Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  She was his woman and would soon be his mate.

  * * * *

  “You’re alive,” David said. He wrapped his arms around her the instant he saw her. She laughed at his concern, trying to make light of the situation.

  “I’m fine, David. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  He squeezed her tightly making her gasp for breath. “Don’t try to kid me, Titania. I saw you. You were dying. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Holding onto him, Titania remained silent. There was nothing for her to say to make him feel better. She’d been close to death. There was no use in denying it.

  “I’m fine now.”

  “Why didn’t you tell anyone about your inability to change?” he asked.

  The anger on his face took her back.

  “Calm down, David.”

  “No, I won’t be calm. You’re my best fucking friend. I love you like a sister, Titania. You mean everything to me.”

  Swallowing past the lump in her throat she nodded. “I know. I see you as a brother.”

  “Then why didn’t you tell anyone? If I hadn’t been here and on one of my fucking trips you would be dead.” He slammed his fist against the door. She yelped when he left a dent the size of his fist.

  Biting her lip, she looked down at her feet. They were filthy from the trek out of the forest.

  “You’re not getting out of this one.”

  “I was scared, okay.”

  “Scared of what?” he asked. His voice softened as if he was talking to a child. She hated that. She wasn’t a child.

  “I’m a low ranking member, David. I’m not anything special. I’m good at doing a few things in this house. Not being able to change at will is just another mark against me—” She didn’t finish. The tears started to fall at the thought of being kicked out of the pack.

  “You were scared in case Micah forced you out of the pack.” His arms surrounded her, pulling her close.

  Pressing her hands to her face, she let the tears fall. “I can only just make it in this pack. Going out rogue or finding another pack wouldn’t work. I’m all alone here. This pack is all I’ve got.”

  “Not true,” he said, shaking his head. “You’ve got me and Charlotte. Our queen wouldn’t let you out of her sight. She loves you too much to risk anything bad happening to you.”

  He held her close while she cried.

  After some time, he lay on her bed and she went to take a shower to freshen up. When she came back, she found David lying on his stomach waiting for her.

  “You’re not tired?” she asked.

  “Do you really think I’d give up a chance to get all the gory details of your time with Cade? Come on, the guy went super possessive on me. He’s got the hots for you, baby.”

  Shaking her head, she grabbed the brush from her nightstand. This was her own room. Micah had made sure to give her her own room. There was no chance of her leaving the house. He’d become like a parent figure to her.

  “There’s nothing to tell. He helped me and then he stayed to make sure I was okay.”

  She thought about the memory he’d shared with her. Nerves hit her in every direction. Nothing good could come of them being mated. His determination frightened her. Pack members would try to claim his spot. Charlotte and Micah were different. She and Cade were pack members and there was a certain code they needed to stick by.

  “Please, I saw him with you. He held you down in his wolf form and there was a connection. Even I sensed the connection between you two. What happened?” David asked.

  She stalled by brushing her hair and rubbing moisturizer into her skin.

  “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me the truth.”

  “I’m not saying a word. Nothing went on. I could have died tonight, Cade helped me, end of story.”

  “Whatever, keep thinking it, baby. Cade has the hots for you. Anyone with eyes can see it. He looked ready to claim you tonight.” David settled on the bed. She lifted the blanket and climbed in beside him.

  “Nothing like that will ever happen.”


  Turning out the light, Titania let sleep claim her. The night had been long and hard, she was exhausted, and sleep was a welcome oblivion to her problems.

  * * * *

  The following morning at breakfast, Titania ignored the blatant stares. She served pancakes to all the pack apart from Micah and the high ranking members, including Cade. Begging Charlotte to do it seemed like a brilliant plan at the time. Maybe she should have opted to serve them instead of the rest of the pack. The way they were looking at her made her skin crawl.

  “So, you can’t turn?” Becky asked. She was strong like Misty, only she wasn’t as mean with it.

  Titania shook her head. Embarrassment flooded her when they started to murmur.

  “I don’t want to hear anymore discussions about last night. What happened was a mistake and negligence on my part. I want to know if anyone else struggles with the change.” The room grew silent as Micah talked. She stood still, waiting for anyone to speak up. No one did. Great, she was the only wolf who couldn’t turn. Glancing at Misty, she saw the smirk on her face.

  “No one has any other ailments I need to know about?” Micah asked.

  Silence again.

  “Then we’ll hear no more of this. Titania, you’ll be training with Cade this morning in the gym alone. Until the full moon, I don’t want you training with anyone else. I will not risk your safety again,” Micah said.

  She looked at Cade. The smug look on his face let her know he’d arranged for that. Alone in the gym practicing was not how she’d be able to stay away from him.

  Refusing her alpha was far worse than spending time with Cade.

  “Yes, sir,” she said.

  Charlotte sent her an encouraging smile.

  “Misty, you’ll be cleaning the floors and the toilets.”

  The clatter of a spoon into a bowl echoed through the room. “You’ve got to be fucking shitting me. That’s not my job.”

  Micah stood, slamming his fist on the table. “I’m the alpha in this place. After what you did yesterday you’re lucky to be alive, Misty. You’ll clean the toilets and do as you’re bid and you’ve got the job for the whole month. Do it right, Jordan has an upset stomach again.”

  Jordan gave the alpha the finger but smiled as he did.

  After she served breakfast, Titania went into the kitchen to eat. Sitting with the pack after that would be a nightmare.

  Charlotte walked in twenty minutes later carrying plates. “Cade is waiting for you in the gym.”

  “I can’t go,” she said.

  “You’ve got to go. There is no choice in this. After what I saw last night I’m in agreement with the men. You need to train to protect yourself.” Charlotte wrapped her arms around her.

  “I can take care of myself.” The words were a lie.

  “No, you can’t. I saw what you looked like last night. You were dying. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was like your body was fighting to repair itself but also refusing to.”

  “I never have a choice, Charlotte. I can’t turn. Why do you think I was left in Rock Wood to fend for myself?”

  Charlotte wrapped her arms around her. Titania took all the comfort offered to her. She needed it. The pack knew about her issues and she felt nervous about it. Would they blank her or treat her worse?

  “I wasn’t with you when you first came to Rock Wood. I’m sorry you were treated awfully. I love you like a sister and no matter what I’m here for you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “You better go and deal with Cade. He’s not the most patient man.” Charlotte kissed her cheek and left her alone.

  Taking a deep breath, Titania made her way down to the gym.

  Chapter Five

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Jordan asked.

  “What do you mean?” Cade finished placing the safety mats on the hard wood floor. He was det
ermined to make the room as safe as possible.

  “You know what I mean. Is this cunt worth it?” Cade lashed out, thumping Jordan in the face. The other man was testing him and he didn’t like it. “Fuck, man. I asked a question. You didn’t have to lash out at me.”

  “Don’t call Titania a cunt,” he said. Lifting his hand Cade was ready to hurt him some more.

  “Fuck, I wasn’t calling her a cunt. I was referring to the thing between her thighs. Shit, man. I remember when you were lots more fun.” Jordan cupped his eye. Cade looked over at the other man. Jordan wasn’t as strong as him but he was still considered a top ranking member. He was strong and knew how to fight.

  “When it comes to my woman, be respectful. I won’t have anyone calling her any names, you got me?”

  “Yeah, I got it.” They finished preparing the gym in silence. “Micah’s pissed at you,” Jordan said when they finished with the room.

  “Micah can go fuck himself. He took a human mate in order to protect her. The mating between them was true. I want the same thing only with a woman of the pack,” Cade said.

  “A woman who can’t even turn, Cade. She’s vulnerable, weak and a waste of your time.”

  Folding his arms over his chest, he stared at the other man. There was once a time he cared about Micah’s and Jordan’s opinions. No more. He wanted Titania and no one was going to stop him from going after what he wanted.

  “You’ve not met your mate yet or a woman or guy you want to spend the rest of your life with. I know you, Jordan. You swing both ways. You like a bit of cock and pussy. I don’t judge you on that. Stick your opinions up your ass or keep them to yourself, hear me?”

  The anger emanated off Jordan and it was all directed at him. Cade didn’t care. He refused to let anyone tell him how to live his life.

  The sound of a woman clearing her throat gained their attention. Titania stood in a denim skirt, again, with a long pink shirt covering her body.

  “I was told to come down here,” she said.

  “That’s right. Asshole here is leaving.” Cade gave Jordan a pointed look.

  “I’m gone.” He watched the other man leave before turning back to Titania.

  “This is a waste of time.” She rubbed her hands together. He felt her nerves from where he stood.

  “No, it’s not. Last night only proved to me that you are in desperate need of training.”

  “I can’t turn.”

  “I know. You need the training to stop yourself being at risk. I will not let anything happen to you, Titania. I’m doing this to protect you.” Her arms were folded over her chest. The shirt she wore covered everything from view. He wished there was something he could do to stop her hiding from him.

  “Why? Why waste your time with me?”

  “I told you last night.” He walked over to the bleachers and grabbed the clothes he’d picked out for her. “You’re mine.” Cade threw the pair of shorts and shirt at her. “Get dressed. We’ve got some training to do.”

  Titania caught them. “I don’t wear this.”

  “You do now.”

  She turned to leave.

  “No, you’ll do it here in front of me.”

  “I don’t want you to see me naked.”

  “Last night I had my fingers against your pussy. You’re the only one in the back bothered by nakedness. I’m not letting you leave this room.”

  “Fine,” she said, throwing the clothes to the floor. He watched as she wriggled out of the denim skirt she wore. The fabric glided down to the floor revealing thick, round thighs. His cock thickened at the sight. All he saw was those thighs wrapped around his waist last night. Moving his gaze up her body he saw another pair of white panties covering her mound. Her dark pubic hair was trapped behind the horrid panties she wore. Didn’t she have a sexy pair of panties?

  “A gentleman would look away.”

  “I’m a wolf, baby. I’m no gentleman.”

  She reached down to grab the shorts. Titania lifted one foot and then the other stepping into the shorts. He’d picked the right size out because he checked the size of the skirt he removed from her body the night before.

  The fabric molded to her skin and showcased her legs. His mouth watered for a taste of her juicy pussy.

  Next the shirt came off and she quickly replaced it with the shorter, tighter training shirt he’d given her. Titania’s tits were large and the shirt highlighted their thickness. God, he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her body. Training with her gave him an excuse to touch her. Cade would have to hold off on touching her more intimately until she gave into him.

  “There, I’m done,” she said. He watched her pull the hem of the shirt down, trying to cover her body. “These are too short. You got the wrong size.”

  “No, I didn’t. You wear clothes at least a size too big. These are perfect. Come here.”

  She hesitated at his command. Cade waited, not wanting to frighten her. There were still mixed emotions coming from Titania and one of those emotions was fear. She took a step into the room. Titania didn’t wear any footwear and her movements were slow across the safety mats put in place.

  Titania stopped a foot in front of him. She folded her arms once again and stared at him.

  “I’m here,” she said.

  “Turn around and look the other way.” She gave him her back. He stalked behind her, lifted her arms behind her neck, and held on tight. “Break free of my arms.” Titania struggled. She wriggled against him. Her ass rubbed his cock, making it jump in his pants. She didn’t seem to notice her effect on him.

  Closing down the desire to take her on the mats, Cade held onto her wrists. Locking them behind her head with one hand he used the other to run his fingertips down her arm.

  She didn’t stop and kept trying to fight him. “This isn’t fair,” she said. “You’re a lot stronger than I am.”

  “Do you really think rogues will ask their weaker members to fight you? There will be no choices and no free reign either. When you’re fighting an opponent you have to learn the skills to win.”

  Titania relaxed in his arms. “What’s the point? I’m not strong enough to win. I can’t even stop you.”

  Cade had heard enough of her defeatist attitude. Dropping his hands, he spun her around to face him. “It doesn’t matter about strength, Titania. All you need to learn are a few tricks that will put you ahead of your opponent. Strength is not everything, it helps but so does cunning and desperation.”

  He caught her attention. The tears in her eyes stopped. She batted them away.


  “Last night you did right in the gym when you slammed your foot down on mine. That was good but afterward you lost track. Get free, you haven’t got the strength that I have but you have other factors which could put your opponent off balance.” He cupped her face forcing her to look at him. “There is more than one way to win.”

  “How?” she asked.

  “Use your body and the advantage. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  * * * *

  For the hundredth time, Cade locked her arms behind her neck. They’d been training for two hours straight. She was tired, hungry and in need of a shower. He kept working her over, not giving her time in between attacks. So far she’d succeeded in stopping one attack and that was because Cade got distracted by the door opening.

  No other chance of her beating him appeared.

  “We’ll take a break,” he said.

  She walked away from him to see some water and food on the bleachers. Grabbing a cheese sandwich, she took a bite then sipped from the water. Cade walked over to her and took another sandwich from the pile.

  “You’ve never even tried to seduce a man, have you?” he asked.

  Closing her eyes, she counted to ten before opening them. “Why do you ask?”

  “I said to use your body in any way you can to beat me and you’re not doing it.”

  “I thought we weren’t supposed to play dirty to get what we w
anted. The Rock Wood way is to fight right.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and inhaled against her neck. “You smell so beautiful.” Goose bumps erupted along her arms. She gasped when he nibbled on her neck. “For those who can fight, we fight the right way.”

  “And for those who can’t?” she asked, breathlessly.

  “You fight dirty.”

  Cade let her go. They ate their food in silence. She thought over what he said and when he called her to the center of the room, she went.

  Fight dirty.

  He caught her hands behind her head, locking them tight together. She struggled like she had all the other times.

  Fight dirty.

  His words kept ringing in her head, goading her to do something different. No amount of pressure was going to free her from his hold. Cade was safe. He wanted her too much to hurt her. If she ever got into a real fight she was done.

  Fight dirty.

  She closed her eyes for a split second in an attempt to gain some courage and then did something she’d never done. Titania started to rub against Cade and moaned. He froze behind her.

  Opening her eyes, she stared straight ahead as she tried to break free. The hold on her arms lessened. His cock pressed to her ass. The thick rod was hard to ignore as it seemed to burn through her clothes like a brand.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said. In the next moment his hands were gone, he cupped her hips and ground his dick into her ass.

  She gasped from the hot feel of him.

  This is your chance. Take him down.

  Titania moved swiftly. She turned in his arms, breaking his contact and she kicked him down to the floor. Bringing her knee up she made to slam it into his face but held back. Cade got the gist of what she was doing and fell to the floor. Climbing on top of him she caught her hand around his neck and leaned down. She straddled his stomach, holding him down.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about,” he said, smiling.

  She panted for breath and squirmed as Cade moved her down to straddle his cock. They were covered by a layer of clothing each but that didn’t stop the heat of him through the clothing.


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