The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 4)

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The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 4) Page 15

by Jessie Donovan

Imagining her snout shrinking into a nose, her wings disappearing into her back, and her limbs changing into arms and legs, she soon stood in her human form. Grant strode over with a blanket he’d snatched from somewhere. He quickly laid it over her shoulders and said, “I didn’t see anything. For a second, I thought someone was swimming in the loch, but whatever it was dove down and remained there far too long for a human.”

  “Unless they’re using scuba gear.”

  “Aye, that’s true. We’ll keep an eye on it. If so, they won’t have enough air to stay down there too long and will have to emerge. I can send a few of the younger Protectors to take a cold swim and investigate.” He rearranged the blanket until it better covered her body. “What about you, lass?”

  “I saw a flash of light in the forest. It could be a strong camera flash or it could be something else. I think we need to send a team over there to investigate, too.”

  “After we check in with Cooper, I’ll send a team.” Grant paused a second before adding, “If you have some candidates in mind to check the forest, we can use them.”

  Grant was yet again sharing his role with her.

  Pushing aside her curiosity as to whether he would continue to share his responsibilities or not, she nodded toward the central command building. “Let’s hurry. If there is someone out there, they might’ve seen my dragon form. If we give them too much time, we might lose them.”

  Grant nodded, and they both hurried toward the most fortified building on Lochguard.


  Grant waited for Cooper to finish his report before saying, “I wish there was a better way to confirm there isn’t a large group of drones waiting to attack.”

  Cooper replied, “We don’t have the funds for the expensive radar that can detect them. However, there hasn’t been any sign so far. And given that you and Faye just flew in, which would’ve been a perfect time to attack, we should be safe for the moment.”

  Faye asked, “Any word from the DDA?”

  “They received our concerns, but until we have proof, there’s nothing they will do,” Cooper answered. “Dragon-shifters have received threats for centuries. Besides, they don’t even take all of the threats towards their employees seriously. I doubt ours will receive any more attention without an attack or some other proof.”

  Uncrossing his arms, Grant stood tall. “Aye, well we can look after ourselves for the time being. Send the two teams to investigate the forest and the loch before the sun sets.”

  Cooper nodded. “Of course. Once you see Finn and check with Arabella, come find me. There are a few other ideas I’d like to share.”

  Grant studied Cooper a second. The male had so far proved himself in a tense situation. Grant needed to delegate more to the dragonman in the future. “We shouldn’t be long. I’ll have my mobile if anything comes up.”

  After waving good-bye, both Grant and Faye exited the room and headed toward the surgery. Grant spoke first. “I can’t believe they’re making Arabella work so soon after giving birth.”

  “She, more than anyone, wants to ensure the safety of the clan. Ara didn’t just spend who knows how long birthing three bairns to have it all taken away from her. If she overtires herself, Finn will make her take a break. He wants the clan safe, but not at the expense of his mate’s life.” She paused a second before asking, “Are you one of those males who believes a female should give everything up once they have children?”

  Grant had known the question would come eventually but had expected a little more time to think it through.

  His dragon grunted. You already know the answer. Just tell her.

  While Grant never slowed down his pace, he did look over at Faye. “No, but just as a new father needs to be more careful for the sake of his family, a new mother should do the same. That means no unnecessary risks to prove one’s self.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You think I’m out to prove myself?”

  “Up until a few days ago, aye, I did. You’ve been in competition with yourself since the attack, Faye. I’m glad you’ve embraced your confidence again and aren’t second-guessing yourself.”

  She opened her mouth and then closed it. As the silence dragged on, Grant wondered if he’d made a mistake in telling the truth.

  Never, his dragon said.

  Faye finally sighed before she replied, “I thought I’d done a pretty good job at hiding that fact, if I’m honest. I’m starting to think you’re a mind reader.”

  “I may not know you as well as your family when it comes to how you toss a roll across a table, but no one knows you better when it comes to your Protector-related skills. Confident Faye is someone I’d entrust my life to. I’m glad she’s back.”

  She paused a second before asking, “So when you said earlier you wanted to share the head Protector role with me, you were telling the truth?”

  “Of course I was. I’ve never been good at lying or placating you, lass. I’m not about to start now.”

  She paused again. Each time she did, his dragon paced and swished his tail a little more inside his mind.

  Grant said to his beast, Calm down. You’re the one who wanted me to tell the truth.

  Aye, but if I had my way, I’d get straight to the point.

  I’m easing her into the idea of being our mate.

  So now you want her.

  I have for a while now. If you don’t know that, then you haven’t been paying attention.

  His dragon huffed but didn’t say anything else.

  Faye’s voice finally filled the air. “Then answer me this, Grant. If I allow the frenzy to happen, what then?”

  He didn’t miss a beat. “I would protect you with my life. However, I would also understand that you need to be who you are. I won’t keep you in a locked cage like some males, Faye. But you also need to promise to be careful. No more pretending your wing is as good as new. You have limits and I need you to share them with me.”

  “Only if you share yours with me.”

  “So, did you just agree to kiss me once the clan is safe again?”

  She smiled. “Maybe. Although I have one other condition.”

  “Do I want to know?”

  She lightly hit his arm. “I should say I want you to join Aaron Caruso in dancing naked at Arabella and Finn’s triplets’ celebration, but my request isn’t just about you. I was serious before about you, your mother, and brother dining with my family. Only after that will I kiss you. I think that’s good motivation.”

  He growled. “Just don’t expect me to kiss you for the first time in front of your family.” He lowered his voice. “I’m not going to hold back. We’ll see if you can handle me.”

  “Those are fighting words. Maybe you can’t handle me.”

  “I accept your challenge.” He leaned over and whispered, “Oh, and lass? You know I’m competitive. I intend to win.”

  Faye shivered at his words and both man and beast wanted to haul her into the nearest empty space and kiss her straight away.

  Too bad they were nearly to the surgery.

  His beast spoke up again. We just need to vanquish the threat as soon as possible.

  You mean the Knights. I’m not so sure about the rogue dragon-shifters. That’s going to take a more involved plan.

  So be it. As long as it’s in motion, we can finally kiss our true mate. After all, she never said anything about capturing them before she’ll kiss us. The clan only has to be safe.

  And if we groom Cooper a bit more, it should put Faye’s mind at ease.


  Faye’s voice prevented him from replying to his beast. “Let me guess, your dragon is happy now?”

  “A bit. I hope yours doesn’t attempt to dress him down once I kiss you.”

  Her pupils flashed to slits and back. “I can’t make any promises. However, I think it’ll be good for her to make your dragon work harder.”

  His beast huffed. I now have my own challenge.

  Good luck, mate. The frenzy will give yo
u lots of time to sort things out with lady dragon.

  Just as they approached the main entrance to the surgery, Lorna MacKenzie strode out and headed straight for them. She pulled Faye into a hug. “I’ve missed you, Faye.”

  “Mum, it’s only been a few days. You act like I’ve been gone for years.”

  Lorna released her daughter and patted her arm. “I know, child. But what with Arabella having her bairns, it reminded me of the last time I gave birth.” Faye opened her mouth to reply, but Lorna beat her to it. “But enough about me. You two need to hurry up. Arabella needs rest, and the sooner we sort out the bloody Knights, the better.”

  Grant blinked. He had never heard Lorna MacKenzie swear in his life.

  Lorna fixed her gaze on him. “You’ve heard worse from my own children. Now, let’s not stand out here all day. Come on.”

  Faye tugged Grant through the door and down the hall. Because the clan was staying indoors until told otherwise, the waiting area was empty. Grant murmured, “Maybe we lucked out and your brothers are at home.”

  Lorna’s voice carried down the hall. “Why would they be? Everyone’s here.”

  Faye winked at him. “You know you love them.” She lowered her voice. “My advice is to give as good as you get. Otherwise, you won’t ever stand a chance. You can’t be aloof and growly forever. That will only encourage Fraser and Fergus to try harder.”

  Faye dashed into the room as his dragon chimed in. Maybe we should allow them to underestimate us. After all, we’re the one with military training. They don’t stand a chance in the long run.

  I agree, but let’s not best them too early. They could become allies in the future.

  Grant entered the large room and wondered how so many dragonmen and women could fit into it. In addition to Finn, Arabella, and their three bairns, there was her whole family and their mates—Lorna and Ross, Fergus and Gina, Fraser and Holly. To round it off, there was also one of Lochguard’s nurses, Logan Lamont.

  Whether he liked it or not, Grant was going to have to get used to being around a large family if he wanted Faye as his mate.

  His dragon spoke up. That should be easy enough.

  I’ll remember that when you start moaning later.

  Huffing, his beast fell silent and retreated to a corner.

  Faye was already at Finn and Arabella’s side, scooping up a pink bundle. “There’s at least one more female in the family. This must be wee Freya.”

  Finn answered, “If not for the possible threat, I would’ve switched the blankets before you lot arrived. Then I could’ve told my children how you couldn’t tell the males from the females.”

  Arabella rolled her eyes. “Ignore him. If I ever want to take a long nap, then we need to deal with the threats.” Arabella motioned toward the laptop in front of her. “I never pegged the Knights as intelligent, but it appears as if they’ve learned not to post their content on the dark areas of the internet. I haven’t found anything there to help us.”

  Grant spoke up. “We’re investigating a few things nearby. If my people find nothing, then we might all be able to relax a little.”

  Holly Anderson, the human female mated to Fraser, sighed. “I hope so. I’m tired of people taking away our happy memories.”

  Fraser rubbed his mate’s back. “I know, honey. I’m tempted to go on holiday for our child’s birth just so we can enjoy it.”

  Lorna frowned. “You’re not going anywhere. I want all my grandchildren born here. I’m getting on and don’t want to fly long distances, especially if I have to carry Ross around.”

  Ross patted his belly. “You’re the reason I’ve gained a stone since our mating.”

  Lorna tsked. “We can discuss how it’s your own fault later. Arabella needs to finish talking so she can get some sleep.”

  All eyes turned toward Arabella. Grant couldn’t be the only one to see the circles under the lass’s eyes.

  His dragon said, We need to capture the traitors from the clan before the birth of our child. I don’t want Faye to be forced to work when she should be sleeping.

  Give it a rest. We haven’t even kissed Faye yet.

  Arabella’s voice filled the room and garnered Grant’s attention. “There’s not much else to share. I’ve put out some feelers, but until any of my fellow, er, computer experts get back to me, it’s up to you lot to protect us.”

  Finn nodded. “Then you’ve done all you can do for now, love.” Finn looked to Grant and then Faye. “Let’s have a word in the hall.”

  Finn reluctantly handed over one of his sons to Lorna and exited the room. Grant and Faye followed. Once they were alone, Finn kept his voice low as he said, “The reason I wanted you two back is because while Cooper is improving, I don’t think he’s ready to handle a possible attack. I’m entrusting you two with the leadership of the clan until it’s absolutely necessary for me to resume command. Ara is putting up a strong front, but she needs me. Is you two working together going to be a problem? I know you weren’t on the best terms recently.”

  Sometimes Grant forgot how observant Finn could be. “Aye, we’ll be fine. We’ve been working together well the last few days.”

  Finn raised his brows. “And I trust you can keep from snogging each other until this is over?”

  Faye blinked. “What?”

  “Don’t play daft with me, Faye,” Finn replied. “I know you two are true mates and I’m happy, I really am. But it needs to wait until this is over. Can you do it?”

  “I should be offended at your implication,” Grant stated. “But what is between Faye and me is our business. Even so, we’ve kept our heads so far. I doubt a pending threat is going to suddenly make us want to shag in some corner.”

  “Grant,” Faye scolded.

  He shrugged. “The truth expedites things.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I swear I’m surrounded by males who love to irritate me.”

  “Aye, and we can team up to give you a bigger dose later,” Finn said. “For the moment, I’m entrusting the clan’s safety to you. I know you’ll do well.”

  With a wave, Finn went back into the room to his mate and children.

  Grant turned toward Faye. “Don’t worry. If Finn becomes my kin, then I have some ideas about how to retaliate.”

  Faye placed a hand over her heart. “Is Grant McFarland showing his playful side? I might have a heart attack.”

  He ignored the fact Faye hadn’t protested about his becoming Finn’s kin and replied, “There is much about me I only show to those I trust and care about. However, if you’re going to tease me about it, I can remain growly and a closed book.”

  Faye leaned against his chest. “You do that and this will be the last time I do this.”

  She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his jaw. The light brush of her lips against his skin sent a wave of heat through his body. What he wouldn’t give for half an hour alone with Faye.

  His dragon growled. We need more than half an hour.

  Not the frenzy, dragon. I merely want to taste between her thighs.

  Don’t tease me if we’re to focus.

  You always boast about being strong. Contain yourself for the next minute or two.

  While the clan needed them, he was going to take a few seconds to drive Faye crazy, too.

  Grant placed a hand on her back and slowly lowered it until he gripped her arse cheek. Faye sucked in a breath and he smiled. His voice was husky as he murmured, “Two can play that game, lass.” Since Faye had wrapped the blanket around her chest to drape down, Grant released her arse and moved his hand to the edge of the blanket. “Consider this some motivation for telling me your limits and never hiding anything from me that’s important.”

  He slowly ran his hand up under the blanket until he reached the juncture between her thighs. He paused to give Faye enough time to tell him to stop. But she remained quiet except for her pounding heart, so he lightly ran his fingers between her folds. He barely restrained a groan at how wet she was. “Faye.”

  Rather than beg or whimper, Faye placed her fingers over the outline of his hard cock. Despite the fabric of his trousers between them, her touch sent a jolt of electricity through his body. His dragon was barely restraining himself in the back of their mind.

  If a mere touch drove him crazy, what would her lips closed around his cock do to him?

  Faye’s voice filled his ear. “Let’s make a deal. Whoever finds the most important information related to stopping the threats will have first go at devouring the other’s body.”

  The image of Grant restrained on a bed as Faye took his cock into her mouth filled his mind. His dragon growled. I much rather it be the other way around.

  Are you sure? I look forward to Faye teasing us with her tongue.

  His dragonwoman’s voice cut through his thoughts. “So? Is it a deal?”

  “Fine. But just know that if I win, this is just the beginning.” He lightly brushed the hard little nub between her thighs and Faye leaned more against him. “There’s much we can do without a frenzy, just to make sure you know what you’re getting into.”

  As he teased her opening with his fingers, Faye groaned. “Grant.”

  “Aye, that’s my name.” Reluctantly, he removed his hand. “Now, let’s get started. The sooner we protect the clan, the sooner I can give you more than a preview of what’s to come.”

  Faye leaned another few seconds against his chest, and he wanted to wrap his arms around his female and never let go.

  But he needed to stem all temptations from here on out until he finally had the time to make Faye come and scream his name. Merely touching her wasn’t enough for man or beast.

  His dragon spoke up. Then why are we standing in the hall? Let’s oversee the two teams investigating the surrounding areas and see what we can find.

  Faye finally pulled away and put a few inches between them. After taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Right, let’s go.”

  As she swayed her hips and headed toward the exit, Grant memorized every detail. He would use it as motivation. Because if he had his way, Faye would be in his bed within the day.

  Chapter Seventeen


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