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My Sister's Best Friend (Best Friends 3)

Page 6

by G. L. Snodgrass

  She stepped back and looked at me, nodding her head. “I’ve been trying to set Nate up with a couple of friends of mine, they’ve been bugging me all month. But he’s always declined, now I see why.”

  I smiled and tried hard not to blush. The thought of Nathan turning down opportunities to date other women because of me sent warm waves of pure pleasure through me.

  “Come on, let me show you to your room. You can hang your dress and we can get started. This is going to be so fun. Like playing dress up and we get to be the princesses. John and Nate will be home around six. They plan on getting ready at Nate’s barracks room. They’ll be in a bit of a rush, something came up at work but he promised me they would be here in time.”

  We spent the afternoon getting ready, I had bought a new dress, blue to match Nathan’s scarf that I was determined to wear tonight as a shawl. The combo matched perfectly. Spaghetti straps and a tighter, more form fitting shape. I thought it looked older, more adult than a prom dress. It was important to me that Nathan see the real me, not some high school kid, but a woman, full grown.

  Charlotte helped me put my hair up and I helped her. The woman couldn’t stop talking. I learned about how she and John Travers had met at local nightspot and a short three months later they were married.

  “My family about had a cow,” she said, “It was too fast, He’s a Marine, you barely know him. All the usual. But when you know it’s the right one, you know.” Her eyes twinkled as they met mine in the mirror. Somehow I don’t think anyone could ever talk Charlotte Travers out of getting what she wanted.

  “Come on, your turn. “Where’s your make-up,” she said as she jumped out of the chair.

  The clock on the bedside table quickly edged closer to six and my stomach threatened to rebel. Would Nathan think I looked acceptable, what would it be like seeing him again? I couldn’t wait and dreaded the moment at the same time. A conflict that could not be resolved always made me upset.

  At a few minutes before six I heard the front door open and a deep male voice yell. “We’re home, you guys ready?”

  Charlotte stuck her head in the door and asked, “You ready?” She was wearing a soft pink gown that highlighted her figure. John was a lucky man. Taking a deep breath I nodded, adjusted the scarf just right and ran my hands down my dress one last time before I joined her in the hall.

  We walked together to the top of the stairs, neither talking. Turning the corner I saw Nathan at the bottom of the stairs looking up. My heart stopped dead in its tracks. The man was scrumptious. I knew he wouldn’t have liked being described that way, but he was. He made my heart melt, I wanted him. All of him, forever.

  Tall and straight he looked like a wall against danger, a safe haven. My mind flashed back to the garden bench and the way I felt in his arms.

  His uniform was the world famous dress uniform of a United States Marine. A black tunic with red piping, sky blue pants with red stripes down the side. White belt and white gloves. His white hat was tucked under his arm. A Bronze Star and four gold medals hung on his chest as testament to the things he had done and the places he had been. I felt myself become dizzy just looking at him.

  Two gold chevrons adorned his upper arm indicating his recent promotion to Corporal. I knew how important they were to him. He had tried to hide his pride in his achievement but I could tell during our last phone conversation how much it mean to him.

  “I know, right?” Charlotte whispered to me. “Something about a man in uniform, it can make a girl go weak in the knees. You’ve got to love it.”

  I didn’t acknowledge Charlotte, my eyes were locked onto Nathan’s, did he approve? His eyes burned into mine with a fire lit from behind. My insides turned to mush. He wants me I thought. He actually wants me.

  Taking another deep breath Charlotte and I descended the stairs each of us focused on the man waiting for us below.

  “Miss Parker,” Nathan said, taking my hand in his. “You look amazing. You’ve grown into such a beautiful woman, it’s hard to remember the little girl who threw water balloons at me.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from blushing. I’m sure my cheeks turned fire engine red but I wouldn’t have him take those words back for anything in the world.

  John cleared his throat, “Um, You look wonderful too honey,” he said as he bent down to kiss his wife on the cheek. He was tall and slim, only an inch or two less than Nathan. Like his friend he wore Corporal chevrons. Charlotte smiled up at him and wrapped her arm through his. The smile on her face told the world that this was her man and she was happy, as happy as a person could be when they had everything they needed in life.

  I smiled at Nathan as he helped me into his truck. Tingles, lots of tingles. I couldn’t stop smiling.

  The guard at the front gate examined Nathan’s military ID and my driver’s license.

  “Have a nice night Corporal,” he said with a smile as he waved us through.

  Naval Base Bremerton was like a different world, old trees and older buildings. It reminded me of a college campus nestled next to a shipyard.

  “The Ball is on this base this year,” Nathan said.

  “This isn’t where you work?” I asked.

  “No I work on Bangor it’s about 10 miles from here, but where I work we can’t have visitors and the Olympic lodge is perfect for things like this.

  He pulled into a parking spot to the right of a large white building that looked like it could have come out the movie Gone with the Wind. Thick pillars held a portico before an ornate entrance. My heart skipped and a hundred butterflies took flight in my stomach.

  “Hold it together Ashley,” I mumbled to myself as Nathan opened my door for me and helped me down. Slipping my arm into his, we started for the party, my heels tapping the asphalt of the parking lot. The night cool air nipped at my bare shoulders sending shivers up and down my spine. I was already loving everything about the night.

  Two Marines stood at attention holding the front door open for us. A princess, this is what a princess feels like I realized. I knew it was only for one night, tomorrow I would go back to my waitressing job in a small town. But tonight, tonight I was a princess.

  Nathan handed over our tickets then escorted me inside.

  I tried to swallow and felt faint. All the men looked so sharp, so perfect in their uniforms. The woman looked happy and glad to be alive. As if they felt special and I realized they did. Their gowns were colorful and sophisticated. These were men and woman who sacrificed a lot, money, time, and in some cases blood. They deserved this and they were determined to enjoy themselves. I was able to take a breath at last. I would fit in. Charlotte had assured me everything would be okay, but I couldn’t really relax until I saw it for myself.

  Nathan looked at me and gave my arm a quick squeeze letting me know that everything would be ok. John and Charlotte were already seated at the table for eight. Soft music from a live band drifted across the ball room dance floor.

  “Here Ashley,” Charlotte said indicating a seat next to her. Nathan pulled out my seat for me then joined me on the other side. Special, that was the word for the night, Adult, grown up, and special.

  Two other couples joined us within a few minutes. A young Private named Carpenter with his date Kristi and an even younger African American private named Eric McDonald and his date Charlene.

  “You ready for your big moment McDonald,” A large man asked as he walked up to the table. His Barrel chest was filled with medals, his left arm decorated with enough gold braid to make a small rung.

  I flashed Nathan a questioning look. “Private McDonald is the youngest Marine in attendance tonight. Later Sargent Major Thompson as the oldest Marine will be given the first cut of the cake, he will pass it to McDonald here. Symbolizing the passing of traditions from one generation to the next. Not that big a deal but he’ll be surrounded by enough brass to sink a battle ship.

  “That’s not just Oldest, but wisest, don’t forget that.”

  “Yes Sarg
ent Major,” the four Marines said in unison.

  Private McDonald smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “At least I’ll get a piece of cake before you guys get yours.”

  “The Admiral might ask you to say a few words,” The Sargent Major said with a smile. “So make sure it’s funny and clean, at least clean by Marine standards.”

  Private McDonald’s face fell in shock. It was obvious that the idea of being asked to talk in front of everyone was terrifying.

  The guys laughed and started teasing him.

  “Well, you gentleman have a good time, And Johnson please stop by my office tomorrow so we can talk about those re-enlisting paper’s.”

  Nathan gulped and shot me a look, “Aye, Aye Sargent Major,” he said, unable to meet my eyes.

  The group quickly fell back to telling stories about each other, they spoke in abbreviations and a unique jargon that made it hard to follow the conversations. It’s a different world I thought, a world with its own set of rules, traditions, and values.

  Smiling to myself I realized how much I liked it. How well it fit Nathan. Not the pomp and circumstance but the sense of purpose, the comradery. He belongs in this world I realized and a little bit of my heart broke away.

  “Do you want to dance,” Nathan asked.

  My heart stopped. This is real I thought, a date, a grown up date with Nathan. A thousand dreams were coming true. Unable to speak I nodded my head and took his hand as he led me to the floor. Sandalwood, leather, and the scent of Nathan seeped into me.

  Without warning his arm wrapped around my waste. The world came to a screeching halt as I became lost in the moment. My heart felt like it was going to burst with all the love I felt for him. Looking into his eyes was like looking at a priceless treasure. Surely he could tell how I felt. It had to be obvious.

  Instinctively I rested my head on his shoulder as we began to sway to the music and became lost in each other and in the special moment.

  One dance led to another, we didn’t talk, just held each other. It was enough. It was more than any girl could ever ask for.

  The night became a blur of dancing, fancy food, speeches, traditions, laughter and a toast to those who had been lost along the way. All of it made me feel special, privileged to have been allowed to participate, honored.

  Chapter Eleven


  As the evening wore down, couples began leaving. My heart became sad as I thought about everything coming to an end. I made a quick trip to the lady’s room. A matronly woman of fifty in a black sequined gown stood at the mirror wiping her eyes, trying to save her make-up. I could tell that something had upset her. What I wondered, amazed that anyone could be having a less than wonderful time on a night such as this.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked before I could stop myself.

  Smiling sadly she took a deep breath and regained control. “Yes, thank you honey, everything is fine. Just having a little cry.” She examined me for a moment then smile happily, “Don’t worry, nothing serious, it’s just that this is my last one. My last Marine Ball. I know my Jack, no way will we come to one of these after we retire. He’ll want to avoid too many memories and it’ll kill him to watch other people taking care of his Marines. So I’m a little upset.”

  “Um, Okay,” I said, unable to leave her until I knew she really was alright.

  “I’m Lenna Thompson,” She said, surprising me by sticking her hand out in introduction.

  “Ashley Parker.” I said.

  “Who you here with honey?” she said as she went back to trying to fix her make-up.

  “Nathan Johnson,” I answered.

  “Ah, Corporal Johnson. My Jack likes him. Says he’s the type of young Marine who could have his job someday fifteen or twenty years from now. Believe me, that’s high praise.”

  “What job is that?” I asked. My curiosity on high alert.

  “Sargent Major,”

  Of course this must be the wife of that barrel chested Sargent Major that was going to press Nathan into re-enlisting. The fact that such a distinguished warrior thought so highly of Nathan made my heart swell with pride for him.

  “Can I ask you a question? It’s sort of personal.”

  “Of course, anything,” she said, stopping her make-up maintenance to give me her full attention.

  “Was it worth it?” I asked, ashamed at my brashness but dying to know.

  A slow smile came across her face. “Oh Honey, I’d say so, my daughter Karen is going to Med-School at the University of Washington, that’s one of the reason’s we decided to retire here. Our son John in in his second year at the Naval Academy. I’ve traveled the world twice over and I’m married to a man who still curls my toes. Of course you’ve got to be willing to take the bad with the good. The moving every two years, the long deployments when that bed is oh so empty. The fact that your husband misses the birth of his child because the United States Government thinks they have something more important for him to do. The terrible pay, the nursing them through wounds and night terrors.

  Believe me, no one will ever know how hard it is, but if you can survive it, you and he will be a stronger US than anyone you know. So yes, it was worth it and that’s why I’m in her crying like a petulant thirteen year old. I’m upset that it’s coming to an end and wish with all my heart I could do it all again.”

  A small dread began to build in my heart. I could see Nathan Re-enlisting. This was the right world for him. This was what he was meant to do. Nathan would pick the Marines, even if he hadn’t already done so in his mind, it was only a matter of time.

  I was going to have to let go of my dream and move on with my life. I wouldn’t get the opportunity to make him fall in love with me. He would be here, I would be there.

  A sick feeling settled into the bottom of my stomach and refused to leave. I was like Cinderella running from the ball. The night had lost some of its magical twinkle as a heavy weight settled over me.

  Nathan was waiting for me as I left the ladies room. His smile dipped a little when he saw me.

  “Is everything all right?” he asked.

  You can do this I thought. My heart was breaking but I could do this. Why was it always breaking? I smiled back and nodded. “Sure, everything is fine, just thinking is all.”

  “Did you have a good time?” He asked as we walked arm in arm to his truck.

  “Oh Nathan, it was wonderful. Everything was unbelievable. The food, the dancing, the speeches and the traditions. Being able to spend time with you. All of it, so unbelievably wonderful.”

  He helped me in then climbed up into the cab with me and put the key into the ignition but didn’t turn it on.

  “I’m glad you had a good time. If I don’t re-enlist this will be my last opportunity for one of these. I’m glad I got to spend it with you.”

  My heart broke again, how many pieces could a heart break into. “Oh! Nathan, you have to re-enlist. You were made for this. I know deep down it’s what you want to do. If you didn’t you would have already made a decision. Something is holding you back, but whatever it is it’s not as important as this.”

  There, I had said it. A small sense of pride washed through me. I had done the adult thing, the truth, what was best for him. I would have preferred to cling to him and tell him not to. To come home and be with us but I’d been a big girl.

  “Really?” he asked.

  “Yes, and you know it. What’s holding you back?”

  He paused for a moment and looked deep into my eyes. “You,” he said. A simple word that froze my soul in place.

  “Me, why me,” I asked. My heart racing for some reason. What did he mean, why me? My brow furrowed in confusion.

  “Yes, a part of me wants to re-enlist, but another part of me very much wants to pursue the possibility of an US. You and me.”

  I couldn’t breathe. Did Nathan Johnson just refer to him and me as a possible US? “What do you mean?” I asked, once again proving my lack of conversation skills.r />
  “Come on Ashley, you’ve got to know how I feel about you,” he said then paused gathering his words. “I like you, hell I think I love you. I’ve never been in love before so I don’t know. But the idea of not being with you makes me mad. The knowledge that you have to leave tomorrow and I don’t know when I’ll see you again is tearing me apart.

  My head spun. Did he just say what I thought he said? I couldn’t get my mind around it. This was Nathan Johnson. The man of my dreams. The man I had secretly loved forever, and he might love me back. My heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest. I looked into his eyes, saw the hunger and hope there. It was enough to make a girl cry with happiness.

  He’s waiting for me to answer I realized and tried to swallow. My mouth had forgotten how to work.

  “Let me make sure I’ve got this right,” I said. “You want there to be an US? Girlfriend and boyfriend kind of us?”

  He nodded his head and said, “Yes, probably even more than girlfriend and boyfriend. I know it’s kind of fast, but yes. That’s what I want. With the possibility of more. I’d like the chance to make you fall in love with me as much as I am with you.”

  My heart kicked into overdrive and a wide smile crossed my face. “Oh Nathan, you’re about six years late,” I said. His face fell for a moment. “I fell in love with you a long time ago,” I quickly added.

  Now it was his turn to look confused. “Really?”

  “Yes Really,”

  We looked at each other for a moment, long probing looks to see what was real, what was true. Without warning we came together, our lips meeting in a passionate explosion of ecstasy. This is what my world was supposed to be like. Nathan loving me. Me loving Nathan. Nothing else mattered.

  Eventually we pulled apart to stare into each other’s eyes again. “What abo …” he started.

  “I can get a waitressing job anywhere.” I answered.

  “And your fa …”

  “Don’t worry about them,” I said. “This is way too big to worry about them and what they think.”

  “But what about …”

  “Nathan, it’s too late, Nothing else matters. Whatever it is we will figure it out. We will make it work. Us, you and me. God I’ve wanted to say that for so long.”


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