Blood Lust and The Slayer

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Blood Lust and The Slayer Page 4

by Vanessa Lockley

  Drake yelled out in pain as the point hit the bottom of the casket. Before anything else happened, Jaqulin felt someone tugging on her shoulder and heard her brother saying "C'mon Jaqulin, we have to go before he gets up and gets us."

  "NO!" she yelled as she yanked her arm free and sat back down in the casket next to Drake. And then started pulling the stake out.

  "Don't do that!" Sequin yelled.

  "I'll do what ever I damn well please." Jaqulin sternly yelled looking her brother right in the eye.

  "Don't tell me, he got you to?" he asked as he came over.

  "No, he told me the truth and I decided from there." Jaqulin replied as she softly pulled the stake the rest of the way out and threw it to the ground and started to examine the gaping hole in Drakes shoulder.

  "And what did you decided?" Sequin asked.

  "To stay here with the man I love." She replied without looking at him. "Go get something to stop the bleeding and help me get Drake up to a bed. I won't be able to do anything until I get him up into some decent light."

  Sequin sighed and did as his sister asked. "Please, just make sure the curtains are drawn. Other wise the sun will hurt a little." Drake asked.

  "Sure honey. I'll keep them closed tight." She said as she smiled and stroked his head and put some cloth into the wound to keep him from bleeding too badly.

  "There is something else I need to tell you dear." Drake said in a weak tone, and as his eyes drew heavier.

  "What is it?" she asked, looking right down into his eyes.

  "Unlike most vampires, I have a soul." He replied, she smiled and kissed his forehead and kept nice and close, it was the first time in his life that Drake didn't feel so alone. "I feel so tired." He all of a sudden said and his eyes finally closed as he passed out, almost going into a coma.

  "Drake, please wake up. You can't go to sleep. Wake up." Jaqulin pleaded, trying to get him awake so he wouldn't die on her, but alas, it was too late, he was in a deep sleep, almost coma like, and she wasn't able to wake him up. He'd have to wake up on his own, she realized.

  Chapter Seven: Two Betrayals

  "Hold still honey. I can't put this on unless you hold still." Jaqulin said as she tried to place the last bandage on Drakes arm. Sequin had helped her bring him up to her bedroom, got him in bed and made sure not a lot of light got into the room. After that Jaqulin had proceeded to start work on Drakes wounded arm.

  "It hurts so badly." He said with his eyes closed. He had begun burning up with fever and his whole body was covered in perspiration yet again. She had changed the sheets at least once since he had been in bed from them being soaked in his perspiration.

  Jaqulin got the washcloth that was soaking in cool water and rung it out then placed it on his forehead, and began to wash his face of his sweat. She tried her best to comfort him, but what ever her brother had put on the stake was working, and Drake was experiencing the brunt of it right then. "I'm going to go get some things Drake, I'll be right back. Stay in bed alright." Jaqulin said as she gathered up the medical supplies she had taken out and put them away.

  Before she could take a step away from the bed Drakes hand came up and grabbed hers, "Please don't leave me." He said as he looked up into her eyes, his desperate.

  She came back next to him, smoothed some hair away from his face, kissed his forehead and said "I won't be gone long, I promise. Just lay here and rest."

  He sighed, nodded and released her hand. Then slowly let his eyes close and he began to rest. She smiled and took the medical kit down the hall to her brother. She came in, gave him a stern look and asked "Alright, I want to know what gave you the right to do what you did."

  "Because, I'm your older brother, I know what's good for you." Sequin said as he laid in his bed.

  "First of all you may be my brother but you sure don't know what's best for me. And second of all, I'm old enough to make my own choices. And the journey we've been taking has been getting real boring for me, so I decided to stay here with Drake because I love him. And for some reason you think that gives you the right to come down and attempt to kill him?" she asked.

  "He's a vampire. He deserves to die just like the one that killed our parents did." He said.

  "Listen, you can go on your little Vampire slaying trips all by yourself, but Butt Out of my life. I chose what I think is best for me and what I think is best for me is best for me. Now, as far as I'm concerned, you can get the hell out and go chase your little vampires, but I'm staying here with my love." Jaqulin explained. She went to leave, but turned around instead and said "Oh, and one more thing, what ever you put on that stake to kill Drake, you better give me the antidote."

  "Forget it."

  "Don't make me do what you know I will do." Jaqulin warned.

  Sequin sighed and said "fine, but if he turns on you, don't come crying to me." Then got to his sword that he would use to behead vampires or soon to be vampires. Unscrewed the bottom of the sheath and took out two vials, one Green the other Purple. He handed the purple one to her and said "Give him exactly two drops of this in his wound and then two drops in a cup of tea. That will reverse the effects of the poison."

  Jaqulin snatched the vial out of his hand and said "thank you." And left without another word. She hurried back over to where Drake was resting and sat beside him. She cut a small opening in his bandages and put two drops of the purple liquid in it.

  It stung and Drake cried out in pain. Then she got a cup of the green tea she had made for him and put two drops in that. She sat him up in her lap as best as she could and said "I need you to take a few sips of this Drake, please, for me."

  He heard her and complied, his mouth opened and she tipped the cup up to his mouth. He swallowed the warm fluid and almost passed out in her lap from how strong the anti-toxin must have been. But, she saw the affects of the anti-toxin almost immediately. She smiled as she stroked his head and whispered "you're going to be just fine."

  He adjusted himself in her lap and said "thank you."

  "For what?" she asked.

  "For being here for me. For seeing past the beast to the handsome prince." He replied, and then finally fell to sleep in her lap. She smiled a sweet smile and kissed his forehead as she moved off the bed and placed his head on a pillow, covered him with the blankets and left him to rest.

  She walked out side the door, where James was waiting for the news on how Drake was and he asked "How is Master Drake?"

  She sighed and said "I administered the anti-toxin and took care of his wound. The anti-toxin has started to work, but it will be a while until he is able to stay awake for more then ten minuets and it will also be a while until he gets strong enough to set up, or walk around. The best thing for him right now is rest."

  "Then that's what he shall get, plenty of bed rest." James replied determined.

  "Please James, don't wear yourself out. I'll help with whatever you need help with around the castle." Jaqulin said smiling.

  "Oh miss, I couldn't ask for your help." He tried to say, but his plea fell short

  "Don't worry, I insist." Jaqulin said.

  "Alright miss, if you insist." James said reluctantly, "Just don't mention any of this to Master Drake. He wouldn't like a lady such as yourself working so hard, even for him."

  She smiled a thousand watt smile and said "don't worry; it'll be our little secret." He smiled as well and went down to begin lunch. She instructed him on what kinds of things Drake needed for vitamins and such, and he made it.

  It was about around noon when both James and Jaqulin finally finished the lunch for Drake. It was full of things he needed to heal up and also tasted good. She went to get it and take it up to Drake but James intervened "let me take that miss." He said.

  "I can get it James, thank you." She said as she lifted the tray with ease. She flowed up the stairs like water across a piece of glass. She remembered that earlier that day, her brother had said goodbye and left for the next town. So that left her alone with Drake and
James. She trusted both men with all of her heart and loved them both. But loved Drake more, for obvious reasons.

  She slowly made her way to the room, where James had followed her and opened the door for her and she walked into the room. Drake was setting up and reading when she came in. He looked up and smiled saying "oh my love. I've missed you."

  She smiled as she came over and sat the tray on his lap, after he had put the book up, and said "oh, I've only been gone since you fell to sleep a couple of hours ago."

  "I know, but it was a long couple of hours." Drake replied as he looked up into her deep icy blue eyes.

  She smiled and felt his head and said "oh, your fever is going down greatly. That's good." She then pulled off some of the caps off of the food and said "there you go honey, only eat what you can."

  He nodded and said "Thank you honey, for everything." She smiled and went to leave, but before she could go, he said "wait, I have something for you."

  "Really, what?" she asked, curious on what else he could have for her.

  "James, could you bring it in?" Drake asked, knowing James was just outside the door.

  James came in, with a flat box in hand and said "here you are sir."

  "Thank you James." He said, "Go a head and open it." Drake said, pointing to the box that James healed.

  She smiled, went over and opened the box, inside was a beautiful black dress, with a cape just like Drakes. "Oh, I love it Drake." She said as she held it up to her as she looked in the mirror.

  "I got your measurements, and it was custom made, just for you." Drake said as he choked once, but smiled in the end. "I'm very glad you like it."

  "Like it, I love it." she corrected. That's when she remembered something she had been wanting to ask Drake ever since he had said he loved her down in the chamber. She came over and folded the dress, putting it in the box that James still held, and sat beside Drake and said "Drake, I want to ask you something."

  Drake smiled while putting one finger up to her lips and said "Wait, please try the dress on first. That is if you don't mind."

  She smiled, thinking the question could wait another few seconds, and nodded. Then took the dress into the bathroom adjacent to the room and changed. She came out and Drake clapped saying "Just the way I imagined it on you." She noticed that it complemented her figure quite well, she also noticed Drake looking at that section of her body. She giggled at how he was ogling her and sat next to him.

  "Now, about that question." She said as she sat next to him.

  "Ask away." He replied.

  She came closer and, with determination in her eyes she said "Drake, I want you to bite me."

  Chapter Eight: A Sisters Betrayal

  "What are you talking about?" he asked, looking at her skeptically.

  "I want to be with you forever, I really do, so I want you to bite me so I can be with you and just like you." She replied. He had never heard a woman before actually ask him to bite them.

  He went to do it but then pulled back and asked "are you sure this is what you want?"

  "Yes, this is what I want. Not only will it help me be more like you and all, but it will also help you by giving you more strength." She replied. "I really do want this." She looked right in his eyes. He saw that she was serious.

  "So," he thought, "What else can I do but to bite her? She's made it obvious this is what she wants" He came closer to sniff her skin and the blood pulsing beneath it and asked, for the last time, "This is what you want. When it all comes together you won't have any regrets?"

  "Yes, Drake, this is what I want, I wont have any regrets about being with you forever." She replied. He smiled as he kissed her lips, for the last time until she would wake that night. Then slowly kissed down her neck, softening the tissue and getting her ready for the sudden prick she was about to feel.

  She smiled and relaxed against him, as he did the routine she was sure he had preformed time and time again for a meal. But this time, he'd be doing it to get a Princess of Darkness for himself.

  His long, tan callused hands rubbed along her arms and shoulders as they made their trail down to her stomach. Soon, he felt like that the skin was soft enough now, so he then stopped, letting her get ready for it. She sat perfectly still; unafraid of what was going to happen.

  He then came closer and let his teeth show. She saw them and knew it was coming. His K-9 teeth rubbed against her neck as they went to set in place; she felt his hot breath sweep across her neck; and he let his teeth sink into her veins in her neck.

  It hurt for a minuet, only a minuet, and the pain eased as he started sucking her blood out. She felt herself grow tired under his touch and mouth. She let her muscles relax against him and her eyes slowly closed.

  Drake finished, sucking the last bit of blood out that he knew he could take, and removed his teeth from her skin and his mouth from her neck. He looked down at her. She was pale, motionless, and not breathing. She was dead, and for a moment, Drake regretted what he did. But reminded himself that it was her decision and she decided.

  There was a small trickle of her blood going down the side of his mouth that he quickly whipped away and held her nice and close to him. James saw the sudden remorse in his eyes and asked "Is everything alright sir?"

  "Yes James, everything is just fine." Drake replied. "If you don't mind, go get a casket ready for Jaqulin. She will need it."

  James bowed and said "Yes sir, I shall get on it right away." And left.

  As He held her there, in his arms, he could feel her soul still lingering, and knew that she would have her soul back, just like he did. He smiled and said "Good, I wouldn't want it any other way." He closed his eyes as he put his head against hers and kept her tight against him.

  Reality hit him and he knew she was dead in his arms for then. Until she woke up that night of course, but then said "What have I done?" A couple tears fell to Jaqulin's shoulder and for some reason her body was warmer then it should have been.

  She was dead, he knew that, but why did her body retain warmth? He pondered. He didn't worry himself because he knew the answer; her soul was remaining in the body until she woke up. He smiled, kissed Jaqulin's soft, cold lips and thanked her for the strength from her blood. It gave him more strength then usual because it was her blood that gave it to him.

  He slowly got up, as he held her in his arms, and began the slow journey down to his hidden chamber to place her in the casket where she would stay until she woke later.

  Sequin slowly made his way to the inn where he was staying that night. He had already made quick work of the vampire that lay in that town and went to lie for a nice nights rest. He deserved it he guessed.

  But for some reason he felt so lonely. "It's lonely without my sister." He concludes. He had left that day from the castle, and made it to the town in time to get a room and take care of the vampire before sun down. He lay there wishing he had someone to talk to. But then remember how Jaqulin had betrayed him. "Humph, I don't need her." he said as he rolled over. But who was he kidding, he did need her. More then he was willing to admit.

  He sighed and said "I still love her though."

  It had been five hours that she had been asleep, and Drake wondered when she would be getting up. Sun down was going to come soon. Then, right when Drake was losing some hope, he heard the familiar creak of a casket lid opening. He looked over to see the lid to her casket opening, slowly, but it was opening. He was dressed in his usual attire, thinking that that is what Jaqulin like best.

  He walked over to the casket and went to help her open the lid. Just as he had put his hand down on the edge, her hand came up and covered it. It startled him just a little and the lid opened all the way and he saw his beautiful Princess of Darkness. She was just as ravishing as ever. And the color had come back to her skin, and she was now the same color of pale pink he was. And her eyes, how could he forget those eyes, were still the same shade of blue he loved.

  He took her hand, helping her out of the casket, a
nd said "my lady, you look absolutely scrumptious enough to eat." He went to bite her neck playfully, but she moved out of his range, taunting him playfully and stretched out from the long sleep in the casket.

  The movement of her waist and the rest of her sent deep shivers down his spine, and made his masculine muscles quiver. "At least those are still working." He commented to himself as he strode over to her.

  She turned to look at him; he saw a slight tiredness in her eyes and asked "what's wrong?"

  "I feel weak for some reason." She replied.

  "That's natural, you need your first bite in order to survive." He replied. "You can drink from one of the blood bags upstai..." he was cut off,


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