“Oh, nothing really, just enjoying today…a lot.” I said, blushing as I gave him a telling glance.
Swinging his large arm gently over my shoulders and giving me a squeeze, he leaned in and with a low, seductive voice replied. “Me too.”
Chapter 4
“Does he go to the university?” Amy danced in front of me as she excitedly asked me everything about Keanu.
“Yes, he’s taking engineering.” I had to giggle as I watched her hug her books to her chest and grin from ear to ear.
Walking down a paved walkway in front of the school, the sound of the chirping robins made me smile. Everything made me smile today.
Examining my face, Amy suddenly halted to a stop and turned to me with a serious expression, she gave me a parental frown as she asked, “Did you…you know, with him?” She did a little pelvic thrust as she accentuated the ‘you know’.
“Well, it’s a perfectly legitimate question. You best be using protection young lady, there’s a lot of diseases out there.” She walked ahead of me, waving her pointer finger in the air.
“We didn’t do anything…yet.” I grinned from ear to ear as I poked her teasingly in the side.
Smirking, she punched me lightly on the shoulder. “Just be careful, okay.”
“Yes mother.” I answered in a sarcastic teenager tone.
“Cassia!” A deep male voice called from behind us.
Spinning around, I was thrilled to see Keanu jogging towards me.
Amy turned around just as Keanu got close enough to wrap his arms around my waist and kiss me on the cheek. My entire body flooded with excitement at his touch. I’d never felt like this before.
“Holy shit!” Amy exclaimed as she gawked at Keanu and his huge chest. “Pardon me.” She added quickly as she regained composure, covering her mouth as though her outburst were a spontaneous burp. I’m sure it didn’t help that he was wearing a really tight muscle shirt.
“Hi there, I’m Keanu.” He offered his right hand to her.
“Hello there, you don’t happen to have a twin brother do you?” Amy flirted as she shook his hand.
“Sorry, twin sister. No brothers.” After winking playfully at Amy, he turned to me. “I was wondering if you’d like to go to a concert with me tonight.”
“Who’s playing?” I inquired politely, though; I would’ve gone to the moon with him if he asked me.
“A friend of mine is playing at the club on 69th street; he gave me an extra ticket.” Keanu held up two slips of paper and waved them back and forth as if to prove he really had them.
Amy elbowed me in the ribs and nodded her approval.
“Of course, that sounds great. What time?” I asked, trying not to stare at his chest. At that moment, I could understand the visual appreciation men had for women’s chests. It was hard not to be impressed by Keanu’s.
“I’ll pick you up around six, okay? Gotta run, late for class.” Both Amy’s and my eyes lingered long and hard on Keanu’s backside as he jogged away. Giggling as we caught each other, we linked arms and continued to walk along the path.
“Damn…wow, yah, I mean…damn.” It took a lot to make Amy speechless.
Looking at my watch, I realized that I’d forgotten about volunteering at the medical department again. Considering that I had to get ready for the concert in a couple of hours, I promised myself I’d volunteer tomorrow. I had no choice if I wanted to pay my tuition on time.
Keanu’s reaction was exactly what I was hoping for as I opened the door to my dorm room. It was rare that I dug the short, suede skirt and black leather boots out of the back of the closet, but for tonight, I needed something special. “You look stunning.” His voice was a seductive growl.
Taking a step closer to me, his hands slid around my waist, grazing the small of my back. A pleasant shiver ran up my spine as I leaned against him. With my head down and my cheek nestled against his large chest, his right hand held me around the waist while the other went under my chin and tilted my face up to meet his.
As our faces drew closer, I welcomed his soft lips on mine. His kiss was gentle, yet firm and passionate. For one of the few kisses I’d experienced in my life, it was phenomenal.
Lifting up the back of my shirt, he slid his warm hands onto my skin. Kissing my lips, he then hungrily moved to my ear and neck. Sliding his fingers through my long black hair and pressing his large chest and hips against me, I involuntarily moaned as his hands explored my body.
Just as he began lifting up my shirt to remove it, I stopped him. “Wait…please.”
I didn’t even know why, but I suddenly felt like everything was moving too fast. My breath was quick and my pulse thudded hard and fast in my veins.
Stopping immediately, he whispered in my ear. “You okay?”
“Yes.” I stuttered as I straightened out my skirt and blouse. “I…I’m…”
I’m embarrassed to tell you I’m a virgin. I could think it, but saying it was another thing entirely.
“I just need a little more time, okay.” Rubbing his chest, I hoped that I hadn’t offended him.
Smiling, he responded with sincerity. “Absolutely, anything for you.”
Entering the club, the bass was thunderous and the rainbow of strobe lights pulsated hypnotically. Drunk and sweaty, the masses that were crammed on the dance floor swayed and gyrated against each other.
Clinging to Keanu’s arm, I held on for dear life while still trying to appear calm and cool. Leading me happily to the center of the room, he pulled me close and began to slow dance even though the music was hard rock.
Closing my eyes as I rested my head on his chest, I tried to imagine us anywhere but here. Buried within a pile of drunken bodies was not my idea of a romantic date, but I was really happy just being near him.
Leaning into me, he elicited a fresh wave of shivers down my back as he gently pushed my hair away from my ear and asked, “Would you like a drink?” Smiling and nodding, he took my hand and led me to the bar. “What do you drink?” He yelled over the racket.
“Iced tea.” I extended my voice to the loudest it would go.
“Long Island?”
“No, virgin please.” Giving me the strangest look, he ordered our drinks and when we received them, I followed him to a quieter section of the bar.
Sitting in a secluded area of the lounge, we snuggled into the corner of a booth. Watching all the pretty, and obviously inebriated, girls go by; I began feeling a little out of my element. Actually, a lot out of my element. What was I doing here? Yes, I really liked this guy, but what did I really know of him…or him of me?
Sipping my drink slowly, I tried to enjoy myself. It was a rarity that I ever went out, let alone on a date.
Keanu would look at me every so often, smile mischievously, and then lean over and kiss me on the lips, neck, or wherever he so desired. With his large arm around me, I felt safe and warm. Stealing glances at his face while he watched the band play, I admired the contours of his jaw, his kind eyes and handsome smile.
An unfamiliar feeling swept over me as the world seemed to slow down. As I thought about school, Amy, Keanu and my life at that moment, I experienced a feeling I hadn’t had before—happiness.
“Do you…want to come in?” I hugged the doorframe behind me as I invited Keanu into my room.
Taking a step closer, he raised his hand to my face and stroked my cheek with the back of his fingers. “Are you sure?” Uncertainty shadowed his handsome face.
Nodding, I took his hand from my cheek and kissed his palm, then ushering him into my dorm room, I closed the door and locked it.
Standing before him in my dimly lit apartment, an awkwardness overwhelmed me as I realized I didn’t know what to do next.
Good thing he made the first move.
He sauntered toward me with a sheepish smile. Sliding his right hand over my shoulder
and under my hair to hold the nape of my neck, he slowly drew me to him. Tenderly, his left hand slid under my shirt, passed my waist and grazed to the small of my back.
Slow dancing to only the sound of our impassioned breath, he leaned over and placed his mouth on mine. Darting his tongue softly against my mine, I felt his fingers move up my spine to undo my bra.
My lips twitched into a smile as I felt the clasps release in the back, my breasts now free from their restraints. Still a bit tender from the mammogram, I winced as he cupped the left one in his hand. Despite the mild ache, the delicate caress forced a moan from my lips.
Kissing my neck, his palms moved out from under my shirt and slid down the sides of my hips.
A mixture of cologne and pheromone, his scent overwhelmed me; it made my head spin as I ran my fingers through his wavy hair.
Feeling a tug at the bottom of my suede skirt, I took a sharp breath in as I realized he was pulling it up. Hearing my gasp, he paused to look into my eyes, as though awaiting permission.
An instinct suddenly possessed me as I pushed him closer to the bed. Gesturing for him to sit down, I then reached around and unzipped my skirt. Wriggling out of it, I let it slide down my thighs to the floor; I then lifted up my shirt and pulled it over my head.
My bra still hung off my arms, hiding the last of my naked chest. Pulling the straps off one at a time, I teased him as I covered my breasts with my forearms. Finally, I let the bra fall to the floor and my hands moved to my side.
His eyes stayed focused on mine for a moment and then he scanned my body with an expression of lust branded on his face. At first, he seemed not to notice my birthmark buried deep in the hollow of my bosom, but then he stared at it, fixated.
“Is that a tattoo?” I could tell he was trying to sound casual but his voice cracked a little as he asked. Removing his clothes, I found it hard to concentrate as I stared at his chest—not to mention everything else.
“No.” Self-doubt crept out of the shadows and into my consciousness as I crossed my arms and hid my breasts again.
“It’s…beautiful.” His eyes twinkled as he reached for me and pulled me close to him. Undraping my arms from their protective stance around my breasts, he slowly and methodically kissed both of them. Running his fingers between them, he paused and playfully examined my star birthmark.
His fingers trailed to my hips. Sliding his thumbs between fabric and skin, he tugged lightly at my panties, guiding them over my contours and eventually to my ankles.
With him still sitting on the bed, he pulled me on top of him. After straddling him, he then took over and carefully eased my hips closer to his.
“Cassia.” Keanu whispered my name making it sound like a line of poetry as we gently moved our bodies together.
Chapter 5
Most people dream random, silly or scary dreams. They find themselves standing naked in front of a crowd or a crocodile chasing them, trying to eat their pants.
But not mine.
Mine have always been vivid memories of my childhood with encrypted secrets twisted within.
While cuddled in the crook of Keanu’s large arm, my eyelids fluttered furiously as I relived a moment of my past mingled with a subconscious message.
My bare feet burned on the Sedona desert as the sun poured scalding rays over top of me. Tiny grains of sand had burrowed themselves into corners of my eyes, making it nearly impossible to keep them open. With my lips cracked and my throat now unable to swallow, white patches of dried spittle caked at the corners of my mouth.
The only saving grace was a weak wind from the east to sooth my baking skin. Forcing my legs to move forward, my eyes narrowed to a slit as they scoured the landscape for any sign of the reservation, or better yet, water.
It started out as a mission to find the cave where my mother had given birth to me; it ended up a near death experience. Four days I’d wandered the endless reaches of the ocean of sand, first searching for my past and then for my future. If I didn’t find my way home, or if my tribe didn’t find me soon, there’d be nothing left to bring home.
Only nine years old, I wondered what kind of mother could abandon her baby. What kind of person leaves her child to live—or die—alone in a cave? What if the medicine woman, now my grandmother, hadn’t found me there? Would my mother have cared? Did she return to make sure someone had found me?
Reliving my past within my dream, I felt a lump in my throat form and a quiet sob escape me. Lucid enough to know I had company in my bed with me, I forced silence upon myself.
In reality, a search party found me eight miles from the reservation, face down and barely alive. In my dream, however, I found myself standing at the mouth of a cave.
The cave.
The one where I’d been left behind.
And then there was the number. In every dream, there is always the same number.
Two, in Roman numerals—II.
Entering the cave, I hear droplets of moisture echoing as they splatter against the rocks. A pungent mildew scent invades my nostrils causing them to flare. Gliding my hand along the rough terrain of the cavern walls to guide me, I move through the veil of darkness. The further I go, the more the shadows swallow the light.
I sense a presence in the cave with me, just behind me. Without turning around, I know that it is someone—or something—protecting me.
As the dream continues, I suddenly find myself lying upon the floor of the cave. Shadows move around me with haste, though I can’t see who’s making them.
Next, all I know is pain.
I am screaming in pain.
The dream suddenly ends with a blinding flash of white light.
Sitting straight up in bed, my hair plastered to my face from sweat, I breathe heavily as I try to slow my racing heart.
“Are you okay?” Keanu asked as he sat up and began rubbing my back.
Attempting to sound casual, I answer as I’m wiping the dampness from my face. “Yah, sure, just a crazy dream.”
Kissing my shoulder, his fingers slid around my side and down the muscle line of my stomach.
“Here, let me make you forget all about it.” His hot breath tickled my ear as he whispered.
Laying me onto my back, he positioned himself over me and began another rigorous love-making session.
Clutching his shoulders, I tried to focus on the task at hand. Tossing out the occasional moan for his benefit, I couldn’t get into the moment.
My mind was still whirling around the meaning of the dream.
The Roman numerals haunted me.
Two? Why two?
A quiet morning glow trickled in from between the slits of my long burgundy curtains. Keanu’s hulking shadow maneuvered stealthily in the middle of my apartment as I dramatically draped my arm across the bed toward him. Exaggerating a pout, I pushed my bottom lip out as I watched him get dressed beside the bed. Noticing my distraught expression, he reached his hand to my face and stroked my cheek.
“I have to go gorgeous, duty calls.” Extending his own bottom lip, he gave me an apologetic expression.
Smiling, I nuzzled his hand with my cheek and then kissed his open palm. “Okay,” I sighed, “if you must.”
Chuckling, he slipped his jacket on and then leaned over to give me a soft kiss good-bye. “See you later.”
Glancing back at me before closing the door, I thought I saw an expression of wistfulness.
Feeling pleased that it appeared he was going to miss me; I lay back onto the pillow and closed my eyes.
After resting a while, I decided to force myself out of bed.
Slipping into my clothes after a nice hot shower, I resigned myself to the idea of one last day of medical torture.
Adding a little color to my face with a touch of mascara, pink gloss and blush, I gave myself a quick smile as I thought of Keanu. He made me feel good, better than I’d felt in years. He made me feel wanted, a sensation t
hat up until now had eluded me.
I knew I had abandonment issues, but who wouldn’t after been left in a cave by their mother?
Sure, my adopted grandmother loved me, but it was different.
I had so many questions and so few answers.
Grandmother would develop an odd, distant look in her eyes whenever I’d ask about the cave and how she found me. It always left me with a yearning to find out more.
The day I left for university, she sat me down and had a very strange discussion with me.
“Little one.” My grandmother began in her native tongue, enveloping my hands with her own. “The world can be very cruel, especially to outsiders.”
Rolling my eyes gently, I gave her a look that only a young, inexperienced girl can give. “I’ll be just fine. Don’t worry. I’m only going to school and besides, you taught me well.” Patting her hand, I tried to reassure what I considered to be over-bearing and paranoid behavior.
Her soft brown eyes searched my face, her years of wisdom etched into aged skin. Frowning, she left me with one last cryptic word of warning, “You are different Cassia…special. Don’t trust anyone.”
Her last words to me echoed in my mind as I left my apartment for my final guinea pig session at the medical department.
My breath made translucent clouds in the crisp morning air as I jogged lightly toward the east side of the university. Fall had settled on the Washington ground, leaving each blade of browning grass coated with tiny crystalline shards. The trees surrounding the campus each wore a white blanket of frost that clung to every branch and remnant leaf.
Inhuman Page 3