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Schmoozing With Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal Their Global Plans-To a Jew!

Page 13

by Aaron Klein

  Jews did not "disappear" from the buildings.

  Brigades chieftain Senakreh commented, "Many people have been saying this since the first moment it happened. Of course when it comes from persons like O'Donnell it takes a more serious significance. I guess she knows what she is saying."

  The terrorists went on to invite Rosie to come live among them in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where they said they would ensure she is treated "like a queen."

  "We welcome Rosie O'Donnell to live among us and to get to know the truth from being here, like many American peace activists are doing. It would be a great honor for us if she comes and live with us," said Senakreh.

  "I think that she is a mother and she knows what she is saying. We are not in love with killing, we like peace, we are human beings, it is the occupation that obliges us to do what we do," Senakreh said.

  Adassi agreed and also extended an invitation to Rosie. "She will be most welcomed if she decides to visit us or live here and to get to know what your allies, the Israelis, are doing against our people. We thank her for telling and presenting the truth."

  Then I broke the terrorists' hearts and informed them their beloved Rosie is also a big outspoken lesbian who proudly lives with her female partner.

  The terrorists said Rosie can only move to Gaza if she ceased her "Satanic ways" and agreed to abide by the rules of Islam regarding sexual relations.

  "Let her still come," said Adassi. "We will teach her the right ways. She is already on the right path."




  ARCH 1, 1973. Eight members of the Black September ter-rorist organization, part of Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization, stormed the Saudi Arabian embassy in Khartoum, taking U.S. Ambassador Cleo Noel and the U.S. embassy's Charge d'Affaires George Curtis Moore and several others hostage.

  The siege occurred during a publicly announced diplomatic reception honoring a local U.S. diplomat, leading many to speculate the Americans were the main targets.

  One day later, on March 2, 1973, our two diplomats, Noel and Moore, were machine-gunned to death by Arafat's men -it turns out on Arafat's direct orders.

  Since the late 1990s, James J. Welsh, the National Security Agency's Palestinian analyst at the time of the murder of our diplomats, has been telling anyone who will listen the NSA had tapes of Arafat ordering the executions of the American men.

  Welsh was a primary analyst and interpreter of Arafat's communications for the NSA. He said in 1973, just before the embassy was taken hostage, he intercepted a transmission directly from Arafat involving an imminent operation in Khartoum. Welsh's NSA superiors were alerted. The next day, the Black September operation took place.

  There was immediate information Arafat personally sent the order for the execution of the American diplomats to the terror ists via a radio broadcast in which he uttered: "Why are you waiting? The people's blood in the Cold River cries for vengeance."

  "Cold River" was reportedly known to the American intelligence apparatus as the code word for executing the captives. Supposed NSA recordings of that call have disappeared.

  In 1985 and 1986, Congress requested then-Attorney General Ed Meese to investigate Arafat's complicity in the murders of the diplomats. But Meese didn't come up with much.

  On February 12, 1986, some forty-seven U.S. senators, including Al Gore, petitioned Meese "to assign the highest priority to completing this review, and to issue an indictment of Yasser Arafat if the evidence so warrants."

  But no evidence was produced by the NSA, the Central Intelligence Agency, or the State Department. That would have ruined Arafat's glowing image as a statesmen who wants peace with Israel.

  For years U.S. policy deceptively deemed Arafat "moderate." With enormous American assistance, Arafat, who pioneered many of the tactics used today by terrorists worldwide, established a Palestinian fiefdom in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. He was provided billions in U.S. and international aid. He shook hands in 1993 at a ceremony on the White House lawn with Israel's prime minister and America's president. Arafat went on to win himself a Nobel Peace Prize. He became the foreign leader to most frequent the Clinton White House.

  That same Arafat ordered the murder of our men. Only the public didn't know it.

  Welsh watched in horror as our government built up the murderer of our two diplomats. He petitioned multiple news agencies to report his story but was widely ignored by the mainstream media in spite of the sensationalism of the accusationsthe NSA analyst in charge of Arafat's transmissions claimed the government had evidence the PLO leader ordered the brutal killings of Noel and Moore.

  In 2000, Arafat turned down U.S.-mediated talks offering a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza, and eastern Jerusalem, and instead returned to Israel to launch a terrorist war that killed thousands of Israelis and Palestinians and several Americans. The father of modern terrorism died of mysterious causes in a Paris hospital in 2004.

  Then, in 2006, something incredible happened. The U.S. government admitted it possessed evidence for thirty-three years that Arafat ordered the killings of Noel and Moore.

  A declassified State Department document from 1973 outlining U.S. findings into the Khartoum operation states:

  The Khartoum operation was planned and carried out with the full knowledge and personal approval of Yasir (sic) Arafat, Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and the head of Fatah. Fatah representatives based in Khartoum participated in the attack, using a Fatah vehicle to transport the terrorists to the Saudi Arabian Embassy.

  This was one of the most monumental admissions in the history of the American government. The U.S. knew Arafat killed our diplomats but went to great lengths to hide that information, instead building up this mass murderer as some sort of peace lover, providing him with enormous sums of money, weapons, legitimacy, and other kinds of aid.

  Now, in the midst of America's war on terror, it's happening all over again but in even more direct ways. The U.S. is funding, arming and fueling terrorists with your hard-earned tax dollars.

  "I just shot at a school bus," said the breathless voice on the other line. I could hear the man was running.

  "I am taking credit for the attack in the memory of Abu Ammar [Arafat] in the name of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. I used my American assault rifle," said the man, Abu Yousuf, an officer of Force 17, the presidential guard unit of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah organization.

  It was a hot summer day on June 19, 2006. I was relaxing at a hotel spa in the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth and one of my favorite places in the world. I spend as much free time as I can at the sea. I had just finished luxuriating in a slightly heated indoor sulfur pool and was on my way to a generous buffet lunch before heading into the soothing sea for the rest of the day. I could spend hours bathing in the Dead Sea, even though some say more than one hour in the extremely salty waters can be too much. But ruining the vacation mood, Abu Yousuf called me to boast he just shot up a bus it turned out was transporting schoolgirls.

  "I think the attack was successful. Can you find out?" asked Abu Yousuf, before he abruptly ended the call.

  Abu Yousuf, a man trained, armed, and funded by the U.S., just used a brand new high powered assault rifle paid for by you and me and delivered by the U.S. to snipe at a busload of school girls.

  I had been introduced to Abu Yousuf several months earlier during a series of articles I wrote about Fatah's militias, which regularly receive American training, funding, and weapons. I was stunned to learn many members of the Fatah militias are openly also members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the declared military wing of Fatah, which is classified by the U.S. State Department as a terror organization. The U.S. regularly provides weapons and funding to Fatah militias.

  Together with the Islamic Jihad terror group, the Brigades took responsibility for every suicide bombing in Israel in 2005, 2006, and 2007. It has carr
ied out scores of deadly shootings and rocket attacks. It's one of the most active, dangerous terror organizations in the world today.

  Fatah was the party of Arafat. U.S. policy largely calls Fatah "moderate," and claims its leader, Abbas, wants peace.

  Ridiculously, many Americans think when it comes to the Palestinians, Fatah is good and Hamas is bad. But the major difference between the two is Hamas only attacks Israelis whereas Fatah attacks Israelis and conducts "peace negotiations" at the same time.

  Fatah's television networks regularly urge suicide bombings. Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group has since 2005 been responsible for more terrorism than Hamas. Fatah leader Abbas wrote a thesis denying the Holocaust. He was one of the main deputies of Arafat, one of the most prominent terrorists of his time. Claiming Abbas is moderate would be like instilling in 1946 as the new leader of Germany Adolph Hitler's main deputy who carried out all of Hitler's policies, and then claiming said deputy was miraculously now pro-Jew.

  It took no investigative reporting whatsoever on my part to discover members of U.S.-backed, trained, and armed Fatah militias are also members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group. I simply went around the West Bank and asked Fatah militia members, who walk around with American-provided highpower assault rifles, whether they are also in the Brigades. A lot said yes. I then confirmed the names with Brigades leaders. Also multiple Fatah officials are members of the Brigades.

  "During our official service and during our job hours we are soldiers for Fatah. What we do in our free time is our business," Abu Yousuf told me upon our first conversation. "Of course as members of Fatah, some of us are members in the Brigades and we take part in the defense and protection of our people and in the fight against the Israeli occupation."

  By fight against Israeli occupation, Abu Yousuf means sending suicide bombers into restaurants and nightclubs.

  Meet Abu Yousuf. He's a thirty-four-year-old resident of the West Bank city of Ramallah. He served as an officer of the Preventative Security Services, a kind of police unit in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. He's currently an officer of Force 17, Abbas's presidential guard units, which protect Fatah officials and sometimes serve as police officers.

  Yousuf previously carried out scores of terror attacks, including several shootings against Israeli civilians, attacks against Israeli forces operating in Ramallah and a shooting attack in northern Samaria in December 2000 that killed Benyamin Kahane, leader of the ultranationalist Kahane Chai organization and son of the group's founder, Meir Kahane, who was also assassinated.

  Like many Force 17 members, Yousuf is openly a member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. His specific Brigades cell has sent several suicide bombers into Israel.

  As part of the Preventative Security Services, Abu Yousuf received training at a base in the West Bank town of Jericho run by a U.S. security team. There, our American tax dollars paid for this terrorist to learn from Americans how to shoot, collect intelligence, and conduct guerilla-style raids.

  Abu Yousuf described to me his American training:

  I myself received American trainings in Jericho. Together with my Preventative comrades, I received trainings in intelligence methods and military trainings. In the intelligence part, we learned collection of information regarding suspected persons, how to follow suspected guys, how to infiltrate organizations and penetrate cells of groups that we were working on and how to prevent attacks and to steal in places.

  On the military level, we received trainings on the use of weapons, all kind of weapons and explosives. We received sniping trainings, work of special units especially as part as what they call the fight against terror. We learned how to put siege, how to break into places where our enemies closed themselves in, how to oppress protest movements, demonstrations and other activities of opposition.

  Abu Yousuf told me he used his American training to kill the Israelis:

  We sniped at Israeli settlers and soldiers. We broke into settlements and Israeli army bases and posts. We collected information on the movements of soldiers and settlers. We collected information about the best timing to infiltrate our bombers inside Israel. We used weapons and we produced explosives, and of course the trainings we received from the Americans and the Europeans were a great help to the resistance.

  Yousuf said he only shot at soldiers and "settlers;" settlers meaning Jewish residents of the West Bank. But actually he also shot at Israelis who live in central Israel but who were driving through the West Bank and his group sent suicide bombers to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

  Continued Abu Yousuf: "All the methods and techniques that we studied in these trainings, we applied them against the Israelis. We also learned to discover agents that Israel tried to plant in our cells."

  "I do not think that the operations of the Palestinian resistance would have been so successful and would have killed more than one thousand Israelis since 2000 and defeated the Israelis in Gaza without these [American] trainings.

  "I am not saying this in order to irritate the Americans or the Israelis and not in order to create provocations. I'm just telling you the truth. We applied against Israel all that we learned from you Americans."

  Indeed, Abu Yousuf's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades was one of the most active groups during the Palestinian intifada, or terror war initiated by Yasser Arafat after Bill Clinton-mediated peace talks broke down in the summer of 2000. As of this writing, 1,029 Israelis and over twenty Americans were killed during the intifada, whose fighters Abu Yousuf said utilized U.S. training.

  Abu Yousuf said he is up for possible future American training as a member of Force 17. And in May 2006, he was hand-delivered a brand new American assault rifle paid for by you and me.

  It was widely reported that in May 2006 America sent to Fatah militias a cache of three thousand M-16 assault rifles and over one million rounds of ammunition. At first, a shipment of only three hundred was admitted to. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud 01mert announced he had approved the shipment of U.S. weapons and ammunition to Fatah, explaining the transfer was meant to bolster Abbas's Fatah organization in clashes against the Hamas terror group.

  According to Israeli and Palestinian officials involved in the May assault rifles transfer, the American arms shipment originated in Jordan and needed Israel's approval for transport. The Israeli Defense Forces escorted the American shipment to the West Bank town of Ramallah, where the weapons were delivered to the main Fatah compound, known as the Muqata. A second convoy delivered weapons to the Gaza Strip.

  The Muqata was once the infamous home of Arafat. After the Benyamin Kahane murder, Arafat extended Abu Yousuf refuge to live in the Muqata, where he still sleeps from time to time to this day because he knows Israel is reluctant to raid the compound. Parts of the Muqata were previously bombed, but a lot of the structure is still standing. Yousuf resides in the Muqata during periods of tension with Israel. Other terrorists from the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades also live in the Muqata when they need to. All this is no secret. Israeli security officials know all about it. There's no excuse for American security coordinators in the West Bank to be in the dark about the fact American weapons are being delivered to a compound in which known terrorists reside.

  A few days after the American weapons were received in the Muqata, there was an unusually high number of shootings against Israeli motorists in and near the West Bank carried out by Al Aqsa Brigades terrorists.

  Sources close to the Brigades told me the new American assault rifles were used in three separate anti-Israel shooting attacks carried out within weeks of the weapons shipment. One attack killed a thirty-five-year-old Israeli Arab on a major West Bank highway on the outskirts of Jerusalem. Israeli security officials say the shooters likely mistook the victim for a Jew. The second attack occurred June 13 on the same highway, lightly wounding an Israeli.

  The third attack was Abu Yousuf's bus shooting against Israeli school girls. Turned out Abu Yousuf's cowardly shooting failed. The bus, traveling in the northern W
est Bank, was armored. Three schoolgirls were lightly injured. Security officials said if the bus had not been armored, the injuries would have been more serious.

  Make no mistake about it. America provided Abu Yousuf the tools to carry out his attack.

  "It is no coincidence that as soon as these American weapons arrived, we were able to carry out these accurate shootings," Abu Yousuf said.

  Abu Yousuf told me the U.S. sent weapons to Fatah "for its own political purposes and as part of a conspiracy to generate a civil war between us and Hamas. We are not concerned with the reasons. The weapons will not be used against our brothers, only [against] Israelis."

  U.S.-Trained Terror Group

  Nablus, a northern West Bank city saturated in terror, is the main stronghold and breeding grounds for the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. The entire senior leadership of the Brigades in Nablus, every single one of them, is U.S.-trained. The majority of the Brigades serve in various Fatah militias.

  The leader of the Brigades in Nablus, Ala Senakreh, was trained by the U.S. in Jericho. He also serves in the Palestinian Preventative Security Services. In other words, a U.S.-trained police officer charged with stopping terrorism in Nablus is also the known head of the city's terror group. Something smells a little wrong here.

  I once met Ala Senakreh in Nablus and he told me he had used his U.S.-provided rifle less than twenty-four hours earlier to "shoot at the Israelis." Senakreh's cell has orchestrated at least four suicide bombings inside Israel.


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