Sentenced to a Punishment Examination

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Sentenced to a Punishment Examination Page 5

by Carole Archer

  “That’s better,” he said, patting her bottom. “Not much left to do, then you can go to bed. We need you properly rested for tomorrow.”

  “I’m really sorry, sir, I’ve learned my lesson. I promise I’ll never be so naughty again,” she said, clutching the leg of his trouser as he parted her buttocks. She hoped he was going to give her another orgasm, but doubted very much that that was his intention.

  “I’m sure you won’t be naughty when I’m finished with you,” he said, squirting lubricant into her anus and making her jump. His finger pressed into her, and as it moved in and out, she once more relaxed.

  “I’ve learned my lesson already. You really don’t need to punish me anymore.” Tightening her grip on his trouser leg, she shuffled forward, parting her legs further, trying to encourage him to touch her pussy again.

  Her pleas were met with laughter, and she glanced back over her shoulder to scowl at him. Picking a large bullet-shaped object up from the bed beside him, Dr. Wilkie pressed it against her anus.

  “What’s that?” Her eyes widened as he started to push it into her. “No, I don’t want it. What is it? Take it out,” she squealed, kicking her legs, her eyes widening with terror as her anus swallowed the item. His finger slid into her bottom hole and pushed it deeper.

  “Don’t be so silly,” he scolded, one arm across her lower back, holding her in place, the index finger of his other hand thrust deep into her rectum. “It’s only a slow release glycerine suppository. It’ll work overnight to clear your lower bowel.” Megan stilled, her jaw dropping at his proclamation.

  “You might wake up a little early, needing to go to the toilet. If you do, then you know where to go,” he said cheerily.

  “No, you can’t, what if I don’t wake up in time?” Her voice was almost a screech, the prospect of having an accident more terrifying than anything he had done to her so far.

  “Then you would be in even bigger trouble,” he told her, firmly slapping her right buttock. “But to help you out,” he added, pressing against her anus once more, “I’ll just slip this little butt plug in, to hold everything inside. But when you do need to go, I expect you to come to me and ask me to remove the plug. If you wake during the night, I’m only next door. Come and wake me and I’ll be happy to take it out. Don’t even think about removing it yourself, because the consequences will not be pleasant.”

  Heat rose up through Megan’s neck, burning her cheeks. Every time she thought things could not get any worse, he did something else to prove that theory incorrect.

  “Oh, I’m looking forward to punishing this gorgeous bottom,” he said, shocking Megan as he squeezed and patted her buttocks, before delivering a sharp slap to each. “So sexy,” he added, smacking her sit spots. “Mmm, absolutely perfect,” he concluded, giving her cheeks a quick rub. “Such a shame I have to punish you. I could think of much better things to do with such a lovely ass.”

  Megan was stunned by his words and her thoughts returned to the orgasm she enjoyed in his bath. She wondered if he had done that simply to relax her and make her more compliant, or if it was because he was attracted to her. As he released his grip and helped her up, she gazed into his face. Feeling brave, she stepped closer.

  “Dr. Wilkie,” she purred, running her fingers down his chest, before kneeling in front of him, her face close to his crotch. “You don’t really have to punish me. I could think of other ways to make it up to you,” she said, chewing her lip as she ran her fingers over the defined bulge in the front of his pants.

  “Really?” he said, touching a hand to her cheek, his eyebrows lifting as he stared down at her. “And what would we tell your father? Would we tell him that I didn’t bother to carry out his sentence because you offered me a blowjob instead? I wonder what he would think of that.” His lips quirked and his dark eyes glinted.

  Shoulders slumped in defeat, Megan lowered her head and sighed. “I’m sorry, I just…”

  “You were just trying to get out of a well-deserved punishment, and I’m afraid that isn’t going to happen. You are a beautiful young woman, and under different circumstances I wouldn’t hesitate to fuck you senseless.” Megan’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Don’t look so surprised and coy. You’re as attracted to me as I am to you.”

  Megan lowered her eyes. He was right, but the fact he was planning on doing unspeakable things to her the following day, that just ruined everything. But she was very flattered to know that the handsome doctor fancied her too.

  “Come on, into bed with you,” he said, bringing a blush to her cheeks as he pulled her pyjama bottoms up and gave her ass a light tap. Tucking her in, he kissed her cheek.

  “Sweet dreams,” he said, stroking her hair before getting up and heading toward the door. Turning out the light, he closed the door behind him, leaving Megan alone in the dark.

  Her ass clenched around the plug that filled her behind. She wondered what would happen as the suppository melted, if she would have a sudden need to go. She couldn’t bear the thought of going to him and asking him to remove the object from her ass, but if she needed to she would have to overcome that embarrassment.

  Rolling onto her stomach, Megan closed her eyes. She recalled the spanking he had given her in the bath. It made her buttocks sting, but she also remembered the expert way he manipulated her clit. Focusing on that thought, she drifted into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Megan woke early the next morning. It was still dark outside, but her bowels cramped, reminding her of the medication Dr. Wilkie had administered before she went to sleep.

  Clutching her stomach, she swung her legs out of bed and sat up, squirming as the small butt plug pressed into her. Glancing toward the wall, she imagined him sleeping in the room next door. Would he be awake yet? Would he really mind if she woke him, to remove the plug? Biting her lip, she wondered if she might be able to get it out herself, thus removing the most embarrassing aspect of her current situation.

  Before she had chance to act on her thoughts, the bedroom door swung open. “Ah, good, you’re awake,” he said, turning on the light and moving across the room toward her. “Has your medicine worked?”

  Lowering her head, she nodded, doubling up as her stomach churned.

  “Let’s get you to the little girls’ room,” he said, pulling her up onto her feet and draping a comforting arm around her shoulders, as he guided her to the bathroom.

  “Bend over and put your hands on the toilet seat,” he said, pushing her forward with a hand between her shoulder blades. She closed her eyes as her pants were pulled down, but when he parted her buttocks with one hand and reached for the plug lodged in her behind, she gritted her teeth and squeezed her cheeks together.

  When he did nothing, simply standing behind her patiently, while maintaining his grip on the base of the plug, she relaxed her butt muscles. She stood up abruptly when he pulled the plug out, staring at him as he took his time washing it under the tap. Going red-faced with the effort of clenching her buttocks together, she marched on the spot, her pyjama bottoms around her ankles and her arms wrapped around her stomach. Reaching back, she cupped her butt cheeks, willing him to go away.

  “I thought you’d be desperate to sit down,” he said, pointing to the toilet seat, as he put the plug on the top shelf of the bathroom cabinet. “I’ll go down and make a start on breakfast,” he added, to her immense relief. “Come down and join me when you’re done. You have time for a quick shower if you want one.”

  Seconds after the door closed behind him, Megan dropped down onto the toilet seat and sighed with relief. After remaining there for several minutes, she got up and wiped herself clean. Next she washed her face, using the pink toothbrush he had left out for her to clean her teeth. Getting into the shower, she let the cool water trickle over her body. Her head tipped back, the water sprayed into her face, as she tried desperately not to think about what the day might hold. It certainly had not got off to a good start.

  Returning to her b

edroom, wrapped in a towel, she intended getting dressed but could not find her clothes. Instead, she put her pyjamas back on, before wandering downstairs and finding the doctor in the kitchen.

  “Just in time,” he said, offering her a smile as he served up bacon and eggs with toast and coffee. Sitting opposite him, she ate in silence, as he hummed away happily. Megan frowned, wondering how he could be so cheerful, but guessed she had the worse end of the deal. And, she recalled, he had told her the previous evening that he looked forward to punishing her. Casting a filthy look in his direction, she continued to eat, barely tasting the food. As she continued to plough her way through the meal, she stole glances at him, wondering what exactly he intended to do to her. It spoiled her breakfast, making her feel quite nauseous, and eventually she pushed the half-eaten meal away.

  “Look, I’m really sorry,” she said, glancing up at him. “I did something stupid, I get that, but at the end of the day it was only a harmless prank.” His eyebrows raised and he put his knife and fork down, folding his arms as he leaned back in his seat and stared at her.

  Anxiously twisting her hair around her right index finger, Megan tipped her head to one side and continued. “No one was hurt, no real harm was done, and I’m willing to clean the window for you,” she offered, flashing a smile at him. He did not smile back and her stomach churned.

  “I swear I’ve learned my lesson. You punished me last night and I…” Megan stopped midsentence when the doctor’s lips curved up into a smile. Letting out a small laugh, he shook his head.

  “I haven’t even started to punish you. Now finish your breakfast. You’ll need the energy to help you get through today,” he said, pushing her plate back toward her.

  “I don’t want it,” she said, scowling. She had offered to clean the window. He had already humiliated her beyond belief. Now he was just being mean. She had really hoped that her punishment might be over, and he simply wanted her to suffer for a little longer, but it seemed he really did want to continue with her ordeal. Well, she certainly wasn’t going to make it easy for him.

  “I’m sure you don’t want to start your day with a bare bottom spanking across my knee,” he said, rising from his seat and walking around to stand by her chair. Megan stiffened and swallowed anxiously. “But if you don’t eat your breakfast, that’s exactly what will be happening,” he warned. “Lose the bad attitude, young lady, it isn’t helping.”

  Pouting, Megan picked up her cutlery and continued to eat, scowling at him with every mouthful. She was grateful when he moved away from her. When she had finally finished eating, he cleared the table. She watched as he loaded the dishwasher, his trousers tightening around his backside as he bent forward. She licked her lips as she enjoyed the view. She actually felt better for having eaten, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. All too soon he straightened up, switched on the appliance, and turned back toward her.

  “Please, how much more do I have to endure before this is over?” she asked, looking at him with the expression of a chastened puppy. “Haven’t I suffered enough?”

  “You have suffered nowhere near enough,” he said, his eyes narrowed. “You’ll take whatever punishment I deem necessary, young lady. It’ll be over when I decide you’ve had enough and that you’re truly sorry—not a minute sooner.”

  “But I am truly sorry,” she insisted, pouting slightly.

  “No, you’re not,” he said, laughing at her. “You’re frightened of the consequences of your actions. You’re afraid of being punished, as well you should be. A naughty girl can only repent fully after the sound application of discipline to her backside. I intend to make sure you receive the correction you require, in abundance.”

  Tossing a white cotton gown and a pair of white panties to her, he pointed in the direction of the stairs. “Your actual punishment hasn’t even begun. Last night was merely preparation. Go upstairs and get dressed, then come straight back down here. Don’t keep me waiting,” he warned, as she pushed her chair away from the table and slowly rose to her feet.

  Once back in her room, she straightened the bed and made sure it was tidy, recalling his demands that she was to leave the bedroom in the state she found it. Stripping off her pyjamas, she dropped them into the linen bin, before heading into the bathroom. Using the toilet and brushing her teeth again, she played for as much time as she dared, before putting on the snug fitting panties. Looking down, she scowled. She could not ever recall wearing such large panties, even when her mother had been responsible for purchasing her underwear and had insisted on sensible rather than sexy.

  “Megan, what are you doing?” Dr. Wilkie shouted up the stairs.

  Hurrying to the open bathroom door, she shouted down to him, “I’ll be there in a minute. I needed to use the toilet. I’m just getting dressed.” Not receiving a response, she picked up the gown and pulled it over her head, frowning once more when she turned to look at herself in the mirror. The neckline was much higher than anything she owned and the gown had long sleeves, with the hem sitting at mid-calf.

  “Young lady, if I have to come up there and get you…”

  “No, I’m coming,” she shouted, taking a deep breath as she looked in the mirror one final time.

  “I’m ready, sir,” she called out, as she made her way down the stairs. “I didn’t mean to take so long. I was just…” Her words stuck in her throat and she stopped mid-step. Dr. Wilkie appeared at the bottom of the stairs, but she was horrified to see he was not alone. Standing beside him was a middle-aged couple, who she guessed were the house guests he had told her about.

  The male was a little taller than Dr. Wilkie, at least six foot. His dark hair, flecked with grey, was slicked back from his tanned face, the steel grey suit contrasting well with his almost white, closely trimmed beard. And she could not fail to notice how his biceps bulged as he stared up at her, arms folded across his chest.

  The woman looked slightly younger than him, quite pretty in a tomboyish kind of way, with closely cropped blonde hair. She was almost as tall as her partner, and her well-proportioned figure was shown off to perfection in a short fitted navy jacket that flared out at the waist and a matching knee-length pencil skirt. Her tanned legs were bare, a pair of navy stiletto heels finishing off her outfit.

  “Megan, meet my brother Adam and his wife Paula,” the doctor said, as she stood frozen, a few steps from the bottom. “Don’t be rude, come and say hello,” he said, reaching out to take her hand. He smiled encouragingly as she slowly moved forward, her legs feeling as heavy as lead.

  “Pleased to meet you,” she said, reaching for Adam’s outstretched hand. She gasped when his large hand closed around hers and he shook it firmly. Gazing into his dark brown eyes, she saw the family resemblance. He too was handsome, like the doctor, and she shuddered, hoping desperately that he did not share his brother’s apparent enthusiasm for spanking.

  “I don’t think you’ll be pleased you met us at the end of the day,” he said, maintaining eye contact with her, as he continued to grip her hand.

  Megan looked down at the floor and was relieved when he released her. She turned to his wife, who embraced her with a hug. Megan relaxed slightly and flashed a smile toward her when she was released. At least she didn’t seem as stern as her husband, and she might actually talk him out of being involved in her punishment. It was between Megan and the doctor, it did not concern anyone else, and the woman’s kind blue eyes and friendly demeanour helped her to relax further.

  “Right, now the introductions are over,” Dr. Wilkie said, taking Megan by the elbow, “it’s time to begin. We might as well get this over with, then I and my guests can enjoy the rest of our weekend. I don’t imagine you’ll enjoy spending the remainder of the weekend with a sore bottom, but I suspect you’ll be relieved when this is all over. I’m not an unkind man, so I won’t keep you waiting any longer.”

  Megan’s heart raced as he led her into the living room. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw that Adam and Paula were foll
owing. “Oh, I’m looking forward to this,” Paula said, grinning up at her husband and shattering Megan’s hopes of them leaving.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, grasping the doctor’s arm and gazing up at his face, pleading with him to make it all end. “As I’ve already promised, I’ll clean your window. I’ll wash every single window in your house, if it’ll help. I’ll do anything to make this up to you, but please not this. I’m begging you.”

  Megan bit down on her lip as the doctor cupped her chin in his hand and leaned close to her face. “I phoned Adam last night and we discussed how we’re going to handle this. Yes, you will clean the window, but that’ll come much later.” Megan’s eyes were wide as she hung on to his every word.

  “As I’m the injured party, it seems only right that I start off your punishment,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her toward the sofa. He sat down, looked up at her and patted his lap. “Let’s get started,” he said, smiling.

  Megan shook her head and took a step back. She stopped abruptly when she hit a solid object. Turning to see what she had walked into, the colour drained from her face when she saw Adam standing behind her. “Do as you’re told,” he scolded, swatting her bottom and pushing her forward. “You’re only making this worse for yourself, little girl.”

  Closing her eyes, Megan took a deep breath before taking a tentative step forward. She was trapped, with no way out. She had no choice but to comply with their demands. But that still didn’t make it any easier. Opening her eyes, she looked at the doctor, giving him a pleading look and hoping to appeal to his better nature.

  “You have to the count of five to put yourself across my lap,” he said. “If you choose to disobey me, I’ll let Adam take you. I was going to be kind and warm you up with a hand spanking first, but it’s your choice.”


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