A Master for Christmas

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A Master for Christmas Page 1

by Aline de Chevigny

  Chapter 1

  Trevino looked down at the woman in his arms with affection. Sarah had been his Master for the past three years and elven months, and she never once made a single wish. Nor had she allowed him to shower her with gifts or affection, not until last night. Last night he’d finally broken through her defenses and kissed her, which led to making love and an opening of the flood gates of emotion he’d kept so tightly shielded. Sarah had been the best Christmas present he’d ever received.

  His parents would never let him live this down when they learnt the truth. He’d fallen in love with his Master, and now he needed to figure out how to make her use up her wishes so he could take his Jin exam and then marry her.

  Brushing back her bright red locks, he mulled over his options. He could tell her how he felt, not that she wouldn’t already know after last night, or…he could ask her for permission to visit his parents. Sarah had never denied him his family in the past and he knew they could help with this predicament. But how did he make his request?


  His name on her lips, so soft and sensual stirred his desire, and for once he could satiate that desire. He knew one thing for certain, he’d never be able to let her go again after last night. He needed a way around the wishes and genie laws, along with a method of making her immortal wouldn’t hurt, for her death would surely kill him once she departed this world.

  “Trevino, stop staring at me like that, you’re making me nervous.”

  “I would my lovely Master, but you look so delectable lying in my arms. I’ve waited so long to find you, I’m still awed that you truly exist.” He told her with a grin.

  Sarah blushed, then burrowed further under the blankets closer to his still nude and excited body. “Don’t be silly, you’ve known I existed for three years. You’re acting all weird because I was weak and gave into temptation. I won’t use those wishes Trevino, I refuse to treat you like a slave. You deserve to be treated better than that.”

  That one phrase was the reason he never stood a chance against her. Sarah had always treated him like a man and an equal. “I pray you never find the need to make those wishes. I quite enjoy being yours…body and soul.”

  Her cheeks radiated heat against his chest, he’d embarrassed her again. It amused him how easily he could still do that to her after so many years together.

  “I wish…”

  Sealing her mouth with a kiss, Trevino chuckled throatily. “Use the words I desire in the place of I wish Master. That way I won’t be impelled against my will to grant your hasty words. Truthfully I’d be miserable if you forbade me from expressing my adoration of you.”

  Sitting up Sarah slipped out of bed and walked over to sit in the overstuffed chair. Facing him with her knees drawn up to her bare chest, she looked at him with the cutest little frown creasing her forehead. Trevino knew that look, it meant she was making a difficult decision, one from past experience he realised he likely wouldn’t enjoy. “Master, what put such a serious look on your beautiful face?”

  “How long has it been since you’ve gone home Trevino?”

  Her tone warned him to answer carefully. He may be her Genie, but he was also a man…her man. “I saw them in February; I’ve been content to stay here with you. I feel useful here.” He knew it the moment the words left his lips, he’d said the wrong thing.

  “You feel useful?” Her face paled to a milky white. “I tell you I love you, we…we…I’m such an idiot. Last night was a mistake, one we can never repeat. I won’t have you sleeping with me because you think I need you need to take care of. Trevino I was never going to use my wishes but…”

  This was not going well at all. “Master, Sarah, don’t be rash. I only meant that you treat me as a man and not a possession.” Getting up, he walked over and knelt at the foot of her chair. “And if I recall, I also told you I loved you. I also kissed you first. I do not wish to be parted from you Master.”

  Tears coursed down her ashen cheeks unheeded. “I’m sorry Trevino.”

  Her nose reddened, her eyes got puffy and to him she’d never looked more beautiful. Four hundred years as a Genie and he’d never met anyone like her.

  “I wish…Trevino what would happen if I freed you?”

  His body stiffened. “I’d never see my family again, I’d be mortal.”

  Sarah tears fell faster, she knew how much his family meant to him. They’d had long heartfelt conversations about it when she’d first opened his lamp. Sarah had been the first Master to give him the freedom to visit those he loved in over a century. His parents had been beyond delighted to see him and deeply appreciative of the gift shed sent to them…him.”

  “Then there is no other choice. I wish you to return to those you love.” She finished in a rush.

  The frown that appeared when she told him there was no other choice, was replaced by a grin when the wish was completed. “Done!” A clap of thunder had them settled back in her bed with her settled firmly in his arms.

  “Trevino, what happened?” Sarah asked with a tremor in her voice.

  “I granted your wish as is my duty.”

  “But, I…this isn’t what I asked.”

  Kissing her, he held her close. “You wished me to return to those I love. This is where my heart sent me, you are whom I love.”

  “No this isn’t what I meant, I can’t bear the thought of getting old while you stay young and beautiful. The very idea of you leaving me for a younger woman kills me a little more every day. That’s why I’ve avoided this…touching you, making love to you.”

  True love, the one thing he’d always desired. A love like his parents had, one that would span centuries…a lifetime. “I’ll never…”

  “I wish you gone to your family, to stay.”

  Trevino fought the impulse to grant her wish and failed. A thunder clap rang across the room, ripping him from her arms, tearing his soul to pieces in the process and sending him back to the Djinn realm.

  Chapter 2

  “Trevino? How nice of Sarah to allow you to visit us again so soon. I like that girl.” Jenelle, told her son kissing his cheek in greeting.

  As upset as he felt, he couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face at his mother’s words. “So do I. Hello mother, it’s nice to see you again as well.”

  “Not that I don’t enjoy when you visit son, but to what do I owe the visit?”

  Heaving a weary sigh, Trevino sat. “Sarah and I made love last night and this morning she banished me from her life. She used two wishes this morning to send me here indefinitely.”

  Jenelle sat in her favorite chair and eyed her youngest son suspiciously. “You love her. No it’s more than love, you’ve given her your heart.”

  “My heart, my soul, my immortality and my magic if she’d accept them. Unfortunately she believes that I’m using her until she gets old and grey then I’ll leave her for the next young beauty that comes along.” He told her with a sad sigh.

  Jenelle laughed. “She’s young and human. What did you expect her to believe? You my beautiful child are a magical being, immortal and the one thing she loves more than life itself. She’s given you the only gift she could. Freedom, with your powers and your family intact.” His mother explained softly.

  Trevino sat back appalled that he’d missed seeing the truth. “But I need her! I want…she never made her third wish mother. That means I still have hope.”

  His mother laughed and reached behind her shoulder to clasp his father’s hand. “You have more than hope dear boy. As long as she has your lamp you can look in on her.” Looking up Jenelle smiled at her husband. “How was the council?”

  “The council is in an uproar about our son…again. Care to explain wh
y?” Dwin asked chuckling.

  Grinning she looked Trevino over. “It seems our son has given his heart and immortal soul to his Master. Oh yes, I nearly forgot, he made love to her and found himself exiled from her presence by no less than two wishes.”

  “I like that girl, she’ll make a fine addition to our family.” His father replied with a grin. “Well that explains why the council is in such a tizzy.”

  Trevino laughed, leave it to his parents to see the light in the darkness. “I’ve been banished father. Sarah refuses me to see her or allow me to return home to her. How exactly do I ask her to marry me when I’m stuck here?”

  “Minor details.” Dwin announced sitting on the arm of his wife’s chair and stealing a kiss. “I’ll have one of your brother’s fetch her and bring her back here.”

  The mere thought of one of his brother’s near his love, charming her with their good looks and vast amounts of power angered him. “No, Sarah needs a few days to think without any interference from our family. We need to respect her wishes. I can feel the battle, the contradictory orders are playing inside of me.”

  “I for one am glad my baby is home. Now if I could just coerce the rest of my brood to come home we could have a family reunion and later perhaps a wedding?” Jenelle replied with a hint.

  His mother the queen of tactful. “Mother, you mentioned something about being able to see my Master. How or where can I do that?”

  “The mirror in your bedchamber, your father had it installed after the last time you came for a visit.”

  “Why?” His father never did anything unless asked first, it was his way of letting his children make their own choices.

  “In case you needed to look in on her when you visited again. You’d been acting very nervous when parted from her for more than a day. Call it mother’s intuition, now go make certain your young lady is alright.” Jenelle told him in her motherly tone. “But before you go, can I ask you one question?”

  “Of course?”

  “When you finished making love to her, what name did you call her?”

  “Master of course.”

  Jenelle shook her head and sighed. “And that is why she banished you from her presence. Son, a woman wishes to be called by her name when she gives herself to a man. By calling her Master she may have misunderstood your intentions.”

  Having the two most powerful Djinns in the realm as parents certainly worked in his favor in times like now. Not waiting for another hint, Trevino kissed his mother’s cheek and ran off to his room, where Sarah’s image awaited him. “Show me my love.”

  Sarah’s puffy eyed, red nosed image appeared on the mirror. Her heart breaking sobs wrenched his own heart and caused pain to flare in his chest. She was crying again, her tears of pain and anguish hurt him more than death would have.

  “What have I done? Oh god, what have I done?”

  His mother hadn’t mentioned that he’d be able to hear Sarah’s voice as well. “I love you too my dearest Master. We’ll be together again soon.”

  “Whoa, who’s the babe? Is that why you’ve been staying away from home?”

  Biting back a curse, he turned to face his perfect brother. Carlo was the only member of their family to move through the ranks from Genie to Djinn in less than a year. Carlo was also the only one of his brothers who intimidated him with his accomplishments. If Carlo decided to steal Sarah from him, he didn’t stand a chance of stopping him and he he’d never be anything but a low level Genie for the rest of his life, and he’d have lost his will to live. “Yes Carlo, Sarah is my latest Master.”

  “She’s much more than that if the look on your face, when I walked in is any indication.”

  Carlo was more observant than he’d thought and that could mean trouble. “Yes Carlo, she owns more than my lamp, she owns my heart.”

  Carlo turned back to the mirror and Sarah, a serious expression crossing his face. “I’ve known that for nearly three years Trev. You were at full power to pass your Jin exams, before you took that beauty as your Master. If it helps, any woman who curls up with her Genie’s lamp looking that miserable has to be in love. She looks too miserable for it to be anything else.”

  “Great thanks for that. Nothing like telling a guy that being in love with him makes a woman miserable to boost his spirits and she isn’t curled around my lamp. My lamp is in my room and she never enteres there.”

  “Yet, she isn’t curled around your lamp yet. But in time she will be, I’ve seen it.” Carlo told him arrogantly.

  Chapter 3

  Her dreams had never been more vivid than they had been since she’d banished Trevino from her presence. In her dreams Trevino was back and loving her the way she craved to be loved, calling her Sarah, lover and dearest to her hearts content. He’d told her he loved her and couldn’t bear to live without her in his life. It all felt so real, so right, and yet Trevino had been gone for two weeks, therefore she had to be hallucinating. She was so pathetic, he couldn’t return unless she wished it and then she’d have used her third wish. She’d lose him again, forever this time. “Ok, so I want him back, but he’s better off where he is. We both are.”

  The knowledge that her pep talk failed to convince her, forced her to acknowledge that it would fail on everyone else as well. Closing her eyes, she could still feel Trevino’s lips on her shoulder, deepening her yearning to have him back. “Grow up and move on Sarah Gordin, he needs someone like him, not some mousey human who’s spent the last three years too terrified to make a wish.” Rant over, she got up and entered Trevino’s room.

  Sarah had never entered his private domain before, nor had she ever touched his lamp. It was a matter of principle, his room was his private domain. Today she broke both of those unvoiced rules. Sitting on his bed, she took in the room around her. It looked like him, strong vibrant colors, masculinity in every stitch of furniture he’d magicked in. Strong, masculine and Magical, that so described her Trevino perfectly. The only item that seemed out of place, was a picture of her on the day she’s found his lamp.

  Crawling into his bed, she took his lamp into her arms and curled up under the covers. He truly did love her, she’d been such a fool.

  Trevino watched the mirror intently. Sarah was in his room, the one place he’d used every wile he knew to lure her into and never succeeded, but more importantly, she held his lamp in her arms just as Carlo had predicted. More he could feel every stroke and tear the lamp received. He wanted desperately to switch places with that damn lamp.

  “I see things have improved with your Master, little brother.” Carlo commented from the doorway.

  “You must be blind Carlo, she’s still crying every night and I’m no closer to getting back to her. The only difference is that now every time she touches my lamp I feel it. It’s driving me insane with need and lust, I need to get back to her.”

  Carlo had a seat and turned to watch the images on the mirror. “So go to her, you have everything you need to make it happen, including the power and if you hole up in here much longer, mother is going to have a meltdown. The council is already talking about your strange behaviour. Have you even eaten something tonight?”

  Trevino shrugged, what did he care if the council gossiped about him. Most of them have never been in love, and those that had, have forgotten what it feels like. “I want to marry her, I just need to figure out how to make that a reality.”

  “What do you mean how, it’s simple, you ask the girl.”

  Turning to look at his brother, Trevino sat back into the comfort of the red suede chair and crossed his arms, a small smile curving his lips at his brother’s naiveté in this area. Seemed Carlo didn’t know all as he’d like for everyone to believe. “She’s mortal big brother, and terrified of growing old as I stay young. Nor do I care for that day, to live without her once she passes. So the question is do I give up my magic, and become human or do I maker immortal? But most importantly, will she accept the gift of immortality if I offer it to her.”

nbsp; Carlo never once looked away from the image of Sarah on the mirror. Yet somehow Trevino didn’t feel an ounce of jealousy at his brother’s interest in his Master. There was something in Carlo’s expression that put him at ease.

  “She has a wish left, yes?”


  “And you’ve made peace with either choice?”

  “Yes.” Though their mother would be heartbroken if he chose mortality.

  “Then give her the choice, tell her what her options are and how to word the wish, then you’ll have your answer.”

  That advice actually made sense and would endear him to Sarah even more. “So tell me how can I go to my Master without having her call for me? I have a proposal to make and a woman to bed.”

  Chapter 4

  Warm hands caressed her, as arms wrapped around her to cradle her close. She refused to open her eyes for fear that he’d disappear again. Trevino had come to her every night in her dreams, true this time she wasn’t asleep yet, but she wasn’t about to complain. She missed how he spent days trying to get her to make a wish, how he always tried to cheer her up when she was sad. The way he’d pout when she had a business dinner with the libraries biggest supporters and he couldn’t tag along.

  “Master, I know you aren’t asleep yet, please look at me.”

  “I can’t or you’ll disappear again, and you shouldn’t talk either. That always breaks the dream bubble as well.” She chastised, squeezing her eyes tighter.

  Rich laughter washed over her as his lips brushed across her shoulder. “This isn’t a dream Sarah, I’m truly here.”

  In her dream Trevino never spoke to her, never did more than hold her. Sarah’s eyes snapped open as the realisation that this wasn’t a dream sunk in. The man was beautiful, it was the only way to describe him in her unbiased opinion. His black hair, usually worn short to keep it under control was long enough to cover his ears and he had weeks’ worth of stubble on his chin. He hadn’t been caring for himself properly. His blue eyes sparkled with happiness and a little apprehension, but his body…that said it all. Trevino was hard and at full attention, he was definitely happy to be back. “How?”


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