Crimson Blade (Crimson Series Book 1)

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Crimson Blade (Crimson Series Book 1) Page 7

by K. L. O Johnson

  “I’m fine.” I declare.

  She warily regards me and nods, “Okay.” We link arms once again and head through the palace. We wind our way down several silver gleaming corridors and I began to reflect on the things that I learned and what had happened. I wondered ed if they were all connected and I wondered ed if I was the only one who had considered that. And if I were, I wanted to know what it was I was going to do about it. I was only in my idol form after all, my human form, given recent events I realised that I could not be much of a match for whoever it was behind all of these strange unravelling incidents but I fear it has something to do with that energy I had sensed back on earth.

  Even now, I freeze as I felt it linger in the air. I felt the sensation of heavy breaths brushing against the back of my neck. It’s as if someone’s standing behind me, breathing on me. I freeze on the spot for a moment before glancing over my shoulder. “What’s wrong?” the empress askeds.

  I blink and realised that I was standing in the hall staring at a confused Dante. I straighten and remark, “Nothing.” The empress and Dante were silent and I turn back around. “Where are we headed again?” I asked.

  “To saw your physio.” Dante announced.

  “Okay.” I declare, too shaken to care.

  Once we stumble upon Tazaris, my physio, in the southern section of the palace. I realise within the first moments of our encounter, I want nothing more than to turn around and walk away. There’s nothing that I found more annoying than his attitude. It’s absolutely overbearing. “Once I was done with you princess. You’ll be as good as new!” he flamboyantly announced and I couldn’t help but sigh, why am I always the one stuck with wakos?

  “Great.” I force, trying to sound enthusiastic but I didn’t think itcame out right, the empress shot me a warning glare. To my surprise, Tazaris was too pre-occupied with setting up the session, to hear what I had however, doesn’t miss a beat.

  “You could try and enjoy it.” he whispers once Tazaris’s back was turned.

  “Yes.” the empress whispers opposite me filing slid glanceds towards Tazaris, afraid he’d be offended by her action, “He’s just doing his job.” I internally groan, that isn’t something I want to hear.

  “I know.” I announce.

  “Well then try and do what he askeds,” Dante offers and I was inclined to retort a snarky comment but managed to hold my tongue.

  “Fine.” I huff.

  Once the session was over, I was quick to backtrack and head towards my room. Inside, I collapse on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Silver, streaked the walls around me and the ceiling delivered a reflection of me, I couldn’t help but think about everything that had happened as I lay staring at myself. The sight of it was a little nerving but unnerving at the same time. Though, what catches my attention was not the sight of me but the dangerous sensation that leaks through the air.

  It’s the same sensation I had felt back on earth and that same sensation, I felt not too long ago. The problem with this was that—it was closer and as I stared out my window, I felt something closing in I couldn’t quite place it but I knew it was there. I stand and wander towards my ceiling to floor window and gaze out. Something I could sense was pulling me east. I regard the distant valley and the city buildings that gleam and shine under the afternoon sun. I want to get closer but the glass sawms to keep me away. My hand flattens against the window and I stare.

  Smash! My windows shatter and I duck wrapping my arms around my head. It isn’t long until I realised I was screaming in shock and fright. I didn’t understand, why am I scared, I’ve never been scared of anything in my life. Loud winds whisper around me and I gaze upon the sight of two men, floating in mid-air. Dressed in red, silver and black. Their armour presents engravings of a language I was not familiar with but yet somewhat familiar with. “There she is.” One points behind a masked that muffles his voice.

  “Grab her and let’s go.” I turn my heel and ran for the doors but it’s too late. I felt arms wrap around my waist and hold vastly one of my wrists. I was pulled from the ground and yanked from my room. I squirm but it doesn’t sawm to do much at all. Instead, to the stranger, if anything, sawms to find it amusing.

  “You’re wasting your energy.” my captive announced.

  “So what.” I rebut.

  “Doesn’t matter to me anyway. No matter what you do. I won’t let you go. Or do you really want to become a pancake?” I glanced down at the land so far below and realise that at this height. I’d die when I hit the ground, not when I fell. The scary part was he has every opportunity to drop me and could do it at any given moment. Subconsciously, I latch onto him, fearfully aware this stranger was my evil lifesaver.

  It must had been a while because the sun was beginning to set when we descend in the middle of nowhere. Once we were on land, I was quick to send a kick to my captor’s head only to felt pain radiate at the back of my neck. My body collapses on its own and I felt hands lift me off the ground before tossing me over a shoulder. The next thing I hear, was the last thing I heard, before blacking out, “We’ve delivered, time to pay up.”

  I wake to the sound of grinding chains. It’s defined by the overbearing heat that graces my skin. As my vision begins to clear I take note I was face down on a pavement that holds the vast number of men and women chained to each other sauntering away from me. They were dressed in minimum clothing. I was stunned by the manacles around their wrists, ankles and necks. “By heaven.” I mutter.

  “Good you’re awake.” A male voice booms. I glanced up to find a man towering over me. He yanks at the chain connected to the shackle around my neck and I was forced to my feet. Looking down, I noticed I was not wearing the clothing I had worn when I was back at the palace. Instead, I wore sickly brown cloths that cover my chest and waist. “Time to get in line Daunt.” I glared at the thick hairy man. He smiles a toothless smile and want to cringe at the sight.

  He ushers me along as my feet met the warm stone ground. Magma pools on the far side of the land and I regard the dark skies above. The metal cuff around my neck was uncomfortable as was the heat that riddles my body in sweat. I notice my wrists and ankles are chained. The sight of what I face sends fear flooding through my veins.

  The man pulls me over to the line and I notice I was the only one that was beginning to wake, to consciousness. Several other men and women, wake and I could tell immediately they’re scared. Some scream while the women kick at the men who tried to grab them. I notice they were fighting. The man that holds my chains regards me with eyes that expect me to react the same way. And to my surprise I do, my head collides against the middle of his face and I watch as he clenches his bleeding broken nose. Considering that I was in my idol form I never realised the type of strength I had gained from the sessions with Tazaris. He reaches for me and I dodge before elbowing him square in the face.

  He falls to his knees and I take the opportunity to continue my assault. I grasp his head and kneed him in the face. Later, I watch smugly as he falls to the ground unconscious. I smiled at my small victory and notice we had made commotion. This causes the other guards to saunter over to us with metal rods. Several, spiked electricity at one end while others didn’t and I glared as I felt the other men and women back away. My hands are in a bind and I was restrained, with those rods looking like they could cause some problems I knew without a doubt that they were going to be exactly that—problems.

  Even though, I fight against the tyranny of slavery. I knew that we were—like the others—going to be suppressed. It’s an undeniable truth that we face. As I regard the ash covered ground, I saw several men approach. They are intent on restraining me and because of that I knew I had to fight them off, better yet, I knew I had to get out of here. I glanced over my shoulder and saw below distant mountains. I search the man for keys to my shackles. It doesn’t take long before I find them, I unshackle my wrist and ankle restraints before removing the one around my neck. I ran over to the other men and women on th
e ground and tossed them the keys.

  There were several men who continued to try and drag them back in line but they refused to go back so I ran up to the large bronze skinned man who I could tell was a Daunt like the rest of us and elbow him square in the face. His nose shatters under my frontal assault, he stumbles back in shock and I fling a kick to the head and watched as he falls to the ground unconscious. Two other men ran at me, I dodge and block their attacks. Taking the opportunity, I leap and smash my knee against the head of one of my opponents. I take on the other one and before I know it all of them are down and everyone stands and watches in horror. I glanceds over at my captor and saw he’s still unconscious. I kneel and help a woman to her feet, “We had to go now!” I beckon.

  “Okay.” she accepts, vigorously nodding.

  I observe the others with anger, “Hurray. Leave now!” I release the woman and ran pass the others. We wouldn’t had time to save the others not yet. But I knew one day, I’d come back for them and when I did. I’d make sure I’d stop their supplier. As I ran along the warm cracked ground, my feet burns but I push on. There were several other largely built men and I wondered if all the guards were thickly built. To an experienced eye it would make sense. Then again, even a child would easily be able to distinguish the difference between power and intimidation and what it stood for.

  As I ran, I felt my heart pound in my chest. Fear was eminent and death was on the horizon. I force my way through a crowd of workers aware the other minders were after me, I glanced to the right of me and saw that those I’ve saved make it to the caves in the distance.

  I continue to ran and for several meters there’s nothing but ash caking the ground. We were in what appeared to be a wall but I notice it fade north. So that was where I head though not-to-my-surprise there were guards sprinting towards me with weapons in hands, with the single purpose to stop me. I slip between the legs of one of the men before rolling to my feet again and sprinting passed them.

  Spying a cave entrance nearby I dart to it and head inside. It’s dark and dry. I could smell the scent of dust in the air. It tickles my nose. I fight to keep myself from sneezing as I turn around the lava tubing corners where I aim to lose myself in. To my surprise, I find that I was not afraid of dying. Then again, I couldn’t remember when I was afraid of dying but that fear I felt before was genuine fear for my safety and I wondered if it was because of the dark energy that surrounded them. I stopped after a while realising I lost them. I sigh and glanced around in the darkness now there was one problem I faced—survival. It’s something that would be my number one priority.

  Realising I had to find a way out of here, I began to wondered the large chasms. I didn’t know how long I walk but by the time I stop my feet ache. I find a spot in the centre of the cave, it was pitch black but my eyes had adjusted long ago. I was starting to felt tired and hungry. Aware, I wouldn’t find any food any time soon. I curled up in a ball on the floor and begin to nod off before eventually falling into a deep sleep. My sleep though isn’t something I want. It’s riddled with nightmares of slaves, war and death. Screams of men, women and children ricochet around my mind. Before Varden’s bruised and beaten face moulds behind my closed eyes before vanishing. The sight of him surprised me, he’s the last person I want to dream of but even as I tried to shift the dream my subconscious wouldn’t respond.

  It’s strange the dream. I was on an abandoned battlefield stained in blood. Sitting tall on my armoured steed. I felt the presence of someone riding behind me. I glancedd over my shoulder to perceive Varden with the same bruises and cuts on his strong prominent features. His blue eyes were hard and I watched as his eyes locked onto something in the distance. I motioned my horse forward. Noticing the dead bodies of enemy soldiers scattered along the uneven ground. Their flags, tanks and vehicles were as silent as the dead bodies.

  I notice the sky was dark and overcast. Thunder rumbles in the distance lighting up the clouds with a splash of lightening here and there painting a luminous show. A storm was coming. I could smell the fresh salt in the air and cool water soon to fall. In the distance, I saw the impending danger of an army on approach. “Let’s saw if we could go around.” Varden whispers.

  Then the scene changes. I was in a humid jungle in broad daylight. Before me are knights in silver armour and battle rifles. A woman, holds up her hand signalling for us to stop. Her armour shines under the flittering rays that sawps through the couldopy above. It glitters like the stars in the night sky. Something I enjoy watching when I was able to get away from the city. I felt the stillness in the air and listen to the alerting sound of silence. I notice no one moves. Then not before long a rocket was launched. It soars speedily through the air leaving a spark of fire behind it. I hear it whistle before exploding at our feet. I felt the wave of its power as I was flung from where I stand and through the trank of a nearby thousand-year-old tree.

  I hear bullets siege my unit. Even with the buzzing in my ears I understand that the bullets fired, were deflected off a Nefaliem shield. My unit was alive and fighting to survive. Combatting the enemy was never easy but it was something I was conditioned to do. Hidden under the steams of leafy plants I roll onto my side and stand. There’s five of us in this unit and three are already dead. There’s a man in black armour from head to toe. He holds a knife drenched in blood and the woman who’s the head of our unit collapses to the ground. His eyes lock onto mine and that’s when I wake with a start.

  * * *

  Chapter 6: Chapter 5

  * * *

  5. Territory

  Glancing around, I felt the warm heat of a nearby fire. It’s too warm for my body heat. My features are drenched in sweat and I glanced over at the figure opposite me. He’s dressed in black armour and I watch as he picks up several sticks and begins snapping them in half before tossing them into the fire. I regard this stranger in fear. He notices, my awakened state, as his dark cat-like-eyes land on mine. I clench the blanket that covers my body and curiously regard the fabric. It’s smooth and soft as silk but strong as steel. “Who are you?” I breathe.

  “You need to calm down,” he orders in a deep brusque voice. “I’m not here to harm you.” Once he’s done with the sticks, he moves over to me and kneels. I pull away from him and close my eyes. When nothing happens, I open them again and watch as he silently walks over to a log and sits down. He clasps in hand a sack and dumps it, beside himself.

  “Who are you?” I try again.

  He’s silent briefly pausing before declaring, “Asashin, Princess.”

  “How do you know who I am?” I asked, sitting up as I glanced around, only to realise I was in a different setting. There was a small stream nearby beside a clearing, it gently bubbles. There are thick tall trees to the right of me and to the left of the stream which giggles softly in the background.

  “Everybody knows who you are,” he announced. I regard him for a moment longer before eyeing my surroundings once again.

  “Where are we?”

  “In Regul.” My stomach growls making the atmosphere between us a little awkward. I felt embarrassed but saw he picks up a loaf of bread and tosses it over to me. “Eat. You’ll need your strength.” I didn’t entirely trust this man but given he had weapons position not too far from him, something I notice instantly, he doesn’t move to use them nor did he even glanced at them. It appears as though they are far from his mind. He could kill me anytime he pleases and yet he hasn’t. I knew what that meant—he wants something.

  “How did you find me?” I asked as I regard the man before me.

  “I followed your scent.”

  “Why?” I asked, “Did someone make you?”

  “Kind of,” he saids, I couldn’t tell if he was smiling or not. With that masked concealing the lower section of his features he could be frowning for all I knew.

  “Why won’t you give me a straight answer?” I asked, aware if I continue to question this man he’d retaliate. Given he has already announced he wasn
’t human, the odds of out-ranning him was not in my favour and the chances of surviving once he caught me was slim. If I want to live to saw the others again in this world, I knew I’d had to be smart, careful and three steps ahead.

  “Because I could saw you didn’t trust me.” he sounds amused by this and I begin tearing at the bread. To my surprise, this world continues to had food that resembles food on Earth. In a way, that was a good thing at least I knew what I would be eating and what I wouldn’t be eating. Surprisingly, I may not be afraid to die but I am planning on having a long solid life somewhere in solitude. Some place where no one could find me. If that day was to ever come, I’d be happy and willing to die at peace.

  “How could I not? I didn’t know you.” I managed between mouthfuls of stale bread. It’s rough against my throat and dry in my mouth but I devour it because I knew I am human. I need food. I need rest. Above all, I need to survive. A biological program encrypted into our genes to ensure the survival of our race. It’s both annoying and dominant. I wondered as I gaze upon this mysterious man if he was like Dante; strong, fast and skilled.

  “Then you’ll had a long journey. Get some sleep.” He stands and disappears into the darkness of the forest that surrounds the campsite. I glanced down at my food, turning it over in my hands before eating it. I didn’t know why but I felt like I had to make sure it was safe to eat. It doesn’t sawm long before I wake to Asashin packing up. The fire had burnt out long ago and there was nothing left but ash. Once everything was pack and shrank down to size, are pack into little black boxes line in silver and tuck away into a utility belt nestle around his waist. He turns his heel and leaves. I am quick to stand and call:

  “Wait! You couldn’t leave me here!” Asashin continues to walk on ahead, I was quick to bundle my blankets together and pull myself to my feet. As I pack the blanket, I realise it’s the one I used to cover myself during the night, it’s black and silky. The texture of it at my fingertips was a familiar feeling—I recall playing with this last night. I notice Asashin stop at the edge of the clearing and waits. His skin was pale under the light but I also notice half of his features was concealed like a ninja. “A ninja, huh?” I mutter under my breath and move to catch up to him. The moment I catch up with the stranger, he mutely holds out his hands and gathers the blankets. He shrinks one thick blanket down which was brown and covered in blotches to the size of his palm. He tucks it away into his belt and grasp the black one and wrap it around his neck before locking it together like a cloak.


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