Nebulon (Heroes of the League Book 1)

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Nebulon (Heroes of the League Book 1) Page 4

by Frank Carey

  "At first blush, it looks like someone used a big ice cream scoop out there. No wonder it stinks. It looks like several sewer lines were severed." He pulled out his commlink and called Ciara to report what they found. Their backup arrived with local law enforcement just as he finished.

  The police cordoned-off the area while OffSec personnel aided in evidence collection. "We have something," the lead agent said from inside a nearby office. "They were running video surveillance," he said as he hit playback.

  On the screen was a table with a device or object set up on it, while its crate sat in pieces on the floor. The device itself was a gray sphere, maybe a meter in diameter. On the side facing the camera were a row of buttons or decorations, it didn't look at all special.

  "Pause the playback for a moment. Doc, anything xenoarchaeological about this?" Jason asked as he looked closely at the image.

  "I don't recall seeing anything like this in the literature. The ornaments on the side are unfamiliar. I would need to take a closer look."

  Standing around the table were several well-dressed people. The gentleman standing nearest the device was waving his hands, obviously he was the auctioneer. In his fervor to sell, he slapped the object on the row of raised ornaments or buttons on the sphere's side. When he touched them, it emitted a flash of light which caused the camera to briefly overload. When the image cleared the people and table were gone, replaced by the pit.

  "The fool activated it somehow," Nebulon said. "Do we have any other feeds?" She asked.

  "I'll bring them up and synch them, the agent said. On one of the screens was a pickup truck with a driver standing near it. As they watched, the driver saw the flash, ran off camera and quickly returned. He jumped in and drove off. In the back of the truck was a second crate.

  "Idiot didn't even bother to call it in," Nebulon said.

  "Great, there was at least one survivor," Jason noted. "Get the footage to the Cube and copy it to the locals. We need to find this guy and the truck."

  "On it," the agent said as she interfaced her scanpad to the video system.

  "Great, now what?" Nebulon asked.

  "Why don't you two head back to the spaceport. We'll call you when we hear something," the agent said.

  "Good idea," Jason said as he called the limo back to the parking lot.


  On the way back to the spaceport, Nebulon called the Cube and gave Ciara a supplementary report.

  "Any idea what it was or what it was supposed to do?" Ciara asked.

  "No, but I ran a multi-spectral scan of the area and sent the results to the Cube for analysis along with copies of the video feeds. I examined the edge of the hole and it was perfectly smooth. The uniformity of the cut suggests some type of field formed instantly, cutting through everything in its path."

  "I'll let you know what the science labs come up with. In the meantime, keep your eyes open. I don’t like this one bit. Ciara out."

  "I'm with Ciara. My spacer sense is tingling," Jason said.

  "Captain, I've finished with the maintenance checks. The Ascendant is clear to launch whenever you're ready," Natalie said from the open hatchway.

  "Great, Nat, keep the engines on idle just in case the police need our help with the device," Jason said.

  "What could Ascendant do?" Nebulon asked.

  "Anything. She used to be a multi-task lifter before I converted her to passenger service. We have a tractor beam, lifting winch, high-capacity thrusters, and clamps on the hull for external loads. I could open a moving company with this little darling," Jason said. "Nebulon?"

  Nebulon had walked over to the hanger they were parked next to. Gathered around a large-screen monitor on the wall were several mechanics and pilots. They were watching a special report. "Jason, you need to see this," she said. She noticed that the breeze had disappeared, leaving the air still. The scent of coffee drifted over from a break table at the other end of the hanger.

  "This is Sel Morven at the Salsbeth Building where the police have cordoned off a vehicle," the newscaster said.

  "Natalie, prep for immediate lift-off. Stow the breakables; I've got a bad feeling about this," Jason said as he sensed a change in the air.

  "According to police, the driver is a person of interested in the case involving a number of deaths at a stadium on the outskirts of the city."

  Jason walked up and stood next to Nebulon. Like her, he was transfixed by the news report.

  "Wait a minute. Something is happening," the newscaster said as the cameraman went in with a tight shot. As they watched, the suspect broke loose, disarmed a cop, and started firing. One of the shots hit the device.

  "Everyone, get on board and buckle in," he yelled to the people in the hangar. "Nebs, we're leaving now," Jason yelled as he grabbed Nebulon by the arm, dragged her aboard the ship, and pushed her into the cockpit. Natalie already had the ship on hover and the gear retracted. Several of the ground crew ran on board while the rest chose to stay. Several people were trying to make calls, but found all the commlink lines jammed. Jason closed the hatch and ran into the cockpit, sealing the door behind him. Natalie had already started the lift-off sequence while buckling Nebulon into the Engineer's seat.

  On the screen, the device flared blue before the feed cut out. A bright flash of light came in through the windows as Jason took the controls and punched the engines, pushing everyone into their seats as the Ascendant leapt into the sky. Nebulon looked out her window and saw a mushroom cloud reaching upward to space itself. She looked at the ground and saw a shockwave pass underneath them at an impossible speed, throwing huge chunks of the planet's crust toward them. The cabin started to shake.

  "We're being buffeted by sonic compression waves. This side of the planet has been shattered and the pieces thrown into space," he said calmly as he and Natalie fought the controls.

  "Jason, we need to go, now!" Nebulon said as a rock the size of a large asteroid flew past them."

  "I'm trying. Nat, engines to one hundred ten percent, FTL on standby.

  "Engines at one hundred ten percent, FTL is no joy. Gravimetric fluctuations are off the scale."

  "Damn, we just can't catch a break."

  "What's wrong?" Nebulon asked while trying to keep calm.

  "Space-time has been scrambled by the explosion. We're too small to form an FTL field. We'll have to ride this out the old-fashioned way. Try not to worry."

  Nebulon looked out the window and saw a glob of molten rock the size of an ocean liner fly by. "I'm peachy," she said.

  "Nebs, there are two large red buttons on your right, just above your head. Punch them."

  Nebulon did as she was instructed. She could hear a voice calling a mayday while two thumps came from the back of the ship.

  "We've initiated a ship's disaster beacon and popped both our log buoys. Hopefully, they'll make it back to the Cube even if we don't,” Jason said.

  "Protector to Ascendant, do you copy?" a voice said from the radio.

  "Aye, Protector, we copy. Ange, we're in a bit of a bind," he said as the shaking got worse. Sparks erupted from one of the panels next to Nebulon.

  "Doctor, center-panel, right-lever, pull it." Nat said as she concentrated on flying. The sparks were replaced with flames. "Red mushroom button underneath lever. Push it." Nebulon pushed the button and white mist came out from the panels seams. In moments, the flames disappeared. Jason listened to his cousin while trying to fly the ship through a rain of planetary debris.

  "I see that. You're on a collision course with three chunks of rock the size of Gibraltar. Our computer says avoidance is impossible. Cuz, do you trust me?" she asked calmly.

  The ship lurched as it encountered a supersonic bow wave from the rock approaching from the rear.

  "Collision in eight seconds," Nat said as she searched for a way out of the mess they were in.

  "With my life," Jason said, knowing what was about to happen.

  "Cut your engines, now."

Without thought or hesitation, Jason reached down and pulled the throttles back to idle.

  "Are you insane?" Nebulon screamed as she dove for the controls. The universe folded before she could reach them.


  "Where are we?" Nebulon asked as she sat back down, her hands stopped inches from the throttles by Natalie's left arm. She looked out the cockpit windscreen and saw they were in a large, brightly lit room filled with people in uniforms and flight deck garb.

  Jason looked at her and grinned while Natalie shut down the systems. She gave Nebulon the evil eye while saying nothing. She picked up the cabin microphone and said, "Welcome to the League Warship Protector. We hope you enjoyed your time with Air Ascendant and hope you fly with us again. Please make your way to the port side hatch for debarkation. Have a nice day."

  Jason got out of his seat and helped Natalie and Nebulon out of theirs. "Don't be like that," he said to Nat as she walked out into the cabin.

  "What just happened?" Nebulon said as Jason helped her up out of her seat.

  "Jason!" Nebulon looked and saw a small woman in uniform run into the cabin, jump up, and hug him.

  "Good catch, Cuz," he said as he put her down. "Nebulon, this is my cousin, Angela Mary Thurgood, Captain of the League Warship Protector. Ange, this is Dr. Nebulon Blyst."

  "Pleased to meet you, Dr. Blyst."

  "Could someone please tell me what just happened?"

  "You didn't tell her?" Ange asked, incredulous.

  "I didn't have a chance."

  "When Capt. Ange told the boss to cut his engines, she was approaching from our bow on a collision course," Nat explained. "With the engines off, she was able to catch us in her bow shuttle bay using her inertial dampening field and repulsor/tractor array. Once we were inside, she used Protector's massive FTL engines to jump clear of the planet," Natalie said in a matter of fact tone. "Don't ever touch the throttles unless you're in the driver's seat. We could've ended up smeared on the rear bay wall." She walked off to attend to her duties.

  "You went for the throttles?" Ange asked Nebulon. "See, that's what happens if you don't warn people," she admonished Jason.

  "Sorry. Don't mind Natalie. She's a stickler for cockpit protocol."

  "I'll remember that," Nebulon said. "Captain, I can't thank you enough for getting us out of there."

  "I couldn't very well let my favorite cousin be smeared on a rock like peanut butter on toast, now could I?"

  "I guess not."

  "What happened down there? We were in FTL when a space-time wave caused us to drop into real space. Our NAVComp came very close to having a seizure. We were just outside the system, so we got to watch the planet breakup. We came in at max real-space speed when we heard your distress signal."

  Jason told her what happened and replayed the news feed Natalie had the forethought to record.

  "My God, were those weapons of some kind?"

  "No clue. I think the second one was damaged when it was shot, though who the hell would build something that powerful without safety interlocks is beyond me."

  "Dr. Blyst, any thoughts?"

  "They're blank spheres capable of extreme destruction. Without a detailed examination, I can't tell you any more about them."

  "That's what I was afraid you were going to say. What worries me and Space Command is how many of those things are out there. Doc, since you're with my cousin, can I assume you work for Ciara and OffSec? You can tell me, I'm cleared for anything."

  "I consult for the Cube." She then explained about the strange artifacts showing up at black market auctions.

  "Blast and damn. It's one thing to sell statues and such, but selling planet-killer bombs is completely unacceptable. Let me know if the Protector can help you in any way, understand young man?" she said to Jason.

  "Aye, Captain. Speaking of helping, what's the plan for Tennosh?"

  "Well, we're about to enter orbit. The FTL radio is flooded with distress calls. Preliminary reports suggest that half the planet is still intact, though no one knows for how long. Every ship in the quadrant is on its way here to render assistance. Is Ascendant up to working rescue?"

  "Yes, ma'am," Jason said instantly.

  "I need Natalie to pilot one of our shuttles. Can you function without her?"

  "Hardly," Natalie said as she walked up.

  "I'll make do. Nebulon can run as my number two, if she isn't opposed to the idea."

  "I'll do whatever I can. I promise I won't go near the throttles," she said, which got a smile out of Nat.

  "Good. We're about to drop into real space above the undamaged side of Tennosh. Once we see things are safe, we'll launch every shuttle we have. Nat, with me," Ange said as she headed to a group of shuttles being prepped for launch.

  "Come on, Doc. I'll show you the ropes of rescue work."


  Every available ship from around the League arrived at Tennosh to render assistance with rescue operations. Even a Goranthi hospital ship had volunteered. Scientists and engineers from the top institutions determined that the half of the planet that remained was stable, so ship after ship, both big and small, set down, loaded survivors, and ferried them up to the waiting ships where treatment would be rendered and comfort given. The stories of self-sacrifice and heroism were too numerous to count. The League shone this day.

  Nebulon and Jason pushed themselves and the Ascendant past their limits. On several occasions, Nebulon walked into situations that no sane person would even contemplate entering, yet she would walk out dragging and carrying wounded while leading those who could walk on their own. Jason flew Ascendant into collapsed buildings, cavernous holes, and next to cliffs, never leaving any survivor behind. Natalie and her crew did no less as she flew an unfamiliar ship into situations that would frighten a normal pilot, yet she would return with every stretcher full. Hundreds were saved by their efforts alone.

  "That's it. You're done, and that's an order," Ange said as she barred Jason from the Ascendants cockpit. "Your ship needs an overhaul, your engines are scored, half of your external systems are dead, and one winch has melted. You two, on the other hand, look like something from a low-budget zombie movie. You're both officially down for forty-eight hours while I get a repair team in here."

  Nebulon sank into her chair, exhausted. "How's Natalie doing?"

  "Nat's recharging. She'll be out of her toaster when you two wake up."

  Nebulon thought Ange's turn of phrase was odd, but dismissed it as being due to her own exhaustion. She leaned back in her seat and fell immediately into a dreamless sleep.


  "The crate!" Nebulon said as she sat up in her seat, wide awake. Across from her Jason still slept on his couch, his position unchanged. She looked at her wrist chrono and saw she had slept ten hours. She grabbed a blanket from a bin and covered Jason before grabbing a cup of coffee and setting to work digging through her own personal records.

  "I knew it," she said as she examined two photographs. One, a frame-capture of the surveillance video from the stadium, showed the side of the broken-up packing crate the first sphere had been shipped in. On it was crusted dirt and strange script. She ran a program that reconstructed the script. It was Erdexi. The two spheres were Erdexi in origin, which meant they were probably from the Expanse and related to the two impossible artifacts she had worked on when she first joined OffSec.


  After several days of debriefing on the Tennosh disaster, Nebulon went down into the Cube’s research room and pulled up frame captures from the stadium videos to generate a three-view of the sphere. She got so deep in the search that she unconsciously perched on the back of her chair, like some impossible raven about to say "nevermore."

  "How do you do that?" Director Devlin said from across the table.

  Nebulon looked down and saw she had removed her shoes and balanced on the edge of the chair back using just her toes and the balls of her feet. "Hello, Ciara.
Sorry. I do this when I need to concentrate," she said as she climbed down off her perch. "Can I help you?"

  "We’re in luck. One of our port inspectors found another sphere in a storage locker on Earth. They shipped it here and an inspection team is looking it over in Laboratory Eighteen. I thought you might want to monitor the examination from the control room."

  "Yes, I'd like that," she said as she cleared the terminal and put her shoes back on.

  "This way. Tell me, how do you balance like that?"

  "Gymnastics training from an early age coupled with strong toes."

  "Good to know," Ciara said as she opened a door. "We're here."

  Nebulon walked into a circular room about a football field length in diameter. Around the circumference was an annular shaped area filled with seating, white boards, shelves, terminals and consoles. Twenty feet out from the wall, on the floor, was a red circle. At the center of the room sat the sphere.

  "Amazing. Isn’t it dangerous having everyone so close to the device?"

  "Nope, it's two light-seconds away. The real Lab 18 is autonomous and buried in a Ceres-class asteroid. What you're seeing is the finest hi-def hologram money can buy coupled with a real-time FTL-enhanced data feed. If it blows up, I feel bad for a minute before requisitioning another. I love being the boss."

  "I assume that it has been scanned, photographed, weighed, and had every imaginable measurement made of it?"

  "I even tried to get one of the doctors to give it a prostate exam, but she refused. All the data is available from any terminal in the station."

  "Can I walk out there?"

  "Yep. Attention, Dr. Blyst and I are going for a look-see," Ciara said as she led Nebulon out onto the floor.

  Nebulon was ecstatic. She was finally able to examine the sphere up close. She could see the row of ornaments on one side of the otherwise featureless sphere. They definitely looked Erdexi, though she could not fathom their meaning.


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