Finding Home

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Finding Home Page 18

by Ali Spooner

  “I think I will stick to honey and butter mixed together and some bacon then,” Nat said, as she poured some honey into a small bowl and dropped a spoonful of butter on top. She slowly stirred the mixture as she watched Marissa cook.

  “Would you like some eggs, Maggie?”

  “Yes, Marissa, I will join you in eating some eggs and I think Gyp will too,” Maggie said, as she watched Gyp lick her lips.

  Marissa finished cooking the bacon and placed it on the table. “How are we eating eggs tonight ladies?’

  “Scrambled please,” Maggie answered.

  Marissa scrambled six eggs and portioned them out between her, Maggie and Gyp. “Last chance,” she said to Nat.

  “I am good thanks,” Nat said.

  “Are you feeling all right?” Marissa asked. “It’s not like you to pass on food.”

  “Yes dear, now that I am up, I am just not real hungry,” Nat said, causing Marissa to worry even more.

  “Let’s eat then,” Marissa said as she took a seat beside Nat and placed Gyp’s bowl on the floor between them.

  Nat ate two biscuits and drank a glass of water. She was in obvious pain while trying to keep her head upright and soon after she finished eating said, “I am going to lie back down.”

  Marissa stood and helped Nat back into the bedroom. She tucked the covers up to her chin and kissed her forehead. “You are a bit warm.”

  Marissa put another blanket on the bed. “Is there anything you need?” she asked.

  “Just you here beside me,” Nat said with a painful smile.

  “I will come to bed soon.”

  Marissa walked back into the kitchen area and found Maggie washing up the dishes.

  “You don’t need to do that.”

  “You cooked, so I clean,” Maggie said with a smile. “If you are ready for bed, go ahead and I will stay up a little longer.”

  “Let me get you a pillow and a blanket,” Marissa said as she moved toward a small closet. “I am sorry I cannot offer you a bed to sleep in.”

  “I sleep very little these days,” Maggie said. “If I get tired, I will make a pallet in front of the fireplace,” she said.

  “I will see you in the morning then,” Marissa said.

  “Good night, my friend.”

  “Good night, Maggie.”

  Marissa walked into the bedroom. Gyp had jumped up on the bed and had her head resting on Nat’s thigh as Nat’s hand stroked through her thick fur. She changed into a thick night shirt and carefully climbed beneath the covers next to Nat. She cuddled into Nat’s body and laid her head on Nat’s shoulder.

  “Welcome back, my love,” Nat said as her arm encircled Marissa’s body.

  “It feels so good to have you back in a bed,” Marissa teased.

  “You didn’t care much for sleeping on the cold ground, did you?”

  “That is not the life for me,” Marissa answered honestly. “I don’t know how you do it,” she said.

  “You get used to it after a while.”

  “I don’t know if I would ever get used to it,” Marissa said.

  “There is no need, you have this big comfortable bed to sleep in every night,” Nat said as her hand stroked down Marissa’s arm.

  “But, I won’t have you in it for much longer, will I?” Marissa asked, before she realized what she said.

  “I don’t know yet,” Nat said.

  “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to pressure you on your decision and now is not the time for us to have this talk,” Marissa said.

  “You are right, talking right now is painful,” Nat said.

  “Sleep now, my dear and we will talk later,” Marissa said.

  Marissa remained tucked under Nat’s arm until Nat drifted off to sleep. She was exhausted from the restless night she had experienced the night before and drifted quickly off to sleep.

  Maggie sat up for several more hours, working on Nat’s boots. She could see the longing in Nat’s eyes when she was outside and instinctively knew she would be heading into the woods soon. She wanted to send her friend off with new boots in appreciation for all that Nat had done for her. When she could no longer focus her eyes, Maggie took the thick blanket and pillow and curled up in front of the fireplace for a few hours’ sleep.

  When the sun began to rise, Maggie woke and after folding the blanket, she put on a pot of coffee as she waited for Nat and Marissa to waken. She crept into the bedroom to check on Nat and found her brow covered with sweat. Her fever had broken sometime during the night and her body was soaked. That was a good sign and Maggie hoped that Nat would feel much better when she woke.

  Gyp followed Maggie from the bedroom and went to the front door. Maggie pulled her coat over her shoulders and opened the door to let Gyp out. They stepped out into a crisp, clear morning and Maggie heard a familiar noise. She looked to the skies where a flock of geese was flying overhead heading back north from their warmer winter spot. The season was changing rapidly, green sprouts of grass poking through the soil as she a Gyp walked around the yard.

  When she and Gyp walked back into the cabin, Nat and Marissa had gotten up and were sitting at the table drinking coffee. “Good morning,” she said as she hung her coat behind the door.

  “Did you get any sleep at all?” Marissa asked.

  “Yes, I slept well for several hours,” Maggie answered. “How are you feeling, Nat?”

  “I am soaked from breaking a fever, but my head feels like it is back to normal size at least,” Nat said.

  “Are you up to a hot, soaking bath?” Marissa asked.

  “Maybe in a little bit,” Nat said.

  “I am going to finish my coffee and walk back into town,” Maggie said. “Is there anything you need?”

  “Not that I can think of, Maggie,” Nat said.

  “I will work on the pelts for a little while and then come back out to check on you later,” she promised. “Do you think you can eat some chowder and fry bread for an early dinner?”

  “That sounds very good,” Nat said.

  “I will bring a pot of chowder then and make the fry bread fresh when I return,” Maggie said.

  Maggie walked over to the fireplace and took the bear claw from the mantel. “Would you like me to add this for you?”

  “Yes, please,” Nat said as she slipped the strip of buckskin over her head.

  They watched as Maggie untied the knot and threaded the buckskin through the hole she had bored through the bear claw the previous night. Maggie stood and with a smile to Nat tied the buckskin around Nat’s neck again.

  “All set,” she said. “Will you do me a favor?” Maggie asked.

  “Of course, what is it?” Nat said.

  “Don’t add to your necklace for a long time,” Maggie said with a grin.

  “Trust me, I have no desire to add to it at all,” Nat said. “Hunting bear is not my choice of activities.”

  “That is refreshing to hear,” Marissa said. “You scared me to death yesterday.”

  “I had no choice yesterday,” Nat said. “That bear was hungry enough to take on three people and only a bullet was going to stop him from attacking us. I would have much preferred he kept on going.”

  “I know, honey, but seeing all that blood running down your face was terrifying,” Marissa said.

  “It looked much worse than what is actually is,” Nat said.

  “Another inch or two and he would have taken out an eye,” Marissa claimed.

  “But, he didn’t and I am sewn up, so all is well,” Nat said.

  Maggie thought it was time to leave and stood to go. “I will see you two later,” she said and picked up her bag.

  “Thanks for all your help, Maggie,” Nat said.

  “Thank you,” Maggie said.

  Gyp stood and walked Maggie to the door. “Do you want to go with me today?” Maggie asked. “Would it be okay if she went with me?” Maggie asked.

  “I think Gyp would like that,” Nat said. “I know she gets tired of being cooped u
p inside.”

  “Would you like me to light the wash pot fire as I go by?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Marissa said.

  Maggie took a small piece of wood with a burning flame and walked from the cabin. She stopped at the fire and lit the dry wood positioned under the wash pot before continuing on to town.

  “Do you want to lie back down until I have your bath ready?” Marissa asked.

  “Yes, I think I will, if you don’t mind,” Nat said.

  “Not at all, come let’s get you back to bed.”


  Nat slept for an hour while the water heated for her bath. Marissa picked up around the house and brought more wood inside for the fireplace. The weather was growing warmer and soon she would only need a fire for cooking. She went to the smokehouse and picked out venison chops to cook for the mid-day meal with some canned vegetables and fresh cornbread. When the water in the wash pot heated, she began carrying in buckets of water to mix with the well water left in the bath tub. She lit some fragrant candles and walked to the bedroom to wake Nat.

  Marissa sat on the edge of the bed and placed a soft hand on Nat’s shoulder. “Your bath is ready, darling,” she said.

  Nat’s eyes fluttered open at the sound of her voice and the touch of her hand.

  “Are you ready to soak for a while?” Marissa asked.

  “I think that would feel nice,” Nat said.

  “Let’s get you in the tub then and I will put some wash on,” Marissa said. “When I finish, I will come in and give you a bath.”

  Nat smiled at the thought of Marissa’s hands on her body. “I do love it when you spoil me so.”

  “I love spoiling you too,” Marissa said.

  Nat sat up on the bed and her head started to spin.

  “Take it slow,” Marissa said. “There is no need to hurry.”

  Nat swung her feet around to sit on the edge of the bed beside Marissa. “I think I am ready.”

  Marissa stood and guided Nat to her feet. She walked beside her into the room where she had the bath tub partitioned off. “Let’s get that night shirt off you,” she said as she lifted the shirt over Nat’s head.

  The right side of Nat’s face had turned an angry purple from the trauma and Marissa was careful not to touch the area. She took Nat’s hand as she gingerly climbed into the tub. “Just lay back and relax. I will be right back.”

  Nat lowered her body into the steaming water and it did feel heavenly against her sore body. She stretched her legs out and rested her head on the back edge of the tub and closed her eyes. Nat could feel her body relax as she enjoyed the fragrance of the room.

  Marissa took their dirty clothes to the wash pot and dropped them into the boiling water. She used a stirring stick to push the clothing under the water and tossed a handful of soap chips into the pot. She would bathe Nat and get her into a clean night shirt and then return to hang the clothing out to dry on the porch railing.

  Marissa looked up to see Smithy walking into the yard.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “Good morning, Smithy, it is good to see you.”

  “I wanted to walk out and check on Nat,” he said. “How is she doing?”

  “She is doing well. Right now she is soaking in a hot bath. ”

  “That will help her rest easy,” he said.

  “I hope so,” Marissa said. “If you want to have a seat on the porch, you can stay and visit with her.”

  “No, that is all right, just tell her I came by to see her,” Smithy said. “I will drop by later this week.”

  “I sure will,” Marissa said. “Thank you for dropping by.”

  “Is there anything either of you needs?” he asked.

  “No, I think we are in good shape.”

  “I will see you later this week then,” Smithy said.

  “Thanks Smithy.”

  She watched him disappear down the road and then walked back inside. Nat was almost asleep in the tub when Marissa walked into the room.

  “You look nice and relaxed.”

  “This bath feels so good,” Nat said.

  “Smithy came by to check on you and said he would be back later in the week,” Marissa said as she took a cloth and began to lather it.

  “That was nice of him,” Nat said.

  “He thinks very highly of you.”

  “He is a good man,” Nat said.

  Marissa bathed Nat’s body and then washed her hair, careful to not touch the right side of her face. “Does your head still hurt?” she asked.

  “Not as bad as last night, but it is still sensitive to touch,” Nat said. “How bad does it look?”

  “You are still swollen and your skin is bruised a dark purple, but that will fade soon,” Marissa promised.

  “You are all done. Are you ready to get out or would you like to soak more?” Marissa asked.

  “My skin is beginning to prune up, so I thinks it is time I get out,” Nat answered.

  “Let me go get a clean night shirt and I will be right back.”

  “Marissa dear,” Nat said.

  “Yes, Nat, what is it?”

  “I need clothes not a night shirt, my love. The longer I lay in that bed the weaker I will become,” Nat said.

  “But, you still need rest,” Marissa claimed.

  “I will rest, sitting out on the front porch,” Nat said. “I need fresh air.”

  “All right, I will get clothes for you then,” Marissa said.

  “Thank you.”

  Marissa went to the bedroom and collected clothing for Nat. When she returned to the bathing area, Nat was standing in the tub drying her upper body.

  “Let me help you from the tub,” she said as she offered Nat her arm.

  Nat climbed from the tub and finished drying her body. She dressed slowly in the dungarees and work shirt Marissa had brought.

  “Do you want your boots and socks?” Marissa asked.

  “No, I think it is warm enough outside without them.”

  “I need to finish the wash, so you can sit on the porch and watch, if you would like.”

  “That is a good plan. That way you can keep a close eye on me,” Nat said with a grin. “Just let me get my knife.”

  “You go sit and I will bring it to you,” Marissa said.

  Nat walked onto the porch and picked up a small block of wood, then sat down in a rocking chair. She had found the piece when she was chopping wood and decided she would whittle something from it.

  Marissa walked out to the porch and handed Nat the knife. “What are you going to make?” she asked.


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