The Big Alpha in Town

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The Big Alpha in Town Page 25

by Eve Langlais

  Power flooded her in a dizzying rush. She’d never known anything so visceral. So immediate and intense. Her back came off the mattress and she put her open mouth to Owen’s shoulder. Without thinking, she bit down and he let out an approving groan as her teeth sank into his skin.

  His reaction was all the encouragement she needed to push her over the edge. The orgasm hit her in an instant, sweeping her up in a violent storm that refused to release its hold. Wave after wave of sensation stole over her, to the point that Mia wondered if it would ever cease. Violent tremors shook her as her muscles went rigid. Her teeth bit down harder and Owen let out a shout as he moved to pull away.

  “No!” Her fertility cycle was at its crest; this was Mia’s only opportunity to free herself from an arranged pairing. Owen might have wanted to exercise a little caution, but Mia wasn’t interested in playing it safe. “I want you inside of me when you come.”

  He thrust hard and deep, burying himself to the hilt inside of her. A rush of warmth flooded her as Owen’s thrusts became wild and disjointed. His grip on her tightened and he grew still as he collapsed on top of her. “Gods, Mia.” Concern sharpened his tone. “Are you sure?”

  Anxiety replaced the warm glow of pleasure. In her experience, most males didn’t need an excuse to play it fast and loose. She’d heard werewolves were particularly virile close to the full moon, and Mia was banking on it being true. Unwelcome guilt tugged at her chest. She didn’t want to feel an ounce of regret over her actions, selfish as they might be. It wasn’t like she was trying to trap Owen, or corner him into a situation where he’d be forced to take care of her and any potential offspring. Just the opposite. Mia wanted nothing more than to live her life on her own terms, and to claim the birthright that should’ve been hers whether she had a mate, a baby, or neither.

  “Thank you, Owen.” Her breathing had yet to slow and her heart still raced in her chest. He’d never know what he’d done for her tonight. “You’re amazing.”

  His low chuckle coaxed a renewed flush of heat to her skin. “You’re the one who’s amazing. I should be thanking you. I couldn’t ask for more from my mate.”


  A cold lump of dread formed in Mia’s gut. Her situation had just gone from bad to catastrophic.


  Owen didn’t think it was possible for his situation to get any better. For the hundredth time tonight, he said a silent prayer of thanks for his good fortune. His mate was beautiful, unique, fiery, and passionate. And though he’d wanted to exercise a little bit of caution, she’d thrown it to the wind. Pregnancy was a definite likelihood. She hadn’t shied away from the possibility. Instead, she’d welcomed it. So far, their mate bond had gotten off to an amazing start. Owen didn’t see how it could possibly get any better.

  Mia stilled beneath him and Owen cleared the haze from his lust-addled brain. No doubt he was crushing her beneath his bulk and he shifted away, though it pained him to put even an inch of space between their bodies. He lowered his head and kissed her, a simple glance of his lips to hers. Tonight was the first of many nights together and Owen couldn’t wait to start a life with her.

  Mia rolled over to her side, putting her back to his chest. His wolf worried in the depths of his mind, sensing her change in posture as some sort of warning. Had he been too rough? Too eager? Too … what? His arms went around her and he held her close. Too intimate, maybe? Owen recognized her as his mate. That was all that mattered. He shouldn’t have presumed that she would recognize it in the same way.

  “I’m not sure how this works.” It was best to start an open dialogue now. He listened to the quiet rhythm of her heartbeat as he whispered against her ear. “I mean, I know how it is for werewolves. I knew you right away. I was shocked that you recognized the bond as quickly.” He laughed. “I don’t know where to go from here.”

  A space of silence passed and it only helped to ratchet his anxiety tighter. Owen didn’t want to press her. Now that the euphoria of their passion had passed, she might have needed a few minutes to wrap her head around what had happened. Just because the bond was immediate didn’t mean it was simple to accept. It might have been the norm in their world, but they were still creatures with emotions. Owen needed to be mindful of Mia’s. He might have been anxious to be mated, but it could’ve been a shock for her. He could give her what she needed. Anything for his mate.

  “Honestly?” Mia let out a slow breath. “I don’t know either.”

  Not exactly a confidence booster, but Owen reminded himself that this was a marathon and not a sprint. They had centuries to navigate the intricacies of their bond. They didn’t need to have it all figured out tonight.

  “Has this ever happened before?” Owen hoped to keep her engaged in conversation to distract her from whatever worried her. “I mean, werewolves often find their mates outside of the various packs. I wasn’t sure if it was the same for nymphs.”

  Her expression would have told him so much more than her words. It bothered him that he couldn’t see her face, giving Owen no choice but to gauge her reactions by scent. Deception was nearly impossible for supernatural creatures. Lies were easy to detect through heartbeat, scent, the dilation of pupils, the twitch of a muscle, or other physical tells that a human might not notice.

  Silence once again stretched out between them and Owen tensed. His wolf grew restless in his psyche and he did his best to calm that very impatient animal part of him. Mia tucked her elbow under her head and the slight shift put another inch of distance between their bodies. It might as well have been a mile, but Owen refused to pay any heed to the worry that knotted his gut.

  “I didn’t know how the mate bond worked for werewolves…”

  Not an answer. She was deflecting, but why? Owen wanted to believe her guarded responses had more to do with her own uncertainties than anything else. Why would she know anything about werewolf mate bonds? The bond was the only commonality between them.

  “It’s immediate.” Owen decided the best way to break the ice was with complete and open honesty. He had nothing to hide from her. There was no such thing as secrets between mates. “My wolf recognized you in an instant and I knew you were mine.”

  “Yours?” She hid the sarcasm in her voice well, but not enough to mask her disdain. “Now I belong to you, is that it?”

  “Not at all.” Apparently their mate bonds weren’t as similar as he’d hoped. Owen let out a sigh as he searched for the right words to explain it to her. “It’s not about ownership. I’m yours too, Mia. The wolf knows its mate and the bond is everlasting. The only thing that can sever it is death. I don’t want to own you. But you’re mine. No other male can claim you. Ever. On that point there can be no argument.”

  If the rumors were to be believed, the seductive powers of nymphs were the stuff of legend. Their allure was unquestionable. Their sex drives, impressive. Owen could satisfy all of her needs and then some. He wouldn’t share her. Wouldn’t tolerate another male so much as looking at her with lust in his eyes. He’d put a swift end to any creature that sought to come between them. It was true that he didn’t want to own her like some chunk of property. That didn’t mean he could do anything about the possessiveness he already felt toward her. Nothing would ever curb that.

  “Our mate bonds aren’t the same.” She didn’t elaborate and it was what she didn’t say that worried Owen. “But I will admit that I knew there was something between us.”

  It was a start. Something they could build from. Owen knew that trust wasn’t something that happened with the same immediacy as their bond. And he also knew that sex wasn’t synonymous with trust—or even love.

  “What can I do to help you understand all of this?” Anything that might help make it easier on her.

  “Owen…” His muscles grew tighter with every awkward pause. Something wasn’t right and it agitated the hell out of his wolf. “Being with you … it drained me. I can barely keep my eyes open let alone talk.” Her scent spiked with a sour ta
ng from the lie she’d spoken. “Can we sleep for a while and talk later?”

  More deflection. Panic welled hot and thick in Owen’s throat. His wolf reared up with an urgent need to hold her to them and never let her go. He forced himself—and the wolf—to remain calm. He reminded himself that he didn’t know anything about her. It was too soon to come to any conclusions one way or the other about her reaction. It could be that all she needed was some sleep.

  Too bad his wolf couldn’t get on the same page with the lie he’d told himself.

  * * *

  Mia took a deep breath and tried to quell the fight-or-flight urge that rose up within her. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Owen. On the contrary, she liked him a little too much. And she certainly wasn’t afraid of him. In fact, she hadn’t been able to shake the feeling all night that she was safer with him than with anyone else in the world. That didn’t mean she wasn’t ready to bolt, though.

  Seriously. A mate bond? How in the hell could this have happened?

  “You should rest.” Owen’s arms tightened around her and he put his lips to her temple for a quick kiss. “I’m sorry if I came on too strong.”

  He was apologizing? Mia swallowed down a snort as a fresh wave of guilt washed over her. Owen had only obeyed his own instincts and she’d let him believe—though totally unintentionally—that the feeling was mutual. She’d been in for the night while he was in for gods-damned eternity. Mia’s heart pounded in her chest and she forced herself to calm. She didn’t want to hurt Owen, but eternity simply wasn’t in the cards. Mate bond or not.

  “You absolutely didn’t come on too strong.” She shouldn’t encourage him, but Mia couldn’t bear to hear the disappointment in his deep, rumbling voice. She gave a short laugh. “I think we both know who did that.”

  “Not at all.” Owen nuzzled against her. “Gods, you turn me on.”

  The feeling was one hundred percent mutual. Another complication. Mia might have told Owen that he’d worn her out, but in truth it was the complete opposite. She’d never felt so energized, so flooded with raw, unchecked power. Her brain buzzed, her skin tingled, and her heart pounded in her chest. The lazy quality to her words wasn’t from exhaustion. Mia was absolutely drunk from a few minutes of passion with Owen.

  “Mmmm.” Her eyes drifted shut as she replayed their moments together in her mind. Pleasant chills danced over her skin. “Believe me, I know exactly how you feel.”

  “Are you cold?” Owen laid his cheek to hers. “Let’s get under the blankets.”

  Mia couldn’t help but laugh. “Owen, I’m not sure if you realize this or not, but your body might as well be a space heater. I’m anything but cold.”

  “Werewolves,” Owen said with a chuckle. “We run hot.”

  Boy, wasn’t that the truth?

  “Your skin is a lot cooler. It feels so good.”

  She wanted to tell him that her body temperature changed with the seasons. Cooler in the winter, warmer in the summer, and so on. She opened her mouth and just as quickly clamped her jaw shut. Anything deeper than small talk would foster an intimacy between them. She couldn’t let that happen. Already Mia felt as though she were in too deep.

  “I don’t need blankets.” It might be harder to sneak away if they were entwined in the sheets. Then again, it might be impossible now with the way her body was tucked close to Owen’s. “Just…” Again, Mia fought the urge to blurt out something too emotional, too intimate for having just met him.

  “What?” The warmth in his voice caused her chest to ache.

  You. Gods, she couldn’t believe she’d almost said the word out loud. “Just rest.” Mia pushed the lie past her lips and prayed he wouldn’t pick up on it. “A little cat nap and I’ll be fine.”

  Owen settled his head on the pillow beside her. “We could both probably use a nap.”

  That’s what she was counting on. Mia didn’t respond, she simply let her body relax against Owen’s. She might not have had any intention of falling asleep, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t lie here and enjoy the peaceful moment.

  Hours passed—or at least, it felt like hours—before Owen’s breathing became deep and even. She hadn’t planned to sneak out. Hell, if she’d managed to snag a random hookup, she would’ve been out of here by the time he’d gone to the bathroom to clean himself up. But her situation had changed drastically and now Mia was in escape mode. Owen couldn’t have been more attached to her if they’d been sewn together in the middle of the night. He wouldn’t simply let her walk out the door without a few more hours of dialogue and careful planning. From what she’d heard, werewolves were notoriously covetous of their mates. She didn’t think he’d go so far as to keep her prisoner, but he’d expect some sort of relationship. That wasn’t going to happen. Mia had gotten what she needed from him and that was the end of it. She only hoped that her leaving wouldn’t be too hard on him.

  How did a werewolf react when his mate ran out on him? Mia refused to consider the possibilities. Already the guilt of what she’d done gnawed at her, leaving open wounds that she worried might not heal.

  The only sound in the room was that of Owen’s even breaths. He lay close to her, one arm slung over her waist. Inch by torturous inch, Mia scooted away, careful not to jostle Owen even a little bit. She let out a relieved breath as she managed to get out from under him. Without a sound, she slipped out of the bed and gathered her clothes from the floor.

  Wood nymphs were particularly light-footed. Quiet. Able to move about the forest without stirring so much as a leaf. Her ability to move nearly undetected was enhanced by the power that flooded her. Owen didn’t even realize that he’d enabled her escape to be even stealthier.

  Mia didn’t even chance a backward glance as she ghosted out of the room. Why bother? She’d gotten what she wanted. She had no feelings toward Owen one way or the other.

  So why was there a cold lump of regret knotting her stomach?


  “Calm down and try not to jump to any conclusions.”

  Owen stared agape at his alpha. If Devon had run out on Liam in the middle of the night, he would have torn the entirety of Boise County apart in his quest to find her. So many unanswered questions clogged Owen’s brain that it was hard to form a logical thought.


  They’d been on the same page last night. Hadn’t they? Owen scrubbed a hand over his face as he slumped down on the bar stool in the center of Liam’s large, custom kitchen. His elbows came down on the granite countertop of the island bar as he let out a long sigh that ended on a growl. The full moon was only two days away and his wolf was agitated as fuck. The sense of despair that welled in his chest choked the air from his lungs.

  “Don’t jump to conclusions?” Owen did nothing to hide the incredulity in his tone. “My mate walked out on me in the middle of the night without so much as a word. You don’t think that’s something I should worry about?”

  Liam’s brow furrowed, echoing Owen’s own worry. They both knew what happened to a werewolf when it lost its mate. Already Owen felt unstable. As though the two parts of his nature warred with one another and threatened to split. It wouldn’t be long before the worry deteriorated the part of his psyche ruled by the wolf. Owen would succumb to madness and Liam would have no choice but to kill him.

  “Maybe she had a good reason?” The doubt in Liam’s voice only helped to solidify Owen’s worry. “I don’t know anything about wood nymphs. Do you?”

  No, and that was part of the problem. Owen assumed bands of wood nymphs lived in remote wilderness areas. Probably why no one ever saw them. The Sawtooth wilderness was vast. He could search for weeks—months—and possibly never find her.

  No. His wolf refused to accept that. They’d track her to the ends of the earth if that’s what it took.

  “Whatever her reasons, she should have told me.” Owen still couldn’t understand what would have prompted her to walk out on him without a word.

  “You’ve got t
o admit,” Liam said. “Mated males can be a little intense.”

  That was an understatement. He’d known something wasn’t right last night. She reeked of deception and he’d pushed his own concerns to the back of his mind, so gods-damned blinded by his own happiness to accept anything less. She’d recognized their mate bond, hadn’t she? Owen thought back to her guarded answers. She’d alluded to it, but she’d never actually admitted to feeling the connection.

  Why lie about it, though?

  “I might have been a little eager, but I managed to dial down the intensity.”

  Liam gave him a look that said, “Yeah. Sure.”

  “I’m not going to find her sitting here.” What good would it do to stay cooped up in Liam’s kitchen when Owen needed to be out there, looking for Mia. Hell, she hadn’t even had a car to get her back to town. She’d had to have walked the fifteen plus miles back to Stanley. Owen knew that for a supernatural creature, fifteen miles might as well have been fifteen feet. But still … She’d chosen to walk out on him—her mate—rather than explain her situation or give him a reason why she needed to leave.

  His wolf gave a desperate whimper in the back of his mind. He’d been so happy last night. He’d thought a mate bond would solve all of his problems. Instead, it had only managed to create more.

  “You’re not going to find her if you run out of here half cocked either.”

  Damn Liam and his levelheadedness.

  Owen let out a forceful breath as he tried to ease the tension that pulled his muscles taut. It didn’t help that it was so close to the full moon. Owen could let that part of his nature out any time he wanted, but when the moon cycle reached its apex, it was impossible to deny the animal’s supremacy. It took over both his body and his mind without Owen’s permission. If he didn’t find Mia before the night of the full moon, the wolf would run them to death in his search for her.

  “Feel like telling me how to form a plan of attack, then?” It wasn’t like Owen could ask around and see if anyone in town knew anything about bands of wood nymphs in the area. “Because I’m at a loss.”


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