To Tempt A Billionaire (Men of Monaco Book 2)

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To Tempt A Billionaire (Men of Monaco Book 2) Page 6

by Michelle Monkou

  Obviously, she’d misread the signs. And now tossed and turned in her bed, alone and unsatisfied.

  Her phone pinged and she quickly reached for it with anticipation running high.

  Ameena: Are you sleeping?


  Ameena: Join us

  I’m in bed

  Ameena: Come on. Please.

  Yasmin hesitated but found no reason to remain restlessly waiting for sleep. Maybe she needed to dance the nerves away and tire her brain that wouldn’t settle down for the night.



  Give me the info for the club

  Ameena: Sheera will send Richard for you

  Getting dressed

  Yasmin parked herself in front of the mirror with the array of her cosmetics and did her best to look as if she’d just got out of bed.

  Now for her hair. Instead of wearing it loose and down her shoulders, she wore a single thick braid off-centered and draped over her shoulder. As for accessories, she settled on a bold diamond cluster earrings to add the necessary bling near her hair.

  In keeping with the silver jewelry and eye makeup, she grabbed a silver-toned dress. Its silver diagonal bands crossed the dress with a hypnotic effect After she slipped it on and zipped up the back, she saw that the lines accentuated her height and curved suggestively over her shape. Turning from one side to the other, she was pleased with the dress length, which stopped just above the knees. Perfect for her gladiator-styled strappy heels.

  Before heading out, Yasmin poured a glass of champagne sipped with a satisfied sigh. “Here’s to a fun night.”

  She took one more drink. “That fucker stood me up.”

  Grabbing her purse, she headed out the suite to party the night away.


  Dane knew he had a serious problem on his hands. And by the end of the day, when the sun had set, when the clock struck ten o’clock, and he was still at work thinking about one person, one woman, he knew that the problem had gone from serious to deep-shit crazy.

  “Ugh.” He grabbed his head and squeezed it, pressing the heel of his hands into his temples.

  Yasmin stayed anchored in his thoughts regardless of how hard he tried to evict the woman and her effect on him. His body acted as if it suffered under drought conditions with its constant need for her smile, cocky charm, and another chance to feel her hips grinding against his dick.

  And the big question that he needed to answer was whether he would go to see her tonight.

  Damn, he wanted to go. His body still stayed primed and his fingers twitched for the desire to touch her silky skin. And that smile—her special smile—warmed his gut.

  Without a doubt, she was sexy as hell. Elegantly tall, beautiful, and alluring. He wanted to be around her, close to her, and … damn, he couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to lie between her legs and settle in her. Without a doubt, he wanted to fuck her.

  But there was much more than her curves and sexuality. Dane appreciated her sharp-edged wit and her keen eye that looked at the world, analyzed, and delivered judgment.

  Looking deeply into those brown eyes framed by thick, long lashes, he couldn’t tell what she thought of him. Yeah, she was a pro with the heavyweight flirtation. Yeah, she could turn him on with the snap of her fingers. But he wasn’t sure that he or his feelings meant anything to her. He wasn’t allowing his ego to get suckered into believing that he was an impulse “buy” for her attention.

  The uncertainty of her real motive had him squash the impulse to drive over to her hotel and have sex with her until the next morning. With an enticing invitation like she’d delivered, she’d left the door wide open for him. The possibility of what was beyond the door didn’t soothe his misgivings.

  Lately, his judgment, when ruled by too much emotion and too little logic, had him hating himself. And with Yasmin, he started out with logic and a plan. Minutes in her company set him on a break-neck ride to a place that he’d never imagined and to a place where his desire threatened to put him on autopilot.

  Jumping in bed with Yasmin was too good to be true. And that was the problem, he knew too much about her to believe that this was a coincidental hookup.

  His phone rang and he picked up, hoping but dreading that it might be Yasmin. But he recognized the number. It wasn’t her. Biting back the flash of disappointment, he answered, “Dane, here.”

  “You were supposed to be here at Gaston’s birthday bash,” Dallon yelled as the noise in the background competed with his words.

  “Oh, I was on my way and then got busy with work.”

  “Stop the excuses and bring your boring ass down here. Gaston has been inviting any and every person in the club to his party. Have to admit the fresh faces do liven things up a bit.”

  Knowing Gaston, the party would be wild the longer the night wore on and the more drinks flowed. Maybe letting himself be buried by loud music and the birthday celebrants, Dane wouldn’t have to decide about Yasmin. He wouldn’t have to be outdone by insomnia.

  “Are you still there?” Dallon yelled in between his conversation with someone in the background.

  “I’m here. Okay, I’ll come and play for an hour or two.” Dane looked at the clock and despaired at the thought of any more time restlessly spent alone in his bed.

  “Good. See you soon.”

  Dane hung up.

  From the upbeat way Dallon was talking, someone would mistake his eldest brother as the partying type. He was quite the opposite from that personality with his known introspective bouts that always drew their mothers’ nurturing concerns.

  With the anniversary date of Maribel’s passing, Dane suspected that Dallon needed the distraction to cope with losing his fiancé. Partying with Gaston was definitely one way to blast away the dark thoughts even if temporarily. Maybe he should go to keep an eye on his big brother.

  Dane dressed in casual shirt and slacks. He wasn’t going for the reason to be seen. More than likely he’d hang out with Gaston for a bit and then if he saw any friends, he squeezed into their circle until boredom got the better of him to leave the party with Dallon.

  He drove out of his neighborhood and toward the waterfront where the swankiest nightclubs had residence. To avoid the congested night traffic, he parked at the headquarters and opted to walk the less than a mile distance to the club. He took off his jacket, slung it over his shoulder, rolled up his shirt sleeves and headed down the street. Dane couldn’t remember the last time that he’d walked around the city. From one building to the next, from his home to his father’s or his brothers, he tended to use the car. But now that most of the people were home and clusters of tourists were out and about, he soaked in the quiet night scene of Avenue Princesse Grace with its mix of clubs and cafes across the street from the banks and businesses along the coastline.

  Watching the couples stroll, with arms interlocked, their low conversation and soft laughter wafted past him. Romance certainly floated in the air. A recent news article reported that a significant number of couples, after a few days in Monaco, succumbed to their deep desires and love for each other with a wedding proposal. Sometimes he wondered if there was something magical about his homeland that had passed over him due to his reluctance toward romance and commitment at the expense of his ambition.

  “Sir, can you tell us if we’re close to the Diamond Club?” A very bubbly brunette with her three friends ran toward him.

  “It’s just one block ahead.” Dane recognized the American accent.

  “Thanks. I hope we can get in.” The red head pulled at the very tiny dress that wasn’t budging from its high position around her thighs.

  “We got a call from our friends who are in there that there’s a swanky birthday party going on. And they got invited to attend.” The brunette looked like she’d started her partying with a few too many drinks.

  “So, we left the club at the casino and are heading for the fun. Anyway, thanks, monsieur.” The brunette wav
ed and they tumbled into each other as they walked away.

  Dane looked over his shoulder thinking that he should head back to his car and back to his house. There would be more of this idle chatter and tipsy giggles that he could do without. There was a reason why he often stayed in his office and worked until exhaustion.

  He followed the giddy four women, feeling like a guardian angel as they walked and abruptly stopped to chat with random strangers. Hopefully, they would take a cab back to the hotel or wherever they were staying after the festivities.

  Once they reached the vicinity of the nightclub, they disappeared from his view, as if swallowed by the dark interior of a giant mouth. Guess the same was going to happen to him as he pulled open the entrance doors and stepped into a different world.

  Immediately his eardrums vibrated to the bass of techno music. The repetitive beats hammered into his head and body like a brutal attempt at brainwashing him into a partying mood.

  The four women did get in and were sucked into the crowd ahead of him. He waved at the familiar door handler and went in. Now to find Dallon. The crowds were divided between those milling around the bar and those bobbing on the dance floor. He remained on the edge not looking forward to joining either group.

  From one interminable song to another, Dane decided to keep moving and be on the lookout for his brother or Gaston. He spied the staircase and remembered that there were two additional floors to the nightclub. Gritting his teeth for the effort it would take to navigate through the crowd, he headed for the next floor.

  More music poured out at him before he got to the second floor. This time he couldn’t identify the genre. Loud was all he heard. With his patience wearing thin, finding Dallon or Gaston wouldn’t matter in another minute because he’d have to leave for sanity and hearing.

  Time for a drink.

  Joining the masses at the bar, he got his drink and stepped away from the exuberant chaos. In a semi-secluded corner, he leaned against the rail that separated the dance floor. Sipping on his drink, he played the spectator of the dancers. The writhing bodies with the backdrop of throbbing musical beats were in a marathon session of foreplay. And after the skin-to-skin contact amidst the flirty smiles and pouty mouths, the next stage of the seduction was bound to be under the sheets to pass the time. He looked around the room to pick which individuals would close out the early morning hours as a couple.

  His investigation stopped with a slam on the brakes, as Yasmin bobbed into view on the dance floor. Not only could she add her sexy dance style to her assets, she had a flair to look ravishing in whatever she wore. The silver dress shimmered under the strobe lights and molded along the contours of her body. Dane couldn’t take his eyes off her movements that flowed with the frenetic pulse that the DJ insisted on playing. But he had no complaints with the music now that he had uninterrupted minutes to watch Yasmin.

  His phone pinged:

  Dallon: where the hell R U


  Dallon: And…

  Dane didn’t respond. What to say? No need to tell Dallon that Yasmin was here. First, he’d have to listen to his silly teasing about hooking up with her. But then, he’d want to come and join him. And Dane had no plan to be discovered by her.

  Dallon: Bet you’re talking business

  No. Getting a drink

  Dallon: Oh! little bro having alcohol

  Seltzer water

  Dallon: Boring. Hurry up


  There was no debate on whether to Yasmin or leave his post to find Gaston’s noisy party. Ignoring more of his brother’s texts, Dane stayed in the shadows to continue with his voyeuristic activities.

  Now Yasmin danced wildly with her girlfriends. Arms overhead, head tossed to the side, her body contorted to the beat. Her energy stayed high and never-ending. The music freed her in a way that he wouldn’t have expected.

  His dick stirred as he thought about those same movements against his body. Damn, he wanted her. That effect hadn’t been cured.

  His dick was hard and hungry for a sweet sample between those long, shapely legs. He might have to stay in the shadow until his body calmed.

  A cluster of young men with too much alcohol in them and with testosterone pumping through their veins danced toward the women. They were pointedly ignored and shut out of the circle, but that emboldened the hangers-on. Each guy picked a woman to sidle up to and grind his hips against her.

  Dane pushed off from the wall. Fists balled ready to pull the man by his tie from the floor and send him out with a broken nose. Before he took more than a couple steps from his hiding spot, he witnessed Yasmin’s rapid-fire reaction.

  Her punch landed quick and hard to the guy’s gut folding him in half. Without another second of her time wasted on the idiot, she returned to dancing with her friends.

  Impressive. He nodded his approval from the shadows.

  Eventually, her friends drifted off to dance with new partners. As one song blended into another, Yasmin danced her way off the floor. Hair mussed, skin glowing, her face relaxed—sexy as hell.

  The club had gotten more crowded since his arrival. Yasmin had to sidle through the clusters of people milling around. She fanned her face with her hand, but it didn’t do the job as she had to lift her thick braid off her shoulders.

  He dearly wanted to assist with her cool down, despite the reality that he’d be revved hot.

  His breath hitched. Shit.

  She’d turned in his direction, but appeared to be scanning the area. Then she turned and motioned to her friends that she was heading to the bar.

  Dane blew out a breath, but his nerves stayed on alert as she maneuvered around people to get to the bar. He did his best to squeeze deeper into the shadowy space.

  His initial intention wasn’t to hide from her. What should it matter that he happened to be at the same nightclub? And in his defense, he hadn’t given any sign that he was planning to take her up on her invitation. She never had to know that he’d grasped onto this invitation to avoid her.

  From what he’d seen, she wasn’t sulking or sad about the outcome of her evening. Maybe under different circumstances, they could have had a normal relationship. Maybe. He only wanted quick distractions without the drama of long-term commitment.

  Yasmin was now only a couple feet away and closing fast on his stakeout spot. She still fanned herself. And up close, she was perfection.

  She walked past him. Her focus stayed on the bar.

  His hand reached out within a hairsbreadth to touch her hand.

  She slowed and then stopped. Her shoulders lifted and set stiffly. The few people following the same path almost ran into her unyielding back. They skirted around her for the bar.

  As if in slow motion, Yasmin turned and looked directly at him.

  Dane’s breathing slowed. Could she see him?

  He took a step back, but the wall prevented any further retreat.

  A frown that had settled low on her brow now flashed out of the way. A wide toothy smile popped into place. “You are full of surprises.”

  He grunted as he cleared his throat to mount his defense.

  She leaned against the opening of his hiding place blocking him if he attempted to escape. “Didn’t picture you in a place like this.”

  “The entire day has been loaded with shock. Why stop now?” Although his heart pounded, he did his best to match her mocking tone. “Is that how you get your daily exercise?” He jutted his chin toward the dance floor.

  “Second best way to work off stress.”

  “The first … ?”

  “A good fuck or two.” Her eyes slid down to his crotch and back up. “But since my invitation was ignored, I came out here.” She looked toward the bar. “Continuing on to the watering hole. You can stay in the shadows keeping an eye on things or join me.”

  “Are you alone?” he asked to be sure.

  “My friends are over there. But no man is hanging on at my side if that’s what you want to know.”r />

  “Good for you? Which would beg the question why do you care? Didn’t think you were interested.” Her voice was quite matter-of-fact.

  He shrugged. “Figured you had selected someone after punching your eager suitor a few minutes ago.”

  “Ah … you saw that. I dispose of the nuisances in my own special way.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said.

  “Well, I need to quench my thirst.”

  He nodded. But as she turned to leave, he blurted, “I’m meeting my brother and a family friend whose celebrating his birthday.”

  “Oh, you’re with that crowd. The birthday boy is upstairs. It’s hideously loud, worse than here if you can believe it. My ears needed a break.”

  Dane didn’t look forward to finding Dallon. “Do you mind waiting for me? I’m going to give a drive-by birthday wish and then get out of here.

  “Sure. But if by fifteen minutes you’ve succumbed to the delight of some charming beauty up there, know that I’ve left the building. My empty bed awaits me.” She patted his cheek and dragged her finger along his chin and left him standing, almost panting, in her wake.

  Keeping his mind on the fifteen-minute mark, Dane emerged and dove into the noisy mayhem. The music no longer bothered his ears. He had the perfect motivation to get him through the next few minutes.

  Buoyed with the memory of Yasmin and her smirk, he used shoulders and elbows to create a path to the stairs. Patrons in no rush to go up or come down the stairs had him swearing through his slow progress.

  “And once again, why am I here?” Talking aloud didn’t matter, Dane’s words were lost in the pulsing sounds. And the people were absorbed in their own worlds.

  Finally, he crossed through the doorway to the new hell. A jackhammer pounded away at his chest. Vibrations rumbled throughout his body. He couldn’t believe the volume could get higher, but his ears ached at the assault. Who could have a conversation in this noise?

  What the fuck am I looking at?

  Gaston danced in the middle of the floor with a whistle and light sticks. His college-era dance skills were in full effect. A circle of women surrounded him cheering on his outrageous behavior. He waved at Dane to join him.


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