Redemption (Book Two of the Shipwrecked Series)

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Redemption (Book Two of the Shipwrecked Series) Page 8

by Jenna Stone

  Quinn wanted to bury himself inside of her. Now. He fought his urges and let her take control, let her torment him as she desired. He would get what he wanted one way or another.

  With her hand still firmly in place on his muscled chest, holding him down on the bed, Sarah giggled beneath the rabbit fur blanket and kissed the tip of Quinn’s arousal.

  His fingers dove into her hair as he shuddered from the pleasure of feeling her soft, sweet lips on his cock. He called out loudly and clenched his teeth together, fighting the urge to flip her over and take her, claim her.

  When she took him fully into her mouth and teased him with her wet tongue, Quinn almost spilled his seed. Her hand held the base of his cock firmly as she took him into and out of her decadent mouth. He groaned with pleasure and raised his hips to thrust gently into her sweet mouth. Quinn drove into her, fingers holding her head lightly as she made love to him with her mouth.

  “Sarah,” he moaned, lost in the throes of his pleasure.

  Sarah giggled softly. Quinn knew that she must be taking great joy in unnerving him so. He was so strong, he had such steadfast willpower except for when it came to his beautiful Sarah. With one touch Sarah could disarm him completely.

  She continued to make love to him with her mouth and she nibbled playfully at his ear. She giggled softly as she nipped his earlobe between her teeth.

  Quinn’s eyes flew open and he jerked himself up into a sitting position. How could Sarah have her mouth in two places at once?

  Shit! I was dreaming. Shit! Shit!

  The Indian girls giggled in the darkness of the dwelling and worked together to push Quinn back down onto the cot. Still disoriented from his pleasurable dream and abrupt waking, Quinn’s eyes struggled to figure out what was going on. He felt the soft lips surround his cock again and a pair of large, naked breasts pressed against his chest. He struggled to sit up again and suddenly his hazy brain awoke fully and he realized what was happening.

  “No!” he shouted, jumping from the cocoon of the rabbit skin blankets. “No. No. No! I canna have ye doing that!” he exclaimed, still shaken by the fact that he had been dreaming about Sarah and in reality two Indian women were pleasuring him while he slept.

  The women regarded him dourly in the darkness. He could barely make out the outlines of their naked bodies as they sat on his cot. They giggled amongst themselves and reached out to Quinn, beckoning him back to the bed so they could finish what they had started.

  “No. I canna. I told ye!” Quinn stammered, searching for his pants in the darkness and pulling them up over his pulsing manhood. “Get ye out of here!” he insisted, ushering the disappointed women out into the dark night and out of his borrowed dwelling.

  “Lord have mercy,” Quinn murmured into the darkness. He kept his pants on and crawled back beneath the rabbit fur blanket. He brushed his disheveled hair back from his face and shook his head from side-to-side in disbelief. It had been so long since he had been with a woman. His cock pulsed painfully in response to this thought.

  “Sarah,” he whispered into the darkness. He longed to be in her arms, to hold her and keep her safe so that she could sleep soundly. His heart thundered in his chest as he thought of the other things that he wanted to do with Sarah. He imagined what it would feel like to make love to her, to feel her trembling with need for him as he showed her how much he wanted her, how much he needed her with his body.


  Sarah ran as fast as her feet would carry her down the road. Her beautiful face beamed with a wide smile and her dark hair cascaded out behind her as she ran.

  Even from this distance, she could see that Quinn was clutching a bundle against his chest. It had to be Mairi.

  My daughter is safe! Quinn is safe!

  Upon seeing Sarah, Quinn kicked the horse into a gallop to close the distance between them. To see her beautiful face so full of joy, so full of relief caused his heart to swell. He had done this for her. He had made her this happy again.

  He had not failed her.

  “Oh my God! Thank-you!” Sarah cried out, tears of joy streaming down her olive skin. “Can I see her? Please?” she stammered, her hands already reaching up to take Mairi from where she slept secure in Quinn’s arms.

  “Aye,” Quinn smiled proudly. He handed Mairi down into her mother’s waiting arms.

  “Is she alright?” Sarah asked, now worried as her hands cradled the sleeping baby. “Did he hurt her?”

  “She’s fine, Sarah,” Quinn said reassuringly.

  Sarah unwrapped the baby quickly, needing to see for herself that he daughter was indeed uninjured.

  “Ye doona believe me?” Quinn chuckled as he slid down from the horse and stood beside Sarah.

  “Of course I believe you! I just needed to see for myself. I just needed to make sure. Oh Quinn…thank-you!” she said earnestly as she paused and looked up into his steely gray eyes. What she saw there made her breath ragged. Quinn’s yearning played openly across his face as he studied her. There was love in his gray eyes. Love for her.

  He reached down, catching Sarah by surprise and placed his hand behind her head. He pulled her towards him and captured her lips in a hungry, passionate kiss. Oh how he had missed this woman.

  Sarah swayed into him, clutching Mairi securely against her breast. She parted her lips to allow Quinn entry to her mouth. His tongue stroked hers and she met his passion. She was so glad to see him, so happy that he and Mairi were safe. The desire burning in Quinn’s kiss made Sarah’s knees feel weak and as if sensing her weakness, Quinn dropped the reins of his horse and encircled her fully in his strong arms.

  He growled low in his throat as he deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her sweet mouth with all of the pent up longing that had built within him while he was away. Sarah tasted so good, so sweet. Quinn forced himself to end the kiss and lingered just beyond Sarah’s lush, parted lips.

  “I’ve missed ye,” he said, smiling down at her and tracing the backs of his fingers slowly down the curve of her jaw line.

  Sarah flushed. “I missed you too,” she admitted, still shaken from their passionate kiss. “I was so worried about you,” Sarah confessed as she savored the warmth of Quinn’s loving embrace.

  Just then, Mairi’s eyes flew open from the chill of the crisp autumn air against her skin. Her large brown eyes darted around and when they settled on Sarah, she let out a wail. She was hungry and she wanted everyone to know about it.

  Quinn laughed heartily and fumbled to help Sarah gather the blankets back around Mairi. He picked up the horse’s reins and took Sarah’s hand in his, threading his fingers in between hers. Together they walked towards the cabin, content despite Mairi’s frantic cries.

  “See, she missed ye,” Quinn chuckled softly as he squeezed Sarah’s hand.

  Sarah sniffled and looked appreciatively down at her daughter. She jostled her and shushed her, and gradually the baby calmed. Her cries were less frantic now and she gradually became quiet, content with her tight swaddling and the movement of her mother’s steps.

  “Thank-you, Quinn,” Sarah said again, squeezing his hand.

  “Yer verra welcome,” he said softly as he leaned down and kissed her soft hair. Her sweet scent flooded his senses, stirring desire deep in his belly. Oh how he had missed her.

  “I had a long talk with Mairi on the ride back and I warned her that if she ever ran off again or even thought about making her Da chase after her, I’d…”

  Sarah stopped in her tracks. “What are you saying, Quinn?”

  “I’m saying in a round about way that I want ye, Sarah. Forever. I want Mairi. I want tae keep ye both if ye’ll let me.”

  “Quinn, you don’t have to do this,” Sarah said in protest, tears welling in her eyes. A thick lump had settled in her throat and she feared that she was about to burst into tears. “I am not a charity case,” she said, refusing to make eye-contact with him.

  “Look at me, Sarah,” he demanded, forcing her chin up wi
th his hand so that her eyes would meet his.

  Her beautiful green-brown eyes were filled with tears that she was fighting to contain. She bit her full lower lip in an effort to hold them back. Quinn noticed that her lips were still ruddy from his kisses. He wanted to kiss her again, to claim her fully, but first he would need to talk to her. He needed to convince that he did not want her out of pity for her, but he wanted her because he couldn’t fathom living without her in his life.

  “I want ye sae badly that it hurts. I never thought that I would feel like this again. Ye’ve awoken something in me that I thought was long dead,” he said tenderly as he stroked Sarah’s cheek. A tear cascaded down her face and he wiped it away with his thumb before continuing. “I love you, Sarah,” he said with conviction, eyes imploring her to understand, to accept his vow of love.

  Sarah looked up at Quinn. Her love for this man, her savior, her protector overwhelmed her. How had she ever been so lucky, so blessed to have found him?

  “I love you too,” she said softly, a smile tugging at the corners of her broad mouth as she said the words aloud for the first time.

  Quinn smiled radiantly down at her and wiped away her tears. “And I love Mairi. I want tae keep her safe, tae keep ye both safe for the rest of my life. I want tae be the father that she deserves. God, I love ye woman,” he said as he pulled Sarah in for a demanding kiss. He was staking claim to her with his lips, showing her his love as his lips slanted possessively over hers.

  Breaking away from her, he trailed his fingers lightly down Sarah’s cheek and ran his thumb delicately over her lower lip. Slowly and gently, he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her tenderly now. He showered her with his love, with his pent up desire and worshiped her with his lips and tongue. He could have kissed her forever.

  “I love you,” Sarah whispered as she broke away and cuddled against his broad chest.

  “And I ye. Ye’ve pieced my heart back together in a way that I never thought would be possible. Ye and Mairi have been the redemption that my heart needed. I plan tae work the rest of my life tae repay ye for that,” he said, smiling as he took Sarah’s hand. He brought the back of her hand to his lips and placed a light kiss atop her knuckles.

  He stepped back from her and dropped to one knee in the middle of the road.

  “Marry me, Sarah,” he said, his gray eyes soft and burning with love.

  Sarah’s hand shot up to her mouth. This she had not expected.

  “Yes! I’ll marry you, Quinn,” she said, beaming as her heart flooded with joy.

  “Ye make me sae happy,” he said, rising up and capturing her lips in a tender kiss. “Sae happy and I want tae spend the rest of my life loving ye.”


  Sarah jostled Mairi about softly, trying to wake the infant from her milk induced slumber. Mairi’s mouth was open and milk dribbled down her lips. She had been hungry upon their arrival at the cabin and she had drunk herself into a milky exhaustion.

  “Mairi,” Sarah whispered, caressing the baby’s face gently and trying to wake her. When this strategy failed, Sarah took her breast in her hand and offered the nipple to Mairi, hoping that she might suckle in her sleep. Mairi was out cold and Sarah muttered in frustration as she threw her head back against the headboard.

  “Still haven’t gotten enough of her?” Quinn teased from his chair in front of the fire. He loved watching Sarah feed Mairi. It was such an intimate, sweet ritual. Watching the woman that he loved feed their child was so different than when he had watched the Indian woman nurse Mairi. That had seemed so wrong, so contrary to this beautiful moment between a mother and her daughter.

  “I need her to eat more!” Sarah huffed in frustration, as she unwrapped Mairi from her swaddle, hoping to agitate her into wakefulness.

  “She’s had plenty tae eat. I ken that they fed her,” Quinn said, thinking back to the Indian wet-nurse. He had seen her feed Mairi with his own eyes and he knew for a fact that Mairi had not gone without while she was with the Indians.

  “I suppose that they did, but I need her to eat. Now!” Sarah snarled in desperation.

  Quinn raised his eyebrows in surprise. He could not understand why Sarah was so insistent. Mayhap she had missed the babe so much that she needed the fulfillment of feeding her from her own breasts.

  Quinn stood from the fire and walked across the room to the bed. He sat down next to Sarah, who rolled her eyes heavenward and looked towards the wall.

  “Can I help ye try tae wake her? If this is sae important tae ye, will ye let me help?”

  “She’s out cold. I’ve tried everything,” Sarah said, exasperation heavy in her tone.

  “Why are ye crying, sweetheart?” Quinn asked, reaching up to stroke her dark hair. It bothered him to see Sarah so upset. He hoped that talking about whatever grieved her would help.

  “They hurt,” she said, glancing down at her engorged breasts that were shielded beneath Quinn’s shirt. She had taken to sleeping in Quinn’s shirts while he was away, loving the comfort that his smell brought her as she slept. “I need her to eat more because they hurt,” she admitted.

  Quinn reached down and carefully took the sleeping baby from Sarah. He leaned down and placed her in the drawer that she used for a crib, gently settling her blankets around her. Straightening back up, he looked at Sarah. She was still fighting to restrain her tears and she looked so damn beautiful wearing his shirt, sitting in his bed.

  “I think that I could help ye with that if ye’ll let me,” he smiled wryly and raised an eyebrow in invitation.

  “How could you help me?” Sarah asked, annoyed that he seemed to find her predicament entertaining.

  “I’ve wondered what it would be like tae…tae take ye intae my mouth and tae suckle ye,” he confessed, a devilish smile playing across his handsome face.

  “You have?” Sarah asked incredulously. She could not believe that Quinn had thought of such a thing.

  “Aye, I have. Many times. When I see ye feeding Mairi and yer breasts are sae full, sae round, I’ve thought about…I’ve wondered what it would be like tae touch them, tae hold them in my hands and tae suckle them…” he trailed off, as he kissed Sarah lightly on the neck and traced his fingers delicately beneath the neckline of her shirt.

  Sarah giggled in mock protest. “I can’t believe you!” she said as Quinn nuzzled her neck and crawled onto the bed so that he was lying next to her.

  “Believe it,” he said huskily as his hand slid under the hem of his shirt and ever so slowly trailed up Sarah’s side. His lips settled on hers and gently he kissed her. He traced her bottom lip with his tongue, begging for entrance to her sweet mouth. She parted her lips in response and his tongue touched hers, sending shivers racing down her spine.

  “Would that be proper, Quinn?” she asked suddenly, breaking the kiss and looking up at him as she bit her lower lip.

  Quinn trailed kisses down her neck in answer. “Aye, it is proper. And just when have ye cared about what was proper?” he asked as he chuckled and continued to trail kisses down Sarah’s neck and across her collarbone.

  “Have ye nothing on under my shirt?” he asked as his hand slid further up her side and met no barriers.

  Sarah giggled and he nuzzled her neck further, his whiskers causing her to squeal and squirm against him. “No,” she admitted boldly.

  “That is most certainly not proper,” he smiled against her olive skin and nipped playfully at her collarbone. His hand slid gracefully up her rib cage, and goose bumps broke out on Sarah’s skin in response to Quinn’s expert touch. He leaned up and captured her lips in a gentle kiss and his hand found what it was looking for. Ever so cautiously, his palm came to rest around Sarah’s engorged right breast. He cupped her gently as he kissed her lips, delighting in the feel of the taught round orb in his palm.

  He shook with desire as he contemplated what he was about to do.

  Let me do this for ye, Sarah. Let me help ye.

  Pulling his lips away from Sara
h’s reluctantly, Quinn looked into her eyes. She gazed up at him with so much trust, so much adoration. Quinn smiled down at her and slowly pulled the neckline of his shirt down so as to expose Sarah’s ripe breast. He took in a shaky breath as he admired her. She was so beautiful, so perfect. His eyes flashed to Sarah’s again, needing her permission for what he was about to do.

  “Will ye let me, sweetheart?” he asked tenderly as he stroked her full breast gently with his palm.

  Sarah nodded in response and the corner of Quinn’s mouth turned up into a delicious smile.

  He lowered his lips to her engorged breast and placed tender kisses on her sensitive, heated skin.

  Sarah leaned her head back against the headboard. The skin of her breasts was so sensitive as it was stretched to the limit from engorgement. Quinn’s light kisses sent nerve impulses from her aching breasts down to the junction between her thighs. His kisses stirred new feelings of arousal within her. She wanted him to kiss her. She was surprised to discover that she wanted him to suckle her, to give her relief.

  Quinn gently settled his lips on her nipple and his cock pulsed in response to the sweet sensation of holding Sarah in his mouth. He groaned with pleasure as he began to suckle her. She tasted so good and this felt so right.

  Sarah moaned in pleasure as the pressure began to release from her engorged breasts. Her hands ran through Quinn’s hair and she held him to her breast. His lips were gentle but insistent and they brought her the sweet relief that she had needed so desperately. Never had she imagined that her breasts could be so stimulating, so erotic.

  Quinn’s hands worshiped her breasts as he suckled her gently. Touching her this way was so unbelievably pleasurable. He longed to be inside of her, to claim her fully and his cock strained at the constraints of his linen pants. He shifted his attention to Sarah’s left breast. He was so overcome with passion that before he knew what his hand was doing, it was sliding over Sarah’s belly and he was touching the heat of her womanhood.


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