Blue Moon Magic 4: Night of the Blue Moon

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Blue Moon Magic 4: Night of the Blue Moon Page 8

by Lynn Crain

  “I think I would agree with that observation overall.” Connor nodded. “One of the things that Rowan seemed to push on everyone in training was they needed to react first and then think about it later, if at all. He had a ‘take no prisoners’ attitude on almost everyone. Except most of the women.”

  “We all know that about the women. They’ve kidnapped or tried to kidnap every woman in this room at least once.”

  “And most of us didn’t have a pleasant experience at all,” piped in Jean, Cordelia’s mother. The room got silent for a moment, each contemplating what had been said.

  “Still, I can understand Justin’s concern. Why do you think you are slow to anger, Connor?” Lucas questioned matter-of-factly.

  He liked his sister Charity’s lifemate. Lucas was cautious to judge and checked out every fact or detail. Connor knew he was the head of security and he suspected there were a lot more reasons than what met the eye.

  “Most of the time growing up, anger was rewarded in some manner. However, I found there was no personal satisfaction in it for me because when I was younger, I was much smaller. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t measure up at first. I was always getting the crap kicked out of me. Their tactics practically made me sick most of the time.”

  “A lot of that could because of your empathic tendencies. That would make you very, very susceptible to any feelings a victim might have.” Tom rubbed his chin in thought.

  “So what happened to change everything?” Charity questioned.

  “A few things. One, I started to read anything I could get my hands on. For some reason, the Betas’ library had a lot of philosophy books. I read quite a few of the Eastern masters, Tao, Confucius and the like.”

  “That would explain some of it but not all.”

  “When I was about fourteen or fifteen, Rowan caught a prisoner that he seemed to revere a lot. His name was Alderan or something like that. I remember the man told me to call him Al.”

  His father moved uncomfortably in his chair. “Do you know what happened to him while he was at the Beta camp? He never would quite say what went on at all.”

  Connor looked at him in surprise. He hadn’t thought about this man for years. What prompted it now? “You know, I really don’t know. One day he was there and the next he was gone. I believe he was around for about six to nine months. Was he someone important?”

  “He was our original head of security. His name was Alderan Sinclair and he happened to be Cordelia’s father-in-law.”

  “Oh.” He turned to Cordelia. “I’m sorry.”

  “I have to admit, I didn’t know him well. But I do know the time he had been captured by the Betas weighed heavily on his mind until his dying day.”

  “What did he die of?”

  “Old age,” Charles answered. “The man was well over two hundred.”

  “Wow.” Connor sat, amazed. He had known that wolfen were long-lived, he just never thought it was that long. “I can honestly say I learned a lot from the man.”

  “Did he ever talk about the histories with you?” his father asked him.

  “Very little. The few times I remember him trying were always followed by torture sessions for him.” Connor shook his head. “Rowan was always after him for trying to teach me.”

  “I don’t understand why he didn’t mention anything about you.”

  “I was pretty unremarkable then. Believe it or not, my hair was darker and I was very short.”

  “When did it turn white blonde?” Joanna sat up, curiosity evident on her face.

  “It started to turn right before my thirtieth birthday.”

  “Your mother’s turned when she was in her mid-twenties,” Joanna commented. “It was as if it were a sign that she had come of age.”

  “Does anyone know why it turns?” Connor asked.

  “I’m not sure. Cordelia, have you seen anything in the histories?”

  “Well, let me think for a moment…ummm, the only reference I can remember is that people with the white-blonde hair come from those of the very first wolfen family. I also remember seeing that those with your type of hair were among the strongest of the wolfen. That’s all I remember seeing or hearing.”

  “So is that good or bad?”

  “I’m not sure, son. I’ll guess we’ll have to figure this out.”

  “How do you propose to do that, Charles?”

  Charles looked around at the group that had gathered. “I’m up for suggestions, everyone.”

  “I think the first thing we need to do is a full research project in the library. I mean, we’ve never really looked into what it means if the first child born is a son. We all know the prophecy about the girls. But is there anything that a firstborn son adds to that prophecy?” questioned Justin.

  “I see your point exactly. The Betas for years have been trying to get the girls when they knew all along that they had the true firstborn and that he was a male,” Tom added.

  “Then there is also the psychic factor to add in. We certainly don’t know what that means.” A look of concentration crossed Clarity’s face before she continued. “There really has to be some things we don’t know.”

  “Do we have all the histories? Or are there some books that are missing?” Lucas inquired.

  Cordelia shook her head. “I don’t think so. There are a few old tomes that I don’t think have been opened for years. We could look at them to see if we are missing anything. But I think that’s going to have to wait for another night. I don’t know about you all, but I’m exhausted.”

  Murmurs of assent could be heard all around.

  “Good, it’s settled then. We’ll sleep on it and start again tomorrow.”

  Connor couldn’t help but notice that Charles practically beamed at his pack, holding his eyes for a long moment. Something told him it was good to be home.

  Chapter Eight

  Connor sat in the living room long after everyone had left for the evening. The longer he was here, the more he wondered if he was supposed to be here. No…that’s not what I meant, he thought to himself and quickly shielded his thoughts. Thank God that was one of the first things Tom taught him. He didn’t want his sisters to know he was having some doubts. All those doubts were associated with the fact that he didn’t want to bring any harm to his new-found family in any way.

  Had it really only been three months?

  In the time he had been here, they had gone over the histories over and over again without really shedding any light on what was happening. Nothing new seemed to be added to the prophecy. They did find out that he could be a very powerful wolfen with the right training. They also discovered he would have his own Blue Moon ceremony when he had found his mate. All the things that applied to the girls would apply to him, such as the mating mark and being in heat. Other than that, the time here had produced nothing regarding him specifically.

  He had gotten closer to his family, though, and had forged a deep bond with his aunt Joanna. He knew that while she wasn’t his mother, she would be the closest thing he would ever have. He had talked extensively about investing and what he should do with his money. She had even encouraged him to look into building his own home in the family compound.

  Each of his sisters had become dear and very precious to him even though he sometimes tired of them because they were so protective and constantly asked his opinion on everything regardless if it was of consequence or not. Even their husbands were coming around to fully accepting him into the family, each being less and less threatened by him.

  Most of his time, however, had been spent with Cordelia, and he had managed to keep his hands off her other than that first time. Still, there were days when all he wanted to do was to kiss and lick her all over her body. When he could no longer resist, he had kissed her and caressed her but had kept everything under control and on a totally professional level -- if sexual impulses could be called professional. He didn’t want to take advantage of the situation even though he did want to ta
ke advantage of her. He just couldn’t keep her out of his thoughts. He thought of her almost every waking minute. Every time he touched her was torture for him. He wondered if this was like what each of his sisters had experienced when they found themselves full of sexual impulses. But then again, he knew the answer.

  Lastly, there was Charles Langford. The man just gave and gave without asking for anything in return. Connor knew that even though he’d tried to train him on what the company did and how each person of the family fit in, the old man still had some problems with him. He just didn’t know what to do with Connor. Not that Connor expected him to do anything for him; it was more of what his father’s hope for the future might be. As far as Connor could see, Charles Langford had no expectations of him and just the very fact he existed appeared to be enough for the old man but it left the issue of the future hanging.

  When all was said and done at the end of the day, Connor still couldn’t figure out the Betas and something told him he needed to do that and fast. Something was coming, something he couldn’t put his finger on.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  Cordelia had slipped into the room without him even noticing and now stood behind him. She had been sneaking up on him more and more lately. It was as if her instincts were getting better and better while his got worse and worse. He felt torn between the hope that he would love this woman forever and the dread that he would bring her, her family, and his family harm. He wanted so badly to believe in the fact that his family could help him through anything but something primal gripped at his gut. “I assure you that they aren’t even worth that much.” He watched her skeptical look skitter across her face.

  Coming around the back of the couch, she sat down next to him. “I wouldn’t say that. You had some interesting things to contribute tonight. Still, I think I know you enough to know that something is bothering you.”

  He looked at her. He wanted this woman more than he had ever wanted anything. He wondered if that want wasn’t clouding his judgment. He felt her soft hand caress his arm with gentle strokes. “I just can’t help but think that your original observation about me was correct.”

  “Umm…how so?”

  “The more I think about it, the more I know that I’m part of some plan of Rowan’s. Everything is too pat and convenient when we start to analyze it all. I mean, I’ve been here almost three months and I keep coming back to this one thing.”

  “I’m sorry I ever brought it up.”

  He saw real regret in her eyes. “Don’t be. I was thinking about it anyway.”

  “I’m sure that wasn’t the only thing you were thinking about.” She made the observation so matter of fact he realized this woman was beginning to know him very well. Maybe too well.

  “I don’t think you want to go there, Cordelia.” He watched her intently. It would take very little to get him to take this woman here and now.

  “Why?” Her question came out as a husky whisper that set his nerves on edge.

  “Cordelia…don’t…unless you’re willing to accept the consequences.”

  There it was. He laid it on the table and now the ball was in her court. She would have to decide to either accept his challenge or turn him away. He knew there would be a time when he wouldn’t allow her to turn him away but this was not it. This time he was leaving himself exposed and vulnerable. He watched her lick her lips and appear to be contemplating exactly what he would do. Then he saw her swallow hard and scoot closer to him.

  “I know what the consequences can be and I’m fully prepared to accept them.” She slid even closer, forcing herself into his arms, and tilted her head back and kissed him lightly on the lips.

  For a moment he hesitated. He didn’t want to hurt her but he could barely contain himself. The feel of her warm lips brushing against his own sent an unexpected quiver of anticipation through his body. He reached up to cup, cupping her chin gently, and looked in her eyes.

  “There will be no turning back if we start this thing. And it won’t be for just one night.”

  “I know,” she whispered back.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever really made love to a woman. I’ve taken women and made sure the experience was pleasant for them.”

  “Then let me be your first.”

  She straddled him, placing her hands on either side of his face and into his hair. Leaning in, she nipped him lightly on the lips, teasing him until he responded. The sensation was so totally unlike anything he had felt before that he wasn’t sure how to react. But his body knew exactly what it wanted. Soon his cock swelled to almost uncomfortable proportions and still she assaulted his senses.

  Her soft, reassuring touch made him even more receptive to her fingers sliding along his body. He knew she could feel every scar he had, yet something stirred within him, something he knew he had never felt before. Leaning in more fully to kiss her, he marveled at the softness of her lips, the slight tanginess of her tongue as it caressed the inner recesses of his mouth. Her fingertips embraced his head and pulled him even closer to her.

  “I want this off,” she whispered and let her hands snake under his shirt, pinching his nipples in the process.

  “No fair,” he whispered, moving his hands to caress her creamy abdominal flesh. “Shouldn’t we be going into my room or something?”

  She stopped briefly. “Probably so. Your family does have a habit of bursting into this apartment in the mornings. My family is always a little more discreet, plus they are very heavy sleepers.” Slowly, she got up and reached out her hand, the invitation blatant in her eyes.

  Wordlessly, he grabbed her hand and allowed her to lead him into the master bedroom. She closed the door and pushed him onto the bed, again straddling him. She rubbed her crotch seductively against his and whispered, “I can’t wait.”

  Sitting up, Connor caressed her spine and the small of her back, feeling the goose bumps rise with his touch. Cordelia slid her hands up his shirt once again, tweaking his nipples, following the hard pinch with a gentle caress. Reaching up his hands to the back of her head, he pulled her down to him once again, crushing her mouth with his while sliding his tongue between her lips. He could feel the softness of her breasts press into his chest.

  Standing, he lifted her with bulging biceps, one arm under her ass. Turning, he lowered her back to the bed. His erection twitched within the tight confines of his pants. Taking her shirt in his two hands, he ripped it down the middle, exposing her breasts to his hot caresses. He nipped at the nipple, licking and rubbing it to a hard nub, making Cordelia moan in the process.

  “Connor…” she groaned and arched into his mouth.

  Ignoring her completely, he directed his attention to her other breast, laving it with his tongue. He sucked and stopped, teasing her until he had it peaked in his mouth.

  Cordelia writhed in ecstasy as she pulled him even closer. Each movement of her body made him want more and more. He was acutely aware of how his rough fingers felt on her soft skin. He leaned back to look at her intensely, his gaze caressing each nook and cranny as her breath became more and more labored.

  “I want to go down on you.” He stated it simply and could see by the darkening of her eyes that the very thought excited her too.

  He slowly unclasped her pants and pulled them from her long legs. Seeing she had nothing but the most miniscule of thongs made him want to rip the small barrier from her body and plunge himself into her.

  Instead he made each moment a small torture in anticipation as he pulled one foot then the other from the pant legs. He caressed her feet one at a time, allowing his hands to linger no more than was necessary. He slid his hands seductively up her body and again gazed at the prize he was finally able to touch.

  “Is something wrong?” she whispered.

  He could feel her heart pound against his hand as he fondled her breasts. “No. I’m just amazed at how beautiful you are even after having a child.”

  She blushed under his praise. “I never thought a
nother man would make me feel like my husband did. And here I am with you,” she finished lamely.

  Connor placed himself between her knees and looked up at her face. “Your skin is like porcelain. You have the most incredible stomach I’ve seen on any woman, flat and soft to the touch. And your breasts…your breasts are the most luscious globes.”

  He let a little of his wolfen sense in then and took a big whiff of her. Her pheromones were driving him crazy. He watched her some more, knowing he was driving her crazy too. “Sorry…but I need to get these off of you.” He spoke quietly with a fierce conviction and pulled the thong quickly down and off her body. Placing his arms under her knees, he spread her legs and gazed lovingly at her crotch, taking in everything. He could see she was already glistening and more than ready for anything he wanted to do.

  Hovering over her, he had a strange sense of power. It wasn’t power in the normal sense of the word, but the power that comes from knowing exactly what another person needs to fulfill all their deepest desires. He wondered if he could equate this with love, because more than ever he felt he wanted to spend the rest of his days with this woman. He gazed at her for a few moments more and watched, fascinated as her nipples became dark and taut with arousal. His heart thudded in his chest as he finally realized just what effect he had on her.

  Slowly, he leaned down and licked her wet slit as she arched into him. His dick was feeling extremely cramped inside his tight jeans. He had anticipated this moment for what seemed like forever but he had to assure her pleasure before ever trying to get his own.

  “I know you plan on pleasing me first, but I want it to be mutual this time,” Cordelia whispered and tried to pull him up.

  “I’ll agree if you let me get you close.”

  She groaned her response.

  Licking her again, he lavished his strokes on her hard nub, taking it gently into his mouth and sucking it slightly before moving to her outer lips. He used two fingers to spread her and expose her most feminine of places. Her body was pink, swollen and slick, ready for anything. He leaned down and licked the nectar from her body, again paying special attention to her clit. With every lick and nip, he stoked the fires of the inferno higher and higher until she was a writhing mass of flesh under his tutelage and Cordy moaned her pleasure with every movement.


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