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Inhuman Page 5

by Danielle Q. Lee

  I didn’t know what they wanted from me and now, I didn’t care.

  “What can you tell us about her?” Agent Evans directed his question to Keanu…Agent Kai.

  “I didn’t get any useful information about her past, but physically…” he blushed lightly. “She has a very strange birthmark.”

  “Oh…where?” As though he had x-ray vision, Agent Evans narrowed his eyes and scanned my body.

  “Umm…” Keanu paused then placed his pointer finger on the center of his chest.

  A snicker from the other four agents elicited a swift and silencing glare from Agent Evans. “Show me.” He ordered Keanu.

  Clearing his throat, Keanu approached me as I lay helpless on the cot. I turned my head sharply away from him as he tried to make eye contact. His eyes were filled with shame. If guilt had a smell, it was oozing from his pores.

  Angry tears blurred my vision as he lifted up my shirt. Pushing my bra aside and uncovering my breasts, several of the agents gasped at the sight of my birthmark, or at least I hoped it was the mark they were gawking at.

  A hot pain of embarrassment seared in my chest. I felt like a specimen, nothing more than animal ready to be dissected.

  “I need to get a camera.” Agent Evans walked briskly from the cell.

  With my breasts exposed, I could feel their eyes upon me. Keeping my face toward the far wall, I felt Keanu, who’d stayed by my side, pull my shirt down.

  “Hey Kai.” The agent with blond hair heckled. “You fucked it didn’t you?”


  My jaw dropped from the shock of his cruelty.

  Keanu must have read my mind because he tensed and took a step closer to the cocky agent.

  “Watch it Meyers!” His voice verged on anger.

  “Enough!” Agent Evans snapped and glared at Agent Meyers as he walked back into the cell with camera in hand. “Everyone out…except you Kai.”

  All four of the excused agents filed out the door while Keanu and Agents Evans proceeded to take pictures of my chest.

  Keanu still attempted to catch my eye, but I would turn my face away in anger each time.

  “Okay,” Agent Evans sighed after a few minutes of examining me, “Let’s go.”

  “Sir?” Keanu’s voice cracked a little.


  “May I…untie her?”

  My heart did an unwelcome skip with his request. Not turning to face Agent Evans, I held my breath as I waited for his answer.

  “Yes, but be careful, she’s not likely to be very happy with you son.” Agent Evans shut the door behind him as he left us.

  The mattress sunk beside me as Keanu sat down. His hip touched mine ever so slightly and I quashed the mild enjoyment of having gentle human contact again—especially his.

  My entire body tensed as he leaned over me to untie my left hand. His warm breath tickled my neck as he slowly and carefully unraveled the strap. The Velcro released with a reluctant hiss as my hand was freed.

  He paused for a moment as though anticipating my next move. I’m sure he was prepared for, and even expected, a punch or slap.

  Ignoring my right hand for the moment, he moved to undo my feet. I hated that I loved the way his hands brushed up against the inside of my calves as he gently released me.

  Remaining perfectly still, I refused to look at him. I’d forgotten up until now that my face was probably marred with dried blood from the sample session.

  “Are you…okay?” His voice was hushed, laced with guilt and regret as he carefully untied my right hand.

  My jaw clenched as I felt fresh tears well in my eyes. All the pain and persecution I’d endured over the last few days suddenly brimmed over.

  “What the fuck do you think?!” Turning my head sharply in his direction, I yelled with more anger than I’d intended.

  Flinching and moving away from my venomous glare, he stood and stared at me with sorrowful eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” The sincerity in his voice was evident, but it did not deter my wrath.

  “What the hell is going on?” Sitting up on the cot, I rubbed my wrists that had become raw from the Velcro straps. I pleaded with wide eyes as I looked at him.

  “You really…don’t know?” Furrowing his brow, his eyes clouded with confusion.

  “No! All I know is that I’ve been kidnapped, brutalized and treated like fucking lab rat!” Rubbing the top of my oozing head, I marched up to Keanu with my bloodied palm open and shoving it into his face, I waited for an explanation.

  His handsome bronze face paled as he reluctantly observed the proof of my suffering. “I…thought you knew. We all…assumed…”

  “What?! What did you assume?!” My voice was becoming shrill and I felt my knees get weak as days of exhaustion overwhelmed me. Catching me by the elbow before I fell, Keanu led me back to the cot.

  After sitting down, I slapped his hand away. “Tell me!” I shrieked, my chest heaving with sobs.

  “You mean to tell me that you really don’t know why you’re here? That you really don’t know?” Shock and disbelief consumed his voice as he rubbed his face with both his hands.

  All energy had been sapped from my body, I hunched over, shaking my head from side to side. “No.” I whispered through the salty tears cascading onto my cracked lips.

  Kneeling before me and placing his hands on both of my knees, Keanu sighed. His voice shook as he let the words that would change my life forever fall from his lips.

  “Cassia…you’re not…human.”

  Chapter 7

  “DNA. Deoxyribonucleic Acid. The basic structure contains a double helix, forty-six chromosomes and several genetic markers shared by all humans.” Agent Evans sat across from me, his face somber. “You, Cassia, have none of the standard ‘human’ DNA attributes. Our scientists are still researching the samples to learn more, but as it stands, you do not have human DNA.”

  “I don’t understand.” I stated, my voice echoing within the walls of a small conference room. Keanu had arranged for Agent Evans to talk to me. He’d apparently explained how I needed to know what was going on and he obviously believed me when I said that I had no idea.

  “Your DNA has very…pronounced differences.” He paused as though reluctant to tell me, then continued. “Instead of a double helix…you have a triple helix. Instead of forty-six chromosomes, you only have twenty-six. All of which…in human understanding…is impossible.”

  I could feel his uneasy stare on me as I soaked in all the information.

  “It’s even too pronounced to be considered a mutation. Do you have any idea as to why your genetic make-up is so…alien?” His question was innocent enough, but implied so much.

  Staring at the table and shaking my head, my entire body went numb. Glancing at my hands, I wondered how I could look so human if my genetic code had betrayed me so dramatically.

  If I wasn’t human, what was I?

  Except for the birthmark, I had every likeness of a human being and throughout my whole life, there’d never been any indication whatsoever that I wasn’t.

  No special powers, no psychic ability…nothing that would make me remotely think I wasn’t human.

  “Can I…go home?” I sounded like a small child and strangely, that’s how I felt. My world had been reborn into a nightmare, a world in which I didn’t belong anymore.

  Taking a big breath in and exhaling, it appeared for a moment that Agent Evans was considering it. “No Cassia, I’m afraid not.” An odd flicker of concealment danced behind his eyes as he repeated his last statement. “I’m afraid not.”

  Adjusting his black suit jacket, he turned and moved to leave the conference room. As the door closed behind him, I could see through the vertical sliver where the wall met the door. There was at least one guard…machine gun in hand.

  Laying my head on the cool, hard table, I sobbed as I cried harder than I’ve ever cried in my life.

  Alien?! That’s what he called me…an alien.

funny how the things that we think are basic rights in life like going to school, money and especially freedom can be taken away so quickly.

  In one breath, I’d been stripped of my former identity, my life…my humanity.

  With all deaths, there is at least that recognition of something fading away from existence. Like a candle in the wind, someone’s life can be snuffed out, but there is always that tiny ember of light left behind, a warmth or acknowledgement.


  My life, my former existence…was gone, leaving no trace, no warmth inside me. Just the knowledge that I’d once lived amongst the human race, as one of them, naïve to my true identity.

  As I lay in a puddle of my own tears, wondering what I was, something inside of me…died.

  My bloodshot amber eyes stared back at me in the mirror, dark circles pooled beneath them like ashen sediment. I was certain I looked at least five years older than I did only a few days before. Several strands of my black hair were matted with dried blood and hung like dreadlocks around my face.

  I desperately needed a shower and fresh clothes. For a split second I compared this facility to a concentration camp, but then decided that I shouldn’t allow myself that much pity.

  Knocking lightly on my cell door, I hoped to get the attention of the guards. After twenty minutes, however, I realized that either no one was out there or they were ignoring me.

  Huddling in the center of my bloodstained white cot, I hugged my knees and tried to imagine myself somewhere else.

  Anywhere but here.

  Exhausted, even my imagination was too tired to cooperate.

  Lying down on the pillow with the hum of the fluorescent lights above me, I succumbed to sleep.

  The dream began instantly, only this time…I was being hunted.


  The blistering sun was settling behind a sharp cliff to the west. With each step I took, hot sand pressed into the base of my bare feet and forced its way between my toes.

  Licking my lips, I felt the grooves where the skin had split apart. Tiny grains of sand had nestled themselves behind my eyelids, every blink initiated a scraping sensation against my sensitive eyeballs.

  The hot dry air filled my lungs with parched oxygen as I moved forward into the unfriendly desert. Ahead of me was a vast, bronze landscape sparsely littered with indestructible cacti and orphaned boulders.

  With darkness settling over the land, the shadows began to own the night.

  Mournful howls wailed in the distance as though announcing the end of the day and trumpeting the arrival of the evening. A light wind snaked over the contours of the land, quickly cooling the air around me. In a short time, I went from sweating profusely to shivering as the night air clung to my damp clothing.

  Paranoid, my eyes scanned for movement behind every rock and brush. I knew they were out there, somewhere, lurking in shadows, searching for me. Like vampires lusting for my blood, the men in black stalked me, craved me…hated me.

  The cave.

  I had to find the cave.

  This time, it was for refuge as much as it was for unveiling its secrets. Wrapping my arms around myself, I forced my tired legs forward. Shuffling through the cooling sand, I winced as I wondered if this was the step that would settle on a wayward scorpion. The laughter of coyotes assaulted my ears as I sensed them closing in on me.

  A soft, warm light in the distance sent a rush of relief throughout my body. I picked up the pace as I recognized the mouth of the cave.

  The glow within the cave soothed my aching soul. Flickers of light danced upon the walls like a midnight waltz, tenderly coaxing me in to rest my weary head. Holding myself up with the jagged surface of the cavern wall, I walked carefully over the rocky floor.

  The wind whistled a haunting tune that echoed throughout the labyrinth of the cave. A large fire had been made by unknown hands; I seated myself in front of it and warmed my chilled body. Searching the walls with weary eyes, I noted the familiar number painted upon the walls.


  Always the Roman numeral two.

  As I sat before the blaze, a sensation of being watched suddenly pervaded me. Glancing slowly around, I saw nothing, but still, the paranoia persisted.

  Shivering and hugging myself, I waited for the unknown. I somehow knew it was only a matter of time before they found me.

  It was then that I saw the figure.

  Large and distinctly male, it made its way from the shadows towards me. Nearing the illumination of the fire, I strained to see his face. My heart pounded as I wondered if he were the enemy, one of the dark men who wanted me caged.

  His hands outstretched, he reached as though to grab me!

  Leaning from his grasp, it was then that the attack came from behind! Hard and forceful arms embraced me in a death grip and pulled me away from the man.

  Looking back at the dark figure and his gentle arms outstretched for me, I realized—he cared for me.

  Who was he?

  Struggling within my dream, my consciousness flooded back to reality. Confused, I continued to fend off strong arms holding me down. Prying my tired eyes open, I realized that the dream—the nightmare—wasn’t over.

  Holding my wrists with a crushing force and sitting atop my torso was a new enemy.

  Agent Meyers.


  The Velcro straps made a loud ripping noise as he adjusted the band on my left wrist. He’d already managed to secure my feet to the bed while I was sleeping. Sitting on my chest, he had my right hand pinned under his knee.

  “Hello freak.” His voice was hushed and drenched in malicious intent.

  Anger ripped through me with the word ‘freak’ and I began bucking my hips wildly in attempts to throw him off. Growling and snarling, I opened my mouth wide to scream. I needed to get the attention of anyone outside the door. My greatest hope was that Keanu was nearby and would save me.

  Slamming his hand over my mouth, Meyers leaned over and whispered in my ear, his voice low and the heat from his breath brushing past my skin. “Shhhh…you wouldn’t want to ruin the party, would you?”

  Pulling a roll of duct tape from inside his suit jacket, he held my mouth with one hand and with the other he pulled a piece of tape free and ripped it with his teeth.

  Realizing the danger I was in and what his intentions were, I struggled with every ounce of energy I had. I cursed his strength as he placed the tape over my mouth and then proceeded to lock my right hand into the Velcro tieback.

  “There, that’s better.” Climbing off of me, his dark blue eyes scanned my body, pausing on my chest. Fear overwhelmed me as my anxiety peaked. My breath came in short, uncontrolled spurts as tears flooded out of my eyes.

  “Pity they didn’t clean you up first. Oh well, I’m not picky.” A Cheshire smile crept across his face as his fingers walked up the top of my thigh and slid across my stomach.

  His baby face made him the perfect unsuspecting predator.

  Adrenaline fired and I felt my eyes get very wide. He seemed to read my thoughts utilizing my expression of terror. “That’s right freak, I’m going show you the way humans do it, won’t that be nice.”

  Oh god! He’s going to rape me!

  Shaking my head vehemently from side to side and thrashing my body back and forth, I protested with every ounce of energy I had left.

  Reaching down to his ankle, he produced a knife from under his black pant leg.

  “You be a good little freak and you just might live through this.” He stated as he glided the blade along the inside of my thigh, past my stomach and up to my neck.

  Sobbing hard, I closed my eyes and prayed for it to be over quickly.

  “Mmmmm….Keanu’s got good taste in freaks.”

  I felt him rip open my shirt, cut the straps of my bra with the knife and expose my breasts. Molesting my body, he groaned as he assaulted me.

  I didn’t open my eyes again until it was over.


  Thankfully a s
hower routine was introduced the very next day. I scrubbed my body harder than I’ve ever scrubbed before. Some parts of me were raw from the self-inflicted cleaning regime, but I had to get him off of me.

  Everything about him lingered on me like a rash.

  Night after night, he returned.

  Strapping me down and ravaging my body like a rabid wolf, he seemed relentless in his efforts to destroy my spirit.

  I’d like to say he lost—but he didn’t.

  He’d won the first night he attacked me. He stole what shred of humanity I had left within me, and destroyed it.

  In my old life, I would’ve gone to the hospital and been examined. The police would’ve been informed and a charge would’ve been made. Agent Meyers would’ve likely have gone to jail for what he did to me.

  In this reality, this new existence, I had no rights, no empathy and no justice. Day after day, my routine consisted of waking up, being led to the showers, eating three square meals, being raped, and going to sleep.

  The animals at the zoo had it just a bit better than me.

  Weeks went by, maybe months, the same routine, the same day over and over. Thankfully, Agent Meyers seemed to tire of me and left me alone once in a while.

  Most days, my mind drifted over the borders of sane and insane. I could literally feel the line where my thoughts delved into the world of crazy. I was at the point where I didn’t care if I lived or died anymore. My survival instincts had betrayed me.

  Some days, I cried all day. Some days I raged and beat my hands bloody against everything in my tiny white cell. Some days, I beat myself bloody, disgusted with the creature that I’d become.

  I hated not knowing what I was.


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