Naughty Spanking Two

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Naughty Spanking Two Page 9

by Miranda Forbes

  Frank went rigid, unable to control himself any longer. He pinched Julie’s ass in warning. Then exploded in the girl’s mouth, pulsing white-hot ecstasy. She kept on sucking, though, sucking up his sperm and swallowing it down. And even as he was getting off, his body jerking with joy, he resolutely slapped Julie’s ass and licked at her pussy, brushing her swollen clit with his stroking tongue. Until she too gushed fiery orgasm, bum and body shuddering, her hot, sticky juices flooding Frank’s face.

  They lay there together in that sanctuary from chaos for a very long time. Before Julie finally climbed to her feet, extended a hand, and helped Frank back onto his feet. They reassembled their uniforms.

  Frank cleared his throat. “Well, uh, I just want to … thank you–”

  “Save it, man,” Julie said, brown eyes warm and wet. “That’s free love for you, dig? Never having to say thanks – or ‘I do’.” She laughed. “Hey, maybe I’ll see you out there tomorrow night, huh?”

  Frank awkwardly holstered his baton, shaking his head. “Convention’s over tonight.”

  “Oh, yeah, right. Well, there’ll be other protests, and other marches, and other sit-ins.” The flower child of the love generation smiled. “Other police riots.”

  The establishment Man grinned back. He picked up his police helmet and shyly rubbed it. “Yeah, sure, someone’s got to keep you … freaks in line. Whatever it takes.”

  Mr O’Connor’s Office

  by Ava Rose Johnson

  With both eyes on the latest Jilly Cooper novel and both hands wrapped around a steaming cup of coffee, Elaine didn’t notice the arrival of her boss until it was too late.

  “Good morning, Elaine.”

  At the sound of Mr O’Connor’s deep, faintly-amused tone, Elaine jumped in her chair and promptly spilled coffee over the third sex scene of the book. Shit.

  “Uh, good morning, sir.” She fumbled under her desk for some tissues while her face heated to the colour of a tomato. “Is there something you’d like me to do?”

  He raised his eyes from the puddle on her desk to her face, forcing her to meet his eyes. She swallowed, unable to stop herself from squeezing her thighs together.

  “No.” His lips quirked in the sexiest grin she’d ever seen. “I’ll let you know if there’s anything I need you for.”

  “Okay sir.” Her voice squeaked and she blushed harder. Did she have to be so bloody obvious? “I’ll be here waiting.”

  “Good girl.” With his briefcase at his side, Mr O’Connor walked toward his office. His long strides displayed his power while his black suit showed off his broad shoulders and delectable arse to perfection. Elaine shivered. He turned her on way too much for a Monday morning.

  She glanced down at her open book and sighed. The yummy scene was destroyed forever. Slamming it shut, she dropped it into her bag and returned her attention to the computer. But as hard as she tried, she couldn’t regain her concentration.

  Ever since she’d started working here, she’d had a crush on Mr O’Connor. More than a crush. It had gone so far that she’d followed him out of work one night to a bar where he met an incredibly beautiful blonde. Elaine had glanced down at her own brown suit and flat shoes and realised what a lost cause it was. A man like Mr O’Connor wouldn’t even notice a girl as plain and mousy as Elaine. Not when he could have that piece of ass.

  But despite the realisation, Elaine hadn’t stopped fantasising when she was in bed late at night with only a cat for company. Unfortunately, those fantasies were beginning to take over. It was now at the point where she was skipping off to the loo when she was supposed to be working, just to masturbate.


  Elaine lifted her eyes and almost had to bite her tongue to keep from throwing a tantrum. The gorgeous redhead who stood before her was a business associate of Mr O’Connor. And Elaine was certain the woman was an associate of Mr O’Connor outside the boardroom too. The idea of this bitch getting fucked by that god was enough to make Elaine’s fists curl.

  But being the polite, well-trained secretary that she was, Elaine pasted a bright smile on her face. “Good morning, Ms Brice. How can I help you?”

  “I have a meeting with Mr O’Connor,” the woman said, her husky voice dripping sexuality. “Is he ready to see me yet?”

  Elaine lifted the phone and dialled his office.


  Her thighs clenched again at the rumble of his voice. “Ms Brice is here to see you, sir.”

  There was a pause and when he spoke, Elaine could have sworn she heard the smile in his voice. “Send her in.”

  Elaine looked at the redhead who stared back in smug satisfaction. Fighting the urge to tell the bitch where to stick it, Elaine tilted her head to the office door.

  “He’ll see you now.”

  Ms Brice sauntered away, her hips swinging with each step. Elaine glanced down at her boyish hips in despair. No wonder he didn’t look twice at her. Flat-chested and skinny-legged. She was barely a woman. Though Lord knows, I feel like one.

  Elaine leaned back in her chair and forced her eyes to the computer. She blinked as the screen flashed, going from the word processing programme to black. Damn. The last thing she needed was a computer break-down.

  But then the screen flickered and she was given a view of an office. Her eyes widened. Was she seeing what she thought she was seeing?

  She leaned forward, squinting at the picture. The office with its mahogany furniture, leather sofa and filing cabinets was the same office she went into every day to give Mr O’Connor his messages. And there he was, lounging in the leather chair behind the massive desk, his long fingers steepled beneath his stubble-covered chin.

  Elaine swallowed hard as he spoke, his rich tones sending thrills down her spine. Realising that anybody nearby could hear, she reached for her MP3 player earphones and pushed the wire into the computer. The sound disappeared until she settled the earphones in her ears and once again she could hear his voice.

  “You’re early,” he was saying, his voice stern and quiet.

  The redhead stepped forward into the camera’s view. “I know.” Her head bowed. “I’m sorry.”

  “You should be.” In a sudden move, Mr O’Connor got to his feet. “You’re very bad for being so inconsiderate of my time.”

  Elaine’s eyes widened. She’d never seen Mr O’Connor get so mad over something so small before. Usually, he was mellow, very laid-back. She quite liked the tough side of him. Watching his eyes bore into the redhead sent a surge of wet heat to Elaine’s pussy.

  “I’m sorry,” the redhead repeated, her head still bowed. “How would you like to punish me?”

  Elaine’s mouth dropped open as her clit began to throb deep between her legs. The sexual intention behind Ms Brice’s words wasn’t lost on her. This wasn’t real. It was a game. A sex game.

  “Pull up your skirt,” were his sharp words. Elaine watched, hypnotized by the sight of the strong, seductive woman pulling her skirt over her thighs. She held her skirt around her waist, her creamy buttocks bared to the camera. She wore no knickers.

  Ms Brice remained still while Mr O’Connor circled her, his cold eyes trailing up and down her body. Elaine’s mouth dried. The waiting to see what came next had her breaking into a sweat. She felt like she was watching porn, except it had real characters in it, characters that were incredibly sexy.

  Eventually Mr O’Connor came to a stop, standing beside the redhead so that his face was visible to the camera.

  “Bend over,” he ordered, his voice calm and steady.

  The redhead did as she was told and Elaine could see that she was trembling. Mr O’Connor reached forward and placed one large hand on the woman’s bare arse. He stroked them gently, tracing the crack with his thumb. And then he lifted his hand and brought it back down in three hard slaps.

  Elaine pushed a hand between her legs, the sharp sound of the smacks shooting straight to her pussy. She rubbed at her clit through the material of her skirt, b
ut it wasn’t enough.

  For a brief second she glanced up at the glass doors which led into the main reception area. Gloria was behind the desk on a phone call while the postman dropped off a couple of brown packages. No-one was looking her way.

  Turning her head back to the screen, Elaine took in the sight of Ms Brice’s reddening buttocks while she pulled her own skirt up past her thighs. She pressed her hand against the damp cotton of her panties, finding the pressure her clit needed.

  Mr O’Connor was once again stroking the woman’s arse, occasionally dipping a finger between her thighs. Every time he did, she pushed back against him. But then he’d pull away, moving his hand upward. After a minute or so, his palm slammed down on Ms Brice’s arse again.

  A whimper escaped Elaine’s lips. She could almost feel the sting of the slap shooting through her veins, quickly becoming pleasure. She slipped her hand inside her knickers and began to rub fiercely.

  “You’ve been a very bad girl, Amanda,” Mr O’Connor was saying as he continued to alternate between slapping and stroking the woman’s buttocks. “Let me hear you say it.”

  Ms Brice tried to say something but her voice caught on a sob of pleasure as his hand came down on her again.

  “What did you say?” he demanded. “Tell me what you are.”

  “A bad girl,” she gasped. “A very bad girl.”

  Elaine almost groaned with disappointment when Mr O’Connor pulled away. But then she licked her lips, her pussy tightening as he began to unbuckle his trousers.

  In her seat, she was shaking. How long had she dreamed about his cock? Now she’d finally get to see it. It would make her fantasies so much more real.

  While Mr O’Connor worked on his belt, the redhead tried to stand.

  “No,” he barked. “Stay where you are.” He pulled at his zipper until it pushed over the bulge. Elaine melted when the heavy length of his cock sprung free. Her thighs quivered beneath the desk and her juices soaked her fingers. It was incredible – so thick and engorged, throbbing the way Elaine’s clit throbbed. She licked her lips, eager to take him inside her pussy. Since she couldn’t, she stuck one finger in her hole in an effort to satisfy the ache.

  Mr O’Connor was now sliding his hand up and down his shaft, working the tight skin. Ms Brice was still bent over the desk, waiting for what he would give her.

  He stuck his hand beneath her arse and caressed her pussy. Then pulling out his hand, he brought it to his face.

  “You’re wet,” he muttered, his cock leaping against the redhead’s arse. “You like to be punished, don’t you?”

  Ms Brice squeaked and nodded her head, obviously too weak to speak. Elaine watched Mr O’Connor reach into his back pocket and take out a condom. He quickly opened it and slid it over his length.

  “You want my dick, don’t you?” He asked, spreading the woman’s legs wider. “You want me to fuck you.”

  “Yes,” the woman moaned, jerking backward as if trying to leap onto his cock. “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Good girl.” With his hands holding the redhead’s hips, Mr O’Connor drove inside until his balls slapped the woman’s arse cheeks.

  Elaine sucked her lower lip between her teeth, working her finger in and out of her pussy. The sight of him shoving his cock into that woman was too much to bear. He was so powerful. From this side-view, Elaine could see his shoulders flexing beneath his shirt and his hands gripping the woman’s hips. His jaw clenched, his body working hers fast and furious.

  And then Elaine was coming, her orgasm spilling all over her fingers. She squeezed her eyes shut, listening to the screams coming from the redhead, the screams which Elaine couldn’t echo unless she wanted to draw attention to herself.

  When the waves had receded, Elaine opened her eyes, amazed to see that he was still pumping. The woman was obviously on her second or third orgasm and didn’t look like she could take much more.

  Finally, he came. His gorgeous dark head reared back, his eyes closed, his forehead tense. Elaine slumped forward over her desk, her hand still in her knickers. She watched him pump once, twice, three times and then fall over his partner in crime.

  While she pushed her skirt back down her legs, she watched the two of them, their bodies still joined. She wanted to run into the office and climb on top to start all over again. But at the sound of the glass doors sliding open and Gloria walking toward her, her mind was quickly shaken to reality. She glanced from the oncoming lady to the screen. What did she do?

  She ran her eyes along the top of the screen and saw a tiny x in the corner. A-ha. Just as the cursor hovered over it, Mr O’Connor lifted his head and looked straight at the camera. A smirk tilted his lips as if designed especially for her. She gasped, then quickly clicked the x as Gloria came to stand before her.

  “Want me to get you anything from the shop?” the old lady asked her, a kind smile on her face.

  Elaine shook her head. “No thanks Gloria. I’m not hungry.”

  When the lady walked away, Elaine tried to figure out how to open that screen again. It was obviously some sort of webcam, though she had no idea how it had been set up on this computer or by whom.

  Although, the expression on Mr O’Connor’s face as he’d stared into the camera hinted that maybe he’d set it up.

  But why? Why would he do something like that?

  She didn’t get a chance to think anymore about it. The door to his office opened and Mr O’Connor followed by Ms Brice stepped out. They both looked calm and businesslike. Nobody could have guessed they’d just fucked each other’s brains out only minutes before.

  “Any phone calls for me, Elaine?” he asked her, his eyes meeting hers.

  She swallowed and shook her head. “No sir.”

  “Good. I’m taking an early lunch with Ms Brice. We have business to discuss.” Placing his hand at the small of Ms Brice’s back, Mr O’Connor led her to the door. Just as the glass doors closed behind them, his head turned back to Elaine and he winked.

  Elaine stared as he walked away, then slipped her hand under her skirt and began to masturbate again.

  Maybe it wasn’t such a lost cause after all.

  Victoria Pleases Her Headmistress

  by Angela Meadows

  For the second time in a week I stood in Madame Thackeray’s study bedroom but today being Sunday I was dressed in my finery. I wore my hooped, green silk dress with several layers of starched petticoats to make it stand out. The neckline was low so my breasts were prominent and on my feet were matching green silk slippers.

  Although it was just an hour after lunch the light coming through the window was a dull grey. It was snowing again and already the mountains surrounding the Venus School for Young Ladies were capped with white. While it was surely cold outside, a roaring fire in the hearth kept the room more than comfortable given that I was fully dressed. My fellow pupils were either in their rooms or in the drawing room engaged in quiet pastimes, but I knew I was to experience more energetic activity.

  I stood patiently while Madame read from the report presumably written by Beatrice and the other senior girls who had observed me. They had watched as I had entertained young Albert. For an hour each day for the last week my task had been to excite him, draw him to the edge of an orgasm and keep him there in delicious agony of anticipation. I had not been successful in every respect. I knew I was going to be punished but I hoped the girls had been charitable to me.

  Madame laid the papers on her desk, took off her spectacles and looked up at me.

  “Well, Victoria, I see that you disobeyed my instructions,” she said sternly.

  “I did?” I enquired, uncertain of what response was required.

  “I told you not to touch yourself and yet you did; on three occasions.” I recalled the three times that the senior girls had called out as my hand wandered between my legs.

  “Yes, Madame,” I acknowledged sadly, realising that my colleagues had not spared me from my fate.

�For those lapses you shall be punished. I also see that you failed to control Albert five times. Five times he ejaculated when you were charged with merely keeping him excited.”

  “Yes, Madame, I am sorry, but he is so, ah, high-spirited.”

  “Nonsense, girl, it is your skill that is wanting.” Her stern expression softened a little, “However I note from Beatrice’s report that on the last day you succeeded in keeping him erect for a whole hour without orgasm. That certainly suggests that you have some talent. Beatrice also notes that you used your initiative in utilising your whole body to retain his interest.” My memory was that Albert’s hands and mouth were all over me, caressing my bosom, my buttocks and especially my feminine parts. He gave me intense pleasure while also ensuring that his interest was maintained.

  “Thank you, Madame.” I curtsied in acknowledgement of her praise.

  Madame’s hand smoothed the large ebony phallus that lay on her desk then moved to lift the leather crop. She gripped the handle in her right hand and caressed the supple leather at the other end with her left.

  “I think that under the circumstances that will lessen your punishment to six strokes.” I felt a little faint and gulped saliva.

  “Yes, Madame, thank you,” I said weakly. The memory of the four strokes she had given me earlier in the week was all too fresh in my mind and imprinted on my buttocks.

  “Now, Victoria, undress if you will.”

  “Yes, Madame, but could you assist me with the fastenings, please.” Madame Thackeray rose and came around her desk to stand behind me. She deftly undid the buttons of my dress and helped to pull it from my arms and then over my head. The dress was followed by the petticoats, one after another. At last I stood in just my slip. I pulled that off too and stood before my headmistress completely naked. The merest hint of satisfaction seemed to pass across her face. It was the first time she had had a full view of my body. Her eyes looked me up and down, alighting on my ample bosom and perky nipples that now hardened under her gaze. Her eyes descended to the bush of dark brown hair that covered my mound and a small smile passed across her face. Then she picked up the crop and pointed to the elephant stool that stood at the foot of her large bed. I took the steps towards the stool slowly and reluctantly.


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