Crimson Blade (Crimson Series Book 1)

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Crimson Blade (Crimson Series Book 1) Page 9

by K. L. O Johnson

  “Fuzzy memory, right.” he mutters to himself with a smile before askeding, “Hungry?”

  “Starving.” I didn’t realise it until I said it, that it was more often true than not true. We meander our way past Zeanna who notably said we’d meet up later. As we enter the dining room, I saw there was a man—the Chef to be exact handing out dishes and dishes of foods. The room was filled with people and I wondered where we’d be able to sit.

  “Over there’s a good spot.” Varden points and I file after him; careful to not accidently brush up against the strangers as I pass. To my surprise, they’re all men.

  “That’s strange.” I utter as we sit down.

  “What is?” Varden inquires.

  I glanced around and notice that what I conclude earlier was the correct; there was no woman in sight. “Why aren’t there any women here?” I asked. “This isn’t like a gentlemen’s bar was it?”

  “Not that I know of,” Varden announced but a little unsure of himself, as he glanceds around only to stop as a man with a digital notepad in hand saunter to our table.

  “What would you like?” he askeds. His dark hair and eyes makes his thick features sawm smaller.

  “Bread and soup,” Varden orders. The man does a once over as he gazes at me and askeds:

  “And you?”

  “The same please.” I smile. He enters it into his pad before turning his heel and fleeing. “Strange.”

  “Try not to worry about it.” Varden offers and I nod. The same man came back with our orders and we begin to eat. It wasn’t long after that Dante, Zeanna and the others arrive. There are five others I had yet to meet. I notice they wear armour similar to Dante’s and Zeanna’s. They sit at our table and I watch as those five strangers carefully eye me. Their expressions are blank but I believe they are contemplating what to do with me. After all, I would be considered nothing more than a civilian to them—regardless of what I knew I could do.

  “So you’re the princess?” a man askeds. His blue eyes like the rest remain planted on me. His skin was a darker shade than bronze; it makes his eyes stand out. With a thick jawline and strong mouth, he reminds me of a tribal warrior. I note he has an accent too and wondered if he’s from another part of Nefelia.

  The female leans over the table and eyes me closely. The way she regards me would be the same way a scientist would examine a lab rat. It makes me slightly uncomfortable. “She smells like a Nindo but she doesn’t look it with that dark hair and those dark eyes.”

  “Enough,” Dante groans, “She takes after her mother.”

  “Really?” they all turn in union and glanced at a shocked Dante. He sighs a breath later and nods.

  “Her mother was from the islands in the Temorian Sea. Her people would often had dark hair and eyes and darker skin tone. No offence of course.” Dante was quick to add in the last part and I shrug.

  “No problem. I know you’re not being racist.” I evenly declare and to my surprise, everyone relaxes. Including the man, who I identify, was a few shades darker than me. I conclude he was a little concerned he would offend me more than anything else.

  * * *

  Chapter 7: Chapter 6

  * * *

  6. Eye of the Storm

  I hear commotion reigning from the opposite end of the room. I glanced over to realise that everyone has stumbled upon the scene—their annoyance was evident as was their frustration. “Say that to my face again!” a man barks, he’s a head taller than the other and slightly stockier.

  My eyes drift between the two, assessing the danger they possess. However, I am the only one in the room who considers those two men, a threat. Everyone else whistles and cheers, encouraging this brawl to begin. I notice the chef and the waiter evacuate. I am quick to regard Dante who sighs at the sight and continues to eat the food, the waiter had to delivered after the rest of the knights arrived. The remaining knights are unaffected by this sudden change in atmosphere. It isn’t long before the man challenge warns, “I said: ‘be careful where you stand or you’ll get hurt’.”

  Immediately, I recognise those dark eyes. “Asashin?” I question, gazing attentively at the man without the masked. With his pale skin and sharp cheekbones, he was attractive but didn’t think much of it as the next thing that happens, was something that would had caused me to cringe if I wasn’t used to fights.

  “Are you threatening me?” the taller man demands as he steps towards Asashin who remains unbothered by his intimidation.

  “No.” Asashin pauses, “I am warning you.” I felt the air chill a few degrees and glanced over at Dante who sighs at the response while the others shake their heads.

  “Oh dear,” Varden mumbles after he devoured his dinner.

  “What’s wrong?” I stupidly asked. I realise a moment later what he had meant. It was in that moment, that Varden realises my error. That look Asashin wore was a familiar one, it’s one I would wear at times. It’s one of pure anger and I notice that the man, who measures up against Asashin, looks as though he wants to walk away but was too proud to turn his tail and ran. “Ooh.”

  “And who are you to warn me!” I hear the stranger yell. The next thing that occurs, I didn’t notice as my attention was pulled elsewhere. I felt my arm burn. Gazing down, I notice a black tattoo appears, crawling along my skin but as I watch in horror I know it isn’t just a tattoo. It glows a deadly sunset red as it moves along my arm. It continues to burn and as I felt this scorching pain riddle through me. I notice everyone at our table stops what they’re doing and regards me with concern. Even Asashin, I know to watches me at the corner of his eye. The pain was searing throughout my arm in pulsing waves. Then in that heightened agony I hear it, ‘That man will die.’ As soon as it occurs the voice vanish as does the pain but I was left panting.

  “Kalverya?” Dante questions, the worry was evidently etching into his features. I continue to pant, glancing down at my wrist. I notice the tattoo has vanished.

  “What on earth?” I mutter.

  “Hey, are you alright?” Varden inquires. I couldn’t quite help but felt a little uncomfortable.

  “I’m fine.” I declare. I sense everyone’s fear around me. It isn’t something that bothers me that much, what did though was that man picking a fight with Asashin. I sneer over at the stranger and realise he doesn’t notice. Instead, he’s too focused on Asashin if anything.

  “Look at me when I was talking to you!” the man bellows. I glanced over at Asashin and saw he’s quick to move out of the way of the oncoming fist. I regard his next move in awe as he catches the stranger’s arm. The man was stunned and I saw Asashin’s eyes and knew without a doubt that man was dumbfounded. “What the—?” The man tenses to move his arm, only to be held firmly by Asashin and his taught grip. “What are you . . . a demon?” he askeds.

  “Maybe.” Asashin declares and twists. The man’s arm I hear a snap and the stranger drops to the ground cradling his arm in pain. “Be careful of whom you pick a fight with, it just may be your last,” he mutters darkly over his shoulder and I hear Dante sigh once more.

  “Well, at least he’s in a good mood.” Dante mutters.

  “And what gave you that idea?” Zeanna replies with a coy smile.

  “Oh you know . . . he didn’t kill him.” Dante mocks. I would had laughed if it was a different situation but given I knew without a doubt I heard that monster in my mind pull the idea of humor far from my thoughts.

  “Ha ha ha.” Zeanna exaggerates. “Very funny.”

  “What?” Dante innocently queers. “It’s true. We’re lucky he didn’t decide to bring down this whole inn.” My mind was pulled from Dante’s conversation.

  His emotions switched, I couldn’t understand what it was that causes his reactions but at the same time, I also knew that as Asashin gazed upon me that anger and frustration he felt, I could saw it all vanished. That fire was doused in concern. “Are you alright?” he askeds.

  I nod. “Yes.” I clear my throat and continue to devo
ur my soup making use of the stale hard bread attempting to ignore all the eyes that stab at me. It isn’t until later that evening after everyone retires to their rooms that I sense something dangerous permeating the air. My curiosity peeks because for some silly reason—I felt as though it’s calling to me. So out of my bed I climb and into the hall I enter. Sneaking past several knights who slumber. I open the door and leave it agape. I head down the hall and into the shadows of the courtyard.

  The silence was deafening but the calling was all I could hear. As I stride through the open courtyard, I wander through the garden that lies in the center of this quad. Passing the various thick plants, shrubs, I saunter towards a small open white summerhouse. To my surprise, sitting in the shadows of the circular open summerhouse was a man. His face was shroud in darkness and I hear him grumble a laugh. “There you are. I was wondered ing when you’d come.” I was silent and begin to back away. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I sense the presence of something behind me, peering over my shoulder I saw two largely built men. On Earth, I was used to having to dealing with such sizes, here, however, I knew there was more to them than meets the eye. They potentially had that super strength I didn’t quite accept until a few days ago when I saw Dante smash a stone under his fist.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  I hear him gruffly laugh. “That’s not something you need to know yet. I just wanted to make sure my prized possession was well taken care of. You had no idea how much I miss you—princess.” I felt my blood ran cold. My body involuntarily quivers and I felt my stomach drop. What was this sensation I was feeling?

  “I’ll scream,” I warn. I knew without a doubt Dante and Asashin would come ranning.

  He tsks. “There’s no need for that. I won’t harm you. You do enough of that on your own.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked my curiosity peaking.

  “I mean . . . ever wondered ed what had happened during that week and two days you were out?” he muses. “You were out of it for quite some time, for a human, it’s considered to be dangerous.” I hear him shift in the shadows and knew he crossed his legs. “But I know that wasn’t the case. You were never unconscious or drugged . . .” He holds a pregnant pause and I gasp in horror. “You, my dear endure something far worse and because of that—you’ll always be mine.”

  “What . . . what do you mean?” I quiz.

  “I didn’t think you want to know but bear in mind—the life that was recently taken by my knight will impact your life for all eternity.” The temperature drops a few degrees and as the shifting evening breeze drifts through the courtyard it takes with it the monsters that I knew would plague my mind. “Remember,” his voice whispers in the wind, “What has happened will without a doubt affect the future.”

  It isn’t long before I felt the presence of figures behind me. Peering over my shoulder I notice Dante and Asashin standing tensed behind me. In their Nefaliem form, they are concealed with gleaming scales and ready to fight. They hold unsheathed swords in hand as their eyes penetrate the darkness behind me. “What was that?” Asashin asked.

  “It felt like a pawn.” Dante muses; his blue eyes gleam under the moon while Asashin’s black eyes pierce the darkness.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised.” Asashin announced, “But why was it so powerful?”

  “Not sure,” Dante announced. I felt it, the lingering pressure in the air and it’s something that worries me more than what had happened. After my encounter with this person, I was aware that this person was meant to cause serious harm. “Why didn’t we head back inside?” Dante offers. I nod only to freeze at the sight of a monster sitting on the roof above our room. It howls, towering like a giant wolf against the backdrop of the evening sky.

  Varden, Zeanna and the other knights race out of our shared rented room. As they do, the building roof shatters under the wolf’s paw. I hear a siren ring out and like that many other travelers sprawl out of their rooms to glimpse the sight that would cause the piercing ring of the siren. “Zeanna, Theron, Limit, flank it.” Dante orders, “Asashin, Zero, Maria and I will distract it.” Dante peers over his shoulder and looks at Varden. “You. Stay with the princess.”

  Varden nods and rans to my side. I notice, his right arm was padded in black armour; only his forearm was swapped in black armour that looks as though it were crawling along his arms. “Stay back.” Varden offers.

  “I could take care of myself.” I rebut. For some reason, I prefer Dante to stay with me but then again, I knew I couldn’t be all too picky.

  Varden glares and retorts. “I’m sure you could.” I was a little taken back by that, as I didn’t expect to saw this side of Varden. “Just deal with it. Dante’s orders.”

  I rise a brow, “You take orders from Dante?”

  “When it comes to my safety . . . and the safety of others I will.” Varden manageds but for some strange reason I notice that his words are a little different than from how he handles himself. I couldn’t help but question what’s ranning through his mind but I know now isn’t the time to question what it was he’s thinking.

  There are many things that wander through my mind but at the same time, I also learned that there was something more dangerous than the unknown and it was what was known. As my gaze returns back to Zeanna and the other knights battling the wolf, I notice they are quick to kill. I was shocked—this was not because of my lack of sight of death but rather it was the death of the wolf that bothers me. It was beautiful against the milieu of the full moon.

  I notice the wolf’s remains began to shay and wash away like sand against the desert breeze. It was a beautiful sight but as I gaze upon the prospect of it, I began to wondered and had wondered ed about this for quite some time but knew without a doubt that I was a target. “Varden?” I asked even though I didn’t trust him I knew I had to satisfy my curiosity. He silently regards me with an indifferent expression. “I’m not certain but things just may be worse from here on out.”

  Varden’s debates to answer, “What makes you said that?” I glanced up at the moon aware that the wolf has vanished.

  “It’s nothing I could stay right now,” I mutter.

  “Then didn’t bring it up!” Varden barks.

  I notice Varden appears annoyed and I nod. “Sorry.”

  Varden sighs. “There’s no real reason to apologize.” Dante and Zeanna are quick to descend the slightly ruined buildings. They hop over to us and I regard them with curiosity. Zeanna has something curled in her smaller fist, which catches my attention.

  “What’s that?” I asked. Zeanna opens her hand and reveals a green jewel. “Is that a jade?”

  “No. It appears to be an Arthurian stone.” Zeanna announced. Dante and Varden, I notice gather around Zeanna’s hand they are both silent but I could tell by their expressions they are deep in thought.

  “Really?” I asked. “What does that had something to do with that King Arthur myth from England?”

  “Yes.” Zeanna holds up the stone at eye height and begins to scrutinise its existence. “The legend goes . . . there was a legendary king of England. Who wouldn’t be recognised as the rightful king of this kingdom unless he proves his birthright and pulls out the sword embed in the stone? The stone that this sword assembled in was supposedly created from dragon power—crystallize into stone. It was the reason why the stone couldn’t be pulled out by anyone else but the rightful heir because a dragon’s power even the vestige from its remains could determine the biological makeup of any being. My guess was it must had been one of Merlin’s dragons.”

  “So wait . . .” Varden begins, “You’re telling us that this stone was a legendary stone?”

  Zeanna smiles over at him, “Kind of.”

  “But that’s a legend. I was quite familiar with Earthling stories as much as my world.” Varden proclaims.

  “Really?” I asked curiosity gaining the better of me. Varden looks at me, than around, before looking at Zeanna. Zeanna places the stone in her ut
ility belt and sighs.

  “That’s enough for today.” she saids, “I’m going back to bed.” I notice Zeanna was quick to turn her heel and head inside our share accommodation without having to break through the collapsed ceiling or two. Leaving all three of us staring at her with stunned expressions.

  “Should we let her go in there?” I asked.

  “I didn’t really think it matters what we do. She’d go against it anyway.” Dante proclaims with a tired sigh.

  “That’s true.” Varden mumbles. Everyone speedily follows after Zeanna while I stand staring at the garden house that once held that puppet man. Horrifyingly, I was aware of the familiarity of that man.

  The next day, flies by rather quickly. We’re on our way to Citadel City. We ride on horseback even though I knew there was technology in this world that would make the travel quicker, everyone declares it would be more economically friendly if they continued on the mechanical horses which I ascertain has some sort of engine which no doubt emits emissions. It eventually takes several days before we return to the Central Citadel, not long after, we head to the palace. I recall, on the road Asashin and Zeanna decide it was time to continue the training that Juvias had started. In his absence, they stepped in where they saw fit. Dante had mentioned at the time I would had to start from the bottom again if I want to be a part of P.A.S.A. “What if I didn’t want to be a knight?”

  His only response was, “You didn’t had a choice.” When I return to the palace, I notice the empress was very formal. I saw she continues to wear the emerald of three worlds on her mid-cleavage. It sits sturdily as she takes lead and glides down the halls and into an open meeting room.

  “I saw . . .” the empress declares as Dante reports the appearance of the wolf-like-beast several days back at ‘Traveler’s Adventures’. “It must had been a decoy of some kind.”


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