Harlequin Romantic Suspense January 2021

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Harlequin Romantic Suspense January 2021 Page 64

by Marie Ferrarella, Regan Black, Karen Whiddon

  He wrapped his arms around her, and she was still there the next morning when she woke.

  Savoring the moment, she allowed herself the luxury of studying his sleeping face. His rugged and chiseled features were softer in slumber.

  Moving slowly, she eased out from under his arm and slipped from the bed. Though she tried her best to be quiet, he opened his eyes and sat up. “What’s going on?”

  “I’ve got an appointment with a probate attorney this morning,” she told him, pulling on her pajamas and hoping her dad was still asleep. “I also want to follow up with the police.”

  “I told you I would do that.” He dragged his hand through his already tousled hair. “And I’ll definitely be going with you to the lawyer.”

  Of course. Because he was her bodyguard, after all.

  The meeting with the attorney went exactly as she’d expected. She’d filled out forms and brought a copy of the will, the bank statements and papers from the brokerage detailing all their investment holdings.

  During the meeting, which lasted a little more than an hour, Jesse remained in the waiting room, cooling his heels.

  When she finally emerged, the sight of his rugged, familiar face made her want to smile.

  “All finished?” he asked.

  “For now.” The attorney, a tall thin man with a goatee and wire-rimmed glasses, studied Jesse curiously. “And you are?”

  “Jesse is my bodyguard,” Eva replied, before Jesse could answer. “Drew hired him a couple of weeks before he was murdered. He wanted to make sure I was safe.”

  The lawyer appeared suitably impressed. “I’ll give you a call once all of this is logged in at the courthouse. Once the judge sets a hearing date, you’ll have to make an appearance.”

  “Thank you.” Gripping her purse, she straightened her shoulders and tried to appear confident.

  Jesse stayed a few steps behind as she exited the office. They waited for the elevator in silence. Once the doors opened, they stepped inside. With any other man, she might have felt awkward. Instead, she found herself entertaining fantasies of stopping the elevator between floors and seducing him. The thought made her entire body heat. She glanced at him sideways, wondering if he might be thinking the same thing.

  When the elevator arrived at the lobby, she impulsively took Jesse’s arm, earning a surprised look. She simply smiled as they headed toward the entrance.

  Pushing through the front doors, they stepped outside. Flashbulbs exploded. A small crowd had gathered, all talking at once. Shouting out her name, asking questions, each trying to be heard over the others. “What the…” Eva dug in her heels, turning to face Jesse, not bothering to hide her panic. They were surrounded on three sides by cameras and video recorders and reporters. No less than five news vans—two of them national—were parked in the street directly across from the building. She’d have to get past them to reach the parking lot and her car.

  “Jesse.” She gripped his arm. “What do we do?”

  “Keep your head down and stay close,” Jesse ordered. He immediately began hustling her past the crowd of reporters, all shouting out questions.

  Grateful for him, she held on tight. A few of the reporters were brazen enough to follow, still shouting out questions.

  Jesse took her around to the passenger side and helped her in before he took the driver’s seat. The silence once the car doors were closed was welcome.

  She waited until Jesse started the engine, backed out of the spot and turned onto the street before exhaling. “What was that all about?”

  “I don’t know.” The grim set of his jaw told her how he felt about what had just happened. “I’m going to venture a guess that there’s been another revelation of some sort about Drew.”

  Immediately, she began scanning the radio stations. “Maybe we’ll hear something.” But though she continually searched, she found nothing mentioning Drew Rowson. “This is crazy,” she said. “Have you had a chance to contact the authorities for a progress report?”

  Jesse shook his head. “Not yet. I’ll check in with them in a little bit.”

  “You’d think the police would have notified me if they’d learned something important.”

  “I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough,” he said. “And someone would have called you if they’d made a major breakthrough in the case.”

  Though she nodded, she wasn’t entirely convinced. She didn’t like the way the police had handled this entire investigation. It was almost like there were multiple other things going on at the same time. She couldn’t help but wonder what.

  * * *

  When they reached the house, as soon as he parked in front of the garage, Eva bolted. Shaking his head, he followed, but she was moving so fast he barely caught sight of her as she barreled up the stairs.

  In the kitchen, he found Raul, sitting at the table drinking black coffee and eating a sandwich. “What’s up?” he asked, eyeing Jesse. “You look kind of frazzled.”

  “Maybe,” Jesse conceded, dropping into a chair. “Eva and I just left her attorney’s office. When we walked outside, we were mobbed by reporters.”

  Raul finished chewing and swallowed. “Why? What’s happened now?”

  “No idea. We tried every station on the radio, but couldn’t find anything.”

  Finishing the last of his sandwich in two huge bites, Raul pushed to his feet and carried his plate to the sink. “Let me know when you find out,” he said, before ambling off.

  Jesse’s burner phone rang. Glancing at the caller ID, he nearly groaned out loud. It was his handler, E.J., and Jesse had a pretty good idea why he was calling.

  “The entire office saw your pretty mug on TV this afternoon,” E.J. drawled. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  “I had no idea those reporters would be there,” Jesse protested. “And I still have no idea why.”

  E.J. snorted. “Drew Rowson again. Man, that guy had more secrets than even we knew about.”

  “What now?”

  “Someone leaked to the media a story that Rowson had a secret lover. A male lover.” E.J. paused, apparently to let that sink in.

  “It had to be Chris,” Jesse mused out loud. “That was Drew’s boyfriend, and we’re ninety-nine percent sure he’s the one who’s been threatening Eva. You heard about the exploding drone?”

  “I did.” E.J. went silent for a moment. “You mean you knew about Drew being gay?”

  Jesse explained about the photo album and the prenup they had found. “She even challenged the caller the last time he phoned her. Told him she knew about him and Drew. He hung up.”

  “Interesting. Any idea on the status of locating him and bringing him in?”

  Frustrated, Jesse dragged his hand through his hair. “I was about to ask you the same question. I promised Eva that I’d look into that. I assumed the big guns had been brought in on this.”

  “Sorry, no. We’ve got bigger things to focus on, you know that. We left that up to the local uniforms. I think they might be working with the FBI. Check with them.”

  As usual, the various agencies apparently weren’t communicating. Or, if they were, it was to coordinate making sure no one screwed up taking down all the major players in the upcoming drug bust. The very one Raul had mentioned.

  “I’ll do that,” Jesse said. “Sorry about the unwanted exposure. But it wasn’t like I had a choice.”

  “Just be more careful,” E.J. cautioned. “We can’t have anything jeopardize the takedown. We’ve been working too hard on this.”

  “I’m well aware.” Jesse hoped his dry tone wasn’t lost on his supervisor. “I’ve been right here in the thick of it for nearly four years.”

  “Well, keep after it. Once we’re done, you can take a long, well-deserved vacation.” With that, the assistant special agent in charge hung up.

ach churning, Jesse shoved his phone into his pocket and went to find whichever Brother was on duty and ask him to keep an eye on Eva. Since he couldn’t clue Eva in on what he’d learned without revealing his source, he’d have to keep this one to himself. For now, he needed a break. A fast-and-furious ride on his Harley might go a long way toward helping him clear his head.

  He found Patches on the back patio, feet up on the brick fireplace, smoking a cigarette. The other man grinned when Jesse put in his request. “Damn straight, I’ll keep an eye on her. That little lady is one hot tamale.” Patches whistled, blowing out smoke at the same time. “I wouldn’t mind getting some of that, let me tell you.”

  Jesse wasn’t sure when or how he moved, but he had the other man by the shirt collar and shoved him back against the wall before he realized what he was doing.

  “Hey, man,” Patches protested. “What gives?”

  “Don’t you even think about touching her, you hear me? She’s mine.” With that, he let Patches go, shoving him away.

  “Got it.” Patches stumbled backward, his expression conciliatory. Only the quick flash of fury in his eyes revealed how he really felt.

  Jesse didn’t care if he made an enemy of the man. “You know what? Clearly you can’t handle being a temporary bodyguard. I’ll find one of the other guys. You go back to doing whatever you’re doing.” He stalked off without giving Patches a chance to answer.

  Raul met him on the stairs. “What the hell just happened?” he demanded. “I thought you were going to deck him.”

  Refusing to allow himself to feel foolish, Jesse told Eva’s father what Patches had said.

  Raul’s expression darkened. “I’ll have a word with him.”

  “Good.” Still trying to tamp back his fury, Jesse swallowed hard. “Would you mind keeping an eye on Eva while I take my bike for a spin? I need to get some air.”

  “No problem.” Raul waved him away. “Go. Get it out of your system. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Relieved, Jesse turned around and headed for the garage.

  As soon as he left the gated neighborhood, he finally allowed himself to relax. His bike purred beneath him, the quiet rumble soothing. He rode the local streets, wishing he could avoid downtown Anniversary, but there was no way to reach the interstate without going straight down Main Street.

  Once he’d left the town behind him, he gradually opened the Harley up, pushing everything from his mind but the wind and the bike and the pavement under his tires.

  He rode until the frustration coiled up inside him had loosened its claws. But no matter how far he went, he couldn’t shake the image of Eva’s eyes, gazing at him with desire and love, her lush mouth open to receive his kiss.

  Damned, that was what he was. He saw no way this could end well for anyone, especially for him. For the first time in his long and distinguished career, he’d begun to actually consider getting out. He wanted a life with Eva, even though that might be an impossible dream once she learned the truth about him.

  Fool that he was, he couldn’t help but hope. He’d always heard love could find a way. Maybe the time had come to find out if that was actually true.

  Turning around, he made his way back toward town and Eva.

  He wasn’t entirely certain what he intended to do, but for the first time in years, he actually felt a glimmer of hope.


  Eva stood one hip cocked against the kitchen counter, clearly just finishing up a call when Jesse walked into the kitchen. Judging from her shell-shocked expression, it hadn’t been a good one. He figured it had either been Ted or Beth Rowson or Lori, though possibly the anonymous caller might have decided to make another futile attempt.

  When she dropped her phone on the counter, she momentarily covered her face with both hands. For one heart-stopping moment, he thought she might burst into tears, a prospect that terrified him.

  Swallowing hard, he waited, resisting the urge to go to her and wrap her up tight in his arms.

  Finally, she raised her head, her expression resolute, and met his gaze.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “That was the FBI,” she replied. “They’ve located Chris—Drew’s Chris—and brought him in for questioning. They said he won’t answer anything. Now he has an attorney and is trying to make some sort of deal.” She took a deep breath. “He also is demanding to meet with me face-to-face.”

  Instantly alert, Jesse resisted the urge to swear. “Are they going to allow you to do that? The guy has been trying to kill you, after all. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about that idea.”

  “They assured me I’ll be safe.” She looked down at her phone as if she expected it to have the answer. When she lifted her chin again, he saw determination in her gaze. “I want to talk to him. He must be pretty desperate to have been threatening me like that.”

  “And attempting to kill you,” he growled. “If this Chris guy is involved with the cartel and they’re looking to him for that three million dollars, then yeah, he’s right to be scared. But he’s not right to take his fear out on an innocent woman.”

  “I agree.” The faraway look in her eyes had him concerned.

  “Then why are you even considering meeting him?”

  “Because I’ve got questions that only he has the answers to.” The determined lift of her chin told him she’d already made her decision.

  “Then I’m going with you,” he stated.

  “Why?” she shot back. “Since he’s in police custody, I’m not in danger anymore. So I’m thinking you might be done with your bodyguard duties.”

  “Not hardly. I’m not going anywhere until this entire thing is wrapped up.” But the instant the drug bust went down, he’d disappear. That’s what undercover operatives always did. One minute they were there, the next, vanished in a puff of smoke.

  Only this time, he’d be leaving his heart behind.

  * * *

  Enjoying Jesse’s companionship over coffee felt like the first time Eva had relaxed in forever. She’d never met another man like Jesse, one who not only could be her best friend and supporter, but who could turn her on with a smile or a touch. Sadly, she suspected someone like that came around only once in a lifetime.

  When Eva’s cell rang and caller ID showed the Rowsons’ number, Eva scowled and immediately sent the call to voice mail. Dealing with any more of Drew’s parents’ nonsense was the last thing she felt like dealing with.

  “Drew’s parents,” she explained. “No way am I taking that call.”

  “I don’t blame you.” His warm smile caused an answering warmth to bloom inside her.

  A moment later, her phone chirped to let her know she had a voice mail. Good. She’d play it back later. Maybe. Or maybe not.

  “Have you two seen the paper?” Raul brought the newspaper into the kitchen, his expression dark. “This is unreal,” he growled, dropping it onto the kitchen table in front of Eva. “Talk about trying to make something from nothing.”

  Sliding the paper in front of her, she saw the front-page photo first, tucked into an article at the bottom. The picture was an old one of her and Jesse, cuddling up in a restaurant booth. It had been right before Christmas, long before she’d ever met Drew. Expression full of joy and love, she had a Santa hat perched jauntily on her head. Jesse had just kissed her and their gazes were locked on each other with that particular kind of intensity only lovers understood.

  Now, that felt like a lifetime ago. She felt a twinge of envy for the people they’d been back then.

  One of the bikers’ girlfriends had taken that picture. How and why the newspaper had obtained it, Eva had no idea.

  Jesse came over and stood behind her, his breath tickling her cheek. He pointed and cursed. The large headline teased innuendo. “Gay Politician’s Wife Secretly Involved with Biker Bodyguard.” She gas
ped out loud. Who the hell was feeding this nonsense to the press?

  “Oh, it gets even worse,” Raul said. “Now they’re speculating that Jesse might be behind Drew’s murder. Even more reason the two of you ought to consider disappearing with me. I can get you both new identities made in a couple of days.”

  Eva shook her head, still reading the article.

  “I don’t think so,” Jesse responded, reading over her shoulder. “Eva, I wouldn’t be surprised if Lori was the one who fed this story to the paper. She’s the only person who could have come up with enough factual-type evidence they’d find necessary to run it.”

  “No wonder Drew’s parents just called,” Eva groaned. “I’m guessing they’re going to find a way to blame me for this.”

  “Probably.” Jesse eyed her over his coffee cup.

  Groaning, Eva pushed the paper away. “I’m tired of dealing with stuff like this. I miss my son and I want my life back.”

  “That can be fixed,” her father said. “We can go pick up Liam right now. Since Chris is in custody, I’m guessing the danger has passed.”

  Stunned, she stared. “You know what? I’m not sure. I don’t think it’s safe yet to bring my baby home.” Glancing at Jesse, she half expected him to disagree. Instead, he nodded.

  “Then once you have Liam, you all can join me on my journey to paradise,” Raul continued, as if she hadn’t spoken.

  “I don’t know about that,” Eva demurred.

  “This is your only shot, you know. You need to make up your mind soon,” Raul continued. “I’m going to be taking off in the next day or so.”

  “What?” Both Eva and Jesse raised their heads, staring at the older man in shock. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. Things are getting too hot. The Feds are breathing down my neck. And some of the guys I had working for me evidently got BOS involved in bad stuff. Drugs, mostly. But really bad stuff. The kind of thing I always swore to stay away from. By the time I found out, we were in too deep. They knew I wanted no part of it, but they went ahead and did it anyways. I’m done. I want to wash my hands of the entire thing.”


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