Pregnant By My Boss: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance Compilation

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Pregnant By My Boss: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance Compilation Page 100

by Cassandra Dee

  And the girl just smiled at me, her breath warm, her body tense yet relaxed near mine.

  “It’s absolutely what I want Chris,” she breathed. “You’re what I want because,” and here she paused, “my mom and dad had an unexpected courtship. I’m not going to get into it now, but let’s just say that they got married when no one approved, not one of my grandparents attended the ceremony. And you know what? It’s worked. They’ve been happily married twenty years, and so I know that we can make it work.”

  My body grew hot then, my jaw clenching as her words sank in. Twenty years? More like I wanted fifty years with this beauty, shit, even that wasn’t enough. A lifetime was more like it.

  But I still didn’t get it.

  “But honey,” I ground out. “What about the way we met? You hated that, you thought I was buying you, that you traded sex for money.”

  The girl nodded soberly, her brown eyes meeting mine.

  “I admit that we met in a … um, untraditional way,” she said softly, “but that doesn’t mean that what we have now isn’t real. I’ve been thinking, and I think everyone ‘buys’ others to some extent, it’s just a question of how explicit it is. I mean, my mom’s never worked during her marriage so I guess my dad has ‘bought’ her for the last twenty years, right? It was part of their marriage pact.”

  And I growled deep in my throat.

  “But honey, that’s completely normal. Your mom is taken care of because she’s a wife,” I ground out. “I’d want that for my wife as well, I’d want to provide for her and my family, but we’re talking about something different. You weren’t my wife, you were a girl whose body I wanted, and which I paid for, I admit. And that transaction was making you question everything, our love for one another, our devotion, our mutual trust and understanding.”

  And the brunette nodded at me, her eyes growing wide at the word “love.”

  “I know, Chris,” she whispered, her breath warm against my skin. “But I’ve realized that as cheesy as it sounds, love can triumph … if you’ll just let it. And we love each other, don’t we? We love spending time together, talking, fighting, loving, we’re a match through and through, aren’t we?”

  And the lump in my throat was so big, so enormous that I could hardly make out any words. But I forced myself because this was literally the most important moment in my life and I couldn’t let her down. I couldn’t let down my best girl, who’d pushed through her own inhibitions, her own justifiable concerns and doubts, to end up here, with me, believing in me, in us, trusting me and revealing her heart.

  “Baby,” I ground out, pressing my forehead against hers. “I’ll make it worth it to you. I promise,” I rumbled deep in my throat. “There is no one more precious to me than you because yeah, we started off in an unsavory situation but I’ve never regretted it. Never,” I ground out roughly.

  And the girl laughed softly then, flashing that beautiful smile, making my heart pump all the faster.

  “Chris, let’s do something different from here on out, okay?” she suggested gently, her brown eyes filled with such emotion that my heart overflowed and burst, I was such putty in her hands. I was a prisoner to Lindy, whatever she wanted, her desires were mine, her needs, her wants, were my guides in life. “I want to propose that instead of referring to our first moments together as a ‘transaction,’ let’s just say that I ‘gifted’ myself to you instead. Is that okay?” she asked shooting me a special smile.

  And I leaned down to kiss her again, nuzzling her lips, grazing my mouth across her cheek.

  “Of course baby,” I rumbled. “Because I’ve never had a gift as good as you.”

  And the brunette just sighed, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Good,” she breathed. “Now take me again and make me yours.”

  And this time, I didn’t hesitate. Because the virgin was a virgin no more, but instead of walking away as I normally do, Lindy and I were going to find a future together. It wasn’t a straightforward path at all. We’d gone from sex for money, a hedonistic ten-day arrangement, to a long-term relationship all in the course of a few months. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything because the brunette was my lover, my star, my guide, and I can’t imagine life without her anymore, it would be cold, pathetic and miserable. But instead, a new chapter has blossomed and I’ve got a girl in my arms that’s worth more than anything.

  So I kissed her and murmured into her hair.

  “I love you baby,” my throat tight, my heart aching. “I love you so much and I can’t wait for our life to start together.”

  And she looked up at me, brown eyes full with adoration and yet spiced with a twinkle of mirth.

  “I know Mr. Jones,” she murmured. “And let’s start now, okay? Because I can’t wait a moment longer.”

  And with that, the new chapter unfolded. We rushed up to the master bedroom, sure, but there was so much more than just the physical this time. Because there was real emotion, caring, adoration in every touch, and our love was cemented then in a way that only happens once in a lifetime. And about making it permanent? You’re right, I did it, because Lindy was a catch and I was never letting her walk away. So yeah, I was gifted a virgin … and I never let her go. She was mine, I was hers, and the entire world was at our feet, our love shining so strong, so pure, so true that there would never be any doubts again.



  “Oh Chris,” I moaned into the pillowcase. “Oh god.”

  The big man chuckled behind me. “Are you referring to God or me?” he panted, his voice rough. “Because although I’m flattered, I’m not him … although I could if you wanted me to be,” he panted with a sly smile. Because at that very moment, Chris was driving into me, his hips forceful, his rod so deep into me that I mewled again, muffling my cry.

  “Shhh, baby,” he hushed, his hips pistoning like crazy, his cock bouncing off my cervix with every stroke, making me moan even louder. “Don’t wake the baby, don’t make her cry.”

  And I choked back my groans as best I could, swallowing my gasps, pressing my face into the pillow so hard that I could barely breathe. Because we’d just put Joanie to sleep, our six month-old daughter was sweet awake, but even sweeter asleep, and Chris and I wanted to make the best of her naptimes, use the brief interludes to explore each other physically, reacquainting ourselves with each other’s bodies, tasting one another, savoring, sampling, and releasing ourselves in our mutual love.

  Because Chris and I didn’t waste any time after we talked. There was no dilly-dallying after I showed up at his mansion, after we confessed our love to one another and decided to make a go of it. So yeah, I moved into his mansion immediately and within a month, I was pregnant.

  “Mr. Jones!” I gasped, staring at the pregnancy test. “Oh my god!”

  The big man pulled my hand to his, the stick limp between my fingers to take a look. And instead of panic or recriminations, a smile slowly crept over his face.

  “You’re pregnant, baby girl, is that so hard to believe?” he drawled, pulling me into his lap. “We’ve never used protection and I’ve filled you with cum so many times, there’s no way you couldn’t be pregnant, you’re nineteen and fertile.”

  And that was true, we’d never bothered with condoms or birth control, but still, the surprise knocked the air out of me and I couldn’t answer at first.

  “But … but we’re not married,” I finally managed. “I just moved in, I just dropped out of school, I just enrolled at the culinary institute to be a chef. This is …” my voice trailed off.

  But Chris wouldn’t give up.

  “Amazing?” he said with a cocked eyebrow. “Incredible? Another miraculous gift?”

  And I smiled at him because we always play on the word “gift” now, it’s how we refer to our first interaction, and he was right. The thought of a baby on the way was the best gift of all, I couldn’t imagine anything better.

  “So you want to keep it?” I asked tremulously. “Him or her? You want
to be a dad?”

  And Mr. Jones growled low in his chest, dropping kisses against my breasts, my nipples, my stomach before laying me on the bed and moving slowly to my pussy. I tensed and sighed beneath him, my slit creamy and wet, tingling uncontrollably as he parted my folds, gazing deeply at me before bending his head for a slick taste.

  “Baby,” he murmured as he lapped at my clit, “there’s nothing that I’d want more than to see you swell up with my child. There’s nothing in the world that could be better, this is the second best gift I’ve ever received … the first being you.”

  And I shuddered then, moaning his name, my pussy on fire, my hands scrabbling for his big body, begging for his cock.

  “Oh Chris,” I moaned as he slid into me, making me feel so full, my cunt spreading wetly as he filled my wet cavern. “Oh god, I love you.”

  And as the big man pressed deep inside, making us into one, once again cementing our adoration for one another. He caught my lips for another kiss, pressing into my mouth with his tongue as he pushed into my pussy with his dick, the movements mirroring one another.

  “Yes, baby, yes,” he ground out into my mouth. “You’re mine.”

  And I melted again, all over him, creaming wetly, giving myself up. Because this is my life now, I live with the alpha male, we’re good together, better than good, amazing, great. And we’ve been blessed, finding each other, committing to one another, reveling in our love, our connection so strong, so deep, that it takes my breath away.

  So yes, I’ve become Mrs. Christopher Jones, we made it permanent after finding out about the baby. And you know what? Nothing feels better than wearing his ring on my finger, trumpeting to the world that I belong to him, that I’m half of a whole, that I’ve found my one and only.

  And as for Mr. Jones? Well, he still likes it when I call him that, so I do it for fun, as part of our love play, our teasing, our mutual adoration for one another. And although we started unconventionally, it’s ended well, and I can only look forward to our life together, exploring, loving, adoring, walking hand in hand as the days pass. Because it’s been almost two years now and the fire hasn’t dimmed, the flame still burns as strong as ever. And I know deep in my heart that it will burn that way forever because I’ve gifted myself to him, and in return, my man, my lover, has done the same for me.



  Chris’s depraved ways got you turned on? Watch him work an MFMM foursome during his younger years in Stretched by Three Men, a special bonus follow-up free when you sign up for my newsletter at!

  Continue on to read Loving the Babysitter: A Forbidden Romance.

  Loving the Babysitter

  ~An Erotic Romance~

  © 2016

  By Cassandra Dee

  Want to hear about my newest illicit romance? Addicted to virgins and alpha males? Join my mailing list at and get a FREE BOOK unavailable elsewhere!


  She was good with kids, and the alpha male wanted more babies.

  I’ve known Mandy Smith for years now, ever since she started coming over to babysit my daughter. Back then, Mandy was a gangly teen with buckteeth and braces, someone I barely noticed. But something’s changed since she was away at college.

  The braces came off.

  The brunette got contacts.

  And holy hell, but the girl developed curves!

  Because I’ve been divorced for years now, and my gorgeous babysitter would be the perfect mommy for more children – our children!


  For everyone who’s ever loved someone off-limits.



  My ancient Accord puttered into the driveway of the Parkers’ house, coming to a grinding halt, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I’d made it. My car hadn’t broken down and I’d made it all the way to my next job. Because I hadn’t babysat for the Parkers in months now, and the money would definitely be useful with tuition due soon.

  But as I got my bearings, another sigh escaped me because driveway probably wasn’t even the right word to describe the gravel road. It was a huge, circular rotunda, the kind that you could imagine an army of horses and carriages pulling up to, with a butler answering the door, stiff-lipped with a tray of drinks. And in addition to the huge, stone mansion, there were vast grounds, a beautifully landscaped garden, plus an infinity pool that I could glimpse just around the corner, the water peaceful and smooth in the winter light.

  So yeah, the Parkers lived like kings. And even though we’re technically neighbors in the same gated community, my parents are in the modest portion, with medium-sized homes and small yards, whereas my employers lived up the hill in the extravagant millionaires’ section. But what the hell, I was here for a job and little Violet was the cutest thing, a spunky ball of fire. I couldn’t wait to see her again, those flaxen curls, the baby blues that could melt your heart. Even when she was a terror, the tiny blonde was still adorable, a small whirlwind of energy that could make any adult smile and sigh with exasperation at once.

  So switching off the ignition, I stepped out of my battered car before carefully walking up the steps to knock on the big door. Just a couple months ago, I would have bounded up the steps like a streak of lightning, athletic and thin as a whip. But I’ve changed these past couple months, and where I used to be rangy and gristly, now I had curves. There was no more tearing up the stairs like a girl on fire, there was too much bounce and flesh, too much sweet heft. So I walked like a lady, hips swaying, trying to keep things decent.

  But total silence greeted me after ringing the doorbell. Weird, that was strange. After another minute, I rang the bell again. Maybe they were all upstairs and couldn’t hear? But then some scuffling noises sounded, some bumps, and finally the door opened, revealing Mr. Parker.

  I smiled shyly, trying not to show my nervousness because Mr. Parker’s always been gorgeous and this time was no exception. The big male was huge and dark, filling up the doorway, making me feel positively tiny, teacup-sized. Of course I’d always noticed, but seeing him again only confirmed his hotness. Coal-colored hair and blue eyes so intense they positively seared my frame. Plus, he had body to die for as well, none of that flabby dad-bod stuff. Broad shoulders tapered to a trim waist, with long, powerful legs clad in dress pants.

  “Oh hey Mandy,” he rumbled. “So sorry, we’re a little … Violet, stop!” he called out.

  And as we stood there, a giant wail rang out, making Mr. Parker grimace a bit.

  “Come in, come in,” he ground out, exasperated, taking a deep breath. “It’s been a long day.”

  And even though my heart was pumping from his nearness, I made myself smile and step into the foyer. This, I definitely remembered. The space was huge, all marble floors with a giant chandelier swinging over our heads.

  “Where’s Violet?” I asked tentatively, trying to look nonchalant.

  Mr. Parker took another deep sigh. Come to think of it, he was worn around the edges, there were brackets around his deep blue eyes that hadn’t been there before and his laugh lines were a little more prominent. Must have been his job, I knew he worked in finance doing something, what I wasn’t exactly sure.

  “Violet,” he called out again, one hand on the bannister. “Come down please, your favorite person is here.”

  And the patter of small footsteps sounded before a tiny blonde bundle hurtled down the stairs into my arms.

  “Mandy, Mandy,” cried the five year-old. “You’re here!”

  The little girl was such a sweetheart. Despite today being a regular day and not a holiday, she had on a purple ballerina dress, complete with stiff tutu and a glittery crown on her head.

  “Hi sweetheart,” I said cheerily. “I like your outfit. Were you playing princess upstairs?”

  Violet drew back for a moment and I saw that her chubby face was streaked with tears and eyes red from crying.

ou okay honey?” I asked, more gently this time. “Did the evil witch come?”

  She nodded silently, blue eyes looking up at me, slight smears of chocolate around her mouth. But that was okay, kids get dirty really easily and it could be fixed with a warm washcloth, no problem.

  But there was something was different about Violet’s appearance, it wasn’t my imagination. Just like her dad, she looked exhausted, which was not okay for a five year-old. Kids get tired, sure, but they fall asleep right away and wake up completely refreshed, every day is a new day for them. So it worried me though I tried not to show it. Murmuring reassuringly, I said, “Vi, we’ll get you dinner, cleaned up and then ready for bed okay?”

  But the little girl screamed then, kicking and jerking her legs violently against me.

  “Oof!” the breath woofed out of my stomach, her patent shoes pounding painfully against my hips. “Ouch!”

  And Mr. Parker stepped in then, bodily hauling his daughter off of me, clamping her tight against his big form.

  “I’m sorry, we’ve been having a tough go of it recently, you know with Vivian moving out and all.”

  I stopped in my tracks before catching myself and trying to look normal. Mrs. Parker had moved out? What? When? Why hadn’t my parents told me?

  And Mr. Parker nodded again, eyes dark.

  “Vivian moved out a couple months back,” he rasped, “and it’s been tough for Vi. She hasn’t been sleeping well, throwing tantrums left and right. So if you can manage her tonight, it’d be a miracle.”


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