Crimson Blade (Crimson Series Book 1)

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Crimson Blade (Crimson Series Book 1) Page 11

by K. L. O Johnson

  To my surprise he answers, “That was an assassin. You’ve had several encounters with assassins both of which are good and bad.” As the assassin moves forward. I saw Neragarden move his hand as if he’s waxing a car and like that, the assassin freezes in mid-walk. His body appears to frazzle a little almost like a connection was temporarily lost. “Why was he here? Could you remember?”

  I nod, “I could.” I move from the where I stand and walk around the frozen assassin. His missed matched eyes stare on ahead and I notice that his face isn’t completely concealed. It’s his head which was . . . his features are exposed, giving me a perfect view of the scar that covered his lips. “Yes. He’s the man that shot down a Knight.” I gasp at the realisation that dawns in on me like a drifting sunrise.

  “A Knight?” Neragarden questions.

  “Yes. It was a Knight. He shot down a Knight.” I repeat, shocked at the conclusion I had drawn.

  “Which Knight?” Neragarden askeds and I could tell he’s pressing for his own benefit.

  I glanced at the after the Knight that disappeared down the mountain side. I know I could never forget her after all, her features were burnt into my mind. She saw me than she left, so I wondered . . . “Could anyone saw us?” I asked.

  “No.” Neragarden confirms. Good to know. I think as I begin to walk after the Knight. “Where are you going?” he askeds.

  “To warn her.” I announce, not exactly sure how. Neragarden doesn’t argue and follows after me. It takes a good half-an-hour of walking before we stumble upon another skirmish between Necromers, Persians and the Nefaliem. There were only three Nefaliem and they are holding up their own and so much more. There was nothing else that could question my doubt in the power of my people. The Nefaliem I notice are fighting the opposing soldiers but not killing them. Instead, they shackled their arms and legs with these green energy braces that wrapped around their wrists and ankles. There’s an energy chain that connects the wrist braces to the ankles. So those who tried to ran couldn’t but others began to wiggle away and the Nefaliem woman who rounded them up notices a woman commando crawling along the ground, away from the Knights. The Nefaliem woman moves over to the Persian woman and stabs the blade of her sword into the ground beside the neck of the Persian woman who freezes as the steel nicks at her neck, drawing blood.

  “And where do you think you’re going?” the Nefaliem woman askeds with a smile gracing her blood red lips. The two other Knights I note were male and begin picking up several men and woman, before hauling them over their shoulders. A portal conjures in the centre of the group of alive but restrained soldiers. “You’re under arrest for treachery against the United Council.” she intones.

  “There was no treachery.” the Persian woman defends. Her black hair unravels from beneath her blue and gold helmet which I notice was shattered at the front. Her tanned features are foreign but beautiful. “We were only doing what you wouldn’t. Eliminating those shifters for their crimes.”

  “You didn’t make that decision.” the Nefaliem woman informs. I note at the corner of my eye that the assassin stands at the opposite end of the battleground for a stagnant moment. He saunters passed the shackled men and women; and towards the female Knight who I notice was alone. With the portal closed she couldn’t leave. I had a feeling I recall this so I turn over my shoulder and in the distance I saw myself stationed on a horse in the distance. My silver hair blows in the wind behind me as my blue eyes narrow at the sight. My forehead has a seven-point star and my cheekbones carry two claw marks on each side. I look fierce in the distance but I also knew that I was trying to reason this situation. I recall that I wondered ed what part of PASA she worked under and if that man was a threat.

  “Neragarden.” I said and look at him. “We had to do something.” Neragarden was quiet and I recognise the blank expression maskeding his features.

  Within moments, the sky cracks and I look up to saw that the assassin isn’t what I expected. He wears black scales and golden armour and fiercely battles the Knight in the air. He could fly? How? was he of energetic origins? I think as I gaze at the sight.

  He continues to battle the knight and I fearfully stare at the sight. I glanced over my shoulder and saw in the distance me. Sitting high on a white horse. My eyes drift at the sight and I remember this scene-I remember this fight. I know what’s going to happen. I was going to dismount the horse and I watch as I do exactly that. I dismount the horse and I remember I whispered in the ear of my horse telling her it’ll be okay that I’d protect her. I saw she whispers into the horse’s ear and moves over to the battlefield, moving over the incline in land and towards the troops tied up. I remember, I knew that these soldiers were in trouble-I remember the debrief I had before I departed on my journey to transport the relic I carried.

  I stand not too far from the other me. The wind picks up and I find it surreal that I was staring at myself. My light grown golden skin, sawms paler under this sun as my blue markings on my face glimmer. It’s the scales that make up the markings on my face, which makes them gleam as they do. It happens with all Nefaliem. I glanced at the battle raging on overhead. I notice that the other me doesn’t do anything, instead she just stands there watching the fight. The female Knight’s silver hair flows down her back, lustrously under the sunlight. I notice that the Knight fighting the assassin was sent down to the ground with a kick and collides against the earth sending debris of stone flaring up. She slides along the ground cracking it and creating a small dent in the ground from where she skids along.

  I notice at my feet, of the other me, the Knight was unconscious. The other me was angry with the woman at my feet. I glanced up at the assassin and saw that I draw out my sword. The assassin remains air-bone, his cloak flows effortlessly around him and I glare at the sight. I remember what I was going to do; I was going to battle him.

  I saw that the other me gathers energy. The dirt around my feet begins to rise and I notice the hair of the other men and women rising as does mine. I felt the pressure and the power of my heritage flowing through my veins. It makes the hairs on my idol arms rise and my back rudder a shiver as I watch my power unleash. As I glanced at the sight, I knew without a doubt, I merely grazed the reality of my true power. The assassin, I notice backs away but it’s too late. I was already behind him. He’s quick to draw his dagger but shock moulds his features as I block his attack with my hand. “Too slow.” I remember I said.

  I twist his arm and bring my leg up where my foot connects with his head, too quickly for him to block. The pain I was certain may had gotten the better of him but he still attempts to block to my surprise, however, the other me doesn’t sawm phased. He’s knocked to the side, his head moves to the right as I deliver my blow, it’s a blow that allows me to open his ribs. Big mistake on his part that much I knew as I know what I was going to do next. Bringing down my leg, I reposition it and slam my armoured shin against his ribs and I swear I hear several bones crack. He screams out in pain and begins to gasp for air. I stare at what was happening. He’s dying and I was letting him. “Don’t interfere.” Neragarden warns.

  “But—” I begin.

  “There was a reason why some are allowed to kill by law. They are often the ones who could determine a person’s threat level the moment they saw them. You’re one of them.” He announced and I stare at him shocked by what I had heard.

  “I am? Really, why was that?” I asked, “It’s not because I was a part of the royal family was it?”

  Neragarden shakes his head, “No it’s not because of that.” The scene changes once again and I stand in a meadow. The long grass graces my scales and I felt the cool warm air of the bright sunny day. I glanced around Neragarden was nowhere to be sawn. There on a horse in the distance I saw a man and he’s heading for the tree line and on the edge of a cliff, I saw someone standing there. I didn’t had the first clue as to what to do so instead, I improvise and follow after the man on the horse.

  After some time, I find m
yself at the edge of a tree line. There the man dismounts his horse and I watch as he ties the horse to a post outside of a small cottage near the edge of the cliff. Below the cliff was a stretch of land covered in trees and more trees. Standing at the end of the cliff was me. I notice the man saunters over to me. The other me turns around and wraps her arms around his neck and delivers a lengthy kiss. She transitions into her idol form, her human form and whispers something to the man. He nods and she leaps, into his arms. He’s sturdy and turns around to carry her back to the cottage. I freeze at the features of the man. “Varden?” I whisper in shock.

  He kicks open the cottage door and in we go. The door closes and I had a very good idea of what was going on behind those doors. I turn to leave than, bang! The cottage explodes and I drop to the ground. Fearing the shrapnel would hit me.


  Kalverya has been in the memory retrieval state for a few hours now. I felt the presence of another person and I know, without glimpsing a look, who it was that’s behind me, “Neragarden.”

  “Shouldn’t you be calling me Lord Neragarden?” he muses as he moves beside me.

  I couldn’t help but smile at that unjustly truth. I turn over my shoulder and glimpse the king of the angels. “What brings you here?” I asked and return my attention back to Kalverya. I knew without a doubt, if I harness my energy around her mind in high dosages I could kill her and if under, I could ruin her mental wellbeing.

  “Kalverya’s memories are a little disjointed,” he announced.

  “I know.” I remark. “Hopefully, it won’t affect her too much. After all, we still need her to regain her power. It’ll make it easier to deal with the oncoming invasion.”

  “She and her grandmother are the only ones who could protect this world and everyone on it.” Neragarden announced. “It’s a shame Prador had only had two children and that bloodline remains pure through the Nindos and the Philistine. Then again, this kind of power shouldn’t be tossed around,” he declares.

  “As usual, you are right. All havoc would break loose if everyone had the power she possessed and yet she doesn’t even know it.” I said.

  “It’s the reason why Dante’s mission was so important.”

  “Yes, the survival of our species, rests on her shoulders.” I grimly announce, aware that the truth stings my tongue but I didn’t care, instead, I focus on Kalverya and the tasked I need to accomplish in order for her to do what she’s expected to do.


  The explosion flings me against the bark of a nearby tree. I felt my lungs agonisingly burn. The cottage blisters in flames and I stare at the crackling popping sound that graces my ears. I saw through the smoke and the flames. I notice through the smoke and the flames there was a shield. It’s transparent but the fire brushes against the shield before jumping over it. I saw that Varden and I are safe. Then, not too far away there’s the sound of a released rocket. I turn my attention to the sound. The rocket launches towards where Varden and I stand. Varden covers his face and I hold the barrier firm. I notice the rocket explodes, smoke and dust cloud my vision and I saw that Varden and I are safe.

  Glancing at where I saw the presence of another person fear consumes me. This person was dressed in black. I notice his hair was all black and falls down to his waist. The sight of this worries me but I couldn’t help but be aware of the truth that faces me. I’ve been attacked and the chances are high—he’s after the prince. How I knew that was something I was not certain about but I also knew that this couldn’t be good.

  The scene shifts and changes right before my eyes. I was in a room where I saw myself talking to the man in black armour. He removes his helmet, and I notice that I lock my arms around his neck and kiss him. The question was when did this happen? The man’s face was concealed but I get the feeling I knew him from somewhere. The scene changes and I was standing in front of what appears to be a castle—under siege.

  I regard the war cries if fear. What’s going on? When did this happen? I question as I stare at the sight of yellow, orange and blood red. The colours of pain and suffering. I smell the scorching scent of burnt flesh and smell the coagulated blood around my feet. I gasp at the sight and stare in horror at the sight of the castle under attack. I was on a different planet I could tell but I was unsure which one. A volley of arrows reigns high above and I turn over my shoulder to saw a battalion of horses racing towards me. I turn my heel and ran; what I’ve learnt from being in this ‘recollection state’ was that things in here could hurt me. I bound my way over the dead corpses, dead horses, pot-holes and spears or weapons sticking out of the ground. I hear the sound cling, cling, clang! I look up and I saw I was flying in mid-air, deflecting the arrows with my forearm guards. I regard the sight in wondered and fear and watch as I drop down against the ground with my outstretched heel.

  The ground beneath my feet shatters and the earth was cracked, it zip-lines along the ground and along the wall of the castle. One side of the castle collapses and the other remains sturdy. I whip out my broadsword and I watch myself use my super-speed and move towards the top of the wall. I continue to ran as fast as humanly possible feeling the rush of the horses gaining on me but soon after; I felt myself being pulled, I gasp and find myself at the top of the castle walls. From high above, I could saw an army with an insignia that was familiar I couldn’t remember where I’ve sawn it before but I could tell it’s something buried within my memory.

  “Stand down.” I hear myself said. I follow the sound of the voice and saw several feet from me, was me. I was staring up at a man who stands on the tumbled yet stacked remains of the wall. He’s dressed in black and red armour, with a red cloak flying about him. I saw that, he’s intimidating but elegant and proud. In the setting sun, I could tell by the contrast of our colours that we were enemies. “You couldnot win this fight.”

  “Really? And who are you to declare otherwise?” he prompts and I notice I was quick to whoosh across the distance that separates me and the man, I soon realise that the battle was over as my sword slices through him, severing his head which rolls before my feet. I stare the sight—sure I’ve killed on earth and sure I’ve taken heads but to saw that I’ve done it before I lost all my memories shocked me into the daunting realisation that I’ve been doing this a very long time. So the sight of this; shouldn’t be so surprising yet at the same horrifying time—it is. “You’re no queen. Not yet.”

  “You’re right, I won’t be crowned empress not until I was the last heir standing.” I declare and unsheathe my sword I notice didn’t summon on my back but rather sat there. That blade I realise looks different—it’s not like the blades I was used to dealing with.

  “Than how was the empress, the empress?” the man questions.

  “You know exactly how, Lux.” I proclaim and watch as the man regards me for a moment longer, he unsheathes his sword and I notice, I couldn’t help but scowl at the sight of him.

  The scene shifts once more and I find myself standing at the edge of a ledge. I glimpse to the left and I saw myself again, this time I was patting a large blue dragon streaked in silver and silver blue wings. I saw it’s hair was also silver and it’s cladded in armour. “Is that a dragon?” I mutter, wondered ing if I was imaging things.

  I saunter over to the dragon and I hear myself mutter, “It’s about time we met.” She declares turning over her shoulder to stare me dead in the eyes. I jump at the sudden attention and I couldn’t help but regard her with wondered . “You look shocked. didn’t be. This was a normal process for a Nefaliem who has lost his or her memory.”

  I continue to pat the dragon who purrs under my touch, the other me however, stands staring at the beautiful sight in wondered , “What’s its name?”

  “It’s not an it, it’s a he and his name was Marquith.” I look into the eyes of the dragon and I saw better yet felt as though he’s talking to me. I couldn’t quite place it but it’s there and it’s faint. I regard the sight of the dragon once more before
I felt something warm wrap around me. I notice now my hand was in—my hand—the other me. “Don’t forget who you are.” I said and disappear. They fade away with smiles on their faces. I turn back to the light and I wake with surprise as my eyes open to find Nerelda and Neragarden.

  “Welcome back.” Nerelda welcomes, “Do you remember anything?” she asked, her eyes glancing over at Neragarden.

  “You could tell us if you couldn’t.” Neragarden asked.

  “I remember.”

  8. Recollection

  * * *

  Staring at the light overhead, I faintly witnessed a woman staring back at me—with two blue claw markings and a seven-point star on her forehead, beside the star were small blue swirls—a reminder of her imprisonment and the sealing curse of her power. I regarded the sight with pure wondered . “Nerelda, do you see her?” I asked, aware I was seeing someone I thought I’d never see . . . her. Her silver hair fanned out around her as her blood red lips smiled down at me as her bright blue eyes regarded me with wondered and humour.

  “See what child?” Nerelda questioned as she glanced up at the ceiling but I could tell she saw nothing. Neragarden however, smiled at my reaction. I knew he knew. It was confirmed by the way his eyes landed on me. He knows. I thought as I smiled at him. He brought a finger to his lips and called a ‘shh’ I smirked at the sight and turned to Nerelda.

  “I remember.” She beamed at me.

  “It’s about time—it’s been three millennia since you’ve been home.” she declared with a smile and I felt my body hover. I told my mind to move my fingers and at first they felt heavy like they were weighed down by iron. I didn’t know how but every part of my body was frozen while my head was able to move.


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