Exhaling sharply, he turned his head away from me. His eyes scanned the rolling hills of white moving quickly passed his window. He was silent for a few moments. I wasn’t sure if he was deciding how to tell me or if he should.
Finally, he spoke. His eyes clouded over with a dark hue and his voice was low and monotone. “They are an elite task force designed to find, capture and contain any and all anomalous beings or objects.”
I winced at his words. He spoke them as though he’d been programmed like a soldier…a drone.
“Are they…a part of the government?” I asked though I wasn’t sure I actually wanted to hear anymore.
“Yes…and no.” He replied quickly, not elaborating.
“What are they called?” I fully expected him to respond with one of the usual suspects, Army, CIA, FBI…the big ones.
Again he sighed, obviously uncomfortable with my questions, but eventually he surrendered. “At first, they had no name. Just an anonymous division in the shadows of government.” He switched on the wipers as a few droplets of rain fell onto the windshield. “Their name evolved over time.”
I glanced out the window as I waited for him to explain.
“They are the Majestic 12. Sometimes called Men in Black. They formed from twelve different elite secret societies within the United States. The rumors…are true.” Keanu’s face was white. He looked as though he was fighting back the urge to vomit. He also looked scared.
Instantly curious about all the things I’d heard over the years about UFO’s and conspiracies, I turned to him excitedly. “Roswell. The UFO crash. Is it true?”
Furrowing his brow and giving me a disapproving glance, he uttered with anger in his tone. “Many, many people have died for the secrets kept by the Majestic 12. Don’t you understand how powerful…and evil…they are? They’re all about gaining power, money, and manipulating the public.”
I bristled at his annoyance with my question. Facing myself forward, I pouted and stared out at the highway. I understood fully, thank you very much. The brutality and inhumanity I’d experienced over the last few months was all too fresh in my mind.
Sighing, he reached his free hand to my knee and rubbed it apologetically. “I’m sorry Cassia; I’ve seen a lot of bad things.”
A hot anger tore through me. Slapping his hand off my knee, I turned and glared him down like a cat ready to slash open her prey. “You’ve seen a lot of bad things? I’ve lived through those bad things! How dare you insinuate that I don’t understand how horrible these people are!”
“Cassia, I’m sorry.” His eyes focused back and forth from the road to me as he apologized. “I didn’t mean that you…” He gave up on explaining. I’d huddled myself against the passenger door and was staring vehemently out the window.
After a few minutes of allowing my blood to cool, I asked him without facing him. “If they’re so awful, why do you work for them?”
The silence behind me was unnerving. Again, I didn’t know if he was going to answer me. I hated all the secrecy.
“I…wasn’t given a choice.” His voice was thick with bitterness.
I turned to face him as I asked. “What do you mean?”
His eyes darkened as he gripped the steering wheel tighter, making a squeaking sound as his palms rubbed against the leather.
“I saw something…long ago…when I was fifteen.” He inhaled and exhaled sharply. “Afterwards, I was forced to work for them.”
“Forced.” I repeated, frowning.
“Yes. Forced.”
I contemplated my choice of words carefully. The anger behind his eyes was frightening. Slowly reaching my hand out and placing it on his forearm, I probed him further. “How did they force you?”
I had visions of the Majestic 12 hypnotizing Keanu or beating him into submission. My stomach turned as I considered that he, too, may have lived through unimaginable pains.
Though he was a very big man, he appeared so frail to me at that moment. His voice wavered and his eyes glistened with unshed tears as he spoke.
“They have my sister…Keila.”
Chapter 15
My head was pressed against the glass of the passenger side window, bobbing occasionally with the movement of the car over the highway.
The sun had just set leaving the moon in charge of lighting our way. A silvery hue now blanketed the darkening countryside. The snowflakes that had reflected the sun’s golden glow all day now glistened like white diamonds dancing upon a sheet of glass.
The cold of the night invaded the interior of the car. Keanu turned up the heat when I shivered and pulled my hands up into the arms of my sleeves.
The escape had only happened this morning but I felt like it had been weeks already. My brain hurt with all the new information being processed.
Fear and adrenaline had kept me buzzing for most the day. Even hunger hadn’t invaded my thoughts or my stomach until just recently. I had been on high alert all day, anticipating that the Majestic 12 would jump out at us at any moment.
Weary, I closed my eyes for just a second before forcing them open again. I was too afraid to sleep. Unconsciousness would leave me vulnerable. If I stayed awake, I could see them coming.
You should rest.
My mind thought it, but I wasn’t sure if it was me or the baby that had actually said it. Now I was just losing my mind.
Have to get to Sedona. The cave. I thought, knowing that all my questions were going to be answered there.
One thing that I wondered was if the cave was going to look just like I’d seen in my dreams. How could I know what the cave looks like if I hadn’t been there since I was an infant? Would grandmother even remember where it was? Was it safe to go there? Probably not.
I thought of the dream. The reoccurring dream. It hadn’t visited me for quite a while. Last I recalled, there was a mysterious man in my dreams who’d carried me through a snowy desert to the cave. I actually hoped I would dream soon. I wasn’t enjoying being awake right now. My reality was almost unbearable.
Now that I’d gotten my freedom back, I couldn’t bear to think of the Majestic 12 capturing me again and dragging me back to their facility. Maybe it was just because I was exhausted and delirious with stress, but I actually felt that death was a much better option than facing the men in black again.
In some strange way, I had the feeling that it wasn’t just the Majestic 12 that was stalking us. Death was right on our heels as well. It was just a matter of time before one of them found us.
Resisting sleep, my eyelids forced their way over my dry and exhausted eyes. A wave of relaxation swept over me as I surrendered to the unconsciousness. Almost instantly, a dream began, but it was not what I expected.
A rainbow of colors danced in front of my eyes. It was like a blanket of northern lights swirling around me, embracing me. I realized quickly that I was completely naked, but for some reason, I didn’t care. I had no concern whatsoever for my exposure.
As the palette of shades waltzed in a circular rhythm around me, I noticed a figure approaching me from outside the peaceful tornado. Immediately drawn to the being, I opened my arms to offer an embrace. I knew this person, this creature. I instinctively knew her to be my mother even though I’d never seen her before.
Light. She was made of light. Her body, inside and out, was comprised totally of energy. White energy.
Stepping out from the confines of the rainbow whirlwind, I sensed her smile at me. She spoke to me, not with a voice, but with a thought. Tears welled in my eyes as I heard her tell me she was proud of me.
Raising her right hand, she placed it on the center of my belly. An exchange occurred between her and the baby. An exchange of light. Inside of me, the baby squirmed with excitement, somehow knowing her ancestor was nearby.
For just a moment, I felt like an outsider. An intruder. I didn’t understand what was happening to me. I needed to know why this fate had been placed upon me.
Why was I left
on the Earth? Was I alone here? Why had my people abandoned me?
Part of me began to recall my true nature, my real identity, but the knowledge was just barely out of reach and the closer I got to it, the faster it moved from me.
“What am I? Who am I?” I yelled into the oblivion.
I tried to communicate with my mother but her essence only smiled at me and began to move away. Attempting to run after her, I realized I couldn’t travel forward. Crying, I called for her over and over again.
Just before she faded out of view, however, she turned around one last time. Her luminescence shifted and became more solid. With her features shifting to human, I recognized her face…it was mine.
Within seconds of the realization that she wore my face, it appeared to melt away like a wax mannequin. Flesh and blood bled away from her…my…face leaving only patches of white bone peering through.
I opened my mouth to scream, but I had no voice. Raising my hand to my mouth, I realized that my skin was mirroring hers…and mine was liquefying and sliding off my face as well.
A faceless monster, I flung myself upon the ground and tore at the chunks of skin falling off of me. Holding what remained of my face in my hands, I suddenly began to shake.
Then it all ended.
“Cassia! Wake up!” Sweat beaded on my forehead and chest as Keanu shook me by the shoulder. “It’s just a dream Cassia!”
My eyes fluttered open as I tried to focus on my surroundings. The amnesia of waking after a dream faded as I realized where I was. Keanu watched me with concern as he kept his hand on my shoulder.
“Are you okay? You were screaming.” He asked after he was certain I had regained my composure.
“Yes. It…was a weird one.” I took in deep breaths and tried to exhale slowly in order to slow my racing heart.
“Jesus, you were shrieking. It sounded awful.” Looking a little shaken, he reached to push the button for the radio.
Keanu turned the knob on the dashboard as he searched for a good tune. The long stretch of highway we were on left us with few choices considering the reception we’d get in the middle of nowhere.
Blips of voices and undesirable songs floated throughout the interior of the car. He didn’t seem to be much for talking right now. After the screaming incident during my nightmare, I think I freaked him out a little.
I guessed that he was rather stressed.
If the Majestic 12 had his sister held prisoner, he was probably worried about what her fate would be, considering his recent actions. He’d stolen hot commodity from a powerful and secret government agency, I’d be concerned too.
I wonder what he saw?
It had to have been pretty spectacular if the Majestic 12 felt the need to blackmail Keanu into working for them. I wanted to ask him but the expression on his face didn’t look very inviting, in fact, he looked downright sick.
“What’s wrong?” I asked when I noticed his jaw was clenched and his face had paled dramatically. “Are you okay?”
“Um, yah, I’m just tired…and hungry. I’ll be okay.” He waved his hand toward me in attempts to shrug it off.
“Well, I’m really hungry too. What do you say we stop for a bite at the next town?” My stomach even growled as I spoke the words.
“No!” He shouted suddenly, looking at me with wild eyes. “We might be recognized!”
It was then I realized he might be having a small nervous breakdown…who could blame him.
“Keanu.” I began calmly, “I’m pregnant. The baby needs food. I’m sure if we just go through a fast food drive-thru, we’ll be fine. Okay?”
His expression softened with the mention of the baby.
“You’re right. Yes. Food. Okay.” He muttered as he gave his head a shake. It occurred to me that he’d been driving for numerous hours without a break. He’d stopped twice to let me get out and pee, but other than that, he hadn’t taken a break to rest at all.
“Keanu?” Keeping my voice calm and quiet, I attempted to tame the beast.
“What?” His eyes were red around the rim as he remained focused on the road.
“How about letting me drive after we eat? You need to rest.” I cringed as I anticipated a verbal lashing but instead, he looked mildly relieved.
“Um, yah, sure, after we eat.”
Another half hour passed before we reached a sleepy little town called Davisville.
We’d made it a lot further than I thought.
Pulling into the center of town, we scanned the main street for a quick meal. Spotting a burger joint, I pointed to it with one hand and folded the other around my growling belly.
After ordering and handing the attendant a large sum of money, Keanu parked the car at the far end of the parking lot and we dug in.
I thought he had a big appetite before! He’d ordered six hamburgers, four large fries and an extra large pop! My order appeared meager compared to his; mine was only two chicken burgers, one large order of fries and a medium pop.
Shoveling our food in quickly and digesting for a few moments, I felt rejuvenated. Keanu looked much healthier too.
Right away, however, my bladder began protesting. I knew he wasn’t going to approve of the idea of me going into the restaurant, but I hated peeing on the side of the road.
“Keanu.” I started, adding a touch of sweetness to my voice.
“Mmm mm?” He mumbled as he threw a few remaining fries into his mouth.
“I…need to use a washroom.” Directing my eyes toward the restaurant, I hinted to him that I wanted to use a real toilet.
His mouth turned down with immediate disapproval. Frowning as he surrendered, he soon realized that he couldn’t compete with my pleading eyes.
“Hurry! And talk to no one!” His eyes were dark and serious as he waggled his pointer finger at me.
Giving him a cheeky smile, I trotted off to use the bathroom.
Pushing the glass door open, the scent of warm food wafted under my nose. Though I was pleasantly full after our meal, I considered ordering some ice cream. I thought better of the idea after recalling Keanu’s order to get in and get out quickly without speaking to anyone.
I glanced around the crowded restaurant. Families gathered around small tables and enjoyed their food and each other’s company. Several employees stood behind the main counter, taking orders and serving customers. In a far corner, a large television entertained some of the men with a football game.
Scanning the open concept room for any indication of where the bathrooms might be hidden, I finally spotted the ‘women’s’ symbol from across the room.
Meandering through the aisles, I was careful not to bump into the highchairs that were placed at the edge of some of the tables. The tiny eyes of babes stared innocently at me as I walked by.
One little girl smiled widely at me, her face covered with mashed French fries. Giving her a happy grin, she then offered me a fry that had been squashed between her chubby fingers. Stifling a giggle, I whispered a polite ‘no thank you’ and continued to the bathroom.
Breathing in the atmosphere, I was elated to be surrounded by people again. A sense of normalcy crept into my heart, though I was afraid of the consequences of getting comfortable with it. I had no idea what the general population would do if they knew what I was…or what I wasn’t.
Entering the washroom, I was pleased with the fresh scent of vanilla. The cell I’d been locked away in for months had been devoid of any pleasantries, including scent. Sure, after the cleaning lady came, there was a strong smell of bleach for a couple hours, but that was no comparison to the sweet fragrance of flowers or perfumes.
Sighing as I emptied my bladder, I washed my hands in the sink. Pumping the soap into my hands and lathering, I realized just how spoiled I was before all this happened. Even the most basic freedoms, like perfumes and soaps, were a luxury that I took for granted.
Glancing at my reflection in the mirror, I was sad at how tired and haggard my appearance
had become, not to mention the bruises and healing scars. At only twenty, I shouldn’t have looked so worn out. Thankful for my newfound freedom, however, I wasn’t about to allow myself to worry about such trivial things.
Smiling at myself, I smoothed back my long black hair and moved toward the exit. Walking past the customers once again; I noticed that everyone’s attention was on the television screen in the far corner of the room.
The large screen television flashed a breaking news bulletin. Big and bold, there it was. Something I thought I’d never see on national news…my face.
Turning and running from the restaurant before anyone could recognize me, I ran toward the car. Flinging open the passenger side door, I climbed in and promptly pushed down the lock with a click.
“You okay?” Keanu’s face was contorted into a confused grimace as he watched me breathe heavily.
Fighting to slow my racing heart, the only word I could utter was, “Go!”
Panicked, Keanu slammed the stick into reverse and peeled out of the restaurant parking lot. Tiny rocks sprayed in all directions while the back end of the car fishtailed. Hitting the highway, he pressed his foot hard against the gas pedal. The smell of burnt rubber invaded my nostrils as the car took off down the road.
“What happened?” His face was grave as his eyes darted back and forth between the road and my face. I tried to look calm but I know the fear in my eyes betrayed me.
“I came out of the bathroom and…there was a TV up on the wall and…I was on it. My face was on the news.” My voice quivered as I explained, the gravity of the situation began to sink in.
Swallowing hard, sweat beading on his brow, he inquired. “What did it say about you?”
“I…don’t know, I just ran.” Realizing that I should have paid more attention, I gave myself a mental kick.
Inhuman Page 12