Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  The sheer fabric fell to the ground. Titania wrapped her arms around her man’s neck, holding onto him as he took her to the ground. She lay on her back and he opened her thighs settling between them.

  He kissed her lips hard, plunging deep into her mouth with his tongue. She accepted him inside, moaning as she did. Her body was already on fire. Her nipples were rock hard from arousal. The heat inside her pussy spilled out and some of her cream coated the crack of her ass.

  One of his hands caressed down to cup her mound. One finger penetrated her cunt while the other held her head steady. Cade’s movements were not hurried. She could tell he wanted this to last.

  “I’m going to make it so damn good for you. You’ll be screaming for me to go harder and faster but first I want to hear you scream my name as you come.”

  He pressed a thumb to her clitoris and stroked. She was so sensitive that she gasped at his first touch. Cade added a second finger inside her, pumping in and out of her in time with the strokes on her nub.

  She opened her legs wide for him to do more. He kissed down her chest, sucking one of her nipples deep into his mouth.

  “I’m going to feel you come and then I’m going to put you on your knees. This is our time, Titania. After tonight, you’ll be mine.”

  “Yes,” she said, thrusting up to meet the strokes provided by his hand.

  Cade didn’t let up. He thrust inside her with his digits and stroked her clit. The sensation was too much for her. His touch always drove her crazy with need. This night was no exception. She cried out her release, tightening her hold on his hand between her thighs. He continued to stroke her nub even after her release calmed down.

  Easing away from her, Titania watched him suck her cream from his fingers.

  “You taste so sweet.”

  Her body shook from the aftershocks of her orgasm. Taking a deep breath, she kept her gaze on him at all times.

  “Go to your knees for me, baby.”

  With his help, Titania went to her knees, presenting her ass to him. She wasn’t embarrassed. In the past couple of days he’d proven to her on more than one occasion how much he liked her body. She was more than happy to show him what he liked.

  He cupped the cheeks of her ass and spread them open. “You’re so wet and creamy. I can scent your need up here. You really do need a good fucking,” he said.

  “Only by you.”

  “No man is touching what is mine. You’re mine, Titania, and I love you completely.”

  His words soothed her. There was no other place she’d rather be than in his arms, loving him.

  * * * *

  Cade’s dick ached with the need to claim her. He refused to rush and spoil the mating for her. This was her moment just as much as it was his. The lips of her pussy glinted in the moonlight. He felt the presence of the pack close by. They were there to witness and support their mating. They were all happy for him and for Titania. They were also proud of him claiming her for himself.

  Their love of his woman filled him with happiness at their acceptance of her. He figured taking a beating for a pack member would win anyone over.

  Opening the lips of her pussy he slid his cock between her slit, coating himself with her cream. She moaned and pushed back onto him trying to get him to thrust inside. Cade slapped her ass, stopping her. “I’m the one in charge of this ride, baby.”

  Taking hold of her hips, Cade eased the tip of his dick into her entrance. She stayed still and when he’d gained control over his rioting emotions, he slammed deep inside her.

  Their moans mingled on the night air. Her cunt fluttered around his shaft, squeezing him tight. Her cream flooded his cock, coating him with more of her cum.

  Stroking her clit, he pressed more of her cream to her rosette. He’d purposefully stayed away from her anus so they could be together this night.

  He pushed a finger past her tight ring of muscles. Titania gasped and relaxed around his invasion. He penetrated her with a second finger, using them to open her ass wide. “You look so pretty taking my cock and your ass taking my fingers.”

  She didn’t say anything. Her head rested on her arms as he fucked her hard. He stroked over her G-spot with his cock, drawing out her pleasure, wanting to hear her explode.

  “I’m ready,” she said.

  He removed his hand from her ass and wiped his fingers on the grass before taking his cock into hand. His shaft was covered in her cream, giving him plenty of lubrication to take her.

  The head of his cock was covered in his pre-cum, as well. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the tip to her tight anal entrance.

  Titania gasped, tensing up.

  “You’ve got to relax and let me inside, baby. I’ll always be bigger than my fingers.” Cade bumped her rosette, teasing her and waited for her to relax. She took several deep breaths and then slowly relaxed.

  He stroked down her back as he penetrated the first ring of muscles. Cade held steady while she grew accustomed to his cock inside her.

  Only when she was ready to take more of him did he move an inch inside her. After every inch, Cade stopped giving her time.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  “You’re so big,” she said.

  “You’ll love it.”

  “I love it already. Stop teasing me and fuck me.”

  He took her at her word, gripped her hips and thrust to the hilt inside her hot little ass.

  She screamed and her ass tensed around him. Holding back, Cade gave her more time. “You weren’t ready. You’re an anal virgin, baby.”

  “Not anymore and you were taking too long.”

  Cade slapped her ass even though he loved her teasing.

  She moaned, wriggling her ass.

  “Fuck, hold steady.”

  “No, fuck me, big man.” He loved his woman. He loved the fact she wasn’t scared of him and he looked forward to his future with her far more than anything else.

  Taking hold of her hips, he fucked her ass, slow at first and only did he increase his thrusts when he couldn’t stand it anymore. He fucked her hard, taking her to new heights as she thrust back against him.

  Cade sensed the pack along with the love of his woman. Titania was all his and he felt the claiming deep down into his soul. Reaching between them, he stroked her clit feeling the flutters of her ass around him.

  “I want you to come for me, Mate,” he said. The word sounded wonderful rolling off his tongue. He’d done it. He’d finally taken a mate. It was bound to happen. Titania was his woman and over the next few days he intended to turn the blonde woman on his arm into the raven haired beauty of his woman.

  “I can’t stop, Cade. I’m coming.” Titania cried out the words. They floated away and he was relentless in his touches. He caressed her nub, watching and feeling her come apart.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. Come for me, baby. Let me hear you scream.”

  Titania gave him everything he asked for. He listened to her screams and in no time at all he followed behind her. Thrusting his cock inside her one final time, Cade shot his semen deep into her ass.

  He cursed and the love he felt for her sparkled between them. Hoots, wolf whistles and cheers met their final mating.

  “I now declare you two mated,” Micah said. “Let’s run, pack.”

  The rest of the wolves ran off. Their mating was finally complete.

  “I don’t know about you, Titania, but I’m starting to think our pack is nothing more than a bunch of voyeurs,” he said.

  She chuckled underneath him. “I don’t care. That’s the last they’ll ever see of us. I’ve got you all to myself from now on.” She stroked his arm, looking behind her.

  He was still inside her tight ass. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, it felt good to be claimed by you.”

  Wrapping an arm around her stomach, Cade rested his head on her shoulder. “I wonder who will be next in line for mating.”

  “I hope it’s David. He’s so lonely.”
br />   “He’s gay. I don’t think any other member is gay.” He stopped when he thought of Jordan. The other guy swung both ways. He’d never seen Jordan with David let alone being together intimately.

  Titania shrugged. “The rest of the night is ours. Hold me.”

  “It will be a pleasure.” Holding her tightly to his chest, Cade didn’t move from that spot even when the sun came up. They lay together in blissful harmony and he never wanted it to be any other way.


  David checked the fact sheet for the financial situation for the Rock Wood Pack. Micah had put him in charge of dealing with his stocks and shares. He’d proven to have a knack for it and so far everything was going swimmingly. The pack wouldn’t have to worry about money for a very long time. He intended to put Rock Wood in a strong position as well. The town needed an influx of tourists and business to pick the town out of the economic downturn it was suffering.

  He glanced over the room to see Tabitha pouring herself a drink of milk. The other woman had been sharing his apartment for the past few weeks. After a particularly bad dream, the only person she let near her was him. David figured it was down to the fact he liked men. Tabitha was a gorgeous girl with long red hair and sparkling green eyes. Her skin was pale but she didn’t own a cock. He wasn’t interested in her for anything other than to keep her safe.

  She smiled at him and wandered back into the bedroom they shared. That was another thing that baffled him. She liked to snuggle up against him at night. He guessed it was the way she was dealing with the attack. Tabitha hadn’t talked about what happened to her. He wasn’t one to pry either. He had had his kneecaps smashed, but knew nothing of being attacked sexually.

  Pushing the memory aside, he glanced up when he saw Jordan enter the apartment. Tabitha must have heard the other man enter the building. She had brilliant hearing and could hear things he never could.

  Jordan glanced at the door and then back at David. “How is she?”

  “She’s quiet but at least she’s finally eating something. I thought I’d have to force-feed her, which would get ugly. She’s stronger than I am.” David closed the laptop and moved toward the kitchen. “What can I get you?”

  “You’re cutting me out. Why did you willingly come here, David?” Jordan asked.

  “I’m tired of lying. I’m tired of being used. All you do is take me off the shelf when you want a bit of cock, Jordan. I’m not some fucking toy you can fuck at will. I have feelings and needs.”

  “I’ve told you before I can’t give you everything.”

  David poured himself a shot of whiskey. He kept the bottle in the freezer. Downing the shot in one gulp, he looked at the man he’d come to love and despise in equal measure. When Jordan had hit on him several months ago he hadn’t thought anything of it. He imagined it was a once in a lifetime thing. Over time, Jordan had come to him whenever he needed to get his rocks off.

  The once in a lifetime thing became a regular occurrence until David had no choice but to lie to his best friend. Titania knew he was gay. She didn’t know he was actually fucking one of the high ranking members of the pack.

  “Cade mated with Titania.”

  “This is not about the mating, David. I don’t know Micah’s stance on gay couples.”

  He saw right through the excuse. “No, you don’t know if you can live without pussy. I’m not the only one who can satisfy you. You’re just too much of a coward to admit it.”

  David watched the other man grind his teeth. He really shouldn’t wind Jordan up. The other man could kill him without blinking.

  “Never call me a coward.”

  He walked up to Jordan and placed a hand over the man’s cock. Jordan was rock hard. “Then how about I give you something to think about?” David went to his knees and watched his man hold onto the kitchen counter.

  Peeling the zipper down, David freed Jordan’s rock-hard cock. The tip was leaking copious amounts of cum already. Licking the cum from the slit, David took him deep into his mouth, moaning.

  “Fuck, that feels so damn good,” Jordan said. Fingers tugged on David’s hair. Relaxing his mouth, he let Jordan set the pace, thrusting into his mouth fiercely.

  He wished he could be stronger and send Jordan away. After being beaten black and blue and nearly losing his legs, David couldn’t stand the thought of missing an opportunity to be with Jordan and his desire for him was stronger than his desire to send him away.

  “Oh crap, I’m so sorry.”

  Both men pulled away to glance at Tabitha. The woman stared between them both and then down at where the tip of Jordan’s cock was next to his lips.

  Fuck, what were they going to do?




  Sam Crescent is passionate about fiction. She loves a good erotic romance and so it only made sense for her to spread her wings and start writing. She began writing in 2009 and finally got that first acceptance in 2011.

  She loves creating new characters and delving into the worlds that she creates. When she’s not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc. Like her stories, the creations in the kitchen can be just as dubious but sometimes things turn out great.

  For all titles by Sam Crescent, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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