Home > Other > A PORTRAIT OF OLIVIA > Page 27

by J. P. Bowie

  “You mean that offer to kiss it better?” Peter asked with a laugh. “Yes, I think she was a tad put out.”

  Winifred’s eyes twinkled in the firelight. “She has no sense of humor, that one. She’ll probably bill me for that hole I put in her ceiling.”

  “I think Brad kinda got what he deserved,” Jeff said.

  “You mean Olivia?” Peter asked.

  Jeff laughed. “Yeah, that…but I was thinking more of the kick in the balls Brenda delivered. I’m afraid Mr. Kingman is no gentleman.”

  “And Olivia is no lady,” Winifred said. “So, they’re made for each other, wouldn’t you say?”

  “It had to have been killing her to thank us for being there,” Peter observed.

  “I could almost hear her teeth grinding.”

  “Well to be fair, she was concerned when you almost passed out,” Jeff reminded him.

  “She was also very happy to see us all leave.”

  “She has got to feel like a complete fool to have been manipulated by Brenda all these years,” Winfred said, gazing into the fire. “Who knows what else that woman may have done in the name of ‘love’?”

  J.P. Bowie


  “That’s a thought,” Peter exclaimed. “Does anyone know what really happened to Olivia’s husband?”

  The three of them fell silent while they thought that one over, then Winifred got to her feet. “Well I don’t know about you boys, but I need another one of these. Only for medicinal purposes, you understand.”

  “You can twist my arm,” Jeff said, walking with her to the bar.

  “Well…” Peter got up and joined them. “As we have lodging for the night, and our hostess informs me her martinis serve as a kind of aphrodisiac, I may be compelled to have another.”

  “Oh man,” Jeff groaned. “Like you need an aphrodisiac.”

  Winifred giggled at Peter’s affronted expression. “Oh, you boys!”

  c h a p t e r 2 0


  The answering machine light was blinking as Peter and Jeff walked into the kitchen on their return form Beverly Hills the next day.

  “Probably Andrew reminding us about our movie date tonight,” Peter said, pressing the button.

  “Hello, dear…” It was Eve. “Fred and I have decided to stay on in Vegas for a few more days and…well, I hope this won’t come as a shock, but we have decided to get married here tomorrow…that’s Monday…so if you and Jeff can be here with us we would really love that. Can you? Please call and let us know…”

  Peter and Jeff looked at each other dumbfounded, then a slow smile spread across Jeff ’s face. “That’s great. Isn’t it…? Peter. It’s great, isn’t it?” He grabbed Peter’s arms, looking at the stunned expression on his face. “What’s wrong? It’s what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it, Peter?”

  Peter stared back at him through glazed eyes. Yes, he thought, it’s what I’ve always wanted…Mom and Fred…married…at last. Why am I not jumping for joy? Why am I not calling her right now and yelling “Congratulations” to both her and Fred? He felt Jeff ’s arms enclose him in a comforting embrace—and then he lost it. Jeff held him as he sobbed his heart out.

  Why am I crying? he thought. Are these tears of joy? Am I crying because of the relief I feel that she has at last found her own happiness? All those years when she thought only of me, as I lay in that hospital bed, unable to tell her how much I loved her for being there for me. Did she wait this long to make sure that I was truly happy? Am I crying because what I have hoped for has at last come true? Or is it because now she has finally let my father go?

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  J.P. Bowie


  Yes, that’s why I’m crying. Because now my father has been replaced in her heart and she’s had the courage to acknowledge it at last. I should be happy for her—I am happy for her—I am.

  His sobbing eased, and he managed a wan smile as Jeff stroked his hair with gentle fingers and kissed his wet cheeks. “Feel better now?” Jeff whispered against his ear.

  Peter nodded and hiccupped. “I’m sorry…I don’t know what brought all that on.”

  “Yes, you do. We both do.” Jeff kissed him again. “Call Eve and tell her we’ll be there. Tell her wild horses wouldn’t keep us away. Then we’ll get showered and changed. We can be in Vegas by tonight.”

  Peter wrapped his arms around Jeff and held him tight. “I always wanted my mother to be as happy as I am,” he said. “But I think I may have set the bar too high…”

  “Silly goose,” Jeff murmured. “Call your mother.”

  Peter smiled and dialed his mother’s cell phone number. “Hi, Mom…”

  “Peter…You got my message then?”

  “Yes, I did. Congratulations…to both of you.”

  “You sound funny…Peter, are you upset? I thought this is what you wanted.”

  “I want it to be what you want, Mom. Are you happy?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Then, I am too. Jeff and I will be out there tonight. Can you get us a room at the Mirage?”

  “Fred will get right on it.”

  “Is he there? Can I talk to him?”

  “Yes, of course dear…”

  “Hello, Peter.” Fred’s voice was deep and serious. “I hope I have your permission to marry your mother.”

  “Of course you do, Fred. Nice of you to ask, though.” He paused. “Fred…?’

  “Yes, Peter?”

  “I just wanted you to know that I am really pleased you are both doing this.

  I’ve been rooting for you for some time, you know.”

  Fred chuckled. “Thanks Peter. Eve did say this was partly due to your bad-gering her. Well, we’ll see you tonight. Here’s your mother. Goodbye…son.”

  Peter took a deep breath, then smiled as he said, “Bye, Dad.”

  “Fred has a tear in his eye,” Eve said accusingly. “What did you say to him?”

  “I’ll tell you later. So, which church are you getting married in?”

  J.P. Bowie


  There was a pause. “Well…actually…it’s called ‘Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel’”.

  “What?” Peter could not contain his burst of laughter. “Will Elvis be there?”

  “Um, well…as a matter of fact…”

  “Mother, are you telling me you’re getting married to Fred in some sleazy, glitter chapel that everyone makes fun of?”

  “No, no. It’s not like that at all. It’s very nice—just like a real church inside—stained glass windows and everything. Two nice young men run it—Ron and Jamie. You’ll like them. They do commitment ceremonies—so you and Jeff could…”

  “Whoa, Mom. Jeff and I will get married when it’s legal…” He chuckled then said, “Though the idea of a double wedding is appealing.” His mother laughed with him. “Okay,” he said. “We’ll see you in a few hours. I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you too, Peter. Bye”

  Peter put the phone down slowly, then turned to look at Jeff. “You know what this means don’t you?”

  “No, what?”

  “It means I have to call Andrew, and tell him we’re canceling again.”

  People Magazine

  Report by Peter Walsh

  Good news and bad news for Olivia Winters. Following the arrest of her manager, Brenda Shapiro, for the murder of Luke Taylor, Olivia’s one time bodyguard, and the divulgence of some unsavory goings on in the Winters’ camp, the show’s directors have decided to relocate the time slot to 1a.m.—hardly prime time! On the other hand, Brad Kingman tells me their plans to marry are still on schedule—this despite a fairly serious injury inflicted on Kingman during a struggle with Shapiro. No date so far for the start of Shapiro’s trial…

  J.P. Bowie


  Laguna Beach Register

  Report by Bob Nichol

  A celebration will be held tomorrow to mark the occasion of the marriage of local artist Peter Brand
on’s mother, Eve Brandon, to local businessman Fred Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen were married last week in Las Vegas. The wedding was witnessed by Peter Brandon who gave the bride away, and by Jeff Stevens who was the groom’s best man. After the party, which will be attended by a variety of friends and family, the bride and groom will honeymoon in Tahiti…

  Peter and Jeff stood on the steps of their home waving the last of their guests goodnight. Inside, the caterers were cleaning up and packing away their equipment.

  “Whew,” Peter sighed, leaning against Jeff ’s shoulder. “That was one hectic wedding reception.”

  “But it went really well,” Jeff said as they walked back into the house. “Eve looked fantastic and I’ve never seen Fred look more proud. Well, not since Vegas anyway.”

  “It’s going to feel strange not having Mom around anymore, isn’t it?”

  “Well, at least now I don’t have to worry about you running to mother every time we don’t see eye to eye,” Jeff teased him.

  “When did I ever do that?”

  “Oh, Andrew told me you did it all the time…”

  “What? That traitor! Wait till I see him.” They laughed together as they strolled into the kitchen and stood aside as the caterers carried their supplies to their van parked outside.

  “Thanks guys,” Peter said handing over a check for their services.

  Wes Taylor, the bartender who was hovering nearby, came over and held out his hand. “I wanted to wait and thank you both for finding Luke’s killer. My parents are finding it a little easier to deal with now.”

  Peter and Jeff shook his hand solemnly. “We’re both very sorry about what happened to Luke,” Jeff said. “We just wish we could have prevented it somehow.”

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  “If you could’ve warned him, he’d never have listened.” Wes shrugged his shoulders in resignation. “He made some bad choices several times. He was always looking for the easy way, and I guess he thought he’d found it with Olivia Winters. Anyway…” He turned to go. “Thanks again. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight.” They watched as he joined his friends out by the van, then Jeff closed the door quietly. They looked at one another with sad smiles.

  “What say you to a nightcap?” Jeff asked, taking Peter’s hand and leading him back into the kitchen.

  “Great idea. I’ll light the fire-pit and we can sit outside.”

  “Excellent. I’ll be right there.”

  Peter walked outside and busied himself pulling a couple of loungers close to the fire-pit and setting a match to the gas. He looked up as Jeff came out carrying their drinks. Jeff handed him his glass, and after they toasted one another, they sat side by side for a time, silently gazing up at the stars.

  “Jeff?” Peter broke the silence.


  “When it becomes legal for us to marry—will you marry me?”

  “Could we be any more married?” Jeff asked with a chuckle.

  “You know what I mean. Signed and everything…I was thinking…”

  “Oh, oh.”

  “I had a vision of Andrew and David, Anthony and Justin, Nick and Eric and you and me, all standing together in the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel…”

  “Oh my God,” Jeff laughed out loud. “Yeah, I can see it now, and I can hear that Ron guy singing, “This is the moment, I’ve waited for…” Aw, it would be great, Peter. This is definitely one of your best ideas—ever!”

  “Jeff…” Peter looked at him in amazement. “I was joking.”

  “No, no. When we can get married, that’s the way I want it to be…”


  Jeff ’s laughter was infectious and soon Peter was laughing with him. When they finally controlled themselves, Jeff held out his hand and Peter grasped it firmly in his own. They were silent again for a long time, gazing up the night sky filled with its myriad of stars.


  This time, the only reply was the sound of a gentle snore.

  Author’s Note


  Thanks to all my friends who hang in there with me when I’m caught up in writing these novels—and to Ron & Jamie—thanks for the Las Vegas reference.

  Who knows? One day Peter’s vision may just come true!

  Coming soon…

  J.P. Bowie’s next novel is a thrilling tale of mystery and suspense that finds Nick Fallon, and his partner Eric Jamieson, trying to protect one another from a murderous drug dealer, bent on revenge.

  Four years before Nick moved to California and while he was a detective with the Pittsburgh Police Department, he uncovered a drug cartel that led to the arrest and conviction of three men. Now one of those men has escaped and will not rest till he has tracked Nick down, and exacted punishment for what he sees as justifiable payback.

  Discovering Nick’s weakness—Eric—he sets out to divide the two men and destroy them—one at a time…

  Never Look Back by J.P. Bowie

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  Document Outline



  chapter 2

  chapter 3

  chapter 4

  chapter 5

  chapter 6

  chapter 7

  chapter 8

  chapter 9

  chapter 10

  chapter 11

  chapter 12

  chapter 13

  chapter 14

  chapter 15

  chapter 16

  chapter 17

  chapter 18

  chapter 19

  chapter 20

  Author�s Note




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