Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 8

by Paige Cameron

  Her father had huffed and said a few snide words. Bill had ignored him and gone on talking. As usual her mother hung back, but gave Chelsea loving smiles. It was worth the trip to see her and to see the changes in Bill. Would they last? She hoped so for his sake.

  “Honey, let’s go for a walk. The exercise will be good for you before you have to start your long drive back,” her mother said, and stood, reaching out to take her hand.

  “Sure, Mom, if there’s time.” She glanced at Dirk.

  “Enjoy yourself. There’s no rush,” Dirk said.

  “Dirk and I will walk out to the barn,” Bill said. “I’m thinking of doing artificial insemination with some of my cows. I wondered if you had any advice. Dad, you want to join us?”

  “No. I’m going to the new house. I’ll leave all that foolishness to you two. You can bring your mother home later.” He glanced at his daughter. “I hope you’ve come to your senses about that crazy job.” He didn’t speak to Dirk, but went out and got in an old truck and drove away.

  “Go on your walk.” He gave her an encouraging smile. “Bill, I’ve been reading up on that subject. We’re thinking of doing the same thing on a small scale to start. Ty’s father hadn’t been particularly keen on the idea, either. I’d like to see your cattle and hear your ideas.”

  Chelsea and her mother walked in a different direction than the barn. The fields were ablaze with color. A breeze blew in their face.

  “How are you doing, Mom?”

  “I’m fine since the surgery. And with the smaller house I don’t have so much to do. Your dad has a garden. He has to do something or go crazy, but his arthritis has slowed him down.”

  “If I settled down somewhere, would you come and live with me? I’d see you had an easier, more pleasant life.”

  Her mother stopped and patted her cheek. “You’re a sweet girl. I know your father is hard to understand. He’s had a difficult life eking out a living on this farm. I’m glad to see Bill is going to modernize the place. It’ll be more profitable and not beat him down as it has your father.” She started walking again, looking straight ahead. “I’m used to your father, and he wouldn’t do well without me. I expect I wouldn’t do well without him. We’ve been together too long to go our separate ways.”

  Shocked at her words, Chelsea said, “You love him?”

  “Of course. What you saw as hard work was for me doing something for the man I loved. I tried to tell him to be gentler with you two, but he wanted you to be strong and successful in life.”

  “Yeah, his idea of successful was for me to marry and have children.”

  “He’s old-fashioned in his ways. His thought was you’d be taken care of and safe. When you were captured, he paced the floors night and day until he heard you’d been rescued.”

  “He was probably cursing my job the whole time.”

  Her mother laughed. “He was. He had to blame something or someone. He was afraid.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom. I can’t see him the way you do. If you ever change your mind, let me know.”

  “We’d better go back. It’s getting late and you have a far way to go. I hope you come back.”

  “I will, Momma. As long as you’re here.”

  * * * *

  The drive home was quiet. Neither she nor Dirk had much to say, and yet the silence was filled with unsaid words. Chelsea was glad to see Dirk’s home. He let her off at the front door.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” he said before driving the car to the garage.

  Chelsea took a warm shower hoping it would help her sleep. Her mind was full of conflicting thoughts. She tossed and turned on the bed until finally she sank into darkness.

  A large figure came toward her. “You’re mine now. I may let my men share you if I get bored.” His dark eyes gleamed with malice. She took the knife she’d found and plunged it into his stomach. Blood gushed on her hands. Startled, she jumped back and grabbed the lantern, but he staggered forward and put his hands around her throat. “You are a stupid woman. You left home. You deserve to die.” She struggled to breathe. His grip loosened. She took a deep breath and screamed.

  * * * *

  Across the width of the house, her scream woke Dirk. He was on his feet and running across the great room to her when she flew out of the hall and into his arms. She wrapped her arms and legs around him. He staggered at her sudden weight, but held on.

  “It’s all right, Chelsea. I’m here. No one will hurt you. Not as long as I’m nearby.” He walked with her into his bedroom. She sobbed on his shoulder. Gently, he laid her on his bed, but she wouldn’t release him. He climbed in and held her tight.

  Gradually the sobs slowed and stopped. He wiped the tears from her face, and kissed her cheeks and chin.

  “I’m here, love. Everything is fine. You had a bad dream.”

  “I hadn’t had one for quite a while. I thought they’d stopped, but this one was different. He grabbed me and choked me until I couldn’t breathe.”

  Her body shuddered against him. Dirk rubbed her back and breathed in her sweet fragrance. Her curls were wet with perspiration.

  He lay naked against her. She hadn’t noticed. His dick was hard and pulsing. He wanted to slide inside her pussy and love her, fill her with his love, and take away the hurtful memories from her childhood and the desert. He didn’t doubt they were all mixed up in her mind tonight.

  Her body stiffened slightly. Ah, she’d noticed his lack of attire.

  “Shall I carry you back to your room?” His eyes stared into the wet sheen of her green eyes.

  “No. I don’t want to be alone.”

  Dirk held her head between his hands. “Chelsea, I want you. I can’t lie here all night and not make love to you. I don’t want to take advantage of the situation.”

  “I know. I want you, too. But I don’t know if I’ll ever be the way you’d like me to be.”

  “I understand why you distrust men. I’ll show you, you can trust me. We can have a different kind of life than your mother and father.”

  “I can’t promise anything.”

  “All right. I won’t either. We’ll do it your way. No strings attached. Agreed?”


  He guided her to the bathroom, and turned on the warm water in the shower. Then he pulled her gown off. He kissed the top of her head and breathed in her sweet scent.

  “You need to relax. We’ll start here.” He lifted her and stepped in. The water cascaded over them. Dirk let her body slide down along his. He kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, and then her full, rosy lips. She opened her mouth, and his tongue invaded the soft interior. Their tongues moved around each other, tempting, touching, caressing. Her lush breasts rubbed across his chest. He wanted to devour her.

  Just a little more patience. If I rush her, it may make her pull back. And I’ve never wanted anyone like I do her. His hands massaged her back and cupped her buttocks holding her hard against his cock.

  “Feel how much I need you? How much I want to bury myself in your hot pussy? Stay here. I’ll be right back.” He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a condom package from a drawer. He tore it open and put it on his rigid cock. She watched him, making him harder. When he got back in the shower, he said, “Put your arms and legs around me again.”

  Chelsea did as he said. She kissed his mouth as he held her close. Taking two steps, he put her back against the tiled wall. She reached between them and put her hand on his cock.

  “Remember how good it always was between us? I want you inside me.”

  “The lady’s wish is my command.” He positioned the head of his cock at her pussy opening and slid into her warmth. She wiggled and took him in further.

  Dirk kissed her deeply as his cock pulsed inside her tight pussy walls. He didn’t want to move at first. Just hold her and savor the feel of her, the scent of her, and the taste of her sweet mouth.

  She pushed down, exciting him more, and his cock demanded his attention. Slowly, he moved
in and out while he watched her face. She met his strokes and tightened her inner walls around him.

  Chelsea put her mouth by his ear. She bit his earlobe, sending a jolt of desire straight downward. “Take me hard. I’m not fragile.”

  He bit her lip then ran his tongue over the spot. “I’ve been starved for you. If I’d had to take another cold shower I would have exploded with frustration.

  She chuckled, then rubbed her peaked nipples against him, spiking his hunger. He pushed harder and faster as heat flowed through his body and the ache in his balls urged him on. He was going to explode. He wanted to. Her moans, and then her breath quickening, brought him to the edge. As pleasure zapped him, her scream of his name echoed around them and her body shivered in his arms. She clenched and unclenched her pussy walls around his supersensitive cock. It was all he could do to still stand.

  She bent her head and kissed his shoulder. “It’s still as good as ever between us.”

  “Maybe even better.” He kissed the top of her head.


  Dirk smiled at her admission. “We’re not through yet. I have a mighty hunger for you.” He got out of the shower with her. She put her feet down. “Let me dry you.”

  He patted her skin dry, and his lips followed the path of the towel. Her skin was petal-soft and sweet as honey. Dirk ran the edge of his teeth across her pebbled nipples, and then sucked on each one. Her fingers slid through his hair, and her body bowed toward him. His dick got harder.

  Dirk swept her up in his arms and carried her to bed. She sank into the mattress and he followed her down. Having the length of her body underneath him sent heat surging out from his center to every cell. She wrapped her arms and legs around him. Even though he’d just had her, his lustful hunger hadn’t abated one bit. It had been so long.

  Every little wiggle she made sent sizzles of electricity rushing along his nerves. She’d managed to move down, and her lips brushed along his neck and then his chest. Little puffs of breath brushed across his nipples. He loosened his hold and let her continue on her downward slide.

  When her fingers caressed the top of his cock, his breath caught. Then her tongue slid around and over the head of his dick. His groan had her looking at him.

  “Shall I stop?” she whispered.

  “Hell no.”

  “Good, because I’m just getting started.”

  Her hand wrapped around his cock and moved up and down as she continued to run her lips across the top. An exquisite dart of pleasure shot up his body. It was almost painful in its intensity. His heartbeat pounded in his chest. He tried to hold back as long as he could, but when she sucked on him, he knew he was too close.

  “Wait.” When she raised her head, he flipped her under him. He grabbed a condom from the bedside table drawer and almost tore it putting it on. Then he plunged into her hot pussy. For a second he went still, absorbing the luscious gratification of being held tight between her pussy walls.

  Chelsea spread her legs wider and pulled his buttocks toward her, urging him to go deeper. He pushed forward and then back, beginning the rhythm of making love. She raised her hips, drawing him in as far as he could go.

  He pulled her legs over his shoulders. She moaned and thrashed her head as he filled her pussy with his length and girth.

  Damn, she felt so good. They’d always matched perfectly in bed. At least as far as he was concerned. Pressure built inside him. As his cock plunged against her womb, they both yelled out their release.

  Dirk rolled to lie beside her. He took deep breaths, trying to fill his lungs.

  She looked at him with a glazed expression. “Wow, that was even better than I remembered.”

  “I suppose that’s a compliment.”

  “Well, it was great before, but this was more salacious.”

  He rolled on his side to face her. His hand brushed across her fiery curls. “I didn’t know you even knew such a word.”

  “Please this isn’t the dark ages. I’m a reporter. I know lots of words.”

  “I can’t wait to hear them all.”

  “It’ll have to wait for another day.” She snuggled into his arms. “I’m tired.”

  “Damn, I must not have been as good as I thought.”

  “There’s always room for improvement. We’ll work on it more tomorrow.”

  Dirk chuckled and pulled her close. She’d turned on her side away from him. Her sweet ass moved around and snuggled against his abdomen. His dick roused its head. Down, boy, that’s it for the night. But at least he had the opportunity to hold her close and smell the sweetness of her hair and soft body.

  He’d lied when he said no promises. His promise to himself was to convince her to marry him. She was definitely the woman for him. The hard part was making her admit it.

  Chapter Ten

  When Chelsea woke, Dirk was gone. She sat up and stretched.

  The usual morning tension had disappeared. On the bedside table, she saw his note.

  Gone to work in the south area of the ranch. If interested, bring us a picnic lunch around one. Just head south. You’ll eventually see us. It’s not too far. Wish I was there to bury myself in your hot, wet pussy and kiss your lush breasts. I’m getting hard thinking about you. Time for another cold shower.

  Hmm, ten o’clock. Time to dress and see if they had the ingredients to make a picnic lunch. She wandered into the kitchen after showering and dressing in her jeans, a yellow T-shirt, and her boots. She put on the kettle for tea then checked the pantry. There were bread and chips. In the fridge were condiments, cheese, and ham slices. A bowl of apples sat on the counter.

  As she made the sandwiches, she drank her tea and ate a piece of toast. She put the sandwiches in the refrigerator and washed the two apples. Most of the lunch was ready.

  She found herself wandering around the house. What was she going to do to keep busy while she was here? She glanced at the loft. It would make a perfect place to sit and write. She’d never admitted to anyone that she had an urge to write a novel based on her experience from being overseas. There hadn’t been any time to pursue her dream. Until now.

  Or she could just go back into the fray, and accept the questions she’d inevitably get, then continue with the job she knew. But she didn’t want to. Not yet. Dirk had given her a chance to take her time before making any decisions. For some reason her usual restlessness hadn’t urged her to move on. She’d stay and see where it led.

  The phone rang. “Hi, this is Chelsea.”

  “Lily here. I’ve taken a coffee cake out of the oven and thought what fun it would be to have you join me for coffee and cake. How about it?”

  Chelsea glanced at her watch. “I have some time. I’m taking Dirk’s lunch to him at one.”

  “That sounds like fun. Ty and I do that occasionally. But you’ll join me first?”

  “Let me pack the lunch in the cooler and I’ll head your way.”

  Chelsea went to the side kitchen door and knocked. The smell of cookies baking wafted out the screen.

  “Welcome.” Lily unlocked the door and held it open. “You’re just in time. Diana has woken from her nap. She’ll have milk while we have the coffee and cake.”

  “Won’t she cry seeing us eat?”

  “No. She’s had her bottle. Her cup has a little more milk in it. She’ll probably spill most of that.” Lily kissed the top of Diana’s head.

  Diana waved her hands around and smiled at Chelsea.

  “She’s hoping to entice you to pick her up.”

  “Can I after we eat?”

  “Sure. She loves attention, but she’s not spoiled. She’s a mellow baby. Mrs. Terrell said Ty was that way. It’s hard to believe the way he used to be, but he is much mellower since our wedding.”

  “Were you used to living in the country before you married Ty?”

  Lily laughed. “I grew up in Philly. The first ranch I ever lived on was this one. I love the wide, open spaces, the quiet, and being surrounded by nature. It s
urprised me how much I took to the differences in lifestyle. How about you?”

  “My home is about four hours from here. We lived on a smaller farm. I grew to hate the work, and the monotony. My father was not an easy man to live with. He had high expectations. There wasn’t time to enjoy the quiet, wide-open spaces or nature.”

  Lily had started to pick up her cup. She studied Chelsea. “That’s why you went as far away as you could get?”

  “I suppose, and the work fit my personality. I tend to be restless.”

  “Maybe being here will change your mind.”

  “There’s little chance. I’ll inevitably get antsy. But I’ll miss Dirk when I leave.”

  “He’s a wonderful man, kind and polite. He’s there when he’s needed. Some lucky girl will marry him one day. He’s said he is ready to settle down and have kids.”

  Chelsea’s coffee cake stuck in her throat. She took a quick drink of coffee to send it on down. Intuitively, she’d turned to look at Diana. Her two little, fat hands held the baby cup by the side handles. She was banging it on the high chair feeding tray. Milk splashed out of the cup spout, and she laughed.

  “I never saw myself with babies or small children or as a wife. To me it looked like too much unappreciated work, and babies are noisy.”

  “That they are. But her giggles, and snorts, even her crying tells me my baby is near. I love her. Ty is very appreciative about all I do. He helps with Diana at night, and at least once a week he cooks dinner. We have a date night where we dress up and go to town. It’s romantic.”

  “Who cares for Diana?”

  “One of our cowboy’s wives has a nine-month-old baby. We occasionally exchange a night with each other. And as I mentioned before, Dirk will help if needed. That way Ty and I get to go out for a special night. When Ty’s mom is here during the summer and fall, we could go out every night if we wanted. She and Mr. Terrell love their grandchildren.”

  “You make it sound idyllic.”

  “It can be if you’re in love. You still have to like ranching some. Here, hold Diana while I clean her chair and tray.” Without waiting for a response, Lily placed the baby in Chelsea’s arms. Diana gave her a toothless smile and took hold of her nose.


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