Forbidden Magic: The Complete Collection

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Forbidden Magic: The Complete Collection Page 62

by Anya Merchant

  Kiara stared at Annette, her jaw slacked open, as the older woman lowered herself in front of Victor, letting her nicely sized breasts dangle in his field of view. As hard as it was for him to admit, he wanted her, more than he’d ever wanted anyone before in his life.

  “No!” Kiara looked at him, frustration pouring out of her expression. She grudgingly bound her own scarlet aura, committing herself into a strange battle against Annette, fought through the proxy of Victor’s desires.

  “Kiara…” he whispered. “Keep her away from me.”

  “I’m trying!” said Kiara.

  “Do you really want me to go away?” Annette smirked and gently pushed Victor onto his back. She ran one hand across his chest, while letting her other close around his cock. He let out a moan of pleasure, hating himself for loving the sensation so much.

  Kiara moved to try to wrestle Annette to the ground, but the older woman had an unnatural amount of strength, and knocked her to the side with a single, easy, push. She leaned down, smiling and matching Victor’s horny gaze, and wrapped her lips around his cock.

  “No…” moaned Victor. “Oh man…”

  It feels incredible. I can’t let this happen!

  “Victor!” yelled Kiara. She reached her hand out, waving at him desperately, trying to pull his attention away. But all Victor could focus on was Annette’s soft, slick mouth, and her fast, methodical movements on his cock.

  She was a succubus, and he was her meal. And the worst part of it was, Victor wanted it to keep going. He needed it to keep going. His entire body throbbed, coming to a head in the tip of his sensitive, aching cock. Annette swirled her tongue and sucked, all the while making smug, triumphant eye contact with him.

  Ella was at Kiara’s side, whispering something to her. Kiara looked confused, not recognizing her as a friend or foe. Ella locked eyes with Kiara and then said something else, and Kiara nodded.

  Victor cupped his hand on the back of Annette’s head, holding her against his cock even though there was no need to. He was moaning in time with each of the bobs of her head, the illicit pleasure flooding through him unlike anything he’d experienced before. And he was vaguely aware of his friends, of Ella and Kiara, approaching him from either side.

  From that angle, there was no way that Annette could strike at either of them without pulling her mouth off Victor’s cock. She sucked faster and harder, to Victor’s delight, and the other two girl’s dismay. She glared at Ella and Kiara, and tried to hold Victor’s attention by rubbing her hands across him.

  Ella and Kiara were rubbing, too, his shoulders, stomach and back. They slowly began to kiss Victor’s neck, Ella nibbling and Kiara caressing with her tongue. With smooth, easy grace, they slipped into the interaction. Annette let out an annoyed humph noise that vibrated against Victor’s shaft, and then pulled out her next trick.

  She pushed forward further, letting Victor’s cock slide into her soft, surprisingly malleable throat. He groaned and wanted nothing more than to blast his cum inside of her, to drown her in it, if he could. He ran his hands across Annette’s cheeks and began to fuck her face with rougher, harder movements. From either side of him, Ella and Kiara began to giggle.

  “Victor…” whispered Kiara. “It’s now, or never.”

  She leaned back on the floor, presenting herself to him. She pulled one arm underneath her breasts, cupping them up and emphasizing their perfect size, and perfect nipples. With her free hand, she slid the lips of her pussy open. It glistened and practically called out to him. He could feel the heat of it from a foot away, somehow.

  Annette dug her fingernails in Victor’s back and began to suck even harder. He made an attempt at pulling back and managed to get most of his cock free from her mouth, with only the head remaining under Annette’s soft, heavenly suctioning lips.

  Ella moved in as though part of a sexual tag team. She licked and sucked on the exposed section of Victor’s shaft, all the while batting Annette away. Annette glared, but she couldn’t stop herself from being pushed out of the way by an unbounded Ella, empowered by Victor’s mental emotions and lust.

  “Nooo!” Annette screamed, as her mouth slipped off Victor’s cock. He wanted to scream, too, but Ella and Kiara were there in an instant.

  What they began to do to him went beyond anything that Victor could have previously conceptualized. He devolved into a primate, an animal, into something that only understood pleasure and pain. They both made eye contact with him as they began to gently, gingerly, lick and suck. Victor was almost shouting out, it felt so good.

  Ella and Kiara were young, impossibly attractive, and most importantly, fertile. That fact among all else reverberated in Victor’s head, and seized control of his base instincts. He wanted to be with them. He wanted to defile them, to take each of them completely, to fulfill his instinctual mission. He wanted to fuck.

  “Stop!” screamed Annette. “No!”

  She jumped forward, trying desperately to break up the three of them. Ella, Kiara, and Victor all struck her at once, as though the sexual connection had set them in tune with each other. She flew across the room, struck the wall, and fell back, at least momentarily stunned.

  Both Kiara and Ella began to suck Victor’s cock with loving enthusiasm. Ella would suck, while Kiara held back her hair, and then they would switch off, each one emphasizing different parts of their mouths, lips, and tongue. Victor watched them, his eyes almost teary from pleasure so intense that it was almost torture.

  Finally, they came to a rest. Ella nodded to Kiara, and then stood up, walking to where Annette lay on the floor and standing over her like a guard. Kiara pushed her short blonde hair back across her head, and then lowered herself onto Victor’s cock.

  She bit her lip slightly as his shaft slipped into her. It felt better than anything else up to that point had. Kiara let her warm hands rest on Victor’s chest, innocent, tentative hands. It was as though she was having sex for the first time, and it was unbelievably compelling to be on the receiving end of.

  Victor cupped his hands over her buttocks and slowly began to slide Kiara down, using his hips to bounce her back up once she’d taken in most of his length. Her cunt was tight, and Victor’s cock fit into it like a key into a lock.

  Her breasts bounced wildly in front of his face. She was riding him like a young girl rides her first aggressive stallion, joy and fear mixed together into electric excitement. Victor felt the connection of their bodies, and the innate rhythm of the movements.

  “Kiara!” He felt so much pleasure building inside of him, with nowhere to go. He heard Annette screaming at him. She was on the ground, displaying herself in much the same way as Kiara had before. Ella was holding her down and sliding one of her hands toward the older woman’s pussy, smiling a wicked smile.

  Victor felt Kiara’s body bruising against his hard thrusts. He didn’t care, and from the look on her face, she didn’t either. Her eyes were locked on his. She was still biting her lip, and her entire face was flushed with embarrassment, as though she was almost ashamed of how good it felt.

  “Victor!” she screamed. Victor groped hard at her breasts. Her back arched as her entire body tensed up. He couldn’t hold it any longer either, and slid her down onto his cock as deep as she’d go as he began to unload.

  The entire room cracked with thunderous booms as Victor exploded his seed into her. The pleasure was overwhelming, and behind it, he could feel the connection of the onyx aura slowly fading away.

  Focusing through the pure bliss of the orgasm, Victor grabbed Kiara’s face and stared into her eyes. She was smiling at him, the expression of a freshly fucked angel.

  “You did it,” she said.

  “You’re not going anywhere?”

  She shook her head as bright white light washed the entire scene away.


  Victor opened his eyes. He was lying on the floor of the plane’s cargo bay, at a discouraging angle. A loud alarm sounded over a speaker in the roof, bu
t it was barely audible over the sound of air rushing into the plane from the open cargo door and the holes ripped into the side of the hull by his and Annette’s fight.

  He slowly pulled himself to his feet, and then stiffened as he saw Annette doing the same a few feet away from him. She met his eye and then smiled.

  “It’s me.” Her smile pulled up further on each side, into a wide, joyous grin. “Victor, it’s me!”


  He crossed the space in between them in a single bounding step and pulled her into a tight hug. She choked out a noise that was half laugh and half sob and buried her face into his shoulder. The moment lasted for only a second before they were knocked off balance by the shifting plane.

  “We have to get out of here!” Victor had to shout to be heard over the various ambient noises. “The plane is going down!”

  Kiara nodded, and they both slid down across the floor, toward the open cargo door, which was now more of a diagonal window. She paused and looked over at him, a frightened expression in her eyes.

  “I can’t do it on my own!” she yelled. “I haven’t figured out my diamond aura yet!”

  Victor almost slapped his forehead at his own stupidity. He pulled her over to him and let her climb onto his back, almost as though he was carrying a young child. He made sure that she was secure against him, and then carefully fell through the opening and into open air.

  They were no more than a few hundred feet above ground. The plane was flying erratically, and Victor felt a stab of guilt over the pilot and anyone else on the flight that may have been innocent. He bound his diamond aura and held himself and Kiara in place for a moment, watching the craft descend nose first toward the wilderness below.

  “There wasn’t anything you could have done,” whispered Kiara. “And trust me, this is the outcome that will save the most lives in the end.”

  Victor nodded, though he wasn’t sure if he could accept the rationalization in it entirety.

  “I’m just glad to have you back.” He rubbed Kiara’s arm, and felt her put her hand against his cheek.

  “Why don’t we celebrate after we’re back on solid ground?” She smiled at him, looking a bit anxious over the space between them and the ground below. Victor chuckled and carefully began to fly back toward Undercliff City.

  “You’re a billionaire now.”

  The two of them stood on top of one of the cliffs overlooking the outskirts of town. Kiara had called Lucy immediately after they’d landed, and Victor had done his best not to eavesdrop on their teary, emotional reunion.

  Kiara shrugged at him.

  “I guess,” she said. “I’m going to have to figure something out about that. Annette’s staff is going to know that I’ve changed as soon as I start giving orders.”

  “Don’t you have most of her memories?” asked Victor.

  Kiara shook her head.

  “It doesn’t work like that,” she said.

  The wind blew softly from the west, hinting of the warmth of the oncoming summer. It was passing from being late at night into early morning. Victor was tired.

  “What about you?” asked Kiara.

  “What about me?”

  “You’re still a wanted man,” she said. “Are you going to…?”

  She trailed off, and Victor finished for her.

  “Am I going to turn myself in?” He looked away from her, musing over the question on his own momentarily. “…I don’t think so.”

  “It might not be so bad,” said Kiara. “You’d have a trial, and they’d take a look at the evidence, and-“

  “They’d find me guilty,” said Victor. “Even with you as a witness. I am guilty, Kiara. I didn’t commit the original murders, but I killed some of Annette’s employees, kidnapped a cop, and crashed a jet.”

  Kiara frowned at him and squeezed his hand. Victor looked over at her.

  “Well?” he asked. “I was waiting for you to make light of my fully fleshed out resume as a burgeoning terrorist.”

  Tears were streaming down Kiara’s face when she turned to face him.

  I never want to see her like that again.

  He pulled her into a soft hug, running his hand through her hair and kissing the top of her head.

  “Your sister and Kronenberg will get to the park soon,” he said. “You get to go home now.”

  “I don’t want to just go home,” she whispered. “I want… more than that.”

  Victor gave her a tight squeeze. He tilted her chin up so that she was meeting his eye and gave her a soft, gentle kiss.

  “I’ll be in touch,” he said. “Don’t worry about that.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Victor saw the headlights of a car approaching the edge of a park below and slowing to a stop. He lifted Kiara into his arms, this time carrying her in front of him, like a knight rescuing a wounded princess. He flew the both of them down and landed next to the new arrivals, hearing an audible gasp from Lucy as his feet touched down.

  “Kiara…” Lucy hesitated as she stepped forward, as though she still couldn’t believe.


  The two of them hugged each other tight, exchanging words of relief, disbelief, and familial love. Victor crossed his arms and walked over to the back of the car, where Kronenberg was hovering patiently.

  “Vic,” he said, with a hint of remorse. Victor just nodded and gave the drone a playful punch on his metal exterior, immediately regretting it as his knuckles twinged with pain.

  “I’ll be okay,” he said. “Take care of Kiara and Lucy, will you?”

  “You take care of yourself,” said Kronenberg. “I’m serious. You still owe me money for rent. I’m not just going to write that off.”

  Victor laughed, and so did Kronenberg, though his sounded a bit more forced. Lucy and Kiara made their way over, walking hand in hand in a manner that made it seem like neither of them would ever let go.

  “Victor,” said Lucy. “We can find a lawyer. Your case might not be hopeless.”

  “Don’t bother,” said Victor. “Kiara already tried to convince me.”

  He let Lucy pull him into a hug and took a deep breath.

  “I’ll be okay,” he said. “And this isn’t the end.”

  He pulled back from Lucy, slowly letting his eyes scan across Kiara, and Kronenberg, too.

  Or maybe it is?

  Ella was waiting for him a respectable distance away, her face grim, as though she’d taken on a share of the emotions of his departure. Victor nodded to his friends one last time.

  “You know how to get in touch with me if you need to,” he said. “The connection goes straight into my nanites, so it’s not as though I could ignore you if I wanted to.”

  He turned before any of them could object any further and took another step away from them. Kiara ran up to him and pulled him into a hug from behind.

  “Stay safe,” she whispered. “Please.”

  He nodded slowly and then pulled out of her arms. It was too painful to look at them anymore, so he took two long strides and lifted off into the air, Ella falling into step next to him.

  “So, where to next?” she asked him, once they’d reached cruising altitude.

  “What was it that you were saying about South America, again?”


  If you enjoyed reading this book, I encourage you to leave a review on Amazon. It’s really a huge help! If you’re interested in hearing about by books as soon as they’re published, either follow me on my Amazon author page or click here to sign up for my mailing list.

  Thanks for reading,


  For other stories by the same author, check out

  Winter Spire: Sorceress of Lust

  Sirens of Faldion: The Final Bond

  Lost Memories

  After the Fall: Close and Confined (Taboo Erotica)

  Coming Home (Taboo Erotica)

  Depths of Desire: Complete and Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

  Last Man Alive: Complete and Uncu
t (Taboo Erotica)

  Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

  Temptation Island: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

  Taboo MILF Mega Collection (Taboo Erotica 13 Book Collection)



  “If it wasn’t for the look you have about you, I probably woulda passed on by.”

  The truck driver smiled at Felix, revealing several empty gaps in his teeth. Snow fell gently outside the window as they moved along. There wasn’t a single car, pedestrian, or building in sight, nothing but mountains on the horizon and hills of white.

  “The look I have about me?” Felix chuckled. “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment, but I’ll take it as one.”

  “The look you have about you,” said the driver. “The last guy I drove across the ice roads, see, he didn’t look right.”

  Felix shifted. The passenger seat was cold, and even with the truck’s heat on high, the outside chill managed to leak into the cab wherever it could. He wore a thick winter jacket, snow pants, boots, and gloves. It was only now that he was beginning to realize how necessary it all was.

  “And let me guess,” said Felix. “Something happened with him?”

  “He tried to mug me!” said the truck driver. “He made a good show of it! Didn’t realize that I keep a .357 under the seat. Mainly for peace of mind, mind you. Haven’t seen a bear in months.”

  Felix knew what the man wanted him to ask. He decided to play along, though his thoughts wandered from the conversation.

  “Did you shoot him?” he asked.

  The man shook his head.

  “Nah,” he said. “Kicked him out of my truck a hundred miles from anywhere, though. That’s about as good when the weather is like this. Most people know better than to be on the ice roads.”

  “Most people,” said Felix.


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