by Aaron Klein
"I hope also she will maintain her husband's policies regarding Palestine and even develop that policy. President Clinton wanted to give the Palestinians 98 percent of the West Bank territories. I hope Hillary will move a step forward and will give the Palestinians all their rights. She has the chance to save the American nation and the Americans life."
Senakreh has planned and orchestrated multiple suicide bombings and has himself carried out at least a dozen shooting attacks against Israelis. He is heavily involved in all Brigades activities, and the Brigades is one of the most active Palestinian terror groups.
Abu Hamed, leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in the northern Gaza Strip, explained Hillary's antiwar position "proves that important leaders are understanding the situation differently and are understanding the price and the consequences of the American policy in Iraq and in the world.
"The Iraqi resistance is succeeding. Hillary and the Democrats call for withdrawal. Her [Clinton s] popularity shows that the resistance is winning and that the occupation is losing. We just hope that she will go until the end and change the American policy, which is based on oppressing poor and innocent people."
Sure, Abu Hamed, American policy, which freed Iraqis from Saddam's brutal, tyrannical regime is based on oppressing innocents.
Hamed's terror cell is responsible for coordinating a lot of the rocket fire aimed from the northern Gaza Strip at nearby Jewish communities.
Ramadan Adassi, leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in the Anskar refugee camp in the northern West Bank, said he too backs Hillary. He said he hopes Hillary continues the legacy of her husband regarding the Palestinians, calling Bill Clinton "pro-Israel but [he] understood that the Palestinians must live in their independent state like the other nations of the world."
With a straight face, Adassi said he was worried if Hillary defied Israel she will be brought down like her husband, claiming White House intern Monica Lewinsky really was an Israeli implant sent to lure Bill into a sex scandal after he pressured the Jewish state to evacuate territory to the Palestinians.
"If Hillary goes too much against the Zionist interests, she will face the same conspiracy like her husband who fell into the trap of Lewinsky. I have no doubt [Lewinsky] was planted by the Zionists, who wanted to send a message to all future American presidents - do not go against the Israeli policy. Bill Clinton made the Oslo agreement and promoted peace but the Israelis did not give him a chance," Adassi said.
The theme of Lewinsky as an Israeli agent is commonly believed in the terror community. It came up many times in my conversations and interviews with Palestinian terrorists.
The terrorists weren't familiar with the particulars of some of the other presidential hopefuls, but they all knew of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He is quite famous in terror circles for the time in 1995 he booted Yasser Arafat from an invitationonly concert at New York's Lincoln Center celebrating the United Nations fiftieth anniversary in New York with a glittering invite list of dignitaries and diplomats. Arafat attempted to crash the event. When Giuliani saw the PLO leader and his entourage making their way to a private box seat near the stage, the mayor immediately ordered Arafat off the premises.
The debacle occurred at the height of Oslo euphoria, when Arafat was being promoted as some sort of statesmen and even most mainstream Jewish groups disgracefully embraced the murdering terrorist. But Giuliani spurned Arafat, explaining his concerns came from his days as a Federal prosecutor, when he investigated terrorist incidents linked to Arafat.
"Giuliani doesn't deserve to live or even to be mentioned," said Brigades leader Ala Senakreh. "He wants war and he will most probably receive war. He hates Palestinians and we hate him. He hates Arafat and I tell him that it is Arafat who brought us to be very close to our independent state after decades during which Israel and your government did everything in order to prevent us from having our state."
Adassi threatened Giuliani:
"If I had the occasion to meet him I would hurt him. For the sake of the American people Giuliani shouldn't be elected. He is a disgusting guy and I think Americans must think very hard about their future and their soldiers who will be killed when they come to elect their leaders."
Abu Hamed blathered that Giuliani "can hate Arafat and the Palestinians, but he knows that nobody is hated in the world more than his leadership, his party, his president, and his Zionist friends. All the polls in the world prove that this [conservative] wing of America and the Zionists are considered to be the most dangerous for the security of the world."
Some of the terrorists were mildly familiar with Arizona Senator and Republican hopeful John McCain.
Senakreh called him a "stupid person. To you McCain I say this so-called war on terror you're promoting is causing only the loss of life of innocent people all around the world and the loss of your dog soldiers, and what is the result for you? Zero. Nothing."
The terrorists also sounded off about Barack Obama, who they said they had heard about from the Arab new media. They said they see him as some sort of crusader against Israel.
"I think Obama's success that I heard about in the media is an important success. He won popularity in spite of the Zionists and the conservatives, whom he greatly defeated. I think he can be a great leader but I don't think that the American regime will allow him to progress. They will try to get rid of him," stated Adassi.
I asked what he meant Obama "defeated" the conservatives and Israel. Adassi explained he was referring to Obama's strong anti-Iraq War stance.
While the terror leaders each independently urged American citizens to vote for Democratic candidates, not all believed the Democrats would actually carry out a withdrawal from Iraq. They believe most American politicians are controlled by Israel.
Islamic Jihad's Mahmoud Saadi stated, "Unfortunately I think those who are speaking about a withdrawal will not do so when they are in power and these promises will remain electoral slogans. It is not enough to withdraw from Iraq. They must withdraw from Afghanistan and from every Arab and Muslim land they occupy or have bases."
He called both Democrats and Republicans "agents of the Zionist lobby in the U.S."
Hamas's Abu Abdullah commented once Democrats are in power "the question is whether such a courageous leadership can [withdraw]. I am afraid that even after the American people will elect those who promise to leave Iraq, the U.S. will not do so. I tell the American people vote for withdrawal. Abandon Israel if you want to save America. Now will this happen? I do not believe it."
Hamas leader Muhammad Abu Tir, who was the number two Hamas terrorist in the newly formed Palestinian government, took it a step further and said not only the American government but also U.S. churches are controlled by the Jews.
Abu Tir, famous for his funny-looking orange-dyed beard, was arrested by Israel as part of its roundup of Hamas leaders in the summer of 2006. He is accused-and all but admitted to me he is guilty-of attempting to poison a Jerusalem restaurant and Israeli water supplies.
"Even the churches where the Americans pray are led by Jews who were converted to Christianity, but they were converted to keep controlling the Americans," said Abu Tir.
"I made a study and I know very well that all this radicalism in some parts of the Christianity, [including] the Evangelicals who are being led by Bush, is because of the control of Zionists," stated Abu Tir. The Hamas official went on to accuse "Zionists" of controlling Western media organizations and "leading terrorism inside the mass communications media."
The sheer poetry of it. A terrorist accusing others of terrorism.
I met Abu Tir at his palatial residence in eastern Jerusalem. During our interview, he basically physically assaulted me. As a habit, I often cross one of my legs over the other while conducting interviews. I learned from Abu Tir this position is considered a sign of disrespect in the Muslim world because it causes the shoe, which walks the lowly ground, to face the person next to you. Well, the first time I crossed my legs during our interview and
my lowly shoe faced this strange-looking terrorist, Abu Tir pointed at my shoe and told me to stop. But I crossed my legs out of habit a second time and the orange-bearded terrorist lightly slapped my foot. Toward the end of our interview, I crossed my leg a third time, this time, I must admit, on purpose. I don't mind having my shoe face a terrorist. Abu Tir slapped my foot quite hard.
"I told you to stop that," he said in broken English, pointing his figure at me. "You need to learn."
"I'm sorry," I said. "I keep forgetting. It's out of habit."
I got off lightly. He could have poisoned me.
But Abu Tir, like the rest of the terrorists, agreed the Democrats are better than Bush's party.
One thing I learned early on is when interviewing terrorists not to give them an open microphone and ask what they think of Bush or the Republican Party. I just don't have the time or patience to listen to their never-ending tirades. It's better to ask pointed questions about specific Bush policies, although even then the terrorists digress into passionate, lengthy attacks on America's president, whom they despise more than pig fat.
"Bush is a sick person, an alcoholic person that has no control of what is going on around him," the Brigades Jihad Jaara told me.
Abu Hamed said he heard in the Arab news media one can speak with Bush seriously about politics for a maximum of half an hour, then Bush loses concentration and the guest must talk with him about golf.
"This proves that the American leaders are only the front of hidden leaders and interests that are now ruling America," Hamed told me.
Adassi called Bush "a psychopath, an arrogant person whose hands are full of blood of American soldiers in Iraq, American civilians killed on September 11, Palestinian, Iraqi, Afghani and other innocent children and women and innocent civilians. A stupid and insane person who will cause the loss even of America's allies in the Arab world."
The terrorists' deep-rooted hatred of Bush is, of course, to be expected. The man says he is trying to lead the war to eradicate terrorism. His declarations include destroying the very organizations whose leaders I interviewed. But I was surprised a lot of the terrorists I talked to were familiar with Republican leaders of the past, including President Ronald Reagan.
Lecturing me on American politics, Adassi explained Reagan was the political and ideological father of today's conservative movement and the doctrine the Bush administration has been advocating.
"I think Reagan can be considered the father of all these policies-responsible for the actual mess of America in the world. I hope for the American people that the winds of change we are seeing now in the Congress and the opposition to Bush in larger sections of American society prove the Reagan legacy was wrong," said Adassi.
"Americans are digesting now the price Reagan 's ideology cost their country in the last few years," he said.
The terrorists also blasted former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. I read to them quotes from Gingrich and excerpts from some of his writings that I think very accurately encapsulate what he stands for. Even before that, many were familiar with his name. One surprised me by knowing some particulars of Gingrich's personal biography.
Gingrich has taken strong positions about defeating terror worldwide, pushing for strong military responses to terror.
Brigades chieftain Ala Senakreh called Gingrich a "Nazi."
"This Nazi must have personal economic interests and must be a very big opportunist, beside that he in person has no children and nothing to lose in this useless war against the rights of people to live in dignity without American and Israeli dictations. You, Nazi Gingrich, are promoting World War Three, and I am not sure that you will be the one who will win at its end."
Adassi deemed Gingrich a "pathetic demagogue. This sick man can be easily hospitalized with Bush in the same psychiatric hospital. His successes reflect the American stereotype that in the U.S. the more you are cruel and the more you are an assassin, the more you are popular."
"Before making all kinds of statements about Iraq, why doesn't this bastard look and see he is facing a military defeat in Iraq and soon a major defeat in the elections. If Gingrich is so courageous and so confidant, why did his devil party lose the [Midterm] elections?" Adassi declared.
That Nanci Pelosi is so Brave
"We came in friendship, hope, and determined that the road to Damascus is a road to peace," said a smiling, gloating Nancy Pelosi after emerging from a three-hour meeting with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad.
Pelosi, a Democratic senator from California who five months prior became House Speaker, flew to Syria in April 2007 to hold talks with President Assad in spite of fierce White House objection. American policy largely attempted to isolate Syria, which is seen as one of the most important state sponsors of terrorism. But breaking that isolation, Pelosi became the most senior U.S. official to visit Syria since Assad's regime was widely blamed for assassinating Lebanon's former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri in 2005.
Assad signed a military alliance in 2004 with Iran, which is the largest supporter of terror worldwide and is suspected of seeking a nuclear weapons arsenal. Iran regularly ships rockets and all kinds of military supplies to Syria. Assad openly hosts the overall leaders of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad Palestinian terror groups. Israel says the Damascus-based leadership of those organizations routinely orders its operatives in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to carry out attacks, including suicide bombings, rocket firings, and shootings.
Syria openly backs the Lebanese Hezbollah militia and terrorist group and is accused of allowing large quantities of weapons to be transported from Syrian borders to Hezbollah, which last summer engaged in a war with the Jewish state.
Assad has been accused of supporting the insurgency against U.S. troops in Iraq; generating unrest in Lebanon, which his country military occupied for almost thirty years; and is accused of ordering the killing of Hariri. Assad's regime is routinely cited for human rights violations. It enforces tightly controlled rules requiring most aspects of civilian life to be coordinated with the government. The Syria media spews vicious anti-Semitic and anti-American propaganda.
And yet Pelosi saw fit to meet with Assad and call his country peaceful without Assad even making statements claiming he'll expel terror leaders or change his policies regarding Lebanon or Iran; without Assad offering even cosmetic, meaningless gestures inching in the direction of allowing more freedom in his country.
Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for President Bush's National Security Council, called Pelosi's trip "counterproductive" and said Damascus is "lined with the victims of Hamas and Hezbollah; the victims of terrorists who cross from Syria into Iraq."
Bush himself criticized Pelosi's visit, stating it sent "mixed messages" to the region and undermined U.S. policy.
"Photo opportunities and/or meetings with President Assad lead the Assad government to believe they're part of the mainstream of the international community," Bush told reporters in Washington. "In fact, they're a state sponsor of terror."
Pelosi is by far not the only U.S. political figure to visit Damascus since 2005 or meet with Syrian officials, but she was the most senior. The State Department quietly sent lower level diplomats to deal with such bureaucratic issues as population, refugees, and migration. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in May 2007 met briefly with her Syrian counterpart at a political convention in Iraq, but then resoundingly blasted Syria. To my information, the Bush administration sent representatives to Syria in 2006 to offer Assad a list of incentives to end his relationship with Iran and kick out Palestinian terror leaders, but the Syrian dictator didn't bite.
But Pelosi's visit, which included two lower profile Republicans, was a public gesture toward Assad. Some columnists and talk radio hosts in America blasted Pelosi for carrying out what they said was shadow diplomacy, creating a competing and contradictory U.S. policy that tows the line of many prominent Democrats and some Republicans who urge dialogue with Iran and Syria.
Pelosi's visit was widely covered
by the pan-Arab media. The terrorists heard about it and they were ecstatic over Nancy.
"Nancy Pelosi understands the [Middle East] area well, more than Bush and Dr. [Condoleezza] Rice," said Khaled Al-Batch, the spokesperson of the Islamic jihad terror organization, talking to me from Gaza one day after Pelosi's Syria trip.
"If the Democrats want to make negotiations with Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah, this means the Democratic Party understands well what happens in this area and I think Pelosi will succeed ...I hope she wins the next elections," Al-Batch said.
Al-Batch expressed hope Pelosi and the Democratic Party will pressure Bush to create dialogue with Syria and Middle East "resistance movements" and prompt an American withdrawal from Iraq.
"Bush and Dr. Rice made so many mistakes in the Middle East. Just look at Palestinian clashes and Iraq. But I think some changes are happening for the Bush administration's foreign policy because of the hand of Nancy Pelosi. I think the Democratic Party can do things the best ...Pelosi is going down a good road by this policy of dialogue," he said.
" Pelosi s visit to Syria was very brave. She is a brave woman," Jihad Jaara of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group.
"I think it's very nice and I think it's much better when you sit face to face and talk to Assad. It's a very good idea. I think she is brave and hope all the people will support her. All the American people must make peace with Syria and Iran and with Hamas. Why not?" Jaara said.
Pelosi's visit emboldened some of America's enemies to believe the U.S. is cowering and on its way to defeat in the Middle East: Hamas "military wing" leader Abu Abdullah said the willingness by some lawmakers to talk with Syria "is proof of the importance of the resistance against the U.S."
"The Americans know and understand they are losing in Iraq and the Middle East and that their only chance to survive is to reduce hostilities with Arab countries and with Islam. Islam is the new giant of the world."
Syria provides refuge to the overall leader of Hamas, Khaled Meshaal, who often threatens the West from his safe haven in Damascus.