Queen (The Bloodline Series Book 3)

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Queen (The Bloodline Series Book 3) Page 7

by Mary Duke

  “Fantastic, you’re going to use my own tactics against me?”

  “I did learn from the best.”

  Cat pitched in her two cents, “We’re all in trouble now!”

  “No,” I said when I realized where Foley was going.


  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m absolutely serious.”

  “You know me,” I said trying to get her to change her mind.

  “And you know me,” she argued back. “Plus, I don’t have a choice. I have to sit up there, or they think I’m being disrespectful. I know it sounds stupid, you’d think sitting with them would be better....traditions though, I guess. Can’t break traditions without someone getting butt-hurt, and there having to be a meeting, and formal discussion, and an apology...”

  “Ugh,” I groaned, following Foley to the head table.

  “He really is mad, isn’t he?” Foley whispered in my ear when Damari decided to sit on the other side of Kyrell instead of me.

  “I guess so.”

  “Why is he so against this?”

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “There are a lot of people who will be though. Mainly those who have fought for their position in the community.”

  “That doesn’t make sense though,” Foley argued. “You’d think if they fought for their position, they’d have connections, and therefore more likely to win.”

  Cat answered for me while I chewed. “That’s the problem itself. Just think about your mom and her situation. She had no intention to become Queen. It wasn’t a role she wanted, but her people wanted her and she was supposed to put everything in her life on hold and be someone she didn’t want to be.”

  “Oh,” Foley said seeing it from that angle now.

  “Not to mention with the title comes the blame. I mean you’re never going to make everyone happy, and with that, there’s risks.”

  “So he’s worried about you?”

  “I think that’s his problem...well, that and he doesn’t want the attention either.”

  “Well,” Foley said in a sarcastic tone. “If he can’t take the heat, he knows where to go.”

  “It’s not that simple anymore,” I snapped.

  Foley instantly reached from my stomach, a cheesy grin filling her face.

  I smacked her hand away, “Seriously. No. I’m not.” I stammered. “But I do think he is the one, like my heart, my soul...I don’t know how to say it without sounding like some random drunk guy in the bar who wants your number.”

  “You just know,” Foley said.

  I nodded.

  “Well then. I guess he’s just going to have to get used to being beside the center of attention because it’s obvious you have him just as flustered as he has you.”

  I forced a half smile and took another big bite to avoid talking about it anymore.

  As I slid my third plate forward, unable to even look at it anymore, a man and a woman approached.

  “Narah,” Foley said. “This is Harmony and Ginger. Harmony leads the counsel...if you ever want to know what’s going on, she’s the woman of the hour. She literally knows everything...I guess she’s always known everything.”

  “Not always,” she said, a sweet smile spreading across her face. “You make me sound old.”

  “Well hon,” the man standing beside her said. “We are pushing our second century now.”

  “Those are just numbers. I have never felt more alive than I do standing here today.”

  I returned her smile.

  “I just wanted to swing by and let you know that now that order has once again been restored here in our realm, things will resume to the way they once were. There are no issues between the wolves and the Dark Fairies. That being said I would like to clarify that we do no support Sonja nor her army of followers. And though our previous Queen aided this power thirsty bitch, giving her everything she wanted in exchange for more power for herself, none of us in the counsel supported her, nor will we let history repeat itself.”

  I nodded, unsure of what to say and not wanting the wrong words to come out of my mouth.

  “Your mother was a fantastic woman, as was her mother, and her grandmother. I knew them well, and I am saddened that I missed out on your childhood. Though something tells me that your future is not one that anyone is going to miss.”


  “There are great things written for you Narah. Wonderful things. You just need to hold true to who you are, never lose sight of that.”

  I smiled and thought to myself, if it was only that easy. More and more of Kamara’s life was flashing before my eyes. I could hear her thoughts, recall her memories. Telling the difference between her life and mine was becoming increasingly difficult.

  “Are you okay?” Foley asked, putting her hand on my leg.

  “Yeah...fine,” I answered. “Why, did I say something wrong?”

  “No. You just kinda zoned there for a minute.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. A lot on my mind.”

  She nodded, though she knew there was more to it.

  I took a deep breath and attempted to focus my thoughts on the now. Strengthening the makeshift walls I had built in my mind to keep Kamara at bay.

  Cat leaned in closer to Foley, “I believe Harmony is ready to speak.”

  “She’s speaking?” I questioned, now worried I offended her by not saying much.

  “Yes. She speaks for the counsel, takes all their thoughts and opinions, and makes them one. Believe me, it’s the best way to go, otherwise, every meeting and speech and decision would take a week.”

  I was still nervous.

  “Good evening,” Harmony said starting out, her silver hair gleaming in the lights. “I am thrilled that you have all made it out here tonight, and I do apologize that we had to limit the number of attendees for tonight’s dinner. Fear not though, there will be more opportunities to speak with and meet Narah Night in the future, or at least that is what our little birdie has assured me.”

  I leaned closer to Foley, “Little birdy?”

  Foley whispered back, “Our seer’s name is Sparrow.”

  Harmony turned to Foley as if asking for approval, and when Foley nodded, she began. “I am sure the majority of you here know the gist of everything that has happened over the last Queen’s reign. Just as I am sure the majority of you here do not agree with what happened.” The crowd murmured and nodded. “To be sure that we are all on the same page, and that no one is left in the dark, there are a few key things I would like to touch on before the announcement that I have promised. First, Foley, the counsel, and I would like to put all rumors to rest and make sure there is no question when it comes to the death of the Queen and the one hundred and seventeen that died with her. Foley’s sister, along with several others, were the ones responsible for her death: A death which set each and every one of us free. A death that unlinked us from a terrible deal, a pact with a miserable woman. An act that once again gave us the ability to think for ourselves.

  “The second thing we would like to make sure that no one is confused over is, all ties with the Crescent Queen have been severed. Anyone that questioned that separation was removed. Though I have said countless times since her death, that we are now free to think for ourselves, to have an opinion, to speak freely once again...there are still rules, and there is still a time and a place for all discussions.

  “As a whole, it had been decided that we would no longer venture down that path. It would no longer be acceptable to sell our prisoners’ magic to anyone, let alone someone trying their damnedest to start a war. Because let’s be honest here, Sonja would not have followed through with her end of the agreement. There would have been no power given to us, no place in her court. She is, has always, and will always be a self-centered, I come first always, type of person.

  “Lastly, and I’m sure many of you here feel is most important, another rumor I am standing here before you to put to rest is where our current Queen
has been.

  “It is true that Foley has not been here in the castle, and working side by side, day in and day out with the council.”

  Whispers began to spread among them.

  Harmony raised her voice. “I am not finished. Before the name and responsibility of Queen fell into her lap, Foley had prior obligations...and though she is fully aware of the fact that being the ruler and protector of our people comes first, she isn’t willing to back out on her friends. BEFORE ANYONE says a word, I want to be the first to publicly approve of her decision. Let me explain why. From the personal standpoint, I see why Foley wouldn’t want to betray and abandon her friend, who has been there for her. THIS speaks for her character as a person, it screams that she isn’t willing to let fame, power, or whatever you want to call it come before who she is as a person. From the perspective of the council, she is doing exactly what we need her to do. Despite what the previous Queen would have liked you to believe, we are not safe in this war. This war threatens the entire Paranormal Community. If all-out war happens, the possibility of us being exposed is great. Not to mention, as I said Sonja is power hungry, and the power she currently seeks is great, greater than anything any of us have ever known. Once she gets her hands on that power... IF she gets her hands on that power, her thirst for more will never end, and there is no guarantee that we are strong enough to stop her if she were to come for our power next.

  “So, yes, Foley has been gone, fighting alongside her friend, seeing the cause and effect of this war for herself...and we believe that is where she should be. The date for next year’s dinners, civil disputes, and disagreements can wait. Rest assured, that our Queen is exactly where she needs to be.”

  The whispers turned into applause and there were even a few whistles thrown in.

  “Now that being said, and because I promised to keep this short and sweet so they could get back on their way. The final words I have for you tonight, my announcement, is that we will fight alongside Narah. We will stand and we will fight on whatever side opposes the Crescents’ grab for power...and we will stand as one.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Well, that went smoothly enough,” I said to Foley as we walked through Cat’s gate and back to Torryn’s camp.

  “Right?” Foley agreed. “Not going to lie, I was surprised myself.”

  “Hey,” Damari said grabbing my arm. “Do you think I could talk to you for a second?”

  My heart skipped a beat. These were the first words he had spoken to me since I spoke of the coalition, and I didn’t like the tone of his voice.

  “Yeah, sure,” I said, my face quickly scanning Kyrell’s in hopes for a hint at what Damari wanted to talk about.

  “THERE YOU ARE!” Torryn said.

  “Just as I said they would be,” a familiar little voice said.

  “Were you expecting us sooner?” Foley questioned.

  “Did something happen?” I asked as Malikii walked around Torryn.

  “Yes, and kind of,” Torryn answered.

  “Malikii has had a vision, and...”

  “And,” Malikii said speaking over Torryn, “I can speak for myself.”

  “Of course,” Torryn said his tone wavering in what I would almost consider fear.

  The boy looked around, “Is there somewhere more private?”

  “This has been my home,” Torryn said, pointing to a shed off the side of the house. “I believe it’s empty at the moment.”

  “It will have to work,” he said walking towards it. “Narah, Foley, Damari, Kyrell, Gemma, please come with me.”

  Gemma, I thought looking back, not realizing that she had joined us.

  “I have no idea,” Gemma said putting her hands up. “I was sent for, that’s the extent of my knowledge.”

  “If you all hurry up, you’ll know why I’ve come.”

  I laughed as we all packed in the ten by ten shed.

  “Now, as some of you are aware I’ve been following this war, something about it has reached out to me, and I’ve felt as though it was my job to follow through with it.”

  “Your job...” I said not liking the tone. “Where’s your brother?”

  “He is no longer with us,” Malikii said looking up to the ceiling.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered under my breath.

  “He gave his life for this. It is something we both believe in. Now, if you would all please join hands; this first one is for everyone to see.”

  Our hands locked and the instant the circle closed, the shed faded and we were in another house.

  “Are you sure we are safe here?” A woman’s voice questioned.

  “We are not safe anywhere mother,” a man replied.

  “Well then, let’s get on with it.”

  “You’re the one who insisted on coming.”

  “There was no other choice.”

  “Because you’ve made it so,” he argued with her.

  “Hallos!” The woman scolded him.

  “It’s the truth. You are the one who has brought this war upon us in your pursuit of power.”

  “I have done this for you...for your brothers.”

  “We didn’t ask for this. For ANY of this.”

  “You ungrateful bastard,” she spat.

  “Sonja,” another woman spoke, and the three of them came into view.

  “Claire,” Sonja replied.

  “Do you have what I requested?”

  “That depends, are you able to fulfill your end of the deal?”

  “Do you think I would be here if I couldn’t?”

  Sonja smiled and took the bag off her shoulder before reaching inside. “The blood of my greatest enemy. My blood,” she said handing her another vial. “The herbs and essence you asked for,” she said handing her a pouch. “My most prized possession,” she said carefully pulling a skull from her bag. “The Skull of Kamara, which is a direct link to the Coven.”

  Claire’s face lit up with excitement as she took the skull in her hands.

  “Oh...” Sonja said, glancing up at Hallos. “And my first born.”

  “Excuse me?” Hallos questioned, taking a step back.

  “We all must make sacrifices,” Sonja said turning away from him. “I will be back in two days. That is Wednesday, the start of the new moon, as we discussed.”

  “Everything will be ready,” Claire said snapping her fingers to signal her guards to come. “Take him to the cellar. Use the enchanted chains.”

  The vision ended and we once again were standing around in the cabin.

  “Now I’ve had a few more visions of this house, though I am unable to share them with you. I need you to believe me when I say this is where we have to surprise them, this is where the war will be fought.”

  “Really?” I questioned.

  “Yes,” Malikii answered. “Do you believe it should be elsewhere?”

  “I have no idea where it should be...I guess I just didn’t expect the war to be like every battle we’ve fought so far.”

  “Don’t let the fact that it’s a house fool you. You saw but a single room, in a castle. A castle well known for its never-ending halls and rooms with no doors.”

  “Carver’s Manor,” Gemma said.

  “You know the place?” Malikii questioned, beating the rest of us to the question.

  “I lived there...” Gemma said, her eyes falling to the floor.

  “Really?” Malikii questioned his eyes darting back and forth between me and Gemma.

  “Claire is my Aunt. When my family passed, she took me in...It took me five years to escape.”

  “If you don’t mind,” Malikii said grabbing ahold of Gemma’s hand. “Can you wait for me outside?”

  “Of course,” Gemma muttered as she rushed out of the door.

  “Actually, all of you can wait outside, this next one is just for Narah and Damari. Don’t worry, this vision I believe will give you both hope. There’s nothing to fear.”

  I needed hope. I needed something to make me believ
e that there was going to be more to my life than this war.

  Malikii looked up at me and smiled before he reached his small hand out for Damari’s. “This one was sent to me, I did not seek it...those are always the most magical ones. I wish it was more though, this is just a few clips, but I do believe it will be enough,” he said squeezing our hands in his.

  Damari and I didn’t look too much different, though I could tell some time had passed. We were walking, hand in hand along a trail, one that I did not recognize. I had a smile on my face, one just as happy as Damari’s.

  “What do you think he’s going to say?” I asked Damari

  “I don’t know, this is exactly what he wanted,” he replied.

  “MOM! DAD!” A little boy said running up the trail towards us with his arms open wide. “Do you know...Did you find out? Am I having a sister?” He questioned, as Damari scooped him up in his arms.

  I looked down at my stomach, putting my hands on either side of the bump. “Aunt Kinny said that there is both a girl and a boy.”

  The little boy’s face lit up with excitement, “WHAT! There are TWO!”

  Damari chuckled and answered before I could, “Is Aunt Kinny ever wrong?”

  “Queens are never wrong.”

  “That’s right,” I said. “Always remember that.”

  Once again we were in the shed, staring down at a little boy with a wide grin spread across his face. “I told you it would give you hope.”

  For a split second, I was nervous to check Damari’s reaction. What did he want to talk to me about when we got back, why did his voice sound so serious? Before I could finish the thought, Damari cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips against mine.

  “That,” he said. “That’s what I am asking for.”

  I didn’t have any words, at least none that I felt fit the moment, so I instead returned his kiss.

  “Gross,” Malikii grumbled before someone knocked on the door.

  “You seem to be the woman of the hour,” Foley said, peeking inside when I told her it was safe.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sparrow, the seer that the council has on hand, she has come here to see you.”

  “Here?” I questioned, knowing many of Foley’s kind prefer to stay out of the human realm.


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