To Tempt A Billionaire (Men of Monaco Book 2)

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To Tempt A Billionaire (Men of Monaco Book 2) Page 13

by Michelle Monkou

  “So you did this for my honor?”

  Omar, her brother, snorted. “You’re gullible where she’s concerned.” He was a carbon copy of their father, except for a more brooding demeanor. His smiles and easy conversation only seemed to be reserved for Sheera.

  “Yes, papa. I’d found out that you were squeezed out of the company. That’s unfair and disrespectful to you. Laurent Holdings wouldn’t be what it is without your hard work. And I came to reclaim our losses, one way or the other.”

  “And your plan was to orchestrate an invasion and get them to sign over shares to our father? What harebrained strategy is that?” Her brother’s condescension grated Yasmin’s nerves. “On the other hand, that’s not what Ameena has shared. Sounds like your days were wrapped around the youngest heir—Dane.”

  “What is he talking about?” Her father asked softly. He didn’t like to see his children bicker, but he listened to Omar speech.

  “Nothing. This isn’t about Dane. This about you, papa.” Yasmin tried to steer the conversation in the direction away from matters of her heart.

  “Has my little bird has fallen in love?” Farrokh sighed at her silence as her answer.

  Her father’s nicknames for her were always so silly, but at this time, when she felt on trial, she welcomed his gentle touch.

  “Father, we don’t have time for this,” Omar continued his protest. “They will be here shortly. And all we have is Yasmin’s plan to buy out this Bellaire person.”

  “Buyout or partnership.” Yasmin perked up ready to talk business rather her emotions.

  “Then … ?” Her father prompted.

  “Then we’d have a solid footing in Monaco. From there we can—”

  Her brother piped up with his standard smirk in place, “Your continued plan for world domination.”

  “You’re not helping, Omar. Give Yasmin a chance.”

  “Thank you,” Yasmin couldn’t help a smug smile at Omar’s frustration. “We don’t have to bring Bellaire into the deal before we’ve hashed out scenarios.”

  “But it would give us a way into the market through his company.” Her father closed his eyes briefly, then opened them, and said, “Okay, I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I’ll not shut the door on it.”

  Omar groaned and held his head as if they had inflicted physical pain. “I cannot believe what I’m hearing. Since when are we in a rush to have business here? And partnering up with a second-rate company?” He stopped his comments when his father was clearly not paying attention to him.

  “Enough, Omar.” Farrokh addressed Yasmin, “Back to more important things. Does Dane love you?”

  “Oh dad, there’s no such thing as love. Reminder. You and mom fell in love after you were married. Besides, there was no time to fall in love. I’ve only been here for about three weeks. Much too quick for anything.” She did her best to sound like her brothers when they talked about their casual girlfriends. The reality of being cavalier was tougher.

  “Love is quick to the heart. Like a good poison. Knocks you out flat. You can’t fight it.” He laughed and opened his arms to embrace her.

  She hugged her father. “You are not the person to talk to about my heart.”

  “Why? You think that I’m not romantic. I’ve got more children than I can keep track of, with the one woman who still puts up with me.” He smiled and patted Yasmin’s cheek. “Don’t be hard on yourself. Don’t be so serious. You will give and he will take, you will take and he will give. Simple.”

  “Why did I come on this trip? We were supposed to keep Yasmin in check,” Omar groused.

  “You came as a good son to escort your father. And to see your girlfriend,” Philippe stated as if it was yesterday’s news.

  Yasmin and her father laughed as Omar hurried after an embarrassed Sheera who had cupped her hands to her cheeks and ran down the hallway.

  Yasmin felt much better. “Thank you, papa.”

  “Now, get rid of that moping look. You’re getting me depressed. We are about to have company.”

  “Yeah?” Yasmin had a sinking feeling for what he was about to say.

  “The Laurent family is on their way over. Sounded confused when I mentioned you. Thought he was aware of your presence in the city. By now, I’m sure he’s talked to his son. And I’m also sure that they will come through that door furious as can be. But we will muddle through this.” He patted her cheek again.

  Yasmin felt nauseous. Although this day would have arrived, she still wasn’t prepared to handle the outcome.

  “And Dane? Where does he fit in your act of revenge?” Farrokh would let go of the topic.

  She shrugged. Thick emotion held her voice still. “I wasn’t expecting to fall for him.”

  “You played a dangerous game using your ambition and ego to motivate you.”

  “I wasn’t wrong,” she argued.

  “You weren’t right. You should have talked to me,” Farrokh said.

  “Then it wouldn’t have been a surprise.”

  “Because you only saw victory. Always headstrong. Omar is the cautious one and you are the one ready to run with the bulls.” He shook his head. “There is so much you don’t know. And so much you have to learn. I am not worthy of your honorable mission.”

  Yasmin waited for him to continue, but he clasped his hands and closed his eyes.

  “I’ll go freshen up.” She kissed her father’s cheek and went to her room to get ready. What did one wear to symbolize the shattering of her heart.


  Dane would rather not lead the way to Yasmin’s condo. However, his father and brothers were too literal with giving him the point position for entry into the enemy field. He turned to scold their exaggerated slow pace when the door opened.

  “Mr. Laurent, please come in.”

  Dane recognized Sheera. Not that they were buds or anything, but there wasn’t this formal politeness between them. But since she was setting the tone, he accepted the prompt and provided himself with a pep talk that this wasn’t a friendly get together.

  He entered the home and fought back the memory of his last visit. This wasn’t the time to reminisce about her naked body, their lusty cries in each other arms, and the fulfillment of another round of lovemaking. To keep his feelings in check, he had to think of his current surroundings as hostile territory.

  By the time he left here, all ties to Yasmin would be severed and buried into the deep recesses of his soul. Archived with no intention of ever revisiting.

  “Dane, so good to see you. Philippe and Dallon, you, too,” Yasmin greeted them like the perfect hostess like nothing dark and vile stood between them.

  Damien actually hugged her. Dallon offered a sheepish half hug. At least his father joined him with the frosty greeting.

  “Please come in, my father is in the living room.” She motioned toward the large living space.

  All Dane could think was that she didn’t have to look so damn good. The black pantsuit didn’t accentuate curves but elevated her into female CEO with impressive credentials. She’d morphed into a businesswoman and abandoned the sexy, brash lover who owned him in the bedroom.

  “Philippe, it’s been too long.” Farrokh extended open arms.

  Dane’s father didn’t say anything, nor did he approach Yasmin’s father. His expression remained uneasy and noncommittal.

  “Please let’s sit. Hors d’oeuvres will be served shortly.” Yasmin stepped in.

  “We will have dinner, too,” Farrokh added. His friendly smile never wavered under Philippe’s rudeness.

  Dane’s father finally spoke, “We’re only here to discuss certain matters.”

  “I insist that the meeting will be conducted over dinner. Consider this a part of the family’s hospitality.” Farrokh spoke with such gentleness that it was easy to think that he could be manipulated. But in his simple invitation, there was a steeliness in his eyes when he addressed Philippe

  The waiter appeared with the tray of wr
apped hot treats that all smelled delicious. Servers joined in to load plates for each guest. Dane, however, had no appetite and abstained. He noticed that Yasmin didn’t partake of the food, either.

  Dane refused to wait any longer for the set time for discussion to begin. “Just so we start on the same page, could you tell me, with witnesses, why you came to Monaco.

  “To visit,” Yasmin replied her eyebrow raised with its defiance for whatever Dane thought.

  “And…?” Dane prompted.

  “And determine how to break into the luxury property market.”


  “I don’t know— What do you want to know?” She looked at him with defiance. There was no regret in her glare.

  “You courted Jean Bellaire for a possible buyout. And then you were planning to come after the Laurents. Handing the gift-wrapped package to your father not out of your need for his approval as you’ve told me but as retribution for what you think we owe you.”

  “Owe me? No, not me. My father put in the work here. Your father reaped the reward and shoved him through the doors. Is that how you treat friends, partners, a man who shared in your dream of success?” Her voice shook, but her stance was strong and her eyes blazed with anger.

  “Yasmin, my child,” her father interrupted. “I’m proud of a daughter who is so fiercely loyal and headstrong. But—”

  Philippe cleared his throat. “No need to bring up the past, my friend. Your daughter is right. I am in your debt. If you’d allow me, I would love a future that involves Marimans alongside the Laurents.”

  Dane looked over at Yasmin glad to see that he wasn’t the only one in shock. But while their father attempted to pick up the pieces, he wasn’t ready to pretend that he wasn’t shredded over her no holds barred mentality to get what she wanted.

  He scooted back his chair. “On this unexpected note, I’m going to leave now. Seems like not only your daughter has the ability to blindside.”

  The room got quiet.

  He turned his back on all of it.

  “Dane, don’t do it. Don’t throw it away.” Damien grabbed his forearm restraining him.

  The attempt failed as Dane pulled away from Damien’s grasp.

  Dane reached the door and yanked it open.

  “You can be so stubborn,” Dallon said right before Dane closed the door.

  They acted as if an apology could solve the betrayal. He had fired the first shot. But he damn well wasn’t sitting around to be the fool pining for his love. And he loved her.

  Damn everything to hell, he loved her.

  And all he was to her was a business transaction. A means to a vendetta.

  He ignored the waiting limo outside the building and continued walking into the night. Without a destination in mind, he stayed on the left side of the road and followed the sidewalk.

  A car horn interrupted his thoughts as he crossed the street and resumed walking to nowhere. Dane looked up wondering what was the driver’s problem since he was on the sidewalk and out of traffic’s way.”

  “Hey, pigheaded fool.”

  And that would be Damien. He ignored his brother.

  “Get in the car.”

  And that would be Dallon.

  He didn’t stop but did slow down with the hope they would leave him alone. “Not getting in the car.”

  “You’re about to make the biggest mistake because you’re so damned afraid of being human,” Dallon steered and shouted at him.

  “You’re an annoying overachiever but not when it comes to your heart,” Damien accused.

  Dane stopped and glared at his brothers who seemed hell bent on intervening in his private life. But they were wasting their time. He refused to let their condemnation weaken his resolve to evict Yasmin out of his life.

  “She’s left. Flying out now,” Damien tossed his well-aimed info at him.

  Dane swallowed his response. He refused to acknowledge the panic that flared. He refused to acknowledge that the news of her departure didn’t lighten any burdens.

  “Good God, man, stop being a brat and act like a man. Your woman is leaving now.” Damien hit him in the head with a coin from his pocket.

  The urgency finally hit home. He came to life and jumped into the back seat. He’d barely settled in before his brother whiplashed him into a speedy drive toward the highway. Their plan was to head straight for the airport in Nice.

  Maybe he could call and stop or delay her despite his latest action. He breathed a sigh of relief when she answered.

  “We need to talk. Please,” he begged.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Can we meet somewhere? I know you’re on your way to the airport.”

  “Why? I can’t take back what I did. Or how I did it.” Yasmin’s voice sucked him in. He heard the hurt and it nestled in him looking for comfort.

  “Yeah, but it brought our fathers together. They’re no longer enemies, not that I think they ever were.” He wouldn’t divulge his father’s story. Farrokh would have to share it with his daughter. “So can we meet and talk?”

  “Your brothers know where I am.” She hung up.

  Dane stared at the phone and then at his brothers. Damien chuckled and Dallon whistled. “Where are we going?”

  “Home,” Dallon remarked.

  Sure enough, they were pulling onto his property and to the front door.

  There Yasmin stood in her black suit waiting for him. The severe bun holding her hair was gone. Her hair hung in relaxed waves past her shoulders. And she had the widest smile for him.

  “Told you we knew how to handle him,” Dallon said to her.

  Dane got out the car and hugged Yasmin. “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “I did, but thankfully Damien and Dallon saved the day.”

  They waved at his brothers’ timely departure.

  “I wasn’t going to invade your company,” Yasmin said.

  “Yeah, you were.” Dane laughed. “You’re a fighter and you believed in fighting for the underdog.” He kissed the top of her head. “I imagine I would have done the same.”

  “I don’t want to go back to Dubai,” she complained. “At least not yet.”

  “Monaco is my home. My home is your home.”

  She kissed him with such tenderness that he almost lost his mind.

  I want you all to myself,” she moaned against his mouth.

  Dane scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder. “Let’s go get you naked. Cause I’m all yours.”

  Within minutes they were in bed, naked and intertwined with each other.

  “You are in there, my love.” She took his hand and placed over her breast.

  “And you are in here.” He pointed to his chest.

  She grinned. “Now, let’s get you in here.” She pointed down between her thighs.

  “We’ll catch up with the world after the next few days.

  ‘That had better be more than a promise.” Dane whispered before sliding into Yasmin.

  Her moan was all the answer he needed.

  “Dooset daram, Dane.”

  “Je t'aime, Yasmin.”

  << >>

  Thanks for reading To Tempt A Billionaire. I hope you enjoyed it!

  I'm thrilled that you are a part of this creative journey. It was truly my pleasure sharing the second of the Men of Monaco – Laurent Brothers – series.

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  Men Of Monaco Series

  To Charm A Billionaire (Book 1): Meet Damien Laurent. Two worlds collide. And the battle of wills sizzle. Losing?—That’s out of the question.



  Bright sun. Crisp blue sky. Gentle warm breezes. The day in
Monaco falsely promised to be like any other with its perfect weather, dedicated sun worshippers, and playground magnet for any country's royalty and for the spending habits of the nouveau riche.

  The early morning hours met the arrival of the luxury cruise liner docked at Port Hercules. By now the next batch of tourists had disembarked for their invasion of the French Riviera to see up-close the paradise for the rich and famous, maybe even infamous. And yet, Damien wanted to close the shutters, lock the door, and keep the world—or just his family—beyond his gated property.

  Too late.

  His brother, Dane, had breached the walls and now stood in the great room, with his arms folded, and rocking on his toes. The man lived to be irritated at something or someone.

  Today wasn't different, as his judgmental gaze stayed like a tracking beam on Damien. But he didn't give a shit. Well, okay, he did. However, he wasn't going to let the runt of the Laurent brothers affect his mood.

  Dane stopped rocking. “Are you listening to anything that I'm saying? This is about your future. Ours—the family.” He shook his head at Damien. “Not like you ever understood the concept.”

  Breaking away from his brother's disgusted stare, Damien turned his back and stepped out on the balcony that overlooked the patio below, with the swimming pool, and manicured gardens colorfully framing the imposing iron fence. The pool shimmered like a turquoise jewel held up to the sunlight. He should be outdoors enjoying the day, not entertaining his brother's surprise visit to chastise him like a kid.

  “What I'm here to tell you is for your own good.” Dane's voice escalated to drag him back to the conversation.

  Damien shrugged off the often-used advice and kept his back to Dane to avoid his brother’s sharp gaze. Good was a relative term. His adult life earned him a bad boy reputation that had come easily and with little to no regrets.

  However, his health took a hit forcing him to slow down. The source of his trouble was still being determined, but Damien refused to share any of the details with his family. He wanted no signs of weakness discovered especially by his father. Working in the family business was vital to earning his father’s admiration.


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