Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 6

by Paige Cameron

Janice’s eyes showed concern and friendliness. Chelsea took a deep breath. “Sorry. I am a little rattled yet.”

  By that time the others had gathered around her. Dirk made the introductions. At the end he said, “We thought we’d stay long enough to get married. Brent and Angie, can we use your place like Ty and Lily did?”

  Chelsea almost laughed at the shocked expressions on their faces. They recovered fast and hugged and congratulated her and Dirk. Janice, Angie, and Samantha led her to a large SUV. They all got inside and the men followed in two trucks.

  “Don’t worry about a thing. We’re experts at this now. We’ll take care of everything,” Angie said.

  But Chelsea saw the puzzled, worried glance go between Janice and Samantha. They had questions but were too polite to ask. Maybe she should tell them the truth. Dirk had insisted they have a regular marriage. It wouldn’t be as if the family was watching every second to see how they were doing. Instead, she decided to tell a partial truth.

  “Dirk and I met several years ago when we were both overseas. We used to meet on our leaves in Europe. A misunderstanding separated us.”

  “How romantic,” Samantha said. “My husband and I were friends for years before he convinced me I loved him and had to marry him.”

  “You’ve been happy?” Chelsea asked.

  “Oh yes. We have two adorable children, and I’ve never been happier.”

  Chelsea saw happiness shining out of all their eyes. If only she could find the contentment and love they had. But the same problem faced her and Dirk. Sometime in the future she’d get an offer she couldn’t refuse to work in her field. Dirk wanted a woman to be happy being a wife and mother. It was a wide chasm. She doubted they could reach across and find a compromise.

  She might as well quit worrying and enjoy the present. A lot could happen in a year.

  * * * *

  Brent and Angie insisted they come to their place and stay in the cabin they’d first built, before the big house as Angie called it. Chelsea was never as relieved as when they got inside the small cottage and closed the door.

  Dirk put down their cases and came to her side. “Are you all right? You look pale.”

  Chelsea sat in the nearest chair. “I didn’t realize socializing would be so tiring. The dinner was good and all of them are such nice people. I feel like we’re asking them to be part of a false scenario and they don’t know it. It doesn’t seem right.”

  “What do you want to do? Call off the wedding? I can ask Drake to let us use his plane to get to Montana. You can still stay with me. We’ll see how things go. Meanwhile the press will soon find something else to catch their interest.”

  She studied his face. He didn’t try to hide the disappointment in his eyes.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “How do you know you will?” He gave her a cheeky grin. “I’m a tough cowboy, remember.”

  “I’d prefer to do it that way, with no promises given. If or when I marry, I want it to be a happy event with all the trimmings.”

  “Fair enough. I’ll go talk to Brent and Angie and call Drake.”

  “Thank you.” She watched him go out and peeked between the curtains, admiring his backside. His sexy body was beginning to arouse the hunger in her to touch him and taste him. But she knew herself. She couldn’t imagine she’d be happy on a ranch far from the excitement of the big city and the news. Not that she wanted to go back overseas, but there were other interesting jobs she might be offered.

  First she had to get her head on straight. A little more vacation was just what she needed. She ought to resist his overtures. But was she strong enough to push away temptation?

  Chapter Seven

  They flew into Montana late that night. Angie and Brent had told them good-bye at their house. Drake and Janice came to the landing strip and wished them well. They were all polite and didn’t ask questions. Apparently whatever Dirk said to them satisfied their curiosity. Dirk had been unusually quiet since she’d asked him not to marry her.

  “There’s my truck,” Dirk said as they walked down the plane’s steps. “Since it’s so late, I’m certain Ty and Lily have gone to bed. They don’t get much sleep with the baby waking up at night.” He took long strides to the truck and glanced inside. “Yeah, the keys are in the ignition. Here let me take your backpack.” He swung it and his into the backseat, and then helped her inside. “We’ll contact your parents and see about going there to get some of your things.”

  “I can make do with what I have. The nearby town has a shop. I checked it out when I stayed here briefly before.”

  “You don’t want to see your parents?”

  “Not yet.”

  Dirk drove a good distance from the main farmhouse, turned right onto a narrower road and stopped to open a gate. He drove through, and in the distance Chelsea saw the shape of a large country house with verandas around three sides.

  “This is the new home you mentioned?”

  “Yes. I have plenty of land, and so I built a barn for my horses, too.

  Chelsea found herself leaning forward. She was anxious to see more of the homestead. A few lights were lit around the exterior and one or two inside.

  As though he read her thoughts, Dirk spoke. “The lights are on a timer. I don’t like coming home to a dark house. Mom always kept the lights on for us. She still does.”

  “I can’t wait to see it in the daytime. The area looks lovely in the moonlight.”

  “Wait until you see the wildflowers blooming all across the pasture land, and all the trees surrounding the area.”

  “Do you have a horse I can ride?”

  “You haven’t forgotten how?”

  “Of course not.”

  He flashed her a smile. “I’ll check you out in the morning.”

  “You’re on. I’ll outrun you.”

  He laughed. “Not likely.” He parked on the drive at the front door, and then came around to help her out, but she didn’t wait. She’d hopped out.


  “Tired. Maybe I can sleep all night without a nightmare.”

  Dirk brushed her hair off her forehead. “Maybe you can.”

  He grabbed their backpacks and gave her the key to open the door.

  She swung one half of the double doors open and stepped inside. Dirk reached over and flipped on the light, exposing a huge great room with a fireplace in the corner. The light wood walls glowed in the light. Cream-colored leather furniture was spaced around the room. A large rug in bright gold and red colors kept the room from looking too masculine. Chelsea glanced across at Dirk.

  “You didn’t do the decorating?”

  “No way. There’d be one big chair and a large television. My sister designs clothes, and she also has a good eye for decoration. She insisted I let her have a free hand. It worried me, but I took a chance. She did a good job. I’m comfortable here except it seems too big for just one man.”

  Chelsea ignored that comment. Dirk motioned for her to follow him.

  “Tomorrow, I’ll show you around. Tonight, I’ll show you your room.” He led her to the left and down a hall. “There are three bedrooms on this side. On the other is the master bedroom and my study. Feel free to wake me if you need anything.”

  He took her to the last room at the back of the house.

  “This is the largest, and hopefully the quietest, so I don’t wake you when I get up early. I’ve got to meet with Ty and discuss what has been happening since I left. Later, I’ll pop in and see how you are doing. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen.”

  “Thanks for everything, Dirk.”

  “No problem. Good night.”

  Part of her wanted to go to him and ask to sleep in his bed, close to his warm body. But he was keeping her at arm’s length since she’d called off their wedding.

  She glanced around. The bedroom was done in a subtle lilac with a bedspread and curtains in white with tiny purple flowers. Definitely a girl’s room. Did Dirk want ch
ildren? She imagined a little boy with his sky blue eyes and shiny black hair.

  Chelsea shook her head. She must be tired. Heading to the adjoining bathroom, she threw off her clothes. A quick shower, and then she was going to sink into that soft mattress. She couldn’t wait.

  * * * *

  Dirk sat on the side of his bed. The thought of Chelsea on the other side of the house sent a rush of desire through his body. She’d disappointed him in stopping the marriage. Perhaps she was right.

  Still, he was going to continue with his plan to seduce her. He doubted he could ever have her permanently. He might as well enjoy their being together as long as he could make it last.

  Her father had pretty much ruined life on a ranch for her. Her memories stopped her from seeing how it could be between a man and his wife. He’d make sure she got to see Ty and Lily a lot. And he intended to show her what he wanted in a wife.

  Morning couldn’t come fast enough. He was ready to start on his backup plan.

  He slept in short naps. As soon as the sun peeked across the horizon, Dirk got out of bed. Being quiet he dressed, made a pot of coffee, and took his mug on his trip to Ty’s home. The engine of his truck may have woken her, but he doubted it. She was exhausted last night, both physically and emotionally.

  Dirk waved at several cowhands as he rode by. The cool, clean breeze coming in his truck window felt good. All the familiar scents of cattle, horses, and hay told him he was home.

  Ty must have heard him coming. He stood at the kitchen door. “Come on in and tell us all about your adventures.”

  Lily sat at the table drinking hot chocolate.

  “Where’s little Diana?”

  “In bed sleeping, thank goodness.” Lily smiled. “She woke twice, but Ty was sweet enough to get up with her the last time.”

  “She actually slept all night the night before last. We thought maybe she’d continue, but she was teasing us,” Ty said, a smile on his face.

  “Tell us what happened?” Lily asked.

  Dirk turned the chair around and sat. Briefly, he explained how they’d rescued Chelsea and the two soldiers. “Of course, none of this can be known. The military has given their account. I don’t want it questioned.”

  “We understand,” Ty said. “How’s your lady friend? Drake said you almost married her.”

  “Yeah. She got cold feet. It’s all right. While she’s here, I plan to wear her down.” He told them a little about her experiences on her family’s ranch. “Unless I can show her a better way a couple can live together out in the country, she’ll take off someday.”

  “And you don’t want her to?” Lily asked.


  “I’ll help. Later today I’ll take Diana over to see her. Introduce myself as her neighbor.”

  “Thanks, Lily.” Dirk glanced at Ty. “Guess we have business to discuss?”

  “Yes, but eat breakfast with us first.”

  * * * *

  Chelsea slept half the day away. She got up and dressed in jeans and a green plaid shirt. After brushing her teeth, washing her face, and pulling her hair back into a ponytail, she left the bedroom. At each door, she peeked inside. There were three bedrooms and two baths. The second bath adjoined the other bedrooms. In the smallest bedroom a baby crib had been set up. That was strange.

  Sunlight streaming in the great room windows gave a warm ambiance. She walked on around the long bar and into a large kitchen. The smell of coffee drew her to the pot. She poured a cup and went back to sit in a rocker by the fireplace. It wasn’t lit, but the two-story window brought in lots of warmth. Over the kitchen was a loft, and the windows reached that high. She’d been so sleepy she hadn’t noticed it last night.

  When her coffee was gone, she put the cup aside and climbed the curving staircase. The loft had windows in the back, and with the curtains pulled the room was full of light. Chelsea paced the length of the room. A waist-high railing faced the great room. Other than the curtains, this room had been left unfurnished. A small half bath and closet were at one end. Interesting.

  More curious, she went back downstairs and poked her head in the master bedroom. Large, mahogany furniture, including a bed, side tables, and a chest of drawers were spaced around the big room. At one end were two bookshelves and two easy chairs. The colors of cream and light blue kept the room from being too masculine. To the right were walk-in closets and a large bathroom done in gold and browns. At the other end of the room, a door went into a study complete with desk, file cabinets, and more bookshelves.

  Chelsea had just gotten back to the great room when she heard a voice coming from the kitchen area.

  “Hello.” A woman called out from the back door. The visitor was a beautiful blonde holding a baby.

  “You must be Chelsea. I’m Lily, Ty’s wife. Can I come in?”

  “Sure.” Chelsea opened the door for her. “That’s the baby I’ve heard about.”

  “Meet Diana. Would you like to hold her?”

  Before Chelsea could respond, Lily put the baby in her arms. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Bewildered Chelsea watched her disappear around the corner.

  She glanced down at the small baby wrapped in a blanket. Little Diana’s eyes were open and staring at her. They were a deep blue, and she had curly golden hair. Her tiny hand clutched the edge of her blanket.

  Chelsea touched the satin-soft skin. “Hello, beautiful. What wonderful skin you have.” Diana’s rosebud mouth made an O shape and a bubble came out. Chelsea couldn’t remember ever holding an infant. Her brother was older than her. She’d had no experience with little ones. Diana felt warm and cuddly against her arm and body. Leaning down, Chelsea breathed in her scent, a mixture of powder and baby.

  “Don’t babies smell sweet?” Lily walked up to Chelsea. Chelsea started to hand her back. “No. Enjoy her. I’ll make us some tea.” She glanced in the refrigerator. “I stocked some things in here yesterday when we heard you were coming our way. Ham, cheese, mayonnaise, and mustard. I’ll make us a sandwich.”

  “I should be doing that for you.”

  “You can next time.” Lily bustled around the kitchen.

  Chelsea rocked Diana in her arms, and the baby’s eyes closed as she went to sleep. Lily put a plate with a sandwich and chips in front of Chelsea.

  “I’ll be right back. Ty had a crib put in the front bedroom for her. I’ll lay her down.”

  So that explained the crib, sort of. Did he keep the baby for them?”

  Lily came right back and put her plate and two glasses of cold tea on the table. She sat and smiled at Chelsea. “What do you think of this place?”

  “It’s lovely, and feels like a home.”

  “I agree. Dirk worked with the architect. Most of the plans were his. I told him it was too big for a bachelor. He said he wouldn’t always be one, and he didn’t want to build another house. He fell in love with this part of the property.”

  “I haven’t gone outside yet. I didn’t wake up until noon.”

  “Eat. You must be hungry.”

  “I am.” Chelsea nodded toward the bedrooms. “Does Dirk keep Diana for you?”

  “Yes. Can you believe it? He volunteered to keep her if we wanted to go out occasionally. He’s a good babysitter. Diana grins big when she sees him.”

  “A man of many talents, from rescuing damsels in distress to comforting babies. I thought I knew him well. Guess I didn’t.”

  “Men are strange creatures. Ty and I had a difficult time understanding each other.” Lily grinned. “We still do at times, but we talk it out. Or Ty just grins, shakes his head, and says, ‘yes dear.’”

  A noise at the back screen brought both their heads around. Dirk brushed his boots on the outside doormat, then came in and took off his hat.

  “Hi, Lily. Where’s my darlin’?”

  “You never talk to me first. I’ve been replaced by Diana.”

  She winked at Chelsea.

  “Not at all.” He leaned down
and kissed her cheek. “I suppose she’s in the crib.”

  “Yes and don’t wake her until we finish eating. Want a sandwich?”

  “Don’t get up. I’ll fix it. I noticed you’d stocked my pantry and fridge. Thanks.”

  Chelsea watched Dirk pull out the ingredients and make himself a thick sandwich. He poured chips on his plate and got a cup of coffee. His movements were concise. It was obvious he wasn’t a stranger to the kitchen.

  He sat at the table between them. After taking one bite, they heard Diana cry out. He stood before either woman could.

  “I’ll get her. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her. Hopefully she hasn’t forgotten me.” Taking long strides, he headed toward the baby’s bedroom.

  “He’ll make a wonderful father. He’s just like Ty in that respect.”

  Dirk came back with the baby in his arms. She was cooing and throwing her little arms and hands around.

  “She knew me right away.”

  Lily laughed. “She’s female and susceptible to strong, handsome cowboys.”

  Chelsea watched the friendly, teasing way they treated each other. The way she’d wished she and her brother could be, but he was too much like Dad and followed their father’s beliefs about women. Might she be different if she’d been raised in the warmth and love Diana was going to grow up in? Perhaps, or she might have still been born with the wanderlust.

  After eating, Lily gathered Diana and her baby bag and left. She and Dirk stood in the doorway waving until they were out of sight.

  “I like her. She’s a genuine person. I’m surprised, with all she’d gone through. I didn’t know what to expect since she’d been raised by a man who was so evil.”

  “Apparently the one thing he really loved was her. But she’s been hurt. Her world as she knew it blew up.”

  “She makes me feel like a coward.”

  “Not at all. You also had a sudden shock and you did what had to be done. But it wasn’t easy. I’d worry if you could shrug off killing a man. Even if he did have it coming. It shows your humanity that you’ve struggled with your decision. To change the conversation to a lighter topic, I thought you might like to go for a ride?”


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