Pulse: A Stepbrother Romance

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Pulse: A Stepbrother Romance Page 12

by Whiskey, D. G.

  Ugh. She’s disgustingly attractive. Now I knew why Tyra hated her. I tried to be above the whole hating other women because they are talented and gorgeous thing, but in that moment that’s exactly what my problem with her was.

  Before I could back down, I walked up and tapped Chris on the shoulder.

  “Oh, hey,” he shouted, but I could barely hear him. “Liana just wanted me to play one of the new songs!”

  It took a moment for me to puzzle out what he said, and he had to repeat the last part again. That’s when I realized that the killer vocals I was listening to was Liana singing.

  Well, that’s just not fair.

  The woman herself had backed into the center of the platform and started to dance to her own voice set to Chris’ music while he looked on in appreciation.

  Neither is that!

  I felt alive.

  I was afraid when Leah sprung the news on me two weeks before. DJing live events was the logical next step in my quest to make a living from my music. Especially now that I’d quit working at the warehouse, I needed cash, and fast. It was a huge hurdle, and I couldn’t summon the courage to put myself out there.

  Leah had no such qualms, and I was glad I had her to push me.

  Thousands of people moved on the dance floor, and I stood above them like their king, dictating their every move.

  I upped the tempo of the music, and the crowd danced a little faster.

  This is crazy.

  A constant flow of adrenaline pumped me up, and I loved it.

  I hadn’t played any original tracks yet—I didn’t want to waste them too early. It was almost to that point.

  “Hey!” Liana was beside me suddenly, shouting into my ear.

  I smiled at her. “Having a good time?”

  “Yeah! Everyone’s going nuts out there! Are you going to play any of our songs? I told everyone I knew that they would hear me sing on them.” The look she gave me was impossible to refuse.

  “One second!” I grabbed the microphone. I hadn’t spoken into it since testing it early in the night before partiers arrived, so I didn’t know how it would go. “NYU! I’m Chris Belzer and I’m your DJ tonight. Are you guys ready to hear an original track with your very own Liana Riada on vocals? Let me see your hands up!”

  There was a roar, and half the people on the floor put their hands toward the ceiling. It was exactly like the dreams I’d had of playing a big club and having the crowd at my command.

  I faded out the Vicetone mix I’d been playing and started up one of the brand new tracks I’d just finished a couple days ago.

  It built quickly, new sounds coming in every couple bars, until Kevin’s violin took center stage backed by a throbbing bass and high pitched electronic highlights. The music swirled through the air and then settled as everything paused for a moment.

  When the track dropped and exploded, everyone went crazy. Liana’s vocals echoed over the floor, alluring and entrancing at the same time.

  They love it. They actually love it.

  Deep down, I was worried I would get harassed off the stage when I played my music.

  Liana squeezed my arm and bounced up and down, her breasts pressed against me. “It’s so fucking good!” she shouted.

  Another tap on my other shoulder caught my attention, and to my surprise Leah had come onto the stage.

  I felt guilty. For having Liana up there, and for her latching onto me.

  Then Liana disappeared from my side, and I turned around to face the two women.

  Liana didn’t leave—she danced. The woman could move and knew just how to show off her perfect body in time to the music. It was like she’d been born to dance to the song, and a vision of performing with her in a big concert with live vocals flashed through my mind.

  Leah grooved to the music, taking her cue from Liana. The way she moved her hips reminded me of the last time we had danced with each other to my music, and what the outcome had been.

  I had never felt more torn. Liana was the woman who I should have been falling over myself to impress and try to get with. And Leah was my stepsister, the one I couldn’t drive out of my mind even if I tried using a sharp knife.

  They were both on the platform, dancing to the music, looking at me as if expecting me to make a choice.

  What the hell!

  The song was drawing near to the close, so I avoided the issue. I turned back to my setup and got ready to mix in the next song.

  I grabbed the microphone. “Did you guys like that?”

  The response from the crowd was thrilling. Only in my wildest dreams had this night gone so well.

  “You ready for more new songs? Let me see those hands!”

  This time it was as if the entire dance floor was planted with a forest of people, arms reaching to the sky as they jumped to the beat.

  I mixed in the next track, toying with the settings until it came in the way I wanted it to.

  The music was alive, and I felt it flow through me and out to the floor. I put my fist in the air and pumped it in time with the beat. Hundreds of arms followed my actions in the crowd. They all turned and looking my way, dancing in the same direction, as if this were an actual show and not just a dance party.

  This is nuts.

  First Liana and then Leah came up and danced alongside me, basking in the audience’s attention. Both of them wore tight dresses, Liana red and Leah black.

  The next few hours passed in an exhilarating blur. I spaced out the rest of my songs—there were only eight of them—but every time I announced a new one about to play the response from the thousands of people on the floor was phenomenal.

  I hadn’t had even a sip of alcohol, but the musical and emotional high that filled me was better than any substance had ever given me. It was a drug in its own right.

  And I had the woman of my dreams beside me the entire time. Liana left and I saw her dancing with friends below, but Leah never left the stage, always dancing, always there. Always looking at me with those green eyes, the ones I saw when I closed my eyes at night.

  “You guys have been amazing, but it’s almost time to go!” I said into the microphone. A groan from the crowd greeted the words.

  The organizers had told me to wrap up the party at two thirty in the morning, and it was almost that time. They had said that the hall would empty by then after they stopped serving alcohol, but it was still packed. I couldn’t see a single open piece of dance floor.

  “I have a special treat for you guys, a thank-you for staying with me the entire night,” I said. “There’s one more new track to play for you, and this is my favorite one. I hope you like it as much as I do.”

  They cheered as I put on the final track. I’d finished it only three hours before the gig started.

  I nudged the volume higher. The song deserved it.

  Leah grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to her. Green eyes intense, she put her arms around me and started to dance.

  The rest of the hall disappeared as we moved. There was only her, me, the music, and the heat between us.

  I’d longed to touch her like this for months, to run my hands along her back, palm her ass through her tight black dress. See the way her mouth parted as she stared at my lips.

  We kissed, the contact sending a bolt of electricity through me. Her lips were soft, inviting. Exactly the way I remembered them. The way I craved them.

  A part of me still knew that we were up on a stage in front of thousands of people. That part heard the roar of the crowd as they saw their DJ making out with a hot woman. And that part exerted enough control I didn’t strip her naked right there because the rest of me cared about nothing but touching her soft skin again.

  The song was on its last few seconds, dying out in a way that begged for more music. But there was no more.

  Cheers split the hall, and there were a couple calls for encore, but the lights came on fully before it picked up any traction.

  Leah and I pulled apart, and I stared into h
er eyes. Had it all been a part of the music’s spell? Would she push me away yet again now that the lights were on and the night was over?

  Or had the night just begun?

  Fire raced through my veins.

  Music no longer filled my ears, but it pounded in my heart and in my mind.

  I can’t believe I kissed Chris in front of thousands of people.

  I shoved the thought away ruthlessly. Most of them wouldn’t know our parents were married. It was time to stop caring about what other people wanted.

  All that matter was what I wanted, and what Chris wanted. We’d danced around it for too long.

  “Do you want to get out of here?” I asked.

  His smile spread across his face, but it did nothing to dampen the passion and fire in his dark eyes. “I’d like that very much.”

  In seconds he’d closed up his laptop and thrown it into his bag. The rest of the equipment had been rented by the organizing committee itself, so he didn’t have to worry about it.

  He grabbed my hand and my stomach fluttered. “Let’s go.”

  It wasn’t as simple as I’d thought it would be. Chris had rocked the joint—even exceeding my highest dreams for him. People hung around, wanting to talk to the DJ.

  Chris didn’t care. He pushed through the crowd, shaking hands and bumping fists and doling out high fives to everyone who wanted one. He accepted a lot of praise and even took a couple business cards before we broke out the back of the crowd and sped away as quickly as I could in my heels.

  When we got outside, the cool air of the deep summer night was a shock after the heat of thousands of people packed into the hall.

  “That was wild,” Chris said. My ears were almost numbed to sound after so many hours of music blasting at high volume. I couldn’t tell if he was shouting or talking normally, but the sound felt weird.

  “Oh my God, Chris!” I pulled him up short and took his face in my hands. “That was incredible! I can’t believe how well you did. I’m so proud of you.”

  I kissed him, deeply and fully. It felt good to do it after so long spent holding myself back. This was what I wanted. It felt right.

  He snaked his hands down the back of my dress and rested them on my butt as I caressed his muscles through his shirt.

  He broke off the kiss with a gasp. “Let’s get back to my place.”

  I couldn’t agree more. The walk back was a haze, still euphoric from the music and the dancing. It felt like we stopped to make out every block, and our groping got progressively more wanton as we got closer to his apartment. By the time we made a final pit stop outside his building, his fingers had found their way under the hem of my dress and pulled my panties to the side, plunging into my wetness.

  “Chris, oh fuck, if you keep that up you’ll make me come!” I held onto his shoulders as his fingers worked their magic.

  “That’s the idea,” he growled.

  The growl sent me over the edge, and I bit his neck to keep from screaming too loudly on the quiet street.

  When I’d recovered enough to walk, I glared at him. “I’ll pay you back for that, mister.”

  He chuckled. “Looking forward to it, miss.”

  When we pushed back the door to his apartment, it stood open for a full five minutes as I attacked him. His shirt and pants disappeared by the time he’d recovered enough to close the door.

  “Let me throw on music,” he said.

  I followed him across the room and didn’t give him a moment’s rest as he hooked up his iPod.

  I wrapped my hands around his waist and grabbed hold of his manhood through his boxer briefs. It was already hard from the teasing we’d put each other through on the walk back, and I wasted no time in pulling it out of its cloth prison.

  The skin was smooth and silky, a contrast to the hardness of the flesh underneath. I sunk to my knees beside him and looked up at him. He put the iPod down and the opening strains of one of his songs filled the room.

  His cock stood at attention, and from this close and this angle it looked even bigger than I’d remembered. I hadn’t taken him in my mouth the first time we’d gotten together, even though he’d eaten me, an imbalance I had to erase.

  The taste was good—musky and manly. It had been a long time since I’d given a guy a blowjob. Since before I broke up with Jeff. I let the music guide me, wrapping both hands around his base and twisting as I took his head into my mouth.

  I looked up to find him staring at me, watching as I worshipped on my knees. The look on his face was intense, and I tried even harder to give him as much pleasure as he’d already given me that night.

  I could sense him getting close; his manhood twitched and pulsed, and his breathing grew ragged enough I could hear it over the music.

  Before he tipped, he reached down to pull me to my feet. “I don’t want to blow yet,” he growled. “There are other things I want to do first.”

  We kissed, our tongues clashing as his hands went to work on the dress I still wore. He unzipped it and sent it to the floor, revealing the lingerie I’d worn underneath.

  I didn’t know for sure the night would go this way, but I’d prepared.

  Black lace nothings were all that covered me. The panties were already a soaking mess, and the bra pushed my breasts up and together in such a way that Chris couldn’t keep his eyes off them.

  He also didn’t want them to stay on for long.

  Such is the nature of nice lingerie. It’s admired for a second before it’s served its purpose.

  Both naked, Chris and I came together once more, grabbing and groping each other’s bodies, tugging and pulling and plunging until I could barely breathe through the passion.

  He led me to his room and laid me back into the covers before crawling on top. It was close, intimate in a way it hadn’t the first time I’d lain in his bed.

  He reached for the nightstand beside his bed, but I grabbed his arm and put his hand on my breast.

  “Chris,” I said. “I want you. And I trust you. I’m back on the pill.”

  “I need you,” he replied. “All of you.”

  He covered me with his body, and I felt him as he slid in. After months of celibacy, it was a shock to my system, and my eyes fluttered shut as I concentrated on the feelings spreading through my body.

  When his hips finally came to a rest against me, I wrapped my legs and arms around him to hold him tight.

  His fiery eyes held me before he leaned down to kiss me. The music thundered around us, and the emotional high of earlier that night came back full force.

  It was more than I could take, and even without him moving, I could feel myself tense around his cock as I came.

  I moaned into his mouth, and he slid himself in and out, slow and gentle, reaching deep inside at the apex of every thrust. I dug my fingernails into his back as he kept going.

  “Oh, fuck, Chris.” I said. I couldn’t concentrate on kissing any longer, needed to focus on the things he was doing to my body.

  He kissed and lightly sucked on my neck as he ground himself against me. The motion sent his pubic bone against my clit, which sent another jolt through me and started me off once more.

  We joined together for a long time. Chris took his time, getting me off time and time again, until my legs were sore from spasming.

  If I didn’t take control, I feared he would never stop. Feared, and hoped.

  With hands and feet, I coaxed him into rolling onto his back. We held onto each other as he went, so I rolled with him and ended up on top, straddling him.

  He raised his hands to my breasts hanging low in front of him, but I grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head.

  “It’s my turn,” I said, and I could feel him swell inside of me at my initiative.

  I rocked my hips, rubbing the sensitive underside of his head against my insides as I rode him, focusing all of my energy on creating a mind-blowing sensation for him. It felt good for me too, and although my goal was to get him off, I reached
another peak.

  Chris thrusted into me from below, moving his hips in time with my own until we slammed into each other. “I’m close,” he said, the words a low growl I barely heard over the music.

  I put my hand on his chest and increased my pace, riding for all I was worth.

  “Come with me, Chris. Give it to me. I want it all. Please, Chris, I want to feel you come.”

  The begging worked, and his entire body tightened as if he was flexing every muscle. I sent myself crashing down for a couple more thrusts until I collapsed on top of him.

  I felt him spasm inside of me, and the heat of his release as his pent up load filled me. The sensation pushed me higher into my own release, and I shook on top of him, beyond words as the fire rushed across my skin and through my body.

  My head lay on his chest, and there was no way I would move.

  As I came down from the sexual bliss and emotional rush of the night, there was only one thought running through my head.

  I hope I didn’t just make a massive mistake.

  “You’ll do great,” I said. Leah shook out her hands and bounced around to loosen up. “I’ve been right there with you all this week as you ran lines, and you haven’t made a single mistake. More than that, you brought Annie alive right in front of my eyes. You are magnificent.”

  It was like watching a boxer warm up for a sparring session, the way Leah danced around the room, rolling her shoulders and moving her arms around. Any second now, she would start shadowboxing.

  “It’s not me I’m worried about,” she said. “What if the play itself is a disaster? John is certain it’ll be a failure.”

  She’d told me about the script writer. I hadn’t met him, but he sounded like he was an interesting fellow.

  “You’ve done everything you can,” I said as I stepped forward and put my hands on her shoulders to calm her. I looked into her eyes. Those brilliant green eyes. “All you can do now is act the shit out of your part, no matter what else happens onstage.”

  “I know.” She nodded and took a deep breath. All the nervous energy disappeared as though she sucked it back into her. I’d seen nothing like it. “I know. It’s time to put on a show.”


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