King's Knight (Medieval Warriors Book 4)

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King's Knight (Medieval Warriors Book 4) Page 13

by Regan Walker

  “And you?” She could not imagine Alex doing such a thing.

  He laughed. “Never think it. I would steal over the wall to a neighboring village, my companions clambering after me. ’Twas worth whatever wrath we incurred from the knights.”

  At her frown, he took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “You need not worry, Merewyn. Those days are behind me. And were we not in a crowded hall, I would be only too glad to show you why.”

  Heat suffused her cheeks remembering the afternoon he had wandered into her bedchamber. Did he mean because he could have any woman he wanted he did not have to seek them out or did he mean he wanted only her? Would that it was possible for them to be together, but dwelling on the foolish thought would only bring her sadness.

  When the meal was finished, the tables were moved to the walls and the large hall cleared for dancing. A group of minstrels, garbed in bright colors of blue, green and crimson, entered the large chamber and took their place on one side, readying their instruments. Soon they filled the hall with lively music from their lyre, lute, pipes and tabor.

  Alex belted on his sword and took her hand, sweeping her into a group of dancers. As before, they danced well together. She was so happy to be with him she paid little attention to the man whose dark countenance stared at her across the circle of dancers. But she had not forgotten the brief introduction to the man named Ranulf.

  When the dance ended, Ranulf took his partner’s hand and crossed the wooden floor to stand before them.

  “Merewyn,” he said, bowing. “You might recall we met at the beginning of the evening.”

  Merewyn nodded. “Of course.” She glanced at Alex, who was scowling beneath his black brows.

  Ranulf turned to the woman at his side. “Lady Adèle, allow me to present Sir Alexander of Talisand and his father’s ward, Merewyn.”

  Alex bowed over the young woman’s hand. “My lady.”

  Merewyn offered Lady Adèle a smile. “I am honored to meet you, my lady.”

  The woman gave her a dismissive nod, quickly returning her attention to Alex.

  Ranulf continued, “Lady Adèle is the daughter of the comte de Vermandois. She has come to London with her father at the invitation of the king.”

  Alex stiffened at Merewyn’s side. So this is the woman the king desired him to meet and wants him to wed, most likely. Merewyn had always known this day would come but she had not imagined she would be there to witness it. Alex was handsome and his father a powerful earl who had been a favorite knight of the Conqueror. Now his son was taking his place. Was that what stirred this woman’s interest? If Merewyn was any judge, it seemed to her Lady Adèle was pleased with the match the king intended.

  Adèle of Vermandois was a beauty. With her long dark tresses, she reminded Merewyn of Lora, only her eyes were hazel instead of Lora’s dark brown. To Merewyn’s mind, the Norman woman seemed fully aware of her effect upon men. She batted her eyes at Alex, not in the amusing way Merewyn had when teasing him, but in a seductive, predatory manner. “C’est vraiment très agréable de finalement faire votre connaissance,” said the dark-haired woman. That she found it most agreeable to have met Alex was clear from the gleam in her eyes.

  Before Merewyn could say a word, Ranulf took her hand and said to Alex, “The king wished you to meet Lady Adèle, so I leave her with you for this next dance.” Then shifting his gaze to Merewyn, “I will see to this lovely one.”

  Alex sent Ranulf an angry glare, but accepted Lady Adèle’s hand when it was offered and Merewyn was swept away to another group of dancers. She and her partner stood on opposite sides of two long lines as a new song began. Facing her, the look in Ranulf’s dark eyes was lustful, reminding her of that woodland long ago when she was surrounded by a pack of boys. She wished she were dressed as the archer, her bow at the ready.

  As the two lines came together, he said, “My lady, you are the most beautiful woman in the hall. I would you were mine.”

  She was not flattered. He bore the title of priest yet he wore no priestly garments. Instead, he wore a rich purple tunic that rivaled the king’s. On Ranulf’s fingers were many rings and around his neck hung a heavy golden necklace. She was certain he was a man of dissolute habits who would seduce her if he could, but for all that, she would remind him of his role in the church.

  When next the lines of the dancers came together, she said in a low voice, “You are bold for a priest.”

  He laughed. “I am many things, my lady. Bold is one of them. As the keeper of the king’s seal, I enjoy his favor.” His dark eyes narrowed on her like a beast siting its prey. “Were I to ask him, he would give you to me, but I would prefer you come to me of your own free will.”

  Anger washed over Merewyn at the man’s audacity. “It will never happen!” Did he think her some strumpet to come at his call? He was no different than most men, but she resolved not to embarrass Alex by leaving the lecherous chaplain abruptly, as he deserved. When the dance was over, she would find her noble knight.

  Fortunately she did not have to worry. When the dance ended, Alex was there to claim her.

  “Ranulf,” Alex said, inclining his head. “We wish you good eve.”

  Alex did not give the man time to answer but swept her to the side of the room where wine was being served. Taking a goblet, he thrust it toward her. “From the look of you, you need this.”

  Her breathing was labored and not from the dancing. “Thank you.”

  “Are you all right?” he asked, a look of concern on his face.

  “Aye, I am now.” Alex’s very presence made her feel safe. “That man is loathsome, Alex. You cannot imagine what he said to me.”

  “Oh yea, I can.”

  With worried eyes, she looked up at him. “He said he could ask the king to give me to him. He would not, would he?”

  “He might. But I will not allow it.”

  “But Alex, what of that woman, Lady Adèle? Is she not intended for you by the king?”

  “I care not,” he said dismissively. “William can find another noble’s son to bind to his lands in Normandy.”

  Rory and Guy appeared then, casting anxious glances at Alex. “We saw what was happening,” said Rory, “but ’twas so fast we could do little and you were there so we did not worry until Ranulf took her off.”

  “No matter,” said Alex. “I doubt anything you could have done would have prevented it.”

  Suddenly, Duke Robert was at her side. “My lady, would you grant me a dance?”

  Merewyn looked to see Alex’s reaction. His brows were drawn together in worry but she did not sense the angry storm of emotion he had displayed when Ranulf Flambard had taken her from him.

  “Go with the duke,” he said, smiling at Robert. “I will reclaim your hand when the dance is finished.”

  The dark-haired duke, who was twice her age and not much taller than she, flashed her a smile. “I see the young wolf guards you well. Were you mine, I would do the same.”

  Merewyn did not like being referred to as something to possess, at least not by men she did not even know, but she placed her hand on the duke’s arm and allowed him to lead her to the dancing. Casting a glance at Alex over her shoulder, she saw his gray eyes had turned as cold as steel.

  * * *

  Alex had endured the dance with Lady Adèle, all the while sneaking glances at Merewyn, wondering how she fared. He missed much of what the young Norman noblewoman said, but he remembered her mentioning that her father, the comte de Vermandois, and Earl Renaud were once young knights together. “My father has great respect for the knight they call the Red Wolf,” she had said. “And, I hear his son is much like him.”

  Alex hoped he never saw the woman again.

  Now he watched Merewyn dancing with Duke Robert. “This evening cannot end soon enough for me,” he said to Rory and Guy. “Merewyn is assailed from all sides. First Ranulf and his indecent threats and now the king’s brother. God only knows who will next appear.”

  Sharing a
concerned glance with Rory, Guy asked, “What would you have us do?”

  “Find my father and tell him I am taking Merewyn home.”

  “Aye, we can do that,” said Rory. “Do you need an escort?”

  “Nay, my sword will be sufficient.”

  The moment the song ended, Alex was there to take Merewyn’s hand.

  Duke Robert bowed to her. “My lady, ’tis been a pleasure. I hope I will yet see you ere we leave London, but a lady guarded by a wolf is not likely to be available for walks along the Strand.”

  Alex inclined his head but said nothing. As he led her toward the doors, he leaned in close. “We are leaving.”

  “So soon?”

  “Aye. I’d not risk you further this night, not with Ranulf lurking about.”

  “You are probably right, but the duke was all good manners.”

  “Robert has a kindly nature, but he, too, has been known to steal a lady’s virtue.”

  “Then ’tis well we go.” She looked up at him with trusting eyes. “It has been wonderful, Alex. Thank you for being with me, even if only for a while.”

  He offered his arm and she took it. Likely she believed he would marry Adèle of Vermandois, but he would not. His father might have been compelled by the Conqueror to marry his mother but from what he had determined in his brief time with the Lady Adèle, she was nothing like the Lady of Talisand—or Merewyn. “If I have my way, my lady, ’twill be for much longer.”

  Once they had returned to the manor and taken off their cloaks, Alex poured them both a goblet of wine. “Now I can have the wine I would have indulged in at the palace were it not for the need to have all my senses alert to guard you from the circling predators.”

  She accepted the goblet he offered her, taking a long draw on the rich red liquid. “I think I prefer the hall at Talisand,” she said with a smile, setting down her goblet. “It is smaller but more welcome and feels like home.”

  “Me as well,” he said, placing his goblet on the table. “Come, I will see you to your chamber.”

  As they were ascending the stairs, Nelda came up behind them. “Mistress, do you require me?”

  “Nay, Nelda, do whatever you must to prepare for Lady Serena.”

  When they arrived at Merewyn’s door, Alex stood back and let her enter.

  “Will you not come in to bid me goodnight?” she asked.

  How he wanted to take her in his arms, kiss her and teach her the ways of love. He wanted to bind her to him forever. “Merewyn, I can protect you from other men but not from myself. I fear I could not act honorably were we to be alone and a bed nearby.” Their eyes met and a powerful force flowed between them, like a cable of steel, unbreakable. “I would have you as mine forever,” Alex said.

  Across her face flitted a look of surprise. A moment passed in which she appeared to hesitate, but then she placed her palm on his chest. “I would have you be mine, also.”

  “Can it be we have missed what has always been before us?” he asked. “Friendship has, indeed, become something more, has it not? Or, mayhap I only failed to see that you have always been mine.”

  “You have held my heart since that day in the woods long ago when you rescued me.” Smiling, she added, “And still you persist in saving me from danger.”

  He took her palm from his chest and turned it toward his lips, kissing the soft skin. “I must leave you now, else I would claim tonight what I desire.”


  In his eyes, Merewyn glimpsed his sincerity. She had come to trust this man. He had never been like the others, like Ranulf Flambard and even Duke Robert, whose desire for her was driven only by lust. Inside, Alex was still the boy who had once rescued her, only now he was so much more.

  Taking his hand, she pulled him into her chamber and closed the door.

  “Stay,” she whispered. With that one word, she knowingly sealed her fate. One day she might lose him to Lady Adèle or some other woman at the king’s command, but tonight he could be hers. And she would have the memory to treasure forever.

  “Merewyn, do you know what you are saying?”

  She turned from him, needing the distance to speak the words she must. The maidservant had lit a candle and Merewyn stared into the flame as she spoke, feeling the heat of his presence behind her. “There has never been another for me, Alex. I had thought with the years passing and you becoming a knight, my feelings for you would change. But they have not.”

  Turning to face him, she looked into his seductive gray eyes and spoke with the conviction of one who has finally decided. “Whatever happens after this, no matter where your oath to the king leads you or where I go as a consequence, we will always have this night. I will give myself to only you and I will remember this night forever.”

  “Aye, Merewyn,” he said coming closer and putting his hands on her arms, the heat of them robbing her of breath. “You will have your night of love and I vow ’twill not be the last.”

  Merewyn was aware he spoke the words, believing them to be true, like those he had spoken to her in the king’s hall when he vowed to stay by her side. He had meant the words to be true, but others had come between them, as they inevitably must. She would not hold it against him. A knight did not question his king. And she would not allow him to falter in his duty. Not for her.

  He gently pulled her to him, holding her close. “Merewyn, Merewyn,” he whispered into her hair. “I have long wanted you, wanted this.” His words were soothing but there was passion in his voice. “Now you will be mine.”

  She looked up at him. “And you will forever be the hero of my heart.”

  He took her face in his hands and lowered his head to kiss her, their lips teasing, tasting, reaching for more. He wanted everything, as he had once told her. Her body seemed to come alive with new sensations. She had experienced his kiss and his body pressed against hers, but never before had she allowed his actions to go where he would lead. Now she did. This man she loved would soon join his body with hers.

  His kiss became fevered, insistent, as his tongue mated with hers. She welcomed it, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer. This was Alex, she reminded herself, his masculine smell familiar, the feel of him like coming home.

  She threaded her fingers through his long ebony hair as his hands glided over her ribs to her hips. He pulled her into his groin against the hard flesh rising beneath his tunic.

  “I would see you,” he whispered. To her, it sounded like a question. He wanted her to lead. And so she would.

  “Aye, and I would see you, Alex.”

  He was the one to remove most of their clothing. She was committed, but shy, and her fingers moved awkwardly as she opened his shirt laces. She had never seen a man fully naked. He quickly undid her laces and pulled her gown over her head, laying it on the chest at the foot of her bed.

  His deft movements with her clothing reminded her he was an experienced lover whereas she was unknowing, innocent. She was aware of the couplings between animals, but she had never come close to mating with any man, not even Alex.

  “I have been with other women, Merewyn, but none were you. Never think you are one of many. You are not. And there will be no other.”

  She wanted to believe him and, for tonight, she would. So she told herself he was hers and always would be.

  Their clothes shed, they looked at each other. “I knew you would be lovely,” he said, “but knowing it is you my eyes devour makes it different. You are a treasure I never thought to have.”

  “ ’Tis the same for me, Alex,” she said, stealing glances at the hard muscles of his chest and his flat belly. She did not allow her gaze to drop farther.

  His knightly pursuits had robbed him of any fat. His arms were thickly muscled; his chest sported a mat of black hair only hinted at when he engaged in sword practice with his tunic open at the neck. She lifted her palm to feel the soft, curly hairs. His muscles flexed beneath her fingers.

  He covered her hand. “We mu
st seek our bed for I am anxious to love you.”

  She swallowed and lowered her gaze to his manhood. It was large and engorged. ’Twould not be long before they were one. It was what she sought, but still, she feared the joining. “There will be pain?”

  “For you?” he asked pulling her into the heat of his warm chest, belly and thighs. Smiling, he said, “Mayhap some, but with your galloping pony, it may be that nature has helped you and there will be only a stretching. And I will see you are ready. I tell you the truth; I have never taken a virgin. ’Twas my intent to take only one.”

  He kissed her once again and every nerve in her body seemed to sing. How she loved this man! She would trust him in this.

  “Come,” he said. Taking her by the hand, he walked to the bed and pulled back the cover.

  She climbed in and lay back on the pillow, fighting the desire to cover herself with her hands. But she did not wrestle long with that desire as he joined her in the bed. He stretched his length beside her and covered her breast with his hand, kissing her, while his palm circled her nipple until it hardened to a bud.

  Her woman’s center began to ache and she entwined one of her legs with his.

  She held him to her as he kissed her everywhere, on her lips, her breasts, her belly. She held his head to her eager flesh, moaning with pleasure. When his lips trailed down her body and licked the folds of her woman’s flesh, she raised her hips to meet the thrusts of his tongue, feeling a rising tension overtaking her. “Oh, Alex…”

  “Not without me,” he said and rose over her, resting his hips between her spread thighs.

  His hard manhood nudged against her wet flesh and she opened for him, eager to have him inside her. With a single sharp movement, he granted her wish, filling her, possessing her.

  She inhaled sharply. “Ah!” It was not exactly painful, more like an invasion. His hard flesh so filled her she worried he would tear her asunder. She panted out her breath, trying to accept the joining she herself had sought.

  He stilled and from his labored breathing she thought he might be holding back for her sake. Her breasts pressed into his chest and she could feel the strong beating of his heart. “ ’Tis all right,” she whispered.


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