Tangled Mark

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Tangled Mark Page 13

by Becky Harmon

  “The drive shouldn’t take us long, and we should be at the airport at least thirty minutes before the senator’s flight lands.”

  “That’s good. I want to try to get all the way to the gate. I’m not sure how difficult that might be, but I’ll find out,” Nikki said as she tracked their course on her iPad, constantly mapping alternative routes until they arrived at the first airport checkpoint. They showed their embassy-issued credentials and waited while the car was x-rayed, weighed and inspected. After clearing the checkpoints, Nikki pulled two communication sets from the glove box and handed one to Brad as he pulled the sedan to a stop. Each of them placed a listening device into an ear canal and attached voice-activated microphones to the lapels of their shirts.

  After they tested them, Brad dropped Nikki at the arrival gate and she approached a security officer. She explained the situation and showed her credentials, along with the US Embassy-issued permits, and was taken to a small room behind the ticket agent’s desk. Again, she explained the situation and showed all of her credentials to the supervisor before she was approved for unescorted travel through the airport. She exited the rear of the office, bypassing the checkpoints, and made her way to the arrival gate with five minutes to spare.

  * * *

  Senator Wyatt left the plane with an entourage that included one assistant and two Secret Service agents, who stood with the senator as Nikki approached her.

  Offering her hand, the senator introduced herself. “Jan Wyatt.”

  “Nikki Mitchell. My partner, Brad Morton, is with the car.”

  “Thank you for meeting me at the plane. I wasn’t sure you would be able to.”

  “The Israelis have been very cooperative with the credentials issued by our embassy,” Nikki explained before turning to address the two Secret Service agents. Both were dressed in the customary Secret Service attire, black suits and white shirts, and both wore the traditional stoic expression.

  Nikki smiled as she shook their hands and offered a quick introduction. She hated crossing into their territory, but neither Robin nor her partner, Wayne, seemed upset to be relinquishing the senator’s personal security to Nikki and Brad. It appeared they had been briefed before their arrival, and both were willing to take secondary roles. Nikki was relieved there would be no egos to battle and assured them they would be involved with every detail. Handing them two communication devices, she waited while they put them in place and then introduced them verbally to Brad.

  Nikki took a position to the senator’s right side, keeping her firing hand free and swinging one of the senator’s carry-ons over her left shoulder. One Secret Service agent took the lead and the other followed behind the group. The senator’s aide carried the remaining two bags and walked to the senator’s left.

  The first stop for the group was the restroom. Nikki dropped the luggage she carried at Wayne’s feet as he took up a position outside the restroom. She cleared two stalls for the senator and her aide before waiting patiently outside for them. The next stop was baggage claim. The senator’s aide, Carrie, as Nikki had learned while the senator was in the restroom, loaded their luggage onto a cart for the walk to the curb.

  Nikki spoke softly into her microphone. “Ready to exit.”

  “Stand by,” Brad responded.

  Nikki placed her hand on the senator’s arm. “Hold on for just a second.”

  The senator said nothing but raised her eyebrows in concern.

  “Everything’s fine. Brad needs to have the car positioned directly in front of the doors before you exit,” Nikki explained. “We don’t want you standing on the curb waiting.”

  “Ready,” Brad’s voice said in her ear.

  “Here we go.” She nodded at the agent leading the group and they began to file through the exit.

  Wayne held the car door open and Carrie climbed in first, followed by the senator and then Nikki. After closing their door, he placed the luggage in the trunk and headed for the taxicab stand. He would catch a ride to the US Embassy and secure a second vehicle before meeting them at the hotel. Robin climbed in the front seat beside Brad, and Nikki heard them exchange pleasantries.

  Nikki flipped through multiple screens on her iPad, giving Brad directions through the microphone on her lapel. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the senator watching her and the screen. At the first red light, she looked up to scan their surroundings, knowing Robin would be doing the same thing, and her glance passed over the senator’s face.

  “This is all normal,” Nikki said to reassure her. “Nothing is out of the ordinary.”

  “You’re scanning multiple routes?”

  “That’s just protocol so we aren’t caught off guard if there’s a traffic situation.”

  “And sitting still makes you nervous,” the senator observed.

  Nikki didn’t feel a need to respond to the senator’s statement. It was clear Senator Wyatt was not new to traveling abroad, but Nikki noticed Carrie glancing around nervously. “Is this your first time in Israel, Carrie?” Nikki asked, hoping to take her focus away from the crowded streets around them.

  “What? Oh, yes,” Carrie responded.

  “Only her second time outside the United States,” Senator Wyatt added with a wink at Nikki.

  Carrie nodded but didn’t speak as her gaze returned to the urban scenery outside her window.

  “Israel is beautiful. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, even though your trip is a quick one. Where are you headed next, Senator?” Nikki asked, keeping the conversation going.

  “Please, call me Jan.” She met Brad’s eyes in the mirror and nodded for him to do the same. “Next stop is central Africa in the city of N’Djamena. That’s in Chad.”

  “Why there?” Brad asked, taking over the conversation so Nikki could focus on their routes again.

  “In the last screening, Chad did not have any children in their national army so they’re a success story we want to bring attention to. Over several years, they made a concrete action plan and followed through with it.”

  “That’s surprising when you hear the statistics of child soldiers,” Brad said, scanning his mirrors as he changed lanes on Nikki’s request.

  “Yes, the problem is most of the recruitment for child soldiers now comes from non-state armed groups. Hence these meetings where we attempt to find creative solutions to the problem and figure out how to integrate these children back into society.”

  “I think that’s the part most people forget.” Nikki rejoined the conversation. “These kids have been taught to kill, no matter the cost, and you can’t just return them to their families.”

  “Like we do with our military soldiers,” Robin said softly.

  Jan glanced at the back of her head and then at Nikki before acknowledging Robin’s statement. “Resources are being deployed to assist our troops too, Robin.”

  Robin turned in surprise, a light blush quickly covering her face. “I’m sorry, Senator. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “No offense taken. When I’m not traveling abroad, I am working on US issues too, and we certainly have plenty of them.”

  Nikki looked at the senator. Her face had softened at the mention of US troops and Nikki remembered a background note she had read. “You have a son serving abroad, right?”

  “I do.”

  “And he’s doing well?” Nikki’s eyes searched her face in the soft light allowed by the tinted windows of the sedan.

  “Yes, when I spoke with him about two weeks ago.”

  Nikki hesitated before responding. “That’s a long time to go between calls.”

  “It is,” Jan answered softly, turning away from Nikki’s gaze.

  Feeling that a response was neither wanted nor welcome, Nikki returned her focus to security. “Robin, will you jump out here and bring a luggage cart to the parking garage?”

  Brad pulled to a stop at the entrance to the garage and Robin quickly exited. Once in the garage, he selected a spot near the elevator and in direct sigh
t of the security camera.

  Nikki remained seated until Robin and Brad had loaded the luggage and then held the door for the senator and Carrie to exit. Brad and Nikki went in the first elevator with the senator while Robin, Carrie and the luggage swung through the lobby for additional room keys. At the room, Nikki waited with Jan while Brad cleared the room, and then Nikki did a quick check on a second room for Carrie as they arrived with the luggage.

  Robin nodded to the room across from Carrie’s before grabbing her and Wayne’s bags from the luggage cart. “I’ll be back in ten,” she said, swiping her key to open the room door.

  Nikki rolled her eyes at her. “We have forty-five minutes until we have to load back up again. Take a shower and refresh. Brad and I have things covered until then. Oh, and there are two Flagler agents in that room too.” Nikki pointed at Mel and Liam’s room. “They’re here working a different case.”

  “Got it. Thanks for the info and the break.” Robin smiled as she closed the door to their suite.

  Nikki pushed the luggage cart with the remaining bags into the senator’s suite. Hearing the shower running, she and Brad quickly unloaded the bags into the senator’s room before closing her bedroom doors. Brad placed the luggage cart in the hallway and called room service for a fruit and cheese platter.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Robin and I will stay with the cars while you and Wayne go inside with the senator.” Brad rolled through their afternoon plans again.

  “Okay. I’ll let you know as soon as they pick somewhere for dinner so you can map the course.”

  “We should suggest somewhere within walking distance of the hotel,” Brad said, opening a search window on his laptop. After typing for a minute he spoke, “Here’s one. Raphaels. It’s right down the street. Good reviews. Oh,” he moaned. “They have a bread waiter whose only responsibility is serving warm bread.”

  “Stop, you’re making me hungry,” Nikki complained.

  “Me too.” Jan walked into the room with wet hair. “Do you think room service could bring us something before we have to leave?”

  A knock sounded at the door, and Nikki pulled her pistol as she approached. Opening it slowly, she stepped back to allow the waiter to push the room service cart inside. He hurried away as soon as Brad tipped him, and she closed the door, holstering her weapon.

  “Wow, you guys are great.” Jan looked appreciatively at the food.

  Thirty minutes later, Brad cleared Carrie and Robin to enter. Robin ate a few snacks and then moved to a position outside the hotel room door. She returned for more food when Wayne arrived and took it for him to eat after he showered.

  Brad and Robin cleared the cars and picked everyone up at the lobby entrance twenty minutes before the meeting. It was a short drive to the US Embassy, where Robin and Brad dropped them at the front entrance. Nikki and Wayne followed, allowing the senator to lead the way once they were cleared by the US Marine at the entrance.

  The meeting room was small, with room for about twenty-five people. Only eight men and women were involved in the discussion. The rest of the room was filled with security personnel and aides. Nikki stood around the perimeter of the room directly behind Senator Wyatt. Wayne stood to her right and on her left was the security detail for Senator Andrew Thompson. He and Senator Roberta Mulligan were also staying at the Sheraton and would be accompanying Senator Wyatt to dinner later that evening.

  About an hour into the meeting, a scheduled break was called and fresh coffee was brought into the room. The attendees moved around the room, chatting and drinking coffee. Nikki saw a break in the line at the coffee urn and motioned to Wayne to hold his position. Moments later, she returned and handed him a steaming cup of coffee. “Black?”

  He nodded and gave her an appreciative smile.

  Nikki leaned against the wall beside him and surveyed the room. The line of security agents around the perimeter made her smile. It wasn’t likely anything would occur inside the US Embassy, but each of the dignitaries, even the Israelis, seemed to have several security agents at their disposal. Terrorists did like to select the least likely times to wreak havoc on unsuspecting noncombatants.

  After another hour, the attendees began discussing when they would meet again and Nikki could tell the meeting was winding down. She sent a text message to Brad and then heard him advise Robin through his microphone. Within minutes, everyone stood and began moving toward the exit. Nikki and Wayne moved to Senator Wyatt’s side and stayed with her as they were herded toward the exit. Senator Wyatt stopped at the exit doors and allowed Nikki to take the lead. “Coming out now,” Nikki said to Brad.

  “We’re ready. Come right when you exit.”

  “I see you.” Nikki approached the sedan and held the door open for Senator Wyatt, sliding in behind her. Carrie and Wayne slid in with Robin and both cars pulled away from the curb.

  At the hotel, everyone changed out of suits and into more comfortable clothing before walking to the restaurant. A private room in the rear of the restaurant had been reserved for the senators and their aides. Nikki remained outside the private room with Robin while Brad and Wayne waited outside on the sidewalk. The bread waiter came through after the group had placed their order and offered the remaining basket to Nikki and Robin. Normally Nikki would say no, but with the private room separating the senator from other restaurant attendees she gave in to the smell of the food. They each took a roll and then passed the basket around to the other security agents. Nikki leaned against the wall and chewed her roll slowly. Still warm from the oven, it made her realize breakfast had been her last actual meal. Breakfast with Mel. She was surprised she had been able to keep her focus throughout the day. She glanced at her watch and wondered if Mel and Liam were having dinner now.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Mel yawned again.

  “Geez, Mel. Just close your eyes and take a nap. I’ll wake you when he moves.”

  She glanced at Liam and nodded. “Thanks.” Her eyes burned and she felt instant relief when she closed them. She wondered how Nikki was doing today and debated for the hundredth time whether to text her. She shifted in her seat to ease the pressure that had been building between her legs all day. The only way she could describe her feelings were clingy and that disgusted her. She was a love ’em and leave ’em kind of woman. No one ever spent the night at her house, mostly because she was never home herself, but it had been years since she had allowed someone to even come into her hotel room. She went to them by choice. That way she could leave when she was finished.

  She concentrated on her breathing and tried to relax her body into sleep. Thinking about Nikki was not helping, but she couldn’t stop herself. This morning, lying in bed with her, she had tried to remember how long it had been since she had awakened with a woman curled around her body. Maybe during college when she was too drunk to return home after sex. She had felt nothing for the women she was with then or even now. She was not relationship material and yet waking up with Nikki was something she wanted to do again. She could still feel the warmth of Nikki’s body and the softness of her skin where they touched. She finally gave into a restless sleep.

  An hour later, Liam nudged her leg. “Hey, he’s headed down the street, maybe to the coffee shop on the corner. I’m going to get close and remind him we’re still here. Want another cup?”

  Mel picked up her cold cup and wrinkled her nose. “Yes, please.”

  “Be right back.” Liam slid out of the driver’s seat and slammed the door behind him.

  Mel rubbed her face, trying to push the haze from her mind. The last thing she remembered before falling asleep was thinking about Nikki yet again. She looked at the clock and her stomach rumbled as if to remind her it was dinnertime. They’d caught Daniel Abbott leaving his apartment when they’d first arrived and Liam had made an obvious U-turn directly in front of him to get his attention. At first Daniel appeared puzzled by them, and Mel thought he might even approach the car, but it didn’t take lon
g for him to realize they weren’t his friends. Who he thought they were was anyone’s guess, and at this point Liam and Mel didn’t care. They just wanted to see what he would do when they pressured him. While they sat in the car watching him go in and out of multiple stores, Liam and Mel took turns following him. After a while they devised a plan. If Josh sent Nikki and Brad to any kind of meeting tomorrow, then Liam and Mel were going to grab the contact. If it turned out to be Daniel Abbott, which they believed it would, then they’d have one more advantage.

  Liam jogged across the road and slid into the driver’s seat. He pushed both cups of coffee at Mel. “I think he went out the back.”

  Mel dropped the cups into the center console and was out of the car before Liam could start the engine. “Pick me up around back,” she called to him over her shoulder.

  She entered the coffee shop and quickly scanned the customers. No sign of Daniel Abbott. The man behind the counter watched her closely and she looked at him just enough to make sure he wasn’t Daniel. She located the hallway leading to the restrooms and crossed, heading straight for the one with the universal male symbol. Pushing her way inside, she ignored one male conducting his business. There were no stalls or doors inside so a quick glance told her Daniel was not hiding in here. She made a quick check of the women’s restroom also before exiting out the rear door. Leaving the alley, she could see Liam waiting at the corner. She glanced up and down the street. She stared into the store closest to the coffee shop. It was a clothing store, and Mel could see Daniel taking cover behind a rack near the front window while he watched their car on the street.

  She texted Liam and told him to pull in front of the shop. She observed as Daniel watched Liam stop in front of the store. He was agitated and she wondered if they had pushed him too far. The store clerk approached him, and he replied harshly in Hebrew before bolting from the store. The clerk turned and shrugged, returning to his other customers. Mel left the store and slid into the car beside Liam. “He’s starting to act irrational.”


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