Heart of a SEAL

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Heart of a SEAL Page 17

by Dixie Lee Brown

  Sally raised her upper body, bracing on her elbows, and stared into his eyes. He met her curious gaze as he deliberately swept his tongue from one end of her folds to the other. He grinned when she threw herself down on the pillows, uttered something beneath her breath that sounded suspiciously like the f-word and fisted the sheets with both hands. The fact she was already wet and slick made the full length of his hard-on throb with impatience. God, he ached to be inside her warmth, and he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer.

  “Oh my God! What are you doing?” She moved her hands to his hair, grabbing two fistfuls and tugging.

  Luke quickly loosened her grip and pulled her hands free, holding both of them down on her stomach. “It’ll become obvious in a minute, sunshine.” He slid one finger deep inside her, followed by a second, and worked them in and out in a rhythmic movement. Each push inward allowed him to thumb her sweet spot hidden in the triangle of hair, resulting in her thrashing and pulling to free her hands.

  “Luke! It’s too much. I need you now.”

  He almost couldn’t resist her plea. How long had it been since anyone had wanted him that badly? But it was obvious no one had ever tended to her needs before, and he meant for her to have it all tonight—wanted her to know how good sex could be…would always be. He didn’t have as much control over himself as he’d like for their first time. Another day, he’d make up for that, when his need wasn’t so raw.

  Luke continued his sensory exploration, bringing her to the edge twice and backing off before she reached her release. He was fairly certain she issued the ultimate insult to his mother beneath her breath as he started over again. This time, when he felt her body tense and arch against him, he sucked her swollen womanhood into his mouth and rolled it unrelentingly between his tongue and teeth until she came, crying out his name.

  He pulled himself alongside her, holding her until her trembling subsided. A drop of moisture rolled down her cheek, and Luke brushed it away, landing kisses on both eyes. “You okay?”

  She nodded. “You could have warned me.”

  “About what?”

  “That you were going to make me lose control. That I’d feel so alive it’s scary. That one experience and I’d be addicted to you…and what you do to me. Great! I’m a sex addict!”

  Sally’s words, though apparently meant to sound accusing, had no sting. When she couldn’t maintain a straight face any longer, a bubble of laughter surfaced. Luke drew his arms tighter around her and covered her mouth with his in a kiss bearing all the tenderness he felt for her.

  “Don’t let that get around, babe. Every male between here and the Montana border will want to supply your fix, and I’ll have to fight them all.” One hand stroked the silky skin of her back. It was hard not to be elated by her words, especially the addicted-to-him part. He was more than fine with that. “In my own defense, I didn’t know that part of it was a first for you until we got into it a ways. You said you trusted me, so I made an executive decision. Would you rather I’d stopped?” Luke dropped a kiss on her lips, then cocked an eyebrow as he awaited her response.

  A smirk lifted one corner of her mouth. “No. Stopping definitely wasn’t an option.”

  “Okay. Good to know.” He captured her lips again and rolled until his body covered hers and his arousal pressed against the warmth of her core. “Actually, I was hoping you’d say that, because we’re not exactly finished.” Luke rubbed his hard-on along her naked thigh. “Just one more little item.”

  Sally laughed and wrinkled her cute little nose. “It doesn’t feel that little.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” Luke took her mouth roughly, claiming her with an urgency he couldn’t keep in check any longer. He pushed to his knees and reached for the condoms on the nightstand. Grasping the box, he ripped open the package, sending foil packets flying in every direction. Managing to locate one that had landed between Sally’s legs, he freed it from yet more packaging and rolled it on, while she tried to stifle her giggles, unsuccessfully. Damn good thing he didn’t have a confidence problem.

  Spreading her legs wider, he lowered himself again, covering her mouth and swallowing the remainder of her laughter. With his shaft positioned snugly at her opening, he rocked back and drove in to the hilt. Her surprised cry went unheard as he plundered her mouth, probing with his tongue and savoring her taste. Her sweet warmth wrapping around his swollen manhood was far better than he could have imagined. Mind games had kept him alive for months, make-believe scenes just like this one, but his preconceived ideas crumbled into dust in the face of reality. This woman was real. He loved her so much his heart ached. She loved him too. He was sure of that, even though she hadn’t voiced it yet. She was his now, and he’d never let her down again.

  Luke stared at her beautiful face as he drew out and then thrust forward, seating himself deep inside her again, grinding his pelvis against her sweet spot with each pass. After repeating the sequence several more times, he increased the tempo. The blatant need in her eyes seemed to match his, and he let go of some of his control, driving into her harder. Though Sally hooked her legs around his hips and met him thrust for thrust, she was still much smaller than he, more delicate. He’d never forgive himself if he hurt her, even accidentally.

  A sensual smile forming, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his lips to hers, inserting her sweet tongue in his mouth while he sank into her. As he felt his release within reach, a tremor rocked her again, and she breathed his name before shattering in his arms. Gathering her tightly, he buried himself in her hot sheath as his climax slammed into him and he continued to pulse and twitch in rhythm with her spasms.

  Long moments passed before Luke could shift positions and roll off Sally. “Don’t move—I’ll be right back.” He covered her lips with his, reluctant to leave her even for a minute.

  In the bathroom, he disposed of the condom, splashed cold water on his face and hurried back to the woman in his bed. How he’d lived without her up to this point was pure mystery, but sure as hell, he wouldn’t make it a day without her now. Sliding in beside her, he patted his side in invitation, and she lay her head on his shoulder, one hand stroking his chest with a feather-light touch.

  Luke kissed her forehead. “Love you, sunshine.”

  Sally smiled and stretched to touch her lips to his jaw.

  Disappointment bit him when she didn’t respond in kind, despite his inner voice telling him it wasn’t all about him. It was okay she didn’t say the words back to him. Things were great between them. Considering the emptiness in his life twenty-four hours ago, his circumstances had definitely taken a turn for the better. She was still reeling from the fire and explosion, probably nervous about the marshal and obviously scared shitless of Clive Brennan. So how about giving her a break…and some time to get used to the idea he was going to stick, no matter what.

  Luke brushed her soft lips with his and gazed into her sparkling eyes. “Do you like to dance?”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Yes, but I’m not very good.”

  He guided her head back to his shoulder. “I’m no Fred Astaire either, but I’d like to take you dancing. Would you go out with me on a real date?”

  “I’d like that.” She traced a line from his cheek to his mouth, and he caught her hand, pressing her palm to his lips.

  Two days ago, all he’d had was a picture to keep him sane. Here he was, lying in bed with her after incredible sex. She wasn’t the kind of woman who slept around. How much more evidence did he need that she loved him?

  It didn’t matter. All his logic wouldn’t change a thing. He wanted the words from her sweet lips, and he wasn’t going to rest until she was his in every way.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Total blackness met Sally’s gaze when her eyes popped open. Luke must have turned the bedside lamp out after she dozed off. The bedroom door was open, giving her a straight shot to vie
w the front entrance to the cabin as her vision slowly adapted to the dark. The lack of anything but starlight from outside, combined with silence so absolute she could hear her own heart beating, gave the impression she and Luke were the only humans for miles.

  Yet something had woken her, unleashing instant dread that pinged from nerve ending to nerve ending like static electricity.

  She pressed closer to Luke, craving the heat from his body to banish the sudden chill in hers. Apparently, she wasn’t the outdoorsy girl she’d thought she was. All this wide-open space made her edgy.

  Sally sank deeper into the covers and forced herself to relax. They were in a cabin in the middle of the wilderness. The sound that had brought her from a deep sleep could easily have been an animal…making whatever noises animals made. An owl had hooted from a nearby tree as she and Luke returned to the cabin after the gathering at Daniel’s home. That was probably what had woken her—or a raccoon, a deer, a wolf. Every noise she heard didn’t necessarily mean her father was at the door.

  The deck creaked as though an unseen weight had been brought to bear upon it, echoing through the silence of the outer room and drawing her rapt gaze to the door, where a silvery thread of light marked the threshold. Maybe something a little bigger. A bear? Mesmerized, she stared, her lungs aching for air as she held perfectly still. So intent was she that she nearly cried out when a shadow obscured the sliver of light for a second before moving on, rattling the doorknob as whatever it was continued its nocturnal exploration.

  She propped her chin on Luke’s chest. Maybe it was a bear. Yeah, that’s what it is. Nothing to worry about…as long as it stays outside. Relieved that Luke and his macho friends hadn’t witnessed her spinelessness, she settled more firmly into Luke’s arms, still wrapped around her protectively.

  Suddenly, Luke leaned over her, his lips hovering near her ear. “Shh,” he whispered. His body lying partially over hers, he reached toward the floor and snagged the blue shirt she’d worn earlier. “Get dressed,” he hissed, pressing the shirt against her abdomen. In one lithe movement, he pushed himself over her and landed on silent feet beside the bed.

  Sally sat on the edge and slipped on his shirt. Her fingers trembled slightly as she worked the buttons. From lowered lashes, she watched Luke pull on his jeans and retrieve his handgun from the nightstand. Fear threatened to erupt into full-fledged panic, knowing Luke was on high alert. Did he think someone—maybe Clive Brennan—was outside their cabin?

  Defending people clearly came naturally to Navy SEAL Luke Harding. He appeared completely comfortable with a gun in his hand. As he took her arm and pulled her from the bed, confidence and control emanated from him. He had a job to do, and it was obvious he took his promise to protect her seriously.

  “Go in the bathroom and close the door.” He still whispered, and his warm breath sent a chill clear to her toes. “Stay there until I come for you.”

  The cold detachment in his voice scared her to death. Sally stared as he fumbled for his cell phone, its face lighting as he sent a quick text message. She searched for some sign he was only erring on the side of caution. That he also thought it was probably a bear or a wolf—that no further danger lurked outside their cabin. What she received for her effort terrified her even more. The man she was falling in love with all over again had turned into a warrior right in front of her. He was preparing to do battle…for her…while she hid.

  Her stomach clenched and she shook her head. “No. I’m going with you.” This protecting thing between them went both ways.

  Luke gripped her arms. “Huh-uh. This isn’t optional. For me to do my job, I need to know you’re safe. That means you stay where I say, for as long as I say. Trust me on this, sunshine. I know what I’m doing.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “And I promise I’ll let you boss me around later.”

  She could hear the teasing in his voice even as his rigid stance told her it was useless to argue. Despite her tenseness, Sally smiled. He was right, of course. She would only get in the way if she went with him. For sure, she’d be no help. No doubt she’d endanger him and herself. Still, she hated the idea of staying behind—of not knowing what was going on or if he was safe. “I’ll hold you to that.” She tried to adopt his unemotional tone, but there was no hiding her fear.

  He turned her toward the bathroom, his arm around her shoulders. Sally followed woodenly, her head spinning with thoughts of everything that could go wrong. “Don’t let anything happen to you, Luke.” The vehemence of her demand surprised even her.

  Something flared in Luke’s eyes, and his familiar grin flashed briefly. “Don’t worry, sunshine. I’ve got everything to live for, so I won’t be taking any crazy chances.” He pushed her backward into the bathroom and closed the door silently.

  If Sally had thought it was dark in the bedroom, the tiny bathroom, without even a window, was pure inky blackness. She could hear nothing, not even Luke’s footsteps walking away. Rejecting the idea of turning on a light, in case that would give away her location and somehow endanger Luke further, she braced against the dread clawing to escape as she tried to talk herself down. Claustrophobia had never been a serious problem. Until today. The walls were closing in on her. Her lungs burned for want of a complete breath. The room, a dark, lifeless tomb, stole not only air and freedom but her very life.

  Sally groped for the doorknob, turned it as quietly as she could and pulled the door open a sliver. Her face pressed to the opening, the slight chill seeping through the crack brought reason back to her frazzled thoughts. The dim grayness that filtered through the bedroom windows grounded her. Dawn—it would be light soon. Relief washed over her, and she leaned her forehead against the cool wood of the doorjamb.

  How long she stayed there before the sound of footsteps and voices reached her ears was unclear. Her head jerked up, and her breathing stilled as she listened. Male voices spoke in low tones from the front room, but she couldn’t make out whose they were or what they said. Quietly, she slipped through the opening and tiptoed toward the open bedroom door. Lamplight suddenly shattered the darkness beyond, and she jumped, pressing herself against the wall near the doorway.

  “Who’d you say you’re looking for again?” Luke’s voice sounded friendly enough, but she heard the wary edge embedded within.

  “Don’t play dumb, Harding. I’m too tired and too fucking pissed off to enjoy the game. Like I told you outside after you assaulted me, I’m a US Marshal. My name’s Greg Lambert, and I’m here to take Sally Duncan and her little girl into protective custody.”

  Sally recognized the voice even before he gave his name. How had he found her? Why was he still looking after she’d told him not to? Thank God Jen wasn’t there. She carefully peeked around the doorframe.

  Luke stood near the lamp in the center of the room, his back to her. His gun was shoved in the waistband of his jeans, snug against his bare back. Tension radiated from him like sunlight.

  He laughed mockingly. “I don’t think Ms. Duncan is expecting you, Marshal. In fact, I’m damn sure she said she’d call you when she wanted you to drop by. Yet here you are, slinking around outside my cabin like a common thief.”

  Greg stood just inside the cabin entrance. He was armed as well. Sally could see the bulge of his handgun beneath the edge of his jacket. Short blond hair, fortysomething, a rugged face beneath a black cowboy hat and long, slender, jean-encased legs ending in cowboy boots wasn’t exactly the picture she’d had of him, but she’d recognize his slight drawl anywhere. He was nervous and wary, never taking his eyes off Luke.

  Greg spread his arms in an I-don’t-know-what-to-tell-you gesture and a smile that didn’t reach his eyes appeared. “There’s a killer after my witness. I’m well aware of what she thinks she wants, but it’s been my experience that women in Ms. Duncan’s situation don’t always know what’s best for them.”

  “Oh, and you do, I suppose?” Anger flared hotly
in Sally’s veins as she pushed herself away from the wall and surged into the room. “You don’t get to decide what’s best for me, Marshal Lambert.” She stopped just inside, feeling suddenly exposed and out of control, Luke’s instructions echoing in her mind even as the realization it was too late dropped like a rock from a tall building.

  The satisfied grin on the marshal’s face did nothing to alleviate her annoyance, but it was the disappointment and apprehension in Luke’s visage as he whirled around that made her regret her hasty entrance.

  Then, as though to reinforce how badly she’d screwed up, the marshal pulled his weapon, took three long strides and pressed his gun into Luke’s back, disarming him all in the space of two seconds.

  “Why don’t you have a seat, Harding? Are you going to give me anymore trouble? I know you think you’re protecting Sally, and I can appreciate that. I won’t cuff you…unless you make it necessary.”

  It was all over before Sally started breathing again. Luke’s gaze pierced her as he raised his hands and moved toward the couch, with Greg prodding him in the back with his gun.

  Regret formed a lump in her throat. Why hadn’t she listened?

  Greg faced her. “Let’s go, Sally. Where’s the kid?” His gaze traveled the length of her. “You might want to put some clothes on.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you, Greg.”

  He dipped his head, and an impatient sigh issued forth. “We’ve got a long trip ahead of us, Sally, and you can argue the whole time if that makes you happy, but you are coming with me…with or without the kid.”

  Sally gasped. “You can’t do that!” Fear constricted her throat. What if he did it anyway? She couldn’t let that happen.


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