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Stormbound Page 6

by Vonna Harper

  His hands shook a bit as he zeroed in on her. His reaction had nothing to do with feeling out of his element. He’d never been this confident.

  “Levi? Master?” Narah’s voice was muffled because her right cheek was on the spread. “Are you going to touch me?”

  Is it snowing? Same answer to both questions.

  His mind swirling, Levi focused on her cunt. Moisture coated it, and he had spotted her clit. Smiling thinly, he tried to grasp the nub between thumb and forefinger, but it was too slippery.

  “She’s been a naughty little slave,” he told Briant. “She let herself get excited without asking permission.” He made another unsuccessful attempt to capture her clit.

  “Then she’ll have to be punished.”

  Narah cradled her cheek with her hands. The new position did little to improve her view of her world, not that he wanted her to see what was going on.

  “That she does. I don’t suppose you brought the floggers.”

  “Sorry. Next time.”

  Next time. “And restraints.” He gripped her ankles to make his point. “We don’t want her getting away.”

  “I’d try to run,” she muttered. “Fight and struggle. You’d have to tie me down.”

  “Or use chains. A collar locked around her neck.”

  Damn, but Briant had made a fine suggestion. Levi again studied her, mentally sealing her wrists and ankles under metal as he did. She was his sex slave all right, his well-trained little slut. Her world revolved around pleasing her master. He’d punish her for the slightest infractions and sometimes even when she hadn’t done anything wrong. Desperate to escape the lash and court his pleasure, she’d grovel at his feet. He wouldn’t have to command her to take his cock into her mouth. His lusty slave could hardly wait to expose him, trembling in anticipation as she waited to be granted permission.

  And he would. Hell yes, he would!

  “Her sex hole’s gaping,” he told Briant. “And dripping. Without permission.”

  “Teach the slut the error of her ways.”

  Damn straight. “You are a disobedient little slave. What was it? You thought we wouldn’t notice you’d been playing with yourself?”

  “You were gone, Master. Both of you. I, ah, was so lonely. So hungry.”

  “But this isn’t your body.” Taking aim, he tapped her pussy with the flat of his hand. “It belongs to us. It has since the day we branded our initials into your breasts.” He struck her again.


  “Silence, slave! You know we hate hearing you snivel.” He slapped her a third time.

  Her buttocks shuddered, and she tried to close her legs. “Ah, Master, please. Please!”

  “What? Too much for you?”


  “Good, because I’m just getting started.”

  Landing a blow right where he wanted wasn’t easy, but he helped his cause by grabbing an ass cheek and pulling it as far out of the way as possible. That done, he repeatedly smacked her labia. Every time he did, she jumped and cursed.

  Slick drops kept oozing from her. Damn, but he loved punishing her this way! Maybe as much as she loved being punished.

  “Yes, yes, hell yes,” she bleated and wiggled her rear end at him.

  “Hey,” Briant snapped. “Hold on, we might have a problem.”

  Stop? How? “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “She’s about to go off on her own.”

  “Shit.” His body was like stretched wire. Much more, and he’d snap.

  “Don’t stop, please,” she begged.

  “Shut up, slave! Damn it, Levi, don’t let her have her way.”

  Briant was right. Fighting himself, he leaned back a little. “Damn straight. We don’t want her to have all the fun.” He fisted his hand to keep it off her pussy.

  “Damn you. Goddamn you.”

  “That sure as hell doesn’t sound like a slave,” Levi snapped. “What are we going to do with her? Chain her arms over her head so she can’t touch herself and leave her to think about her transgressions?”

  She groaned. “Oh shit. Wait a minute.”

  “What’s the problem?” he asked.

  She wiggled her ass at him. “My back’s hurting, and I’m getting a kink in my neck.”

  Damn reality! “Not my problem.”

  “I’m not going to be much good to any of us if I get a cramp. Time for a shift.”

  No! I’m running the show, not you. “Be the hell quick about it, whatever you need to do.”

  “Yes, Master.” With that, she stretched out her legs so they rested on the bed. Briant helped her turn onto her side.

  She stared up at him.

  Chapter Eight

  If the men asked, Narah would admit her understanding of bondage play was at the pre-beginner level. It hadn’t been something she’d had any interest in, but everything about today was new. Bring on the kink. Pull her deep into the fantasy.

  “I have a few questions, starting with how I became a sex slave.” Sex slave!

  “You don’t remember?” Levi asked.

  She shook her head. With Briant leaning over her and his hands on her shoulders, she was surprised she could think at all.

  Levi looked over at the window where nature was flexing its muscles. His answer was slow in coming. “We lured you to a house we’d staked out. We hired you to do some electrical work, then jumped you right after you arrived.”

  With that bit of information, a scene formed in her mind’s eye. She saw herself following the supposed owner of the house to the back of the building, staring at his tight ass the whole way. As she’d reached for the light switch he’d said was hot to the touch, he’d stepped behind her and clamped his hand around her mouth. He’d hauled her against his potent body. Shocked, she’d fought, but he was so damn strong. As she struggled, another man had emerged from the shadows and slapped a handcuff on one wrist. They’d spun her around and secured her hands behind her.

  “Not the kind of job you thought you’d be doing today,” the newcomer said as he shoved a rag in her mouth and began taping it in place.

  More excited than afraid, she’d twisted about, trying to see her captors. One of them forced a blindfold over her eyes, and she’d sunk into darkness. Disoriented, she’d stood in place. Something sharp had pressed against her throat.

  “Don’t move,” one of her captors said. “It’s time to get you naked, so we can see what we have.”

  A cutting sound told her a scissors were destroying her top. Groaning into the gag, she’d tightened her pussy muscles.

  “Hey, Narah, where’d you go?” Levi poked her leg.

  Blinking repeatedly, she forced herself back to the here and now. “None of your business.”

  He leered at you. “You were indulging in fantasy. It’s written all over your face. So what’s the greatest turn-on about being kidnapped by a couple of hunks with hard-ons?”

  “You have to ask? Having two men’s attention exclusively on me.”

  “So,” Briant said, “like right now, is that what you’re saying?”

  Before she could look back at him, he snagged her arms and pulled them toward him, flipping her onto her back as he did. Shivering in anticipation—of what, she wasn’t quite sure—she brought her legs together.

  “No, you don’t.” Levi pushed them apart and kept them that way via a firm hold on her calves. “Damn it, I ordered you to read the slave manual. Clause four point twelve stipulates that whenever a slave is in her masters’ possession, she is to keep her cunt available to them.”

  “Four point twelve? I thought that clause spelled out how I’m supposed to clean my nipple rings.”

  “Enough nonsense, you two.” Briant leaned over her so his cock was only inches from her face. Her mouth watered. “Time for the main event. Levi, you said you weren’t interested in the missionary position. Look at her. If you want to make a change, do it now. Otherwise, I’m taking over.”

  “Like hell you are
.” Lowering himself to the bed, Levi bent down and licked her labia. She squealed and bucked. “This is where I’m staying until I’m good and done.”

  Two men fighting over her? Now that was a first—a delicious, mind-bending first.

  “Oh, do that again, please.”

  “Only because I feel like it, got it?” He licked again, slower this time.

  “Oh shit! Shit!”

  “She has a damn dirty mouth,” Briant snapped. “We’re going to have to teach her the error of her ways.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Levi swiped once more.


  “Naughty, naughty slave,” Briant said. “Hey, pard, she’s lost privileges. No more pleasure.”

  What? Wait. You can’t mean it.

  To her horror, Levi stopped tonguing her. She twisted about, moaning, because she didn’t trust herself to speak.

  “You know,” Levi said, “there’s missionary, and then there’s a twist. Here’s what I have in mind.”

  He pulled on her legs until they were half off the bed. She bent her knees so her feet rested on the floor. Briant held on to her wrists, adding to her image of herself as the men’s property. Sighing, she closed her eyes.

  Two owners. Each laying claim to her body. Splitting her between them and occasionally taking her at the same time. Shoving her helpless form this way and that, so she felt as if she was drowning in pleasure.

  “Hey.” Levi ran a finger around her vaginal opening. “You aren’t checking out again, are you?”

  “No! Oh no, Master.”

  “Then what?” Briant demanded.

  Despite the harsh question and thrilling sensations, she kept her eyes closed. This was her time and her needs. “Fuck me, please. Both of you.”

  Silence followed. She wondered if they were sharing an unspoken message.

  “Just fuck?” Briant asked. “Or with a little kink thrown in?”

  Isn’t that what we’re doing? She made a show of trying to break free. “Kink, please.”

  “You know,” Levi said, “I love a responsive slave. None of that lying there, waiting for it to be over.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. Experience has taught me that getting a slave to a responsive state is a simple matter. Ten times out of ten, the clit’s the key. I suggest you give that a try.”

  Levi brushed her there, setting her legs to jiggling and her lungs to seizing. “One drawback with this particular slave is that she’s pretty slick down here.” He again touched her, making her shake and sweat. “Hard to hold on to the trigger.”

  “You can’t get hold of it?”

  After briefly fumbling, Levi caught her clit between thumb and forefinger. Not knowing why she was doing so, she squealed and fought. As his fingers slid off, she realized he could have used much more force than he had to hold on.

  “Nope. Not gonna work. At least not that way. Hold on, I have an idea.”

  If he was pressuring her into opening her eyes, he was doing a darn good job of it. It took every bit of self-control she had not to peek at him.

  Moist heat washed over her pussy. Her breath caught. “Oh shit.”

  Levi’s mouth engulfed her sex, and he sucked.

  “Oh shit! Oh God, shit!”

  It felt as if Levi were trying to swallow her down there. Giddy and excited, she struggled to hold still. Her body vibrated as if she’d stuck her finger in an electrical outlet.

  Hell yes, pleasure.

  Just as she stood on the cusp of a climax, the incredible sensation ended. Wet warmth against her sex said his mouth was only a few inches from her opening.

  “Please,” she whimpered, and opened her eyes. “Again, please.”

  “What’s that, slave?” Briant demanded. His features were blurred. “Don’t you know to be silent unless you’ve been given permission to speak?”

  “I’m sorry, Master.”

  Briant sat on the bed near her head, causing her to slide toward him. She tried to pull her hands free, but he shook his head and repositioned her arms so that her hands rested on her belly.

  “She needs to be punished,” he said, his attention fixed on her breasts.

  “Yes, she does.” Levi’s breath sent ribbons of heat over her mons and against her opening. She couldn’t hold back a whimper. “I have a suggestion, but I’m willing to listen to yours, if you have one.”

  “Indeed I do. First a bit of an adjustment.” Briant’s smile took on a feral quality as he crossed her hands one over the other so he could contain both wrists in his much larger hand. He held up his free hand and wiggled his fingers. “Now I have the tool I need. Let me throw this at you, partner. I say it’s time she learns once and for all that she’s lost control. We own her body. We can do everything we want to it.”

  “Compartmentalization,” Levi said. “You take charge of her upper half while I attend to what’s below the waist.”

  Oh shit, is this really happening?

  Before she could voice her question, Briant caught the breast closest to him between thumb and forefinger. A second later, Levi started stroking her labia. Watching her intently, Briant moved her captured breast about. He drew circles with it, some small, others stretching her flesh to its limit. Trying to bring him into focus, she blinked repeatedly. Her world took on a reddish cast, and her attention shifted to the action between her legs. Her ability to move her lower body was severely limited, giving Levi complete access. He caressed and pressed, tickled and teased.

  Yes, yes, yes, she silently chanted. Don’t stop. Just, oh God, just…

  “Definitely time to pierce our slave’s nipples.” Briant pinched. Alerted by the unexpected pain, she fought her way back to reality. “It’ll be a hell of a lot easier keeping her in line once we do.”

  Much as she tried to read Briant’s mood—he was joking, wasn’t he?—Levi made doing so nearly impossible by taking hold of her labia lips and drawing them away from her body.

  Yes! Oh my lord, yes!

  “You’re right,” Levi said. “We’ve been remiss, putting that off as long as we have. Of course that’s not the only area we’ll want to contain.” He squeezed her helpless and beyond-sensitive labia. “But I’m not a proponent of getting everything done all at once.”

  Think. Stop drifting into sensation.

  Briant let go of her breast, only to latch on to the other, and began making circles with that one too. “One nipple ring at a time, is that what you’re saying?”

  “Not at all. I believe in symmetry. What I’m talking about… Hold up, I want to make sure the slave is paying attention.”

  Levi pinched her labia. Almost before the sensation registered, he let go and ran two fingers deep inside her. She felt skewered and trapped.

  Gloriously under their control.

  “So here’s my suggestion.” Levi pushed farther into her until she lifted her lower body off the bed. She’d become part of him, his to do with as he wanted with. “We do the boobs first, so she’ll have days, maybe weeks in which to anticipate when—not if, but when—the same’ll take place down south. That’s what I mean about not doing everything at once.”

  “Excellent idea. Every morning when we let her out of her cage so she can service us, we’ll have her set things up in case today’s the day. What do you think of that, slave?” Briant drew her breast as close to center as possible. “Each day, under our supervision, you sterilize the needle and clit ring.”

  A dimly lit room smelling of sweat and want. Standing naked over a small sink with her wrists cuffed and ankles hobbled. Behind her, her equally naked masters waited for her to finish the dreaded and anticipated task. Would today be the day? By nightfall, would a silver circle dangle from her sex?

  “Ring?” Levi asked. “Only one?”

  “Maybe not.” Briant subjected her to another of his predator-like smiles. “What do you think of using bells? That way we’ll know every time she moves.”

  Excited beyond all reason by the scene he was desc
ribing, she started panting.

  “Not all the time,” Briant continued. “We’d probably get tired of the same noise every day.” He placed his face inches from hers. Going crazy, she licked her lips. “What do you think of that, slave? How would you like going around sounding like you’ve got a cowbell on? Of course”—he dragged her imprisoned breast upward—“we’re not really asking your opinion. That was taken from you when we bought you.”

  “Bought? I thought you captured—”

  “Silence!” Letting go of her nipple, Briant slapped her breasts one at a time. “We paid damn good money for you. Your former owners assured us you were fully trained, but obviously you aren’t.” He sighed dramatically. “You know something, partner? We have no choice but to put her through her paces and judge her performance.”

  “Right you are. Did you bring the collar and leash?”

  How had the two men tapped into the dark corners of her mind? Not only did they know her thoughts almost before she did, but everything they said and did fueled her imagination. Briant still held her hands under his. Even more unsettling and exciting, he’d placed his hand around her throat in imitation of the collar he’d mentioned.

  Was the collar leather or metal? How was it held in place, and how would they prevent her from removing it?

  Maybe she’d spend the rest of her life with leather encasing her throat. No matter what she did to please her masters, they’d never grant her any measure of freedom. They’d chain her here and there as if she were a dog, her eating out of bowls on the ground. If they were in particularly generous moods, they’d let her use her hands. Otherwise, she’d be forced to lap with her arms locked behind her. Maybe—oh goodness!—maybe they’d fix her with dildos and ass plugs.

  What about the sex? After all, that was why they’d bought or captured her in the first place.

  Chapter Nine

  Narah could see Briant, while Levi remained little more than an essence, his fingers still invading her vagina. These men were her masters, her owners, the embodiment of everything she needed on this strange day.

  “My ex had vibrators.” Levi wiggled his fingers. “What about you, slave? You prefer a toy to the real thing?”


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