The Big Alpha in Town

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The Big Alpha in Town Page 17

by Eve Langlais

  Keir gritted his teeth to keep himself from blurting out the truth. She was his mate, his one and only. The one he never thought he’d find, but secretly hoped he would. “We’re here. You ready for this?” Keir said instead.

  He climbed out of the car and raced to her side. He took a deep breath and pulled open the door, offered his hand, and smiled as she stepped out to stand beside him.

  “Thank you, kind sir,” she said with twinkling eyes.

  “My pleasure, my lady. Your pleasure will always be of the utmost concern for me.” He winked as he reached in the backseat and pulled out the basket of pastries. “You ready?”

  Keir smiled when she nodded, he placed his hand on the small of her back and began the trek to the front door. He felt her shiver as he brushed his hand up and down her back in an encouraging gesture. The feeling was mutual, a simple touch and he was shaking like a leaf.

  The front door opened as they approached and Keir smiled to see Josie standing there waiting for them.

  “About time you guys got here.”

  “Stop, we’re barely late,” Keir replied with a laugh.

  “Besides, we brought you a present, and trust me, it’s worth it,” Ally finished as Keir handed the basket over.

  “Wow, this smells great. Xander is going to be so excited. We’ve already fought over who was cooking breakfast tomorrow.”

  “It was Keir’s idea,” Ally offered. “I know, it impressed me too.”

  “Hey now, ladies. I do have good ideas occasionally.”

  “Come in, everyone’s scattered about. Keir, will you introduce Ally around to those she doesn’t know while I go tease Xander about breakfast? You should know everyone.”

  “Sure thing,” Keir said with a smile as he gently prodded Ally inside. “Come on, beautiful. Shawna is dying to see you, I’m sure.”

  Keir glanced around and frowned at the large number of single men he recognized in the room. In fact, other than Xander, every male was a highly sought after bachelor. Who cared that they were also close friends of his and Xander’s—that was beside the point.

  “What’s with the frown?” Ally asked suspiciously.

  “Nothing, just surprised at the turnout. Something tells me I’m going to lose you now. Shawna is making a beeline for you and she looks determined.”

  Keir smiled as Shawna approached. “She’s all yours. You can stop scowling at me now.”

  “You’re dismissed,” Shawna said with a wink. “We’ve got some talking to do,” she said as she pulled Ally to the other side of the room.

  That was fine with Keir; he needed to have a word with his best friend too. They knew Ally was his mate, so why had they purposefully invited all these guys?

  “Keir, just the man I was looking for,” Xander called out from his spot by the fireplace. “How did it go?”

  “Great, she came with me, didn’t she?”

  Xander cocked one eyebrow and smirked. “Touchy tonight, aren’t we?”

  “Want to explain the guest list?”

  “Nope.” Xander smiled and walked off, leaving Keir to stew in his misery as he watched the other guys being introduced to his mate.

  “You’re growling, bro,” Kingston Hawke said between chuckles. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Where the hell you been? I’ve left you so many messages. Bess has left messages at your office too. Not a word from you.”

  “Sorry, I’ve been out of town. Haven’t even checked in at the office yet. What did you need?”

  “Take me off that damn website. I don’t need to hire a mate anymore.”

  “Oh, well, then I guess you don’t want this,” Kingston said as he held out a folded piece of paper. “You’ve been matched.”

  Keir groaned. “No, I found my mate.”

  “So I heard, but you might want to read that paper, I promise you it’s worth it.”

  “Fine,” Keir grumbled as he snatched the paper and unfolded it. “Are you serious?” he asked in astonishment. “Ally was matched with me?”

  Kingston burst into laughter. “Sure was. What can I say, my program is amazing.”

  “You won’t hear any complaints from me and this actually solves so many problems. You are my new favorite person, behind my mate and a couple others, of course.”

  “Thanks, I think,” Kingston said with a chuckle. “Now who is that talking to your mate?”

  Keir honed in on his mate and glanced at Kingston. “You don’t know? Really?”

  “No, should I?”

  Keir laughed. “This is awesome. Hold on. Xander!” Keir hollered, calling their host over to join them. “Kingston would like to know who’s talking to Ally.”

  Xander glanced to Ally and bit his lip trying to contain his laughter. “Dude, how big is your company?”

  “Why, what does that have to do with anything?”

  “She works for you. She’s the one who set Josie and me up from your matching program.”

  Kingston frowned. “That doesn’t make any sense. I have one of my managers running that site. He’s the only one who has access.”

  “You might want to check into that, because I can guarantee you that Shawna runs that website. Josie told us that she is always complaining about the work and maintenance the website and software takes,” Xander said with a shrug.

  “Want us to introduce you?”

  “Yes, please,” Kingston said with a confused frown.

  “My pleasure,” Keir said with a gleam. “I don’t like that asshat she’s talking to right now. He’s a womanizer and not good enough for her.”

  “Wow, did I just hear you say that?” Kingston gaped at him in astonishment.

  “What? I’m reformed and that’s my mate, after all. Come on, I’ll introduce you and claim her while I’m at it.”

  “Just don’t let her know that’s what you’re doing,” Xander advised softly. “I guarantee you that won’t fly at all.”


  This guy was going to drive her insane. He just wouldn’t take no for an answer. They’d both told him, in fact, but he insisted on keeping them company. He was being courteous and polite, but they just wanted to talk and do it without this man lurking close by.

  “Ally, Shawna,” Keir called as he stopped beside them. “Let me introduce you to my close friend, Kingston Hawke. Kingston, this is Ally and our friend, Shawna.”

  “Ladies, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’ve heard wonderful things about both of you.”

  Shawna scoffed and turned her back to Kingston and faced Keir. “You, mister, were supposed to call me, instead I had to hear it from Xander.”

  Kingston frowned and glanced around in astonishment. No woman had ever shunned him like that before.

  “In my defense, I knew you were here with Josie, so by calling her I filled you all in at once. I’m sorry,” Keir attempted to defend himself as Ally snickered beside him.

  “Whatever, you can make it up to me by staying here and rescuing us from the letch over there. He won’t leave us alone and I desperately need to talk to Ally, since she ditched me for lunch today.”

  Ally couldn’t contain her laughter as Keir was left standing there gaping in shock as Shawna pulled her down a hallway.

  “Come on, I know they’ll come looking for us in a second,” Shawna said as she pulled out a slip of paper and waved it around. “You’ve been matched and you so won’t believe it.”

  “What does that mean?” Ally asked, puzzled as she grabbed the paper and scanned it.

  “See what I mean.”

  “I’m matched with Keir? There has to be some mistake. And why would he sign up when he’s got a different woman on his arm every night?”

  “According to his sign-up information, he needs a date for some functions at his family’s bank. As to why he isn’t bringing one of his ladies, who cares. Look at your salary for the two weeks.”

  “Holy hell,” Ally said, mouth gaping, “that’s more than enough to get my mom in
the trial and have enough to make sure she’s taken care of for a few months. I told my mom as much, but I was lying and hoping to give her hope.”

  “I know, I was so excited when I saw his name come up and read what he needed. This is exactly what you need. And did you read the part where it says he’ll pay half up front?”

  Ally broke down into tears. “I know you told me it would be enough, but to actually see it. I’m … I can’t wait to tell my mother.”

  “Go call her, dinner will be ready in a few minutes and I’ll make an excuse for you.”

  Ally didn’t have to be told twice, she turned and opened the first door she came to, a spare bedroom. Perfect, she thought as she sat on the bed and stared at the paper in her shaking hands. Her mom was never going to believe it. She quickly dialed her mom; this was news she couldn’t wait to tell her.

  “Mom,” Ally cried as soon as Arlene picked up the phone, “I’ve got the money for the trial.”

  “Already?” Arlene asked in shock.

  “Monday. I’ll have it deposited into your account. Make sure you call the doctor right away and get in the trial. Don’t wait.”

  “I won’t. I…” Arlene trailed off and burst into tears.

  “Mom, are you okay?” Ally cried in alarm.

  “Yes, love, I’m here. Just a bit overwhelmed. I hoped and prayed, but I really didn’t think we’d find the money.”

  “I’m at a party at Josie’s house so I only have a minute. I was just so excited I had to call and tell you.”

  “Don’t let me keep you. Thank you, Ally, I can’t even begin to thank you.”

  “Mom, stop, that’s what family does. Support each other, no questions asked, in any way we can. I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby. Go have fun and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Ally hung up and sat there for a few minutes composing herself. So many emotions fought for dominance, but happiness and gratitude were winning hands down.

  “Ally?” Keir called from the other side of the door. “Are you okay? Dinner’s being served.”

  Ally jumped to her feet and pulled the door open. “I’m fantastic now.” Thanks to you, she thought silently. They quickly made their way to the dining room and found their seats. Keir was across and down one from Ally and Shawna was next to her on the right.

  The food was plentiful and good and the conversations flowed around the room with easy banter.

  “Is everything okay?” Shawna leaned over and whispered almost inaudibly into her ear.

  “Yes, why do you ask?”

  Shawna sat back and tilted her head slightly toward Keir. “He can’t stop watching you. Every couple of seconds he turns back to check on you. It’s kinda sweet.”

  “Did you notice the guy staring at you intently with a frown? I can’t quite tell if he’s trying to figure you out or if he’s scared.”

  “Who?” Shawna questioned in confusion. “I haven’t noticed anything like that.”

  “The guy Keir brought over before you dragged me away. I can’t remember his name. I didn’t get to say hi or anything after all.”

  “Oh, you’re talking about Kingston Hawke. I work for him, remember? Well, he’s my boss’s boss or something like that. I’ve never met him in person before tonight.”

  “Why did you ignore him then?” Ally asked in confusion.

  Shawna shrugged but blushed as she glanced away.

  “All right, I’ll let it go for now, but tell me one thing.”

  “Maybe, but I won’t guarantee anything.”

  “What would you do if I dared you to speak to him?”

  “I’d have to return the favor, but in this case I’d dare you to kiss Keir, now.”

  Ally glared at Shawna. “Seems a little unfair, don’t you think? And why would you want me to kiss him?”

  “Because we’re not blind, we see the attraction between you two and we want you to act on it,” Josie whispered from behind as she snuck up on the two women.

  “Can you be a bit more circumspect? Damn shifters in here will hear every word you say,” Ally whispered in embarrassment.

  “Oh, honey. Too late for that,” Xander called out from his spot at the head of the table, causing Ally to blush and sputter.

  “Xander, stop teasing our guest of honor,” Josie scolded playfully.

  Luckily the rest of dinner went off smoothly and no more embarrassing comments were made. Ally did begin to notice how often she sought out Keir’s presence. As she mingled and talked, she found her eyes always searching him out. More often than not he was watching her as well.

  “Are you having fun?” Keir whispered as he stopped behind her.

  Ally spun around and laughed. “You surprised me. Yes, I’m having fun, and you?”

  “I’d be better if some of these guys weren’t so persistent, but for the most part yes, I’m having fun.”

  “Persistent? Are you being harassed by men now too?”

  Keir laughed. “Not what I meant and you know it. Any chance you want to step out back with me and get a breath of fresh air?”

  “I’d love that. But don’t think I’ll give you any leeway: best behavior tonight,” she scolded playfully.

  “I won’t touch you unless you ask me to, and something tells me you’ll be asking sooner than you think, beautiful.”

  Ally sighed, he was right. She wanted nothing more than to strip him down and ride him all night long. The more she watched him with his friends, the hotter she became. He really was a great guy, well liked and respected by everyone here. And damn that ass was delectable.

  “Stop,” Keir growled as his steps faltered and he glanced back at her over his shoulder. “Whatever you’re thinking better stop or I promise you, we will be giving everyone here a show as I make you whimper and cry out in torment, begging for me to make you come.”

  Ally gulped, licked her lips, and quickened her steps. She wasn’t exactly sure if she was hurrying to let him fulfill his promise or trying to get out of ear and smell range.

  “I’m not sure how to bring this up, so I’m just going to come out and say it. You’re my mate.”

  Ally stumbled in shock. “Excuse me?”

  “ says you’re my mate. They matched us together.”

  Holy hell, she’d thought he meant for real. A mixture of disappointment and happiness passed through her. She wasn’t sure if she was more relieved or upset by that revelation and that stunned her even more.

  “Yes, Shawna informed me tonight.” Ally paused and bit her lip, before adding, “Is this going to be a problem for your other women and why did you need to hire a mate anyway?”

  Keir laughed somewhat bitterly. “Not a problem at all. I haven’t been dating anyone in the last few weeks actually, and I originally signed up to help Kingston as a favor. He was trying to get the program set up and running and needed test applicants. I’d been trying to get him to take me out of the system for the last week, but it worked out perfectly in the end. I do need you to be my mate.”

  “Shawna said it was for your company’s parties and things. Your family company, I mean.”

  “Yes, my father runs the company for now.”

  “He’s a shifter too, right? So, how does this work? I mean, won’t he know I’m not really your mate?”

  Keir laughed sardonically. “He lost his sense of smell in an accident a few years back. As long as you act like you like me, we’ll be fine.”

  Ally snorted out a laugh. “What if I don’t like you?”

  “Baby, you like me. You’d like me to bend you over this porch railing and fuck you senseless too. You can lie to yourself, but not to me.”

  She licked her lips hungrily at his words, he was right and she knew it, but that didn’t mean she wanted to admit it. “So how does this work, being your mate I mean?” she asked between shaky breaths.

  “Nothing too strenuous, we go to the different events, be seen around town together, things like that.”

hen’s the first event and what is it? I need to know what to expect and anything important about the people there. Things a mate should know to pull this off.”

  “Monday, dinner with the board of directors and their wives, I’ll pick you up at six again. Then Tuesday, dinner and a movie in the park with me. Wednesday you’re free, Thursday I’m taking you out again. Friday is game night, we take all the employees and their families to a baseball game. The weekend is free, but I was hoping you’d agree to hang out with me,” Keir said with a bashful smile. “The following week, Monday I have a meeting with XJ executives, so you’re free. Tuesday is potluck lunch at the bank, Wednesday and Thursday are date nights with me again, Friday is the big fancy party, and Saturday is the picnic and family game day.”

  Ally didn’t reply, just stood there staring at Keir like he’d lost his mind. She’d known the contract had said two weeks, but she hadn’t realized it would be just about every night. And what were these date nights with him?

  “Date nights with you? How does that help?”

  Keir blushed. “We need to be seen together out socially, not just during bank functions. Would it be so bad being in my company?”

  “Depends, honestly,” she mumbled under her breath.

  “There you two are. Dessert’s being served, it’s informal, so people are mingling while eating, but they are curious where you two disappeared to,” Josie scolded from the back door. “Now get in here before they send out a search party to try to catch you doing something scandalous.”


  Fate was his new best friend. How else could he explain how well things had played out? Ally was his mate and his fake mate. He couldn’t have asked for things to turn out any more perfect than that. Now to show her how much she meant to him, and to get his father off his back. Two birds with one stone.

  “Hey, Dad,” Keir said as Kenneth opened the door. “You busy? I came to collect my stuff and visit.”

  Kenneth smiled and pulled Keir into a hug, “I wasn’t expecting you, but this is great timing. Come in, see the renovations. The contractor is here explaining an issue that arose. So if you don’t mind hearing him out with me, I’ll show you the changes.”


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