A Kick in the Pants (a Riley O'Brien & Co. novella)

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A Kick in the Pants (a Riley O'Brien & Co. novella) Page 9

by Jenna Sutton

  “So…” she said, waving the little square around, “bed or floor?”

  Her eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and happiness, and pure joy filled him. He had waited his entire life for her, and she more than made up for every boring day and lonely night he’d endured.

  “You have three seconds to decide before I tear this open and climb on top of you,” she warned.

  He knew a bluff when he saw one. She wouldn’t go through with her threat.

  “Can I at least take off my boots?” he teased.

  Shaking her head, she methodically tore open the condom wrapper. “One…” she said, starting her countdown.

  “This rug is kind of scratchy. You’re going to get rug burn on your knees.”

  She smiled crookedly. “That’s okay. You’re going to get rug burn on your butt.” She waggled her eyebrows. “Two…”

  Deciding to call her bluff, he wrestled his underwear and jeans past his hips, more aroused and amused than he had ever been in his entire life. To his surprise, she actually pulled the condom from its wrapper.


  He placed his hands behind his head in a relaxed pose. He waited, sure she would stop now.

  “Three,” she said before leaning over him and rolling the condom over his erection.

  Shocked, he grabbed her wrist. “I thought you were bluffing.”

  She shook off his hold. Before he could sit up, she swung her leg over him until she perched on his thighs. He steadied her by gripping her hips, and she rose up on her knees, the lean muscles of her thighs flexing. He watched mutely as she positioned herself over his erection, her breasts thrust forward.

  “I don’t gamble,” she said breathlessly, slowly lowering herself until the head of his cock was wedged inside her. “And I never bluff.”

  He barely heard her. A loud roar filled his ears from the blood racing through his body. She rocked a bit, but her tight little pussy resisted the intrusion of his erection.

  “You’re going to have to help me,” she gasped. “I haven’t done this in a while.”

  Releasing her hips, he eased his hand between her slippery folds. He gathered some of her juice on his fingers and massaged her clit with gentle circles. She moaned and arched her back just enough for him to slide a little deeper.

  She sucked in a deep breath. “Oh, God, Jake. You’re big. Much bigger than—”

  He shushed her with a finger over her lips. He didn’t want to hear or think about her being with another man.

  Not now. Not ever.

  “Relax against me,” he rasped, bringing his knees up to support her, “and widen your legs.”

  She followed his directions, and he pumped his hips in shallow thrusts. “Take me,” he crooned, stroking her clit and working his cock into her. “Deeper. Yes, that’s it. You can do it, sweetness. Take all of me. Yes, yes.”

  He slowly rooted deeper, making sure not to hurt her, and she moaned. “Just a little more,” he panted.

  When he finally bottomed out inside her, she was trembling against him. “Good?” he asked hoarsely. “Please, God, let it be good for you because I’m not sure I can stop now.”

  “Yes, it’s good,” she breathed. “So good.”

  She swiveled her hips, and the supple muscles of her pussy clenched around him. Closing his eyes, he gritted his teeth to stop himself from shooting off.

  “Wait,” he ordered, clamping his fingers into her ass cheeks to keep her still. “Give me a minute.”

  “I can’t,” she gasped, wiggling against his hold. “I need … please …”

  Every inch of his body was on fire, and he could feel his orgasm boiling inside him. Keeping one hand on her ass, he sat up and shoved his other hand into her hair. He cupped the back of her head and brought her face to his.

  “I wanted to go slow, but I can’t.” He licked her bottom lip. “Give it to me hard and fast.”

  Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she rested her forehead against his and began to move. Despite his demand, she started off slowly, grinding her pussy on his cock. With each downward thrust, she let out a breathy little moan that made his balls tighten.

  “Faster,” he urged, rolling his hips and pressing her down on him.

  She responded with a sharp nip on his lower lip and a swivel of her hips that made his eyes roll back in his head. Her rhythm quickened until she rode him frantically. He met her thrusts, stroking his cock against her clit.

  He tried to hold back his climax until she came again, but the burn moved from his balls to his cock. When it raced to the tip, he buried his face in her throat and exploded inside her.

  The force of his orgasm tore a loud, guttural groan from his throat. At the same time, she arched against him with a loud cry, her pussy rippling around his cock. The rhythmic clenches wrung another burst from him. He stiffened, and his cock jerked again and again until his vision went dark.

  After a moment, he fell backward with Kyla slumped over him. He felt like his soul had left his body when he had emptied himself inside her. Everything he had was hers.

  She nuzzled her face into his neck and said something that he couldn’t hear. “Hmm?” he asked, rubbing big circles on the smooth skin of her back.

  “What do you think of my plan now?”

  “You were right.” He let loose with a raspy chuckle. “Your plan was better. A lot better.”

  She licked the side of his throat. “Would you like to hear about phase two of my plan?”


  Kyla’s stomach woke her. Empty and aching with hunger, it wouldn’t allow her to sleep any longer, regardless of how exhausted she was. She checked the bedside clock. It was after noon, which explained why she was so ravenous.

  She carefully lifted Jake’s arm from her waist and slid from the bed. After pulling a nightgown over her head, she took a moment to enjoy the sight of him wrapped in her vibrantly colored paisley comforter. The poor guy was passed out, nearly comatose. She had kept him up until early morning after they had returned from their Saturday night date.

  His face was buried in her pillow, his hair tousled from her fingers. The sheet had dipped below his waist, leaving his bronzed torso bare. He had mentioned that he swam laps every morning, which explained his muscular arms and toned abdomen.

  The man not only had a six-pack, but a well-defined V-cut, something she had only seen on male models, pro athletes, and actors. She had spent more than a few minutes last night licking that enticing ridge of muscle.

  She left the room as quietly as possible, carefully closing the door before hurrying down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside, she brushed her teeth and debated whether to take a quick shower. She was sore and sticky from sex, and eventually she decided to ignore her growling stomach. She took her time in the shower, letting the hot water soothe her achy body.

  She’d had more sex in the past forty-eight hours than she’d had in her entire life. She didn’t know whether that spoke to how desperate she was for Jake or how pathetic her sex life had been before him.

  After finishing her shower, she dried off and smoothed on some tangerine-scented lotion. She pulled on her yellow robe and padded barefoot to the kitchen, eager to fill her empty belly.

  As she rounded the corner, she spotted Vanessa sitting at the kitchen table. Kyla came to an abrupt halt in the doorway, and her sister looked up from her tablet.

  “Good afternoon,” Vanessa chirped.

  Smiling, Kyla entered the kitchen. “I thought you were spending the weekend with Alan,” Opening the door to the fridge, she perused the contents. “I didn’t expect to see you until later tonight. When did you get home?”

  “Last night.”

  Kyla snapped her head toward Vanessa. She really hoped she had misunderstood what her sister had said.

  “Last night?” she repeated.

  Vanessa nodded, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Yes. I was snug in my bed when you got home last night.”

; Kyla could feel her face turning red. “I didn’t know you were here.”

  “Obviously.” Her sister snickered. “I had to put in my earbuds to fall asleep.”

  Kyla grabbed a carton of strawberry yogurt from the fridge and slammed the door shut. “I’m sorry,” she said, unable to look Vanessa in the eye.

  “I’m not. I’m happy for you. I know how much you like Jake.”

  “How do you know I was with Jake?” Kyla asked as she opened a drawer and grabbed a spoon.

  Vanessa laughed. “Because you screamed his name at least fifty times.”

  Kyla bobbled the spoon, dropping it back into the drawer. It made a loud clang as it hit the other silverware.

  “Oh, my God!” she exclaimed. “Shut up!”

  Vanessa snorted. “That’s what I thought when you guys woke me up at three in the morning.”

  “You’re killing me,” Kyla muttered.

  After retrieving the dropped spoon, Kyla joined her sister at the table. Vanessa turned sideways in her chair and crossed her legs. Kyla couldn’t help but smile when she saw the sparkly teal polish on her sister’s toenails.

  “You have to give me the details,” Vanessa demanded. “How did you end up in bed with Jake?”

  Kyla wasn’t surprised by Vanessa’s question. She and her older sister were very close, and she probably would have disclosed the details to Vanessa even if she hadn’t asked for them. She shot a quick glance toward the doorway to make sure Jake wasn’t close by before telling Vanessa what had happened at the celebration dinner on Friday night and the ride home.

  “And?” Vanessa prompted when Kyla fell silent.

  Kyla took a moment to peel back the top on her yogurt. As she stirred her cold breakfast, she said, “I invited him in and then I threw myself at him.”

  Vanessa giggled. “Subtle.”

  Kyla took a bite of yogurt, savoring the creamy snack. “He was insistent that we go on a date before we had sex but—”

  “You persuaded him otherwise,” Vanessa chimed in.

  “Exactly.” Kyla grinned. “He stayed the night, and we spent most of yesterday in bed.”

  Vanessa eyed her with approval. “I’m proud of you, Ky. I didn’t think you’d go for it.” She nodded toward the spoon, which held a dollop of strawberry-studded yogurt. “That looks good,” she said as Kyla took a bite. “I’d ask for a taste but I have a pretty good idea where your mouth has been.”

  Kyla choked on the yogurt. She gave Vanessa a baleful glance, but her sister only laughed.

  “So where were you when I got home?” Vanessa asked.

  “Jake insisted that we go out. He was obsessed with the idea of taking me on a date. He wanted it to be a real date. He wouldn’t tell me where we were going, only that I needed to dress up.”

  Jake had reassured her that he would pick her up in his car rather than on his motorcycle. She hadn’t cared what kind of car he drove until she saw it—a vintage cherry-red Ford mustang. When she’d told him that the car was gorgeous, he had winked and said, “Not nearly as gorgeous as you are.”

  “What did you wear?” Vanessa asked.

  Kyla took another bite of yogurt before answering. “The dress I bought at Lulu’s.”

  A few weeks ago, Kyla and Vanessa had spent a Saturday afternoon browsing the shops on Fillmore Street, a trendy shopping district packed with boutiques and restaurants. Kyla had found a metallic gold lace dress with cap sleeves and a full skirt, and she had bought it despite the outrageous price. She had dreamed of wearing it for Jake, but she’d never thought she would actually get the chance to do so.

  Vanessa smiled. “You look gorgeous in that dress. Shoes?”

  “My beaded gold sandals—the really tall ones with the strap around the ankle.”

  “Nice,” Vanessa said, nodding approvingly. “Hair? Up or down?”

  “Up with dangly gold earrings.”

  “Did Jake swallow his tongue when he saw you all dressed up?”

  “No, he swallowed mine,” Kyla quipped.

  Vanessa laughed. “Even better.”

  “He brought me those.” Kyla pointed to the flower-filled vase on the kitchen counter. The bouquet featured a fragrant mix of bright pink roses, yellow lilies, orange gerbera daisies, and deep purple sweet peas.

  Vanessa studied the bouquet. “Alan never buys me flowers.” Her voice held a note of wistfulness. “I love them, but he says they’re distracting and smelly.”

  Kyla bit her lip to stop herself from yelling at Vanessa: “Alan is a selfish jerk. Dump him and find a good guy like Jake … a guy who will buy you flowers just because.”

  Vanessa brought her attention back to Kyla. “Where did you go on your date?” she asked.


  “The Cuban place? The one with the salsa dancing?”

  Kyla nodded. “It was awesome. The food was incredible. And the dancing… It was so fun and sexy.”

  Vanessa’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “You danced? You don’t know how to salsa.”

  “I do now. Every thirty minutes, they give a short lesson on Cuban salsa dancing. Did you know the dance is called Casino?”

  At first, she’d been too embarrassed to go out on the dance floor, but Jake had convinced her to give it a try. To her relief, she’d picked up the dance pretty quickly.

  “Jake is a fabulous dancer,” she added. “I was so surprised.”

  “I’ve heard that men who are good dancers are good lovers.” Vanessa waggled her eyebrows. “I guess Jake proves it.”

  Kyla placed the spoon on the table and leaned forward. “Sass, it’s never been like this for me.” Lowering her voice, she said, “I never knew the difference between sex and lovemaking, but there is a difference. Every time I’m with Jake, I feel it.”

  “Oh,” Vanessa breathed, clasping Kyla’s hand, “you’re in love with him.”

  She nodded, and her sister’s hand tightened. “Be careful, Ky. Don’t get in too deep. You don’t know how he feels about you. You don’t want to make the mistake of wanting him more than he wants you.”


  When Jake opened the door to Kyla’s bedroom, her could hear her voice drifting from the kitchen. He wasn’t able to hear what she said, but he assumed she was on the phone. He made the short trip to the bathroom and took care of his morning business before rummaging around in the vanity for a spare toothbrush. Luckily, he found one.

  As he brushed his teeth, he glimpsed himself in the mirror. His hair was so wild he looked like a member of a 1980s hair band. Or maybe not. He didn’t have a mullet, and he pitied the men who did.

  After rinsing his mouth, he wet his hands and tried to smooth the unruly strands. When it became obvious that only a shower would fix them, he decided to convince Kyla to take one with him. His penis twitched at the thought of seeing her creamy skin all soapy and wet. He’d spent hours inside her, but he and his insatiable cock still wanted more.

  Exiting the bathroom, he listened for Kyla. He couldn’t hear her, so he called her name.

  “I’m in the kitchen,” she answered.

  He followed her voice and found her leaning against a counter, wrapped in a yellow robe that reminded him of a fluffy toy duck. Her long hair was loose around her shoulders, and her cheeks were pink.

  “Hey, sweetness.”

  In their bare feet, he was a foot taller than she was so he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her so he could drop a kiss on her luscious lips. He got a whiff of something citrusy and nuzzled his nose into her neck.

  “You smell good,” he murmured.

  “It’s my tangerine body lotion. I put some on after I showered.”

  “Does it taste as good as it smells?” Deciding to find out, he let her slide down his body and dropped his hands to the belt at her waist. “Maybe I should check to see if you missed any spots. I’d be happy to help you with any hard-to-reach places.”

  She grasped his hands before he could untie her belt. “Jake, I’d like you t
o meet my sister.”

  The words had barely left her mouth when he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. Snapping his head toward it, he was shocked to see a tall blonde rise from a chair at the small table. She gracefully made her way to him and held out a slender hand.

  “Hello. I’m Vanessa Andrews.”

  He took her hand instinctively. “Jake Lilliard.”

  “Kyla has told me a lot about you,” she replied, her lips tipped up in a small smile.

  Releasing Vanessa’s hand, he looked back and forth between the two sisters. Vanessa was a taller, harder version of Kyla. She lacked Kyla’s softness … her sweetness.

  Vanessa’s smile wasn’t as warm as Kyla’s, and her eyes didn’t sparkle like her younger sister’s. He noticed that her shirt and cropped pants were both black, a jarring contrast to Kyla’s brightly colored robe.

  Jake’s dad was the poker player, reading people for a living, but Jake had picked up some of his skill. And that was why it only took him a few moments to discern that Vanessa Andrews was a deeply unhappy woman.

  Before he could ponder that mystery, Vanessa’s eyes dropped to his chest, and her smile widened. “It’s definitely a pleasure to meet you.”

  Glancing down, he was reminded that he was only half-clothed. He hadn’t bothered to don his shirt, and he wore only his charcoal dress pants … zipped but not buttoned. Even his feet were bare.

  Vanessa’s frank perusal of his nudity made his face hot. His embarrassment must have been obvious because Kyla giggled. When he glared at her, her giggles turned into full-fledged laughter.

  Glancing sideways at her sister, Kyla said, “I told you that he was hot.”

  Vanessa laughed softly. “And you weren’t exaggerating.” She gave Kyla a meaningful look. “About anything.” She collected a black bag from the counter. “I have some work to do, so I’m going into the office. I’ll be back around six so we can drive together to Mom’s.” She nodded toward him. “I’m sure I’ll see you again, Jake. Thanks for the show.”

  He watched Vanessa as she left the kitchen, and when she was gone, he brought his attention back to Kyla. “You have plans for tonight?”

  She nodded. “My mom is making dinner, and then we’ll probably watch a movie.”


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