The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 4)

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The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 4) Page 9

by Jessie Donovan

  He grunted and picked up their pace. He wasn’t going to encourage the human.

  However, Max didn’t take his hint of silence. “It’s quite fascinating, actually. If what I’ve discovered in ruins and by piecing together artifacts is correct, the dragon leader who faced the Roman invaders of Britain and managed to negotiate a fair treatment was a female. It’s hard to tell, but I think she became queen of all dragon-shifters living on the isle of Great Britain at the time.”

  Grant recalled some vague history lesson as a teenager about Queen Alviva. “I hate to break it to you, but we know that already.”

  “Ah, but did you know she handpicked the strongest, cleverest Roman generals and wealthiest villa owners to sire her children?”

  “No, but—”

  “Well, then let me tell you how I came to this conclusion. It all started with a visit to the Cotswolds….”

  As Max droned on about late night digs that were probably illegal, Grant decided to just let the human talk. He seemed to do it without requiring participation, allowing Grant to keep an eye out for the artifact thieves Max had mentioned.

  All he wanted to do was deliver the human safely and seek out Faye. Only then could he focus back on his mission to root out the Lochguard traitors. History would do little to help him accomplish that task.

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning, Faye stretched her arms over her head and stared out the third-story window of her room. If she tilted her head just enough, she could catch more than the brick facade of the building next door and see a patch of cloudy gray sky.

  Since no one had pounded on her door during the night, Grant and Max must’ve made it back safely. Good thing considering Faye had slept like the dead. It had been many months since she’d flown that much in a single day. Her wing would probably still ache if she shifted.

  Her beast yawned. It was good practice. You should find Grant and discover what happened. Maybe we’ll see some of the others at breakfast, too.

  Rolling her eyes, Faye rose out of bed. I know you fancy Adrian a bit, but it’s not going to happen, dragon.

  Why not? He would be sex with no strings attached. I like that idea.

  And Grant?

  What about him? You know he’s still not my favorite person.

  Faye sighed. She had to be the only dragon-shifter in existence who had an inner dragon that wanted to shag someone else when their true mate was within shouting distance. Well, too bad. I’m going to talk with him before any of the others. And before you try to make a fuss, know that I’ll find a way to delay seeing your dragonman of the moment as long as possible if you keep interrupting my conversation with Grant.

  With a growl, her dragon curled up and feigned sleep.

  Faye quickly showered, dressed, and walked out the door. She was about to knock on Grant’s room when Aaron’s door opened. “He’s not in there.”

  She frowned. “Then where is he?”

  Aaron shrugged. “He dropped off the human and then went for a late-night flight. I wanted to ask him something this morning, but Grant never answered the door or his mobile phone. I was hoping you knew where he was.”

  Faye took out her phone, but there was nothing from Grant. “I’ll look into it.”

  Not giving Aaron a chance to say another word, Faye raced down the stairs. She scanned the breakfast room, but there was no sign of Max or Grant.

  She made a beeline for Lachlan, who was talking to his assistant. Not waiting for a natural pause, she said, “I need to talk with you, Mr. MacKintosh.”

  Lachlan raised his eyebrows. “By your tone, it must be important.” He nodded at the female assistant. “You can handle the morning meeting and walk-through, Mia.”

  The human male guided Faye to the hallway and raised an eyebrow. “So? Tell me what’s on your mind, Ms. MacKenzie.”

  Her dragon huffed. This one is too polite. Even though he’s handsome, I don’t want to sleep with him.

  Ignoring her beast, Faye answered Lachlan’s question. “I need to talk with Max Holbrook. Where is he staying?”

  “He’s being watched by my security team until a suitable dragon-shifter guard can be located.”

  “When was this decided?”

  “Last night. Your clan member, Grant, went to fetch his candidate.”

  She frowned. “The bastard could’ve told me.”

  Lachlan cleared his throat. “We were trying to do it in secret. The DDA is already nervous about having eight dragon-shifter Protectors traveling the length and breadth of Scotland. Adding a ninth might stir up protest. I’ve been assured of your clan member’s discretion.”

  Faye opened her mouth to reply, but Grant’s voice filled the hallway. “Aye, Iris can hold her tongue.”

  Faye whipped around and Iris raised a hand in greeting. Faye nodded in return before taking Grant’s arm and guiding him to the side. She whispered, “You could’ve told me what you were up to.”

  “Why? Were you worried about me?”

  At the smugness in his tone, Faye raised her chin. “No. But others were looking for you. The last thing we need to do is create a panic, especially after Max’s disappearance last night.”

  “Calm down, lass. You were dead asleep when I checked into your room.”

  “Don’t tell me that you picked my lock.”

  He shrugged. “I wanted to make sure you were fine. That was a lot of flying yesterday.”

  It was on the tip of Faye’s tongue to deny the aches in her body, but decided truthfulness might help her in the long run. “Aye, but it was a great chance to build up muscle. By the end of this tour, you might just allow me to fight again.”

  “Maybe.” He turned toward Lachlan and Iris and raised his voice. “Iris, this is Lachlan MacKintosh. He can show you to Max’s room.”

  Grant and Lachlan must’ve discussed the arrangement the night before because the DDA employee left without another word.

  “Why Iris?” she asked.

  “She already knows him and has an idea of what to expect. Besides, if he runs off, Iris can find him without batting an eyelash.”

  Even Faye was envious of Iris’s tracking skills. “Yes, but what did she demand in return? Watching over Max can’t be high on her list of love-to-do activities.”

  “She wanted to invite dragon-shifters from friendly countries to participate in a tracking competition.”

  “And Finn agreed to this?”

  “Aye, although I’m not sure he’ll remember. The best time to extract a promise out of Finlay Stewart is when he’s just woken up and will agree to almost anything if you’re not a stranger.”

  She would say it was evil, but Faye had done it herself a few times in the past. After all, Finn had moved in with her family when he was sixteen, the day after his parents were murdered. Growing up together had given Faye time to learn the current clan leader’s quirks, much to his chagrin.

  Grant placed a hand on her lower back and Faye barely prevented herself from sucking in a breath. Somehow the platonic touch of a friend had morphed into a tingly heat that made her lose her mind.

  Her beast chimed in. Ignore it and find the other dragonmen.

  Glancing up, Faye’s heart rate ticked up at the liquid heat in Grant’s gaze. If he leaned down to kiss her, Faye didn’t think she’d push him away.


  Grant hadn’t slept in over twenty-four hours. If he were in his right mind, he should eat a quick bacon butty and head off to bed.

  Yet all he had thought about during his flight from Lochguard to Inverness in the wee hours of the morning was how much he wanted to see Faye. Not just to talk about strategies with regards to Max’s mention of artifact thieves, but to see her smile. After a long night, he could use some of Faye’s enthusiasm to get through the day. Forget caffeine; Faye was fast becoming his drug of choice.

  His dragon spoke up. I know the real reason. Nothing would energize us more than to strip her naked and come inside her.

  Your logic i
s fuzzy this morning, dragon. Frenzies last at least a week.

  Yes, but frenzies always give us extra energy.

  But only for sex.

  So? When Faye needed to sleep, we could work.

  Not wanting to argue further, Grant took Faye’s chin between his fingers and merely listened to her heavy breathing and thumping heart. He imagined her naked as she rode him, her breasts bouncing as she dug her nails in his chest. He must’ve been a bloody blind idiot to ever say she wasn’t feminine enough.

  True, she wasn’t the high heels and short skirt type of female, but Grant much preferred Faye’s strength. No other female’s body would call to him as much as hers.

  And not just because of the frenzy. She was perfectly curved in all the right places. It was taking everything he had not to cup her arse and pull her close.

  Faye’s husky whisper interrupted his thoughts. “You should get some sleep before we head to where the event is being held.”

  Her words were like someone had tossed cold water over his head, reminding him of why he was in Inverness in the first place. “I could survive another day without rest if I had to.”

  She raised a brown eyebrow. “This coming from the male who always bangs on about how sleep is the most important requirement for quick reflexes and a quick mind?”

  He sighed. “So even though I’m in charge, you’re going to scold me?”

  “Of course. Remember, when it’s just you and me, there is no superior. Besides, if we aren’t successful with the opening night, then we won’t have a chance to complete all aspects of our mission.” Her voice softened. “I know how important it is to you that we succeed. Just stop arguing and get some rest, Grant. I can handle watching Cat. I’m not going to repeat my mistake from the restaurant.”

  With any other Protector, Grant might’ve lectured them about duty to reinforce their determination. But he knew Faye wouldn’t make the same mistake again. Ever since she’d been shot out of the sky and injured her wing, Faye was in constant competition with herself. He only hoped one day she would allow herself to win and accept her actions as good enough.

  His dragon spoke up. You worry too much. Faye is stronger now. Strong enough to resist the frenzy if we kiss her.

  Not this again.

  Although Grant secretly admitted that he’d sleep more soundly if Faye were at his side.

  His dragon sat in smug silence. Grant ignored him to answer Faye. “I’ll sleep for a few hours provided you don’t take Cat off the premises. I’ll also need you to check in with Iris and fill her in on everything.”

  “I can do that.” She gave him a playful shove. “Now, go get some sleep. I can’t keep watch over Cat and scout the surrounding areas for threats. I need my wingman.”

  “Your wingman? I rather thought it would be the other way around.”

  “Who’s keeping track of nuance? We’re a team, so accept it.”

  Being considered a team was a start, although Grant hoped he would one day be more than that.

  He nearly blinked. He was spending far too much time thinking about wanting Faye or what she looked like naked. He definitely needed some sleep. Maybe then he could focus on what was important—rooting out the dragon-shifter traitors.

  Releasing his hold on her, he stepped back. “Wake me in three hours. I have a few things to discuss.”

  “Care to give me a hint?”

  “Something Holbrook said. Why I care, I don’t know. But I have little respect for artifact thieves.”

  “That sounds promising. I could do with a good old fashioned hunt and takedown.”


  “Okay, so no solo takedown. Maybe Iris would help me.” He growled, and Faye grinned. “It was worth a shot.”

  “Just try to focus on our current mission before thinking of another one.”

  “I’ll try my best.” She motioned with her hands. “Now go. If I could carry you up the stairs, I would toss you over my shoulder and do so. But I can’t.”

  Grant should dismiss Faye’s comment and get some much-needed rest. However, he decided not to fight the urge to tease her.

  The corner of his mouth ticked up. “I’d like to see you attempt it. Maybe your hand would even slip to my arse.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, because grabbing your behind is the most important thing on my plate right now.”

  He leaned forward. “Maybe it should be.”

  For a few seconds, they merely stared into one another’s eyes. Her pupils flashed to slits and back. Maybe he was winning over her dragon.

  His beast spoke up again. Why do we need to win her over? We’re true mates. She’s probably begging for our cock.

  I’m not sure about that, dragon. Faye’s beast has always been unpredictable.

  It was Faye who finally broke the silence. “If you’re that knackered, then I can call Adrian and Kaine to carry you up the stairs.”

  He grunted. “I would rather jump into a pit of lava first.”

  She grinned. “Since there’s no lava in Scotland, does that mean you want their help? I know you’d never leave the country and abandon your clan.”

  “Faye Cleopatra, stop being ridiculous.”

  “How long have you known me and my family? I’m actually one of the calmest ones. I can call Fraser down here and lock you in a room with him for three hours. Then you’ll understand what I mean.”

  Fraser MacKenzie probably had more marks on his record than anyone else on Lochguard when it came to causing trouble. Well, with the exception of old Cal and Archie, who kept trying to destroy each other’s farms.

  He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I’m going to bed now. Fraser had better not be here when I wake up.”

  “That all depends on how long you sleep. I’m keeping an ear out for you.”

  On impulse, he moved close enough to take her hand and kiss it. “As long as your ear is only for me.”

  Faye’s cheeks flushed pink. As she opened and then closed her mouth, he smiled. It seemed Faye liked some instances of him being nice to her.

  With that, Grant turned and climbed the stairs. He wasn’t sure if he could fall asleep easily. Faye would no doubt continue to occupy his thoughts.

  But he had to try. Flirting with Faye was only part of the equation. He needed to be the strong male she required as well.

  Chapter Eleven

  Faye finally closed her jaw as Grant ascended the stairs out of sight.

  Never in a thousand years had she expected him to kiss her hand, let alone flirt with her. Grant was brusque and grumpy; he always had been.

  Maybe he just needed a little more MacKenzie magic to loosen him up further. Even her somewhat serious brother Fergus had a playful side to rub off on Grant. She definitely needed to get him and his family to dinner once everything was sorted. And not just for some fun, but to also better know his mother and brother, Chase. Since they tended to keep to themselves, she didn’t know much about them.

  Her dragon spoke up. Why does it matter? He still hasn’t done nearly enough to convince me to sleep with him.

  Oh, stop it. You’re acting like a child. We all make mistakes, and it looks like Grant is trying to make up for them. Maybe he is the male we need.

  Maybe, maybe not. The real test will be when we encounter a dangerous situation. If he allows us to fight, then maybe I will allow him to kiss us.

  Allow him, aye? You forget I have a bigger say in this.

  Her beast didn’t respond and Faye decided not to pursue the matter. She had too much to do to stand in the hall and have an argument inside her mind.

  If she didn’t love her dragon so much, Faye would almost be jealous of humans not having two personalities in one body.

  She reached the breakfast room and found Cat chatting with the older dragonwoman from Clan Snowridge in Wales. Waving to Adrian and some of the other Protectors, Faye finally made it to the small table at the edge of the room where her friend sat. Cat asked without preamble, “So Grant made it back
, aye?”

  She eyed her friend. “How do you know that he wasn’t here all night?”

  Cat tapped her ear. “The door was open and every dragon-shifter heard your conversation.”

  Faye’s cheeks heated. “Well, then you don’t need to ask me what happened.”

  “Oh, come on. Dragon-shifter Etiquette 101 requires me to ask you rather than just go off what I overheard.”

  Faye swiped a triangle of toast from the holder in the center of the table and took a bite. “And since when do you follow etiquette? You eavesdropped on your siblings as much as possible growing up.”

  Cat sighed. “Fine. Then I’ll just make a mental note of you flirting with Grant, and Iris coming to watch Max. I’ll seek out Iris later for details. I’d say the same about Grant, but that one can stonewall better than you.”

  “I’m not stonewalling you, Cat. You heard everything in the hall. You know as much as I do.”

  Cat studied her a second before replying, “I think there’s more to it, but it’s Protector business and therefore you can’t share it. Just make sure that if it’s going to affect me, you tell me about it.”

  Faye swallowed another bite. “Fine. I’m much more interested in tonight’s event. Speaking of which”—Faye turned toward the Welsh dragonwoman—“if your clan’s Protectors ever wish to team up with us, then let them know they just have to ask. Can you tell them that, Nia?”

  “I will. But I should probably go meet with them now.” Nia nodded to Cat. “I’ll catch up with you later, dear.”

  Once Nia was gone, Faye moved over a seat closer to Cat. “So, has Lachlan changed his plans because of Max’s antics? I never did find him last night to ask.”

  “Not as far as I can tell. Only that if we use the toilet, we have to have an escort.” Cat scrunched her nose. “Since I’m the oldest sibling and used to doing things my way, it’s going to take some getting used to. I never thought I’d need a babysitter in my mid-twenties.”


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