert Axel Russia’s Heroes 1941-45 Constable; London ; 2001, Harold Shukman's Stalin's Generals Weidenfeld & Nicolson ; London ; 1993, also Alexander Werth Russia at War 1941-1945 Avon Books ; NY ; 1964

  [171] Dmitri Volkogonov Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy Weidenfeld & Nicolson ; London ; 1991 / Simon Sebag Montefiore Stalin The Court of the Red Tsar Phoenix London 2004 / Donald Rayfield Stalin and his Hangmen Viking/Penguin Books 2004 / Roy & Zhores Medvedev The Unknown Stalin: His Life, Death, and Legacy Overlook Press ; N.Y. ; 2004

  [172] David Holloway Stalin and the Bomb Yale University Press ; London ; 1994

  [173] Mansur Abdulin Red Road from Stalingrad: Recollections of a Soviet Infantryman Pen&Sword ; 2004 / Alexander Werth Russia at War 1941-1945 Avon Books ; NY ; 1964 / Evgeni Bessonov Tank Rider: Into the Reich with the Red Army Greenhill Books ; London ; 2003

  [174] Misha Glenny The Balkans 1804 –1999: Nationalism, War and the Great Powers Granta Books ; London ; 2000

  [175] Mark Mazower Inside’s Hitler’s Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941-1944 Yale University Press ; New Haven ; 1995.

  [176] Barry Turner Countdown to Victory: Soldiers and Civilians tell the Story of the Final Battles for Europe 1944-5 Hodder & Stoughton ; London ; 2004 / Max Hastings ARMGEDDON: The Battle for Germany 1944-45 MacMillan ; London ; 2004.




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