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Kinky Submissive Box Set: An Erotica Box Set

Page 11

by Natalie Sharp

  When Parker came back, he yielded his desk and my body to Wilkins and sat in a chair placed in front of his second story window which gave him an excellent view of my upcoming belt whipping. Knowing that it wouldn’t be long until his cock was hard again, he left his pants undone and his semi-flaccid dick hanging out. He had the recovery period of a much younger man, or one who really got off on seeing young girls beaten with wide belts.

  While Parker never said a word to me, the guard was the exact opposite.

  “I don’t know what the hell we’re going to do with you,” he began. “You’re in here nearly every week for one thing or another. Last time the stripes from my belt hadn’t even completely faded before you were back again.”

  His hands traveled over my well-rounded ass as if searching for signs of the beating I had taken.

  “Every time I lay into you, I think you’re finally going to smarten up. But here you are again.”

  He paused. I could tell that was my cue to respond. “I’m really sorry sir. I don’t know what comes over me.” My voice shook in all the right places.

  Even though I yearned for his belt against my flesh more fiercely than ever, a large part of me still feared and dreaded the pain each blow would bring. My fear wasn’t all pretend. Each time he punished me, he hit me harder and harder, testing my limits and the resiliency of my young, firm skin.

  His hand trailed between my ass cheeks, his fingers slipping through the come left behind by the other man. He swiped it on my ass as he continued his lecture.

  “I consider it my personal duty to ensure that when you leave here, you are a changed woman with a better understanding of what is expected from you out in the real world. If I have to beat your ass raw and bloody, you can be sure it will be done.”

  He had made the same threat before, though he had yet to cause even the smallest tear in my flesh. The words still sent a sharp shiver of fear and desire through me. My hands clenched, and I moaned against the gag.

  I thought he would start whipping me, but instead he delved deeper between my thighs and played with my wet pussy. This was new for him, at least before the beating. But my cunt was certainly not uncharted territory, and he quickly had me squirming against the desk while he played with my clit.

  As soon as I started groaning, my climax only a pinch away, he stopped, and gave me a harsh slap on the pussy instead.

  A muffled noise managed to make it from my gagged mouth and out into the room. The two men laughed at my outrage, and before I could settle myself down, Wilkins brought the belt down hard on my ass with a cracking smack. It electrified the room.

  My cheeks clenched together as I screamed at the stripe of fire he laid down on me. This wasn’t some sort of gentle sexual BDSM play in the safety of one’s bedroom. Wilkins wanted to hurt me and hurt me hard. With no chance to recover, his belt came whistling down again. I writhed and twisted, trying to escape the torment even though my pussy was humming with pleasure and excitement. He easily held me down though, raining blow after blow upon me. Through my thrashing, I could see Parker tugging on his fully erect cock, the sight of me getting whipped was an incredible turn on for him.

  “Again,” he ordered, impatient when Wilkins waited too long between blows.

  The belt fell and then kept coming rapid fire, one stroke after another. The pain was horrendous, and I could feel myself start to panic thinking maybe this was the time when it would go too far. This was the time pain would completely overcome my ability to wring pleasure from it. And right when I thought I could take no more...the beating stopped.

  Breathing so hard through my nose I thought I might hyperventilate, I barely paid attention to when I felt Wilkins’s cock part my pussy lips and sink deep into me. The relief that I had survived the worst whipping of my life flooded through me, and I started crying tears of joy. Endorphins were saturating my body, swooshing away the burning on my ass even though the guard was gripping me as tightly as Parker had before him.

  When my head was yanked up by my hair and the gag dragged out of my mouth, the warden’s cock pressed at my lips. I opened my mouth hungrily to take it in, wanting more and more of every sensation that could attack my body.

  Parker sunk his cock in balls deep down my throat and started fucking my face with no less abandon than he used on my ass. He held my head still between his two large hands and looked down at me with a devilish smirk, watching as my lips stretched along his shaft. Wilkins’s cock was even larger than the warden’s, and stretched me wide.

  The guard used long firm strokes, driving his dick deep inside before drawing it out nearly all the way then slamming it home again. He fucked with an intensity and purpose I had never felt with another man, and greatly feared I would never feel again once I left the prison. I already had some sort of fucked up plan to hold up a liquor store after I was released so I could come back just to be fucked by him again. It was just a fantasy…

  Wilkins’s use of my pussy, like the warden’s had been, was temporary. But unlike the warden, he didn’t feel the need to use his fingers on my ass first before shoving his cock into my tight rosebud hole. Pressing down on the small of my back with one hand, he gripped my ass cheek hard with the other, pulling my ass apart to make room for his cock. He stuffed his dick inside me, my muffled screams around the warden’s cock caused the guard no concern.

  When he was fully pressed inside, he immediately started thrusting with the long strokes he used on my pussy. It felt like the weight of his entire upper body was centered on the hands he still had flat on my back, pressing me hard into the desk and pinning me still.

  With one cock in my punished ass, and another pumping in and out of my mouth, I was in some sort of weird state of consciousness where I barely felt aware of my surroundings and what was being done to me, yet I could still feel my body respond to being fucked, beaten, and degraded. Even though my clit was completely out of the picture, and anyone watching would think I was being one hundred percent abused by the authorities charged with rehabilitating me, I could tell this time there would be no denying my orgasm.

  Right when I felt that telltale peak of pressure approach, when you either have to come or die trying, with no effort on my part at all, with no change in what the men were doing, I was coming harder than I had ever done before. Every muscle in my pussy clenched and quivered as my legs shook so much it looked like I was having a seizure.

  “She’s coming?” The warden asked Wilkins, pausing with his cock poised to enter my mouth again.

  “Yeah,” Wilkins said, his voice strained from trembling body.

  It was like some sort of signal to them even though they pretty much acted like I was an inanimate object all night except for when the guard berated me.

  They both started fucking me harder, and in moments warm loads of come were dripping from my mouth and ass as my pussy throbbed from my orgasm.

  When Parker’s cock was empty, he pulled it back from my mouth and rubbed the tip in the juices coating my chin. He gathered up my hair and moved it away from my face so he could see better. I’m sure I was a sight with beet red cheeks, swollen lips, and come all over my mouth. Shock at his tender touch broke through my climax induced haze, and I craned my neck up to look at him. He was looking me in the eye for the first time since I had been making visits to his office, an expression of affection on his face.

  “I’m going to miss you,” he said, softly.

  I blinked, not sure what he meant.

  Wilkins’s pulled his cock out of me and he gave me a soft pat on the ass before removing my handcuffs and helping me stand. I wobbled on unsteady legs, they both did up their pants, then Wilkins reached down and pulled up mine.

  It was so unusual to get this type of attention from them, an entirely different sort of fear hit me.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, speaking to them as an equal for the first time.

  Warden Parker answered. “You’ve been granted parole. You leave tomorrow.”

; I stared at them like a fish out of water. Parole? I hadn’t even known I was up for it.

  “It’s routine for cases like yours. You’re a first time, nonviolent offender. Sending you hear was a scare tactic more than anything else. They hoped you’ll be traumatized enough to never do anything that would send you back.”

  I barked out a sharp laugh. “Traumatized? Who the hell will I find out there to fuck me like you two do in here?” I asked, completely shattering any remaining illusion that my presence in the warden’s office was anything but completely voluntary.

  Wilkins pulled me into a bear hug, grabbing my ass tight in his hands, and nibbling on my neck. Without even thinking of it, I hopped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. Knowing he could hold me easily, I let my head fall back and thrust my chest out. He yanked down the neck of my shirt and sucked my tit into his mouth.

  Parker went behind me and grabbed my other breast tight in his hand, kneading it harshly like all three of us hadn’t been fucking only moments ago.

  “I’m not ready to let you go either,” he said. “But I won’t let you fuck up your future either just to be with us. If I see you back in here again, I won’t lay a hand on you and neither will Wilkins.”

  My blood went cold, and I stiffened in their arms.

  “He’s right,” Wilkins mumbled against my neck. “You belong out there. Not in here.”

  Like they had choreographed it, they walked backwards until Parker was back at his chair. He sat, taking me with him until I was in his lap. Then Wilkins knelt before me, in between my legs. He yanked my pants down and buried his tongue in against my pussy.

  My ass still hurt like hell and sitting only made it worse, but when he went after my clit with the tip of his tongue and sunk two fingers inside me I was pushed to the edge of climax again. The warden clasped my nipples between his fingers and pinched.

  Renewed energy zinged through my body while I pushed my fingers into Wilkins’s hair and pulled him closer to me with my legs draped over his shoulders. By craning my neck and turning my head, I could slip my tongue into Parker’s mouth while he continued to pull at my breasts.

  When I came for the second time that night, it shook me to the core, the desperation of knowing it was my last time with these men lending a sharp agony to the pleasure coursing through my veins and making my body shake in their arms.

  I vowed then and there to never do anything to land me in their prison again, the thought of disappointing them was too much to bear. It was time for me to take true responsibility for my unusual desires and give my life the respect it deserved while finding a safe outlet for what I needed.

  The next morning, Wilkins walked me to the gate. When I turned to look back and up, I saw Parker standing at his window. Too far to see the expression on his face, I gave a little wave and hoped he was smiling.

  At the gate, Wilkins palmed me an envelope. I could tell it was stuffed with cash.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, my heart aching at the thought of leaving him.

  “Don’t mention it,” he said. “And don’t come back.”

  I never did go back, and I never saw them again. But when people asked me about my brief time in prison, I was never able to stop the slow, sexy smile from spreading across my face.

  Teacher’s Plaything

  By Megan West

  Lea had graduated at the top of her class, but now that she was living away from all of the comforts of home and trying to adjust to life on her own, she wasn't finding academic success quite so easy.

  She wasn't sure whether it was the fact that her roommate was a complete weirdo who kept her up most of the night watching horror movies, or whether she simply wasn't ready to make it on her own, but either way, she knew that something was going to have to change. If Lea didn't do something soon, she wasn’t only going to hear it from her parents, but she was also going to lose her scholarships. Which meant that she was no longer going to be able to afford college.

  “Why don't you talk to your advisor?” Kelly took a bite of her sandwich and a mass of lettuce flopped onto the table.

  “She’s kind of a loony, I don't even think she knows who I am or what the fuck she’s doing.” Lea bit the end of her straw before taking another sip of Coke.

  “Who is your advisor anyway?”

  “Merton, general psych. She’s the epitome of a flower child hippy chick. I'm sure she's great if you're major is ‘how many joints you can smoke and still be coherent enough to function at work’.” Kelly swallowed her mouthful of sandwich.

  “Hey! I resent that remark! I happen to believe that you can smoke a whole lot of joints and still be coherent enough to function at work…or school…” Lea ignored this comment, it was one of the many topics that she and Kelly didn't see eye to eye on and yet they still managed to be the very best of friends and had been since the third grade.

  “Anyway, I don't think there's anything she could do to help me. I don't even know what the problem is. I'm just…flunking.”

  “Welcome to my world,” a shower of crumbs fell from Kelly’s mouth as she spoke and Lea tried her best to look away from the chaos.

  “That weirdo Layla doesn't help.” Lea said.

  Kelly cocked her head in interest and confusion. “My roommate?” Kelly nodded in realization. “She's always up, I mean she NEVER sleeps which probably wouldn't be such a huge deal of she wasn't watching the bloodiest horror movies all the time. So not only am I not sleeping, but I'm not sleeping with screaming and chainsaws and masses of blood in the background.” Kelly swallowed her mouthful.

  “So tell her to quit…or to fuck off.” She knew that Lea would never do anything so abrasive. For as long as the two of them had known each other, Kelly had always been the one to play ‘bad cop’. “Want me to do it?” she asked with a smirk.

  “No…that’d just piss her off and then she'd end up doing something really fucked up like…I dunno, beheading me in my sleep?” The two burst in to laughter for a moment before Lea stopped suddenly. “Seriously though, I need to get a handle on this, if I don't figure something out soon I'm going to end up in some real shit.”

  Lea was the last person in class still sitting at the U-shaped table. ‘Sexual Deviance’ was her favorite course and the only advanced class she had somehow managed to squeeze her way in to as a lower classmen. Generally the class filled up with juniors and seniors on the first day of enrollment, but by some chance there was one spot left when Lea went to register and she snatched it up. It was the only class that she was excelling in and the only one that held her attention with its round table discussion format.

  “Lea?” She looked up from her book bag to find Dr. Allen standing a few feet in front of her.

  “Yes?” She could feel the color rushing to her cheeks and tears were welling in her eyes, it always happened when she felt like she had been put on the spot.

  “You seemed a little…distracted today. Is everything okay?” Lea was shocked that he noticed, but hesitant to open up to him. He was her favorite professor bar none, but he didn't seem like the kind of professor you shared your personal crises with. Instead, he seemed like the kind of teacher you bumped in to at a keg party and made sure not to out him to other staff.

  “Umm…” She hesitated as she shoved her laptop in to her book bag and zipped it closed.

  "Come back to my office with me? My next class isn't for a couple of hours, let's talk.” He jerked his head to the classroom door and although she knew better she stood up anyway, threw her book bag over her shoulder, and followed him down the hall.

  Lea set her backpack down on the floor and marveled at the unusual décor that decorated Dr. Allen’s office. A large cubbyhole bookshelf sat against one wall and while every other cubby was filled with books on sex, sexual practices of various cultures, portrayals of sex acts and books intended to serve as sexual aides, the cubbies in between hosted a variety of other intriguing objects.

  The door closed. Lea didn't turn around, her atte
ntion was still fixated on the unusual collection of things scattered around the shelves. One shelf in particular housed a large stone statue of a man with a thick stone cock that curved upwards. The cock was so large and thick that Lea was amazed that the statue itself didn't tip over and she couldn't help but reach out and run her fingers over the length of it. Dr. Allen stepped behind her, his fingertips followed hers as he ran them over the length of the stone cock.

  “It’s quite large isn't it?” Lea could feel a warm rush of excitement building in her body as he brushed against her. “It’s an African tribal fertility statue.” His fingers brushed over hers and he guided her fingertips over the head of the statue’s solid cock.


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