Penn, Jenny - Rachel's Seduction [Cattleman's Club] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Penn, Jenny - Rachel's Seduction [Cattleman's Club] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Rachel's Seduction (lit)

  “What do you say, Rachel? You want a firsthand experience for your story?” Killian teased.

  “Don’t you know that’s how all the great journalists work? They go as soldiers into the battlefield, as gang members into the streets, as inmates into the prisons.”

  As lovers into bed with the perverts. “Yes.”

  No. No! What the hell did I just say? Rachel couldn’t believe her own ears. She’d heard what she’d heard, her voice, soft and breathless, whispering out her acceptance to a fantasy she couldn’t indulge in. Rachel couldn’t do this. She could barely have sex with one man.

  Actually, she’d only ever had sex with one man—the same man for seven years. It might have started out with some excitement, but it had quickly grown into monotony. The same man, the same positions, the same formula—kiss, lick, suck, fuck. Even in those comfortable confines, she’d always been nervous. Nervous about her body, about her performance, about the positions, about every damn detail. So nervous that she’d never actually had the room to orgasm.

  How embarrassing would it be to have to go through that with two men as witnesses?

  Rachel couldn’t do it, but her agreement had given her plan a chance. It seemed to back down Adam and Killian’s aggression, giving her a little room to breathe but not nearly enough to escape, especially not with her wrists cuffed. She’d get them off. All she had to do was hold on to her sanity long enough.

  And continue to play a very dangerous game with two men totally out of my league.

  Rachel took a deep breath and then the plunge. “I accept the terms of your condition.”

  “I want to make sure I got this right. You agree to spend the whole night allowing Adam and I to punish you in any way we see fit, up to and including sex.”

  “In exchange for all charges being dropped.”

  Rachel could imagine what kind of headlines that story would get her. Cops willing to exchange sexual favors for the law. If only she had the balls to write it. Balls? More like a suicidal tendency. Even if Rachel was brazen enough to submit such an article, launching an attack like that on Killian and Adam would earn her a response she would have no capability of controlling.

  “What do you think, Killian?” Rachel could hear the sudden uncertainty in Adam’s voice. At least one of them had some sense.

  “I think we’re going to have to take her to our place.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure all the cabins at the club will be filled by now, but we have enough stuff at home to keep the night interesting.”

  “I didn’t mean that. I meant this whole insane idea.”

  “You don’t think it’s insane. Do you, Rachel?”

  “No.” Rachel smiled at Killian, sensing his weakness. She might not be Venus, but he was obviously horny. Horny and stupid. “But I don’t want to go to your place. If I’m going to do this, I want to do it in the comfort of my own home.”

  He appeared to consider that for a moment. “Okay, but we’re going to have to pick up some things from our house.”

  “And I want my car out of the ditch.”

  “We’ll get it tomorrow.”

  “No. Tonight,” Rachel insisted. This was the pinnacle of her plan. “I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and be dependent on you. I’m sure you don’t want to wake up tomorrow and be stuck with me.”

  “Fine. We’ll get it out now.”

  “How?” Adam asked. “My truck could probably tow it out, but it’s five miles back to the lodge. Are you going to sit here with her while I go get it?”

  “And waste time on that? It’s a little compact,” Killian retorted, clearly impatient. “We could lift it out and drive it back to the truck.”

  “I can’t lift it on my own. Neither can you.”


  “So if we’re both lifting, who is going to be driving?”

  They both looked at her. Rachel fought to keep her expression bland. This was like a gift from fate because she’d been trying to figure out how to get out of the damn cuffs. Whining and complaining would probably have been undignified, but it was all she’d come up with. This worked a lot better.


  “You can’t put her in the driver’s seat,” Adam snapped, proving again that he was the brains of their partnership. “We’re blackmailing her for sex for Christ’s sake, Killian.”

  “We’re not blackmailing her.” Killian needed a dictionary and perhaps a dose of modesty because he really thought he had her under his thrall. “She wants to have sex with us, don’t you, sweetheart?”

  Oh, hell yeah. Dirty, sweaty, all-night-long sex with both of you.

  “I want it.” Rachel didn’t lie, even if she didn’t plan to fulfill the unspoken promise those words made.

  “You’re not going to run off now, are you?”

  Rachel tilted her head to meet Killian’s gaze. She smiled at him, hoping that she didn’t give any of her true intentions away. “I wouldn’t want to miss out on my personal exposé, would I?”

  “I don’t know about this,” Adam muttered, drawing her eyes to him.

  “Don’t you want me?”

  That question, asked in her little-girl-lost voice, stilled him. Rachel could see the answer so clearly in his eyes. Adam wanted her, but there was something else there, something she didn’t understand, an intensity that worried her. Head bent, his lips whispered across hers. The kiss was no more than a slight brush of lips, so quick but so intense it held Rachel captive. So did the intensity in his eyes as his head lifted.

  “I’ll take the cuffs off.”

  * * * *

  Rachel would bolt the first chance she got. Of that, Adam had no doubt. What he couldn’t figure out was how he could be so wrong about the woman. At a distance, she looked way too uptight and prissy to be the kind of woman who dressed up like a ninja to go spy on an orgy.

  Adam didn’t buy her excuse that it was for some article. If he knew damn good and well that Carl would never run such smut in his paper, then Rachel had to know it, too. Besides, there was certainly nothing in her job description that said she had to tempt and taunt her way into his bed.

  That’s exactly where she’d be headed, too, even if she did run. If not tonight then some other because Adam wouldn’t accept any other outcome. Hell, one night wouldn’t even suffice. Not with as hard as she’d gotten him. It would take quite a while to burn off this itch, but one thing was for sure—he wouldn’t be following her all around town making puppy eyes.

  No, sir. He liked the chase, the hunt, especially when the prey was delicately sweet. With her lips all swollen and plumped with his kiss and her eyes shining with such lustful innocence, Rachel looked ripe to be picked and perverted. The need to be the one to educate her on the ways of all things wicked and delightful filled him with such force, he felt something he never had before—fear.

  This could all be just an illusion. Hadn’t she been nothing more than that all those days he’d watched Killian staring at her? In the bright light of day, there could be no hiding that she was a good girl. One who didn’t flirt with all the men or show off any hint of her curves, and certainly one who didn’t spend all night sexing up two men at once.

  What would happen when dawn broke? Would she turn back into some untouchable lady whom they had no right to even look at? And how in the world could a woman have a mouth that pouted like that and have no idea of the way it affected a man. Maybe that’s why she dressed like Humpty Dumpty, because she didn’t want men worshiping her over all those Greek goddess curves.

  Maybe she really didn’t want them to chase her but just honestly wanted to escape. The very idea depressed Adam. It also made him fit the key to the cuff’s lock. He’d never force himself on a woman, no matter how bad he wanted her…or she wanted him.

  Under the lust keeping her cheeks flushed, Adam could read the hint of fear in her gaze, sense the tension and hesitation in her movement. Rachel didn’t belong in this game. No matter how
much she might try to play along, in the end, she belonged at home with a balding husband and three little angel-faced babies all tucked into bed.

  A decent man would leave her to her fate. Adam considered that he could change that image. It might take time and every seductive skill he had, but he could pervert Rachel to his ways. He would just have to move slow and easy, and soon enough the ten inches of hard dick begging to go skinny dipping in Rachel’s cunt would get to go swimming anytime he wanted.

  He couldn’t tackle her like a barbarian the second she bolted, no matter how much fun it would be. She really did deserve the gentleman, and Adam felt the peculiar need to at least try to be one in some aspect when she smiled up at him. Tentative and sweet, the small gesture undid him.

  “Thanks.” Rachel seemed to give him her first honest response of the night as she rubbed the sting of the cuffs from her wrists.

  “Don’t be thanking him yet, darlin’,” Killian growled over her shoulder, reminding Adam that there still was one barbarian on the loose.

  Killian acted the role of berserker well when he lifted Rachel by the waist with one hand. She looked like a tiny doll in comparison to the broad, hard muscles Killian flattened her against as he pinned her in his embrace.

  “You’re going to be wearing those cuffs later,” Killian warned her.

  Killian’s palm wasn’t big enough to hold the generous bounty of her breast as he tormented Rachel with his rough touch. She moaned, arching into the fingers that pulled and twisted her nipple as her body followed the motion until she danced the sensual sway of a woman in need.

  Nothing had felt as good as having her twist against him, and Adam couldn’t wait to feel that rhythm skin-to-skin.


  Rachel’s husky purr drew Adam’s gaze from the hypnotic sight of her body to catch the flash of her teeth as she turned her head and bit Killian on the neck. Like a kitten teasing a lion, she had no idea how dangerous her game was. Killian couldn’t be toyed with like that.

  His best friend couldn’t be started and then stopped on a moment of fear. Adam worried about what would happen when Rachel tried. It was time to stop this before she pushed his partner too far. Latching on to her arm, he pulled her free of Killian, who would soon stop caring about Rachel’s request for a bed.

  “I thought you wanted to have this party at home,” Adam pointedly reminded her. She might not know it, but Rachel was just a few minutes away from being screwed up against her car’s bumper right there in the ditch.

  She blinked, the fog clearing out of her chocolate gaze to let the green swizzle through. Regaining herself with a smile, Rachel proved she hadn’t learned her lesson when she pressed up against him to whisper. “And I thought you were so strong the two of you were going to get my car out of the ditch?”

  Oh, she is going down. And Adam meant to her knees.

  Chapter 4

  “I knew she was going to do that.”

  Killian grinned as he watched Rachel’s little compact fishtail onto the pavement then roar off. She spun the engine so fast through its gears the poor thing whined painfully. In less than a minute, the taillights disappeared. Killian figured Rachel would consider any damage done well worth the cost as she long as she escaped him.

  “You were the one who said to put her in the driver’s seat,” Adam complained without any real heat.

  Yes, Killian had. He’d also warned Adam she’d fly out of here at first chance, but that hadn’t stopped his friend from undoing her cuffs. Why should it when both of them appreciated the hunt? Especially with prey as delectable as Rachel Adams.

  Killian had been carrying around a hard-on for the girl since he met her over a month ago. That’s as long as he’d ever gone without the satisfaction of taking what he wanted, and he wasn’t going to wait another night. There was absolutely no need to in Killian’s mind.

  He’d figured out her game. It might be a little more confused and convoluted than the games the girls played back at the club, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t master it and her at the same time. A Cattleman was always ready for a challenge, and that’s just what Rachel Adams was.

  With her prim ways and sassy ass, he might have labeled her cute, but cute didn’t keep him dreaming of her every night. No, it was that damn caustic tongue of hers, always throwing out the quick comebacks that made him burn.

  Her sharp words could have earned her the designation of a bitch, but Killian could read the desperation in her tone. Along with the hungry glow in her gaze, he understood that she just couldn’t bring herself to ask for what she needed. All those proper values kept her from being able to admit to the desires he had fired in her pussy.

  Killian didn’t doubt that little cunt clenched for him. The tantalizing scent of her arousal along with the sexy way she ground her plump ass into his erection made it quite clear that the woman was in heat. Hell, that’s probably what drove her to be so difficult.

  As Rachel herself would no doubt point out, it was Killian’s job to service those in need. He’d taken a vow to put the needs of others before his own. So if the little miss needed to tease and taunt him into hunting her ass down and giving her the fucking she craved, Killian would just man up and fulfill his responsibility.

  The fact that she couldn’t appreciate his willingness to help only meant he didn’t have to be as nice about it. No reason to feel any kind of mercy.

  “I just wanted to see if she’d actually do it.” Killian shrugged, turning to start the long trek back to the party and his truck.

  “Do it?” Adam jogged up to his side. “She did it. Now what are we supposed to do?”

  “Go find her.” Killian snorted, considering the answer obvious.

  He guessed Adam had to think it over, because Adam always had to think everything over. Not worried about what conclusion his partner might come to, Killian didn’t even pay him any attention when Adam stalled out.

  Adam had always wanted to pervert a good girl, so he could hardly complain about Killian finding him a candidate. Truthfully, Killian knew Adam’s motives for wanting to find a woman to settle down with went a lot deeper than some kinky need to dirty the innocent. Killian just didn’t like to wade into those troubled waters.

  The way he figured it, Adam’s mother must have screwed him up pretty good because his friend couldn’t see that he had it better than most suckers. The two deputies had hot women whenever they wanted, however they wanted, and didn’t have to do much more than pay their dues to the club and dole out good orgasms to keep the tap flowing.

  Simple, uncomplicated, and most of all, never boring, that’s how Killian liked his momentary pleasures. He could figure out that training Rachel wouldn’t be simple or uncomplicated, but it definitely wouldn’t be boring, either. It had been ages since he’d felt this kind of excitement.

  Every single inch of his body throbbed with anticipation, and that made Rachel the perfect compromise, even if Killian knew it couldn’t last. The very fact that his blood boiled so hot testified that no matter what kind of woman Rachel Adams was, this would not be a long-term thing. This would be a fuck, fuck, and fuck some more until three straight weeks of sex had passed and the urgency finally burned out.

  About then, they’d look at each other and wonder what the hell they were supposed to say. Hopefully by then, Adam would be soured on the idea of tying themselves to some wanna-be housewife. Hell, this could work out great all around. Rachel could go back to being her pleasant, goody-to-shoes self. Adam could finally realize that they didn’t need a permanent woman to have a happy life, and Killian could finally get a night’s sleep without Rachel starring in some pornographic fantasy.

  Sex, that would cure everything. “You coming?”

  “Yeah.” Adam sighed and started shuffling his feet forward. “But I want to go on the record that this is not a smart idea…and don’t give me that look. You know what I’m talking about.”

  Killian smirked at the annoyance in Adam’s tone. “Rela
x. It’s all good.”

  “You’re going to go chasing after her,” Adam stated, following in step beside Killian.


  “And when you catch her, you’re going to have to restrain her.”

  “I certainly hope so.”

  “Given she probably ran home, you’re going to have to break into her house.”


  “Then you’re going to have sex with her.”

  “Eventually.” But not before he had some fun—a concept apparently alien to Adam at that moment.

  “You know what they call that?”

  Killian sighed, knowing what Adam would. “Let’s see, stalking, kidnapping, breaking and entering, rape, and you might as well throw in assault, because I plan on paddling Miss Allen’s lush behind. I’m thinking bent over the edge of the bed, maybe with her legs—”

  “You really aren’t worried?” Adam asked, not bothering with the argument.

  “Look.” Killian came to a stop to face Adam and his worries directly. “You know me. Now, I’ll give you breaking and entering, but I ain’t going to hurt Rachel Allen. I’m not gonna make her do anything she doesn’t want, but I am going to convince her she wants what I do, and I don’t expect it to be very hard. Couldn’t you smell that pussy? It was hot, wet, and ready. Can’t let that go to waste.”

  Adam scowled, not appearing pacified in the slightest. “So you’ll leave her a happy woman by sunrise, but doing it this way might mean she won’t be calling for another round.”


  Killian had tried the civilized route last time. He’d been all sorts of charming, taking her to lunch and even asking her out for a proper date. All that effort for what? So she could pretend like he didn’t exist for the last month. Well, he was not doing that again.

  “It’s a bird in the hand, man. Who’s to say you’ll get a second chance if you don’t tap the honey while it’s creaming?”


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