Long Way Home

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Long Way Home Page 12

by Vaughn, Ann

“All right, but Nathaniel, I don’t give my trust freely. Don’t abuse it.”

  His smile was bright. “I won’t.”

  Tessa allowed him to continue the tour of his living quarters and did her best not to let him know that she was worried about the joint bathroom. Privacy was going to be hard to come by, she knew, but what really concerned her was her tattoo. If he were to walk into the bathroom while she was in that huge shower she wouldn’t be able to hide it.

  “She’s wigging out,” Pete said, pulling Shane’s attention to him, “he’s called her name several times and she hasn’t replied.”

  Shane watched the monitor a moment, seeing Helton touch Tessa’s hair. He wished she had the earpiece in so he could calm her down. She wasn’t ‘wigging out’ as Pete put it, but her concentration was definitely not where it should be.

  “She’ll pull it together,” he said, praying he was right.

  Tessa looked up into Nathaniel’s golden eyes, forcing a smile and telling herself to calm down.

  “I’m sorry, Nathaniel, what were you saying?”

  “Are we going too fast?” he asked, stroking a finger down her cheek.

  “No...well...maybe...it’s just...”

  “It’s OK, you can tell me.”

  She took a deep breath. “The shared bathroom thing has me a little concerned, I won’t lie to you.”

  He nodded. “I understand. What can I do to ease your mind?”

  “Is there a different bathroom I can use?”

  “I want you to be comfortable here, Madelyn, but I also want you to trust me...and I want the others to know you trust me...appearances are very important here. Especially with Paul on your bad side. You don’t want to give him any reason to doubt you, do you understand?”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice about him.”

  He smoothed a hand over her hair. “You don’t know how happy I am that you are here. I hadn’t realized how lonely my life has been...and while I understand your concern for privacy, I’m really hoping you’ll choose to become closer to me and that won’t be an issue.”

  Her eyes widened briefly and she took a deep breath, praying for the strength to do what she needed to.

  “I’d like that too, Nathaniel, but you have to give me time. I’m not one to just fall into bed with someone after a few meetings.”

  “You are no longer virgin, though, correct?” he pressed.

  “We need her to have that damn earpiece in,” Crownover growled.

  Shane wanted to agree but he had to trust Tessa to take care of herself and he had to present a show of confidence in her to the team so as not to undermine her. It was hard, though, when he was listening to her discuss her sexual status with Helton. She dodged for a bit, then by admitting a partial truth, she helped to diffuse the situation.

  “I have only ever slept with one man. I was going to marry him,” she admitted.

  “What happened?” Nathaniel asked, still toying with her fingers.

  “He had his career. I had...my goals. We realized along the way that our goals were taking us to different places. Neither of us wanted to bend.”

  “And so he let you go?”

  “We let each other go,” she replied. They were standing on the balcony off her bedroom that she now could see connected her rooms to his; yet another security threat. She made sure to look at every corner and angle, giving Shane and the team a full view of it all.

  Nathaniel raised her fingers to his lips, drawing her gaze back to him.

  “His loss is my gain,” he said softly.

  “Perhaps,” she said with a smile, “if you’re lucky.”

  He stepped closer to her, his hand sliding into her hair dangerously close to the implanted mike.

  “Ah, but then, my dear, Madelyn, you’re here with me and not with him.”

  As he leaned in to kiss her, Shane got to his feet and turned away from the monitor to pace. He tried not to let his blood pressure soar but it was hard. He hated the thought of another man touching her. He began pacing even more as the kiss was drawn out; the small sounds coming from her as she played the part were killing him.

  “This is such bullshit!” Crownover growled.

  “It’s undercover work,” Shane said, his voice raw with emotion.

  Joe and Pete were watching Shane, looks of sympathy on their faces. Shane acknowledged them with a chin lift but continued his pacing.

  “Nathaniel,” Tessa said, her voice breathless, drawing Shane’s attention back to the monitor.

  “Forgive me,” he said low, “you drive me to distraction. Why don’t you take some time to settle into your rooms and unwind? I have a few meetings to attend then I’ll be up to escort you to dinner.”

  “That sounds good. Thank you.”

  He kissed her once more then left. She stood gazing out across the grounds for several long moments before going back inside. She took the earpiece from her pocket and discreetly inserted it then tapped her mike three times, her signal for Shane.

  “Hey, baby,” his voice poured over her like warm honey, “you’re doing great.”

  From her bag, she pulled a small dry erase board then sat on the bed.

  I’m so sorry, she wrote.

  “Nothing to be sorry about, babe,” he dismissed, “we’re good.”

  Privacy is going to be a problem.

  “I know. Do the best you can.”

  They discussed strategy for a while then she had to get ready for dinner. She wasn’t looking forward to another run-in with Paul but she was hoping to be able to see more of how the compound worked. She dressed carefully, wanting to appear worthy of being the focus of Nathaniel’s attention, yet approachable by the other women. She settled on a semi-formal black cocktail dress with an empire waist and a skirt that flowed gracefully to her knees. She chose simple silver jewelry, nothing overpowering and kept her make-up light and sophisticated.

  “You look beautiful, Tess,” Shane told her when she put the glasses back on and stood before the mirror. She gave him a quick wink before turning to answer the door when a knock sounded.

  Nathaniel stood there wearing a cream colored suit and matching shirt, collar open, a single yellow rose in his hand.

  “For you, my rose,” he said, offering it to her.

  Tessa ignored the comments from Pete and Joe and smiled as she accepted the rose.

  “Nathaniel,” she breathed, “thank you.”

  He stroked the backs of his fingers over her cheek.

  “Just a small token; a glimpse of what I could give you.”

  “It’s lovely.”

  He leaned down and gently kissed her. “Not nearly as lovely as you, Madelyn. Shall we?”

  She took his offered arm and together they walked down the main staircase and into the dining hall. Whatever she’d been expecting, what she found was not it. There were several long tables arranged in columns and a head table raised on a dais, reminding her very much of medieval days. Nathaniel walked her down the main aisle, smiling and greeting men and women alike as they passed on their way to the head table. It was like the Great Hall from the Harry Potter movies.

  The seating at the tables was arranged with women on one side and men on the other. All the women were again wearing long white shift dresses. The men wore black slacks and black shirts. It was all very monochromatic and it was not lost on Tessa that she and Nathaniel were dressed in the same colors but opposite of the rest of the room.

  As they stepped up onto the dais, everyone stood. Nathaniel walked to the center of the head table, seating Tessa to his left and then gesturing for everyone else to sit while he remained standing.

  “Good evening, my children,” he greeted the room.

  “Good evening, Sir,” was the unison reply.

  “As you know, we have a Very Special Visitor among us,” he said, turning to smile down at Tessa. “Madelyn?” he asked, gesturing for her to stand and take his hand. Tessa placed her hand in his and allowed him to help her to her feet. “Th
is is Madelyn Parker. She has agreed to stay with us at first as my Very Special Guest, but now, before all of you, my children, I proclaim that Madelyn is to be my Beloved, Cherished above all others,”

  “What the hell?!” Crownover exploded.

  “Did he just -?” Joe began but Shane raised his hand to quiet him.

  “Nathaniel, I don’t know what to say,” Tessa said softly so that only he could hear.

  He leaned down and placed his lips to her ear. “Quiet now. A single woman in our midst is fair game unless claimed. By my proclamation, I am offering you my protection.”

  She pulled back and looked into his golden eyes for a moment, unsure of what her next move should be. If she allowed him to claim her, keeping him out of her bedroom was going to prove even that much more difficult.

  “I only just arrived here, Nathaniel,” she began.

  “Relax, love, it is only a formality,” he assured her, lifting her fingers to his lips, then placing her hand over his heart. “Kiss me and confirm to all present your acceptance of me,” he said louder.

  “Holy shit,” Joe ground out.

  “It’s OK, Tess. Go with it,” Shane told her. “We’ll figure out what to do next. Just go with it for now.”

  On Shane’s advice, she stepped closer to Nathaniel and placed her lips against his. A resounding masculine cheer sounded from the tables below while the women quietly clapped. Nathaniel’s smile beamed down upon her as he turned back toward the audience.

  “Eat, my children. Rejoice this day.”

  When Tessa turned back to take her seat she caught Paul’s eye as he glared darkly at her. There was pure evil emanating from his gaze. She would have to be on high alert for sure around him.

  Her eyes swept the length of the hall, looking for Stephanie Quinn amongst the women seated at the tables. She estimated there were at least sixty women and perhaps thirty men. All the women were in their early twenties and beautiful, all white or of mixed race, no full African-American, Hispanic, Asian or otherwise. In contrast, the men were all white, all appearing to be in their thirties or forties, and other than the men seated with Nathaniel and Paul at the head table, none of the men were shining examples of the male species. They were men that most of these women would never give the time of day to; either overweight or frames reminiscent of the awkward teens they no doubt once were. So, what was the appeal to these girls, she wondered. What made them sit there looking star-struck and enraptured of every man in the room?

  “I don’t see Stephanie Quinn,” Gib said, having just arrived at the command house.

  “She’s not there,” Joe commented. He had taken a screen shot of the whole room and was running each face through facial recognition software. “There are a few who have shown up in Missing Persons reports, and a few of these men are registered sex offenders, surprise, surprise. Nothing violent. Most were busted in prostitution stings.”

  “A toast, Madelyn,” Nathaniel said, turning her gaze to him, “To new beginnings.”

  She took the glass of red wine he offered and touched it to his, again ignoring the Captain Obvious remarks when Gib cautioned her to eat and drink lightly. She could tell from her first sip that her wine had been doctored.

  “So, tell me, Nathaniel, what just happened here?” she asked.

  He stroked his index finger lightly down her cheek. It seemed he enjoyed touching her.

  “Our society has few formalities but to keep the peace, we do encourage our men to formally claim the woman he would consider off-limits to anyone else’s attentions. Not all women are claimed and not all men have claimed a mate. Before witnesses, I claimed that you are mine and mine alone, therefore untouchable by anyone else. It is a measure of respect and protection for you...a betrothal, if you will.”

  “I see...and have you claimed any others as your own?”

  A smile touched his lips. “As Supreme Leader, all women, even claimed ones, are available to me. I admit that in my youth I readily exercised that privilege, but I have, shall we say, mellowed in recent years. I found that I wanted someone I could actually have an intelligent conversation with. Someone strong enough to lead alongside me. I knew the moment I saw you walk into my tent that you would be that special someone for me.”

  “Someone call Hallmark, I think he just wrote their next sappy card for them,” Pete spat out, giving Tessa a genuine reason to smile when she really wanted to throw up.

  “That’s so sweet,” she breathed, leaning in to kiss him, “but I’m still not sure of all this.”

  “Tell me. Perhaps I can put away your doubts.”

  Her gaze swept the room. “These women...they are all very young and very beautiful.”

  “All are over eighteen and all here by invitation, yes based on their beauty, but also with full disclosure and consent for our lifestyle.”

  “A lifestyle that involves actual whippings? The girl I saw, Stephanie, her back was bleeding. Will she scar? What could she have possible done, Nathaniel?” she asked for the third time since discovering the girl.

  “Careful, Tess,” Shane cautioned, having noticed the two men over Nathaniel’s shoulder tense at her questioning. “Don’t force his hand before witnesses.”

  “A whipping of that severity could only mean she violated a direct command from Paul or one of the Elders you see at the table with us.”

  “Violated a direct command?” she repeated and could not keep the disgust from her tone.

  “Tessa,” Shane again warned.

  “Again, my rose, each woman present has agreed to our lifestyle.”

  “Not every woman, Nathaniel,” she pressed, “as much as I am intrigued by you, I will never consent to allow anyone to beat me in such a way, and that includes you.”

  “Nor would I allow it,” he said, raising her knuckles to his lips. “For myself, I do not choose a woman such as that. I would have a woman who is above all others.”

  She leaned in closer to him, until their faces were mere inches apart. “That, I certainly am, Nathaniel.” A hush fell over the hall when she placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him soundly for all to see.

  “You are a diamond among rubies, Madelyn,” he whispered to her.

  “And don’t you ever forget it,” she said with a laugh and a wink.

  “Not likely,” he breathed, then in a lower voice, “I can’t wait to have you in my bed.”

  She traced her thumb along his lower lip. “I’m afraid you will have to wait a while for that,” she said, smiling at his raised brow expression. “Yes, I know you aren’t used to waiting, which is exactly why you will for me.”

  “My people expect a bedding ceremony,” he informed her. “Tonight.”

  “Oh, well, I’m afraid they will be sorely disappointed. You are Supreme Leader, Nathaniel. Tell them we demand and expect the privacy your position is due. But know this, Nathaniel Helton, what I do is for your benefit and your benefit alone. If I am to be yours, then I will be solely yours, for your eyes only. That is solid and non-negotiable.”

  His eyes glinted, clearly intoxicated by all she said. Tessa wondered if anyone like her had ever been in his life or if he’d always been surrounded by subservience.

  “I do believe I shall enjoy my pursuit of you, my fiery one. It will make your ultimate surrender that much sweeter.”

  “Count on it,” she tossed back at him.

  “Know this, though, Miss Parker. I will indulge you only so long. You will be mine, in every way.”

  The pencil Shane had been holding snapped in half. He prayed for patience for himself and divine protection for Tessa. How she was ever going to continue to dodge Helton he just didn’t know.

  Chapter Twelve

  Over the next days, Tessa settled into learning how she was intended to fit into Nathaniel’s life and organization. She spent several hours each day in the classroom with the children. She told Nathaniel she would like to spend time with the single women in the dormitories, something he resisted at first but she ma
naged to manipulate him into agreeing to during a romantic interlude in the gardens. Against her initial instincts, she began to develop a grudging admiration for Nathaniel. The image he presented to her was one of actual caring for his “people”. It was Paul who had begun the practice of subjecting the women to rigorous rules designed to result in them being sent to the Arena for “adjustment” at least once a week. Tessa resisted this and questioned Nathaniel on it to which he once again insisted that the women chose this lifestyle. It wasn’t an outright S&M outfit, Tessa decided. It was some crazy in between. Indeed, the women were given full disclosure of the society’s expectations and tenets and she did see at least three new recruits who decided it wasn’t for them and were given leave to go.

  After the end of her first month in the compound, she began to wonder if she would ever gain enough info on the group to shut them down. If it was truly a lifestyle choice made by each woman, then how could they put a stop to it? By passing themselves off as a religious group, it wasn’t as if the women were paying the Heltons for this service or that the men were paying to have sex with the women thus making it a prostitution ring.

  It was during one of the times she did not have her earpiece in, that Shane got a call that changed everything. He’d been monitoring her with Nathaniel just before bedtime, with Crownover being the only other team member present when his cell rang.

  “McCanton,” he answered, not looking at his caller ID.

  “Shane!” he heard his sister’s shaky voice.

  He sat up, his heart beat accelerating. “Cordy? What is it? What’s happened?”

  “Shane...you need to come home. There’s been...an accident,” she said, through her sobs.

  “What kind of accident?”

  “Daddy...he had someone stopped. It was raining. A truck rounded the corner and hydroplaned and hit him. It doesn’t look good. You need to come home.”

  He was already scrambling to his feet. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “Hurry, Shane,” she cried.

  He ended the call and immediately began dialing Bruce’s number. His eyes locked on Tessa on the monitor.


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