To Tempt A Billionaire (Men of Monaco Book 2)

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To Tempt A Billionaire (Men of Monaco Book 2) Page 4

by Michelle Monkou

  He sucked on her lips, alternating between each one. She nipped at his, in a mix of giggles and moans. Erotic pleasure swirled with sweet pain. It felt so damned good.

  To be lost with this enticing woman, the kind of drifting where he would dive into the mysterious seductive darkness and enjoy the magnetic pull. Dane savored their kiss hoping to break her in the same way she’d broken him, destroyed his defenses, and reduced him to a man craving what he shouldn’t and couldn’t take.

  Dane broke free, gulping air, and praying that sanity would return.

  They both were breathing hard. No need to check the vitals. Yes, the heart ticked madly. All senses were engaged on a hyper-level as if he’d crossed over to a higher plane of consciousness.

  What to say? Maybe beg for another kiss on that perfect mouth?

  “You’re one helluva kisser.” Yasmin had turned away to retrieve lipstick from her purse. She looked at him over the top of the makeup compact as she ran the tube of red along the width of her lips. “I’m almost jealous at the thought of all the women who have been kissed by that mouth. I wouldn’t want to share you, at all.”

  “Work comes first,” he stated flatly. Since when did he play hard-to-get, but he never lied about his priorities.

  “As it should,” she agreed. “I’m not expecting otherwise. So, what’s your next objection to my request?”

  “Does this mean that you will stay?” He aimed to stay in the lane of casual interest.

  “That’s up to you.” She pressed her fingertips to her lips formed into a small pout and then to his cheek. “Why don’t you make it worth my while?”

  Dane took a deep breath at the touch of her brand. The process cleared his brain a bit. “I’m sure you can find more than one man to bend to your will while you’re here. I’m not up to the task.” His strong attraction to her boldness and his physical response said differently, but those details wouldn’t ever be shared with her.

  The familiar smile emerged radiating her face. Rejection seemed to bounce right off her skin.

  “I disagree, I think you are ideal for the position to be my lover during my stay.”

  Dane coughed. He had no comeback. Except his pulse raced with as if a starter gun began a sprint.

  Her lover?

  Hell, no! His arousal pressed against his pants. Fuck, no! He prayed that cold sweat wouldn’t break out on his forehead. She certainly didn’t help with his sexual distress as she looked confident with her extended offer. Well … maybe. He needed time to fully consider the pros and cons. Otherwise, he’d give in. No doubt that his defenses had been stormed and a complete takeover was on the verge.

  Before he could form a response, she said, “But I won’t waste time coaxing you along. Clearly, I underestimated your independent nature.” She sighed dramatically. “Okay, business it is.”

  The sharp chimes of doorbell signaled a reprieve. A retreat to his corner of the ring proved necessary before he made a bigger fool of himself. He opened the door for his assistant and the restaurant server to deliver and set up the food. Although his assistant didn’t need his input, he hovered over the layout of the meal. Yasmin excused herself and headed to the bathroom. He needed as much time as possible for all systems to return to neutral.

  Once the food was set up and the server and assistant left, Dane was confident that he’d regained self-control. The silliness of his earlier action and reaction was firmly in the past. Nor did he plan to diagnose too hard why she so easily could shove him off-base.

  Yasmin re-entered the room. “All of this looks lovely. And I’m famished.”

  “Let’s eat.” Dane pulled out the nearby chair and waited for her to sit before taking the opposite one. “Please, help yourself.”

  They quietly started the meal. Conversation momentarily was delayed. He poured a sample of the wine into her glass.

  She sipped and savored, before dabbing at her lips. “Divine.”

  “The white wine is from a local vineyard. Great flavors without being too dry.”

  She nodded for more wine.

  As he poured, he asked, “What is your purpose in Monaco?” Not only had he decided to retake control of this visit, but he had to refocus his attention on his plan.

  “I’m here to rent a condo.” She picked up her fork and poised it over the lemon baked chicken breast on a bed of baby spinach with pine nuts. “If I see something that I like, I’ll consider purchasing.”

  “Nothing else? No business plans?” He pushed for a clue. Any sign that proved his suspicions.

  “Is there something else that I should be doing?” She cut her meat into a tiny bite and slipped it into her mouth.

  And his mouth watered.

  He grabbed his glass and downed the water until it was all gone. The filet mignon with roasted vegetables was pushed off to the side. Trying hard not to succumb to the temptation of Yasmin’s mouth, he pressed on. “The business of Mariman is well known. Its reputation precedes you—as in its penchant for sweeping in and gutting its competitors.”

  “That’s true. We don’t always create the opportunities, but are savvy enough to mount them as we see fit.” Her eyes shifted downward to the table—his crotch—and back to his face.

  “And you’re meeting with Mainard and Bellaire,” he rushed on before she toyed with further metaphors.

  Her playful smile vanished and hard shrewdness entered her expression. “You’ve done your homework. And you’ve got a great spy network going considering I only made the appointments today. Since you are so brash with your inquiry and I am in the mood to indulge your curiosity, I will answer you.” She set down the fork and daintily pressed the napkin at the corners of her mouth.

  “Listening.” He took his time cutting his steak pretending not to be eager to hear why this particular Mariman had returned after such a long break.

  “My papa used to tell me about all the places he’s lived or visited. Monaco was one of the many countries that touched his heart. His description of the land and its natural beauty filled my imagination. But I could tell that he carried a sadness too. One that he wouldn’t share. In the meantime, I lived through the old Hollywood movies that made Monaco this magical place filled with people like Cary Grant and Grace Kelly. They made me fall in love with the French Riviera.

  “Ah … the manufactured version of Monaco.” Dane didn’t know whether to be happy for the Hollywood movie To Catch A Thief or wish that it had never existed. So many people came with the idealistic and very romantic mindset that his little country would deliver on their high expectations for their fantasies.

  “I’ve got a heavy work schedule in a few weeks. Figured why not Monaco to relax and get rejuvenated for the long days and nights ahead. And I am a taskmaster with my team. This treat should keep them happy for a little bit.” She finished her last bite of food. “That was delicious. Thank you for lunch.”

  “It was my pleasure.” Dane texted the driver to meet them downstairs. “Let’s continue with the tour.”

  On the ride to the next property, he thought about her reason for coming to Monaco. He had no doubt that she knew his father’s connection with the Laurent Holdings. And he was sure that this trip was her reconnaissance to collect intel, at the least, or to make her own bold moves with his competitors.

  He’d almost fallen off the cliff for stepping too close to the edge with her. He couldn’t let it happen again.

  “You don’t have to fear the Marimans,” she said, breaking the silence. “Yes, I know of our connection. Ancient history.”

  “You are here on behalf of your father, then?” Dane studied her profile for an answer that she might not reveal through words. What was the dynamics between father and daughter, the youngest of eight?

  “My father is a busy man. And a private one. He is happy when his children don’t make headlines.” She laughed, a genuine reaction that showed Dane how much she loved her father. “I haven’t always been able to keep out of the headlines. Now he’s used to
it.” She waved her hand dismissively. “I wanted to see what drew him to Monaco. Maybe the same thing might be true for me.” She shrugged with her brand of elegance.

  Dane didn’t trust that Yasmin maneuvered with the casualness that she pretended.

  She continued, “This is more like an intermission between acts.”

  “Enjoy the playground that can be Monaco. And do keep out of the headlines,” he added.

  “And what will you be doing for the next few weeks?”

  “While you’re coming up with your next exploits, I will be working.” For his sanity, he’d better have his schedule filled to avoid any temptation.

  “Then I must make sure that your business and my business are constantly intersecting, for the good of the order. Who knows maybe a Mariman shall be back here in Monaco like old times.”

  “I’m not in the business of warming beds..” Dane held her declaration as a threat.

  “Oh, I’ve made you angry. Gosh, you’re damn sexy even when the storm is brewing on that furrowed brow.” She placed a gentle hand on the side of his head before he could shift out of range. “I come in peace,” she joked, removing her hand.

  “Famous last words to conquered people who don’t know they were just conquered.” The problem was that he recognized his downfall at the minute she touched him. “Time for us to go.”

  By the time that Richard pulled up to the next stop, Dane was ready to hop out of the car’s confines. They were now in the central part of Monte Carlo. The area was densely populated with the mega rich who wanted a third and fourth home, along with the bonus of parking their money in a tax-free zone.

  Together they entered the lobby engaged in small talk about the country’s clean energy efforts. Yasmin’s attention was immediately snatched by the impressive architectural display. She stepped from his side to admire the designer’s vision for high ceilings and lots of natural light. Her excited reaction pleased him because it had been at his insistence that his father retained the right designer and architect.

  The effort to build and design a property that attracted the eccentric, to the recluse, to the gaudy tenant were sometimes fine lines of differences. But they had brought in the best team to work on this project that had taken over five years from approval to breaking ground to selling the available units.

  Also, finding the right staff had been a multi-year investment. The interview process and intensive background check were several months long with a probationary period to determine if training and abilities matched. The focus on the team wasn’t about having a staff that looked like models off of a fashion catwalk but to have a multi-lingual workforce who were well-versed in various cultural norms. To ensure the best, salaries were the highest in the region. Job satisfaction and longevity were rewarded. His tenants had to feel secure and comfortable in their personal expensive spaces.

  Yasmin returned to his side. Her satisfaction spilled out with a gush. “I can’t wait to see the penthouse.”

  He took the key from the desk attendant. In no time, thanks to an express elevator they arrived directly into the unit.

  “Rather than I talk you through the experience, walk around and let it talk to you.” Dane couldn’t help his prideful note.

  What was there to say about a penthouse that boasted the standard rooms like kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom, but also a mini-movie theater, a full bar and night club scene with dance floor, a library, sauna, and gym, along with a pool with a stunning skyline view?

  While Yasmin walked from room to room, voicing her appreciation with enthusiastic yelps and handclapping, he sought an out of the way spot to catch up on emails. The day wasn’t supposed to be dedicated to Yasmin. But she had that high-maintenance effect that would make it difficult to blow her off on someone else. Besides he wanted her business and had to know first-hand what she was up to.

  “Here you are. Thought you were hiding from me.” She dropped into the seat next to him. Her thigh pressed against his.

  “Sounds like you’re suitably impressed.” He said, pleased with her enthusiasm.

  “I am.”

  He waited. Leasing a condo to a billionaire didn’t require the same tactics as a timeshare sales rep. Sometimes it was better to remain quiet until the potential client worked out through their reactions.

  “My problem is whether to own or lease. What if Monaco doesn’t make me happy?”

  “Why do you doubt that it wouldn’t?” He didn’t particularly want her settling in Monaco. But his curiosity wanted a solid reason.

  “So far, it’s been a difficult read.” She propped her arm on the back of the couch and patted his shoulder.

  “Then you should get to know more of Monaco. Know its people. Soak up its culture. Appreciate its gifts and your respect, in turn, will be appreciated.”

  “And you will give me all the time I need to make up my mind about the penthouse?” She leaned her head toward him, her hair falling against his shoulder. “I’m sure you have a waiting list for this place.”

  “I do. Take your time.” Dane would love to add the sale of the penthouse to his daily report. But more importantly, he hoped that Yasmin would stick around long enough for him to confirm his suspicions.

  She sat up and extended her hand. “Twenty-four hours are all I need.”

  “Good. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “Or we can talk tonight and then when we wake up, I can give you my decision.” She didn’t blink. Wasn’t coy. Didn’t flash an easy grin.

  “Once again, Yasmin, you’re mixing business with pleasure.”

  She slid her gaze down his body to his crotch. “Glad to hear you acknowledge the pleasure. That makes me happy. But I’m not mixing anything. We can keep the business in that lane and we can keep the pleasure in this lane.” She used each thigh as the lane, trailing her hand up and down the length of his leg.

  “You’re demanding. Lovely, but tenacious.” Dane struggled to keep his wits because he wanted to grab hold of her hand and take the dizzyingly leap into her crazy world. “Don’t you understand? If the business dealings fail, the pleasure is compromised. If the pleasure that you keep talking about rips apart, then the business dealings fail,” he spoke as if walking up a hill.

  Why were his hands resting on her behind? Because she’d straddled him in a swift move and perched herself on his bulging arousal. Fuck.

  “I am a passionate woman.” She leaned closer to his face. Her hair slid alongside their faces sealing them in a lightly floral-scented dark curtain. “But I am also a pragmatist. The heart and the mind do not invade each other’s space. I keep my heart off-limits. Better that way. You, Dane, are good for the mind. And would be good for my body.” She sat back on his thighs. “Think about it. And tonight, come to my hotel room. Let’s seal our deal. Get things out in the open.” She slid off his lap, deliberately agitating his dick with her movements.

  Dane called on more of the mind tricks to ease his arousal. He studied Yasmin as she fluffed out her hair.

  Tonight could change everything.

  Tonight would change everything. Keeping the enemy closer might be a game for his family’s survival.

  Or so he needed to tell himself to tangle with Yasmin.


  The Vision. Plan. Execution. Success.

  Yasmin didn’t know where in the goal setting process the impromptu kiss fit in, but she wouldn’t change any part of it. Going with her gut instinct had its rewards and certainly no regrets. Locking lips with Dane with her body pressed against his was worth a repeat performance.

  Unfortunately, she couldn’t sit around looking at the clock counting the hours before she saw Dane again. The heat of desire would have to stay on simmer until the next opportunity to bombard his senses and feed her appetite.

  Her assistant waved from the hotel’s bedroom suite. “Jean Bellaire is here.”

  “Thanks, Sheera. I’ll be right there.” Yasmin took a deep breath and stepped into the living area.

/>   “Good to see you,” she greeted her prompt guest. After a firm handshake, she motioned for him to take a seat.

  “I’m honored, Miss Mariman.”

  “Please call me Yasmin.”

  She led him to the smaller of the two meeting areas. “Anything to drink?”

  “No, thank you.” He took out his handkerchief and pressed it above his top lip.

  The portly man, his face flushed a hot pink and quite moist, looked as if he’d jogged all the way to her door. Yasmin wanted to point at the cul-de-sac of his balding hairline for a necessary swipe with his handkerchief.

  “Well, let’s get down to business.” She saw his eyes widen. “As my introduction letter to you stated, Mariman Global Enterprise is looking for additional business ventures. The world is a big place. As such, where we place our investment must be worth our time and, of course, money.

  “How may I be of assistance?” He didn’t hide his curiosity.

  She launched into her plans. “First, I’m planning to set up a base, of sorts—office space, residences. You know … the general requirements for another satellite office.”

  “Oh!” His understanding of her needs and his potential profit margin sank in. The crumpled handkerchief made more appearances to tap above the sweaty top lip.

  “Would you be able to handle such a request?”

  “But, of course.” Now he smiled and his body melted into the chair upon recognizing a profitable deal.

  Yasmin listened to Bellaire rush on about his young company and all it had accomplished in its short history. Although listed in the market research as a competitor to Laurent in Monaco, she doubted that the two companies performed on the same playing field.

  No doubt that this man was hungry enough to take whatever steps would catapult him with the big players. The market was too tight and controlled by other factors for him to get there on his own. Hence, the salivating that he seemed to be doing as he focused his dark beady eyes on her.


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