Evan's Addiction

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Evan's Addiction Page 13

by Sara Hess

Evan turned his snickers on Nic, but his hand began to stroke my back, and my breathing trembled in my chest. “I was just explaining to Shaw about guys and their obsession with girl on girl action.”

  Nic grinned but then grimaced while giving Carrie a side glance. “I don’t know what you’re talking about perv.”

  Both Evan and I roared with laughter, though mine was a bit shaky.



  My hand stroked Shaw’s slim back as the both of us laughed at Nic’s all out lie.

  Damn, she was looking absolutely gorgeous tonight; wearing a light yellow sun-dress cinched at her waist, curls loose and wild, and blowing in the breeze, and just enough make-up to make her green eyes more vibrant and her lush lips a fuller pink.

  When I’d stepped onto that veranda and first seen her all I’d wanted was drag her away and finally ease this excruciating ache inside of me, but it wasn’t because of the dress and make-up. My desire for her was just escalating too rapidly for me to contain. I felt like a junkie for her voice, her laugh, and her attitude…everything about her was addictive.

  When Nic had called and told me that Shaw was heading down with them today I’d been ecstatic, but then as the hours had passed I’d wondered who else had shown early. In truth, I’d been worried about Juan trying something with Shaw, but he wasn’t the one who’d been talking her up when I arrived; it had been his damn brother.

  I hadn’t been happy seeing him sitting next to her. In fact, I’d been fucking pissed, and then the shit had gotten all cocky with me. I knew he was poking the bear in me, and any other girl I would have laughed it off, but I hadn’t been able to with Shaw.

  “Nic, how long have we been going out,” Carrie gave Nic a light elbow to the stomach, “because I might have been naïve once but I’m not any longer. Hanging around your roommates has enlightened me enormously.”

  “I hope you’re including me in on you corruption.” Shaw voiced soberly.

  Carrie nodded gravely. “Oh, definitely.”

  They stared at each other straight-faced for two full seconds before cracking up. It was adorable to see. It was also nice to see Shaw laughing. It seemed like she was either too serious or throwing up her acerbic veneer. I loved her barbed tongue, but I wanted to see other parts of her as well.

  My hand curled around Shaw’s shaking side as I gave Nic a friendly sneer. “And Nic, if you’re not imagining two women then the only other option is…”

  “Don’t even go there, Evan.” Nic growled.

  “Why so sensitive.” I taunted. “Did I touch a nerve?”

  “You are so not funny.” He grunted.

  “Evan’s reminding me of a vision I had.” Carrie turned in Nic’s arms sporting a mischievous grin. “It involved your lacrosse team and a rival’s lacrosse team…”

  Nic’s expression turned horrified and he clapped a hand over Carrie’s mouth. “Woman, I told you to never mention that again.”

  She giggled under his hand and began mumbling something but Nic dragged her away so I wasn’t able to catch it. “Shit, that sounded like it could have been good.”

  “I have a better chance of getting it out of Carrie than you have of getting it out of Nic.” Shaw proclaimed with a superior tone before walking away.

  I was on her ass instantly, grasping her sides from behind, and bending down to whisper in her ear. “Is that another bet, because I’m so on it?” But I’d rather be on her…over her…in her…Damn, she smelled good. My nose skimmed her ear as I inhaled her. Fuck, my dick hurt.

  She lurched faintly and I held tighter. “And what would the bet be for?” Her voice was soft and breathless.

  I steered her closer to the waters edge as we strolled so our feet would get hit by the cool oceans waves. “Well, we’re already having a stroll along the beach, so…” One of my hands splayed, reaching toward the undersides of her breasts but not touching.

  Shaw quivered and sucked in a sharp breath. “Quit joking.”

  “I’m not the one joking all the time.” I pulled her to a stop and growled in her ear. Under their own volition my hips surged forward pressing my swollen cock into the globes of her firm ass. My eyes closed in agonized bliss.

  Shaw trembled in my arms, her ribcage heaving under my hands. After a moment she turned in my arms to face me; her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were brilliantly green and filled with arousal…and something else. Coming in closer her hands settled on my chest, and with my heart pumping wildly in anticipation I leaned down for those addictive lips…but then I was given a powerful shove…and I was on my ass in the water, a wave breaking over me soaking me from mid-chest down.

  I stared up at her in astonishment to find her laughing, and froze at the sight of her. The setting sun was behind her making her red hair blaze like fire. She was like a beacon for unwary sailors; set out to draw them to their happy deaths. And her eyes were brighter than the sun, drawing me into the maelstrom.

  “Where’d you get the idea that I’ve been joking?” She sputtered through her laughter.

  I heard distant laughter as the group took notice of what happened and backtracked to enjoy the show, but my focus was Shaw. Shooting up out of the water I rushed her. Screaming she turned to run but didn’t make it two feet before I scooped her up cradle style and strode back toward the water.

  Shit, she felt good in my arms.

  Shaw’s arms wrapped around my neck tightly. “It was an accident, I swear.” She screamed still giggling.

  I stared down at her in incredulity. “Are you seriously going with that?”

  Eyes shining luminously she tried for solemn, but was failing miserably. “It’s the truth. I was losing my balance and it was either me or you. You appeared to need some cooling off anyway.” She mumbled the last part under her breath.

  It was true that the sudden dunking had eased my aching erection, but it was coming back just as glaringly.

  I stopped mid-thigh in the water and stared down at her. “Admit the truth and I might spare you.” I rumbled menacingly.

  Her eyes widened in alarm and mirth as she tightened her arms. “It’s true, I swear…you did need cooling off.”

  My lip twitched. That mouth of hers made me so hard…bend her over and fuck her like an animal hard.

  “Evan, just to warn you; if she gets wet everything will show.” Seth shouted.

  My eyes narrowed as the three brothers and Blake cheered at that.

  “And Evan, the water is doing wonders in proving Shaw’s assertion correct. You do appear to need cooling off.” Amanda yelled through her laughter.

  I didn’t care that I was giving everyone a show, but Shaw’s brows shot up and she pulled herself even closer. I could feel her soft breasts with hard nipples through my damp shirt and looking down I saw that even though I hadn’t immersed her she’d still gotten quite wet from me picking her up. The top of her dress was plastered to skin displaying everything.

  Striding out of the water I grunted. “You’re lucky, Red.” My hard-on pushed against my wet pants in a frenzy to get to her.

  I considered carrying Shaw all the way back just so I wouldn’t have to set her down, or give all the guys a free peep show, but Gabby had a sweater and offered it up. As Shaw tugged it on I pulled my shirt out of my pants to cover my bulge.

  “What did you do to deserve that?” Trey snickered, sidling up next to me.

  Seth grunted under his breath. “That’s just their foreplay.”

  Trey scowled, and even though I was uncomfortable in my wet clothes I grinned at the truth of it, and his disgruntlement at it.

  We all turned to head back and I stepped up next to Shaw again.

  “Are you mad?” Shaw slid a hooded glance up at me.

  “I told you, you’re not trying hard enough.” I said referring to her bitch comment from the other day.

  She grinned. “Tell me I at least stepped it up.”

  “It was excellent effort.” I’d never had more fun with…any

  “Is this party over or are we continuing it?” Juan asked.

  “I’m not drinking any more, but you guys can. I will not be hung over for my wedding.” Maya announced.

  “Me neither.” Landon echoed, kissing the side of her head.

  “It’s only nine, way too early for bed.” Greg stated, hugging his date and nuzzling into the crook of her neck causing her to giggle breathlessly.

  The girl was different than the other females I’d seen him with. He was Black GQ and I normally saw him with females that matched his look; business type woman with a sophisticated appearance. This girl was Middle Eastern punk with streaks of purple in her hair and eyebrow piercing. She was exotically beautiful, and seemed nice if kind of quiet. Greg appeared really into her if his roaming hands and lips were any indication. He’d never been that touchy feely with the other females I’d seen him with.

  Back on the veranda fires had been started in the outdoor fireplaces and a few close family members of Maya’s and Landon’s still lounged talking and drinking.

  “Shaw, do you need to go up and change?” Hopefully she’d follow me upstairs and we could get stuck up there.

  Unfortunately, she shook her head. “No, I’m not too wet. A few minutes by the fire will dry me out.”

  I sighed; always difficult my girl…wait…that wasn’t phrased quite right. My girl at the moment…yeah, that worked.

  After a quick run upstairs to change into dry shorts and shirt I came back down to take my seat next to Shaw. The veranda had been opened to other guests and the Cruz brothers and Blake were able to snag up some women of their own keeping them happy and away from Shaw. We spent the next couple hours shooting the shit, laughing, and I got a nice buzz going on. During that time I was only able to get casual touches in but watching Shaw’s reaction to them…the blushes, the quivering, her pebbled nipples…set my nerves humming in unremitting torture.

  Maya suddenly stood. “I’m ready for bed. It’s been a long day and I have a feeling its going to take me forever to fall asleep tonight.”

  Landon stood, arm attached to her, eyes hot. “I really, really wish I could help you with that, darlin’.”

  She leaned into him, all gooey-eyed. “Me too.”

  Their love was sickening to watch…most of the time. Sometimes I was a little envious, but I wasn’t ready for that kind of intense emotion. All my roommates had been sucked into love abyss, but I really didn’t think I had it in me to feel it like they did. My brain was too analytical.

  “Yeah, we’re going up as well.” Nic stated pulling Carrie up with him.

  Seth, Nadia, Amanda, and Noah followed suit…and then Shaw. If she was going up then so was I. Everyone else decided to stay as the rest of us moved toward the elevators. We all disembarked on the same floor and moved toward our designated rooms. I shadowed Shaw to hers and when she stopped at her door I stopped with her.

  She was giving me sidelong glances the whole way but didn’t say anything which I took as affirmation to what we both wanted, and that had my blood running in molten expectancy. Slipping her card in and out of the key slot Shaw pushed the door open while smiling at me.

  “Thanks for walking me to my door, Evan.” The next instant the door was being shut firmly in my face.

  My head hit her door with a long tortured groan and I heard laughter off to the side of me. Tilting my head I saw Nic standing at the door adjacent to Shaw’s, Carrie hooked in his arms.

  “You guys are too funny.” He snorted walking into his room…with his girl…on the way to having sex…something I wasn’t going to be doing tonight it appeared.

  I thumped my head again hoping she’d hear and open the door. She didn’t. The girl was killing me, killing me I tell you. Why was she holding out? I know she wanted me; it had been all over her face tonight, and apparent in the way her body reacted to mine. If she was trying to build the tension between us more…well, mission accomplished, because I was ready to explode!

  “See you tomorrow, Shaw.” I growled threatening through the door. Turning on my heel I headed toward my room, my plans changing to a cold shower…and taking myself in hand.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  I woke up from a wet dream the next morning my cock pulsing for release. Taking it in hand…yet again…I jacked myself off to more visions of Shaw’s mouth, naked body, and things I wanted to do to her naked body, and within seconds released several grunts of intense relief.

  Taking a minute to get my breath under control I spread myself out on the mattress. My damn hand was getting damn old. I wanted Shaw, and I was going to get her. I didn’t doubt her attraction to me, but for whatever reason she was drawing out the inevitable. And it was inevitable.

  Tilting my head lazily to the side I glanced at the clock. The display showed a little after eight in the morning telling me it was time to get up and waylay Shaw somewhere. But before that I needed to call my mother. The wedding wasn’t until two so there was no worry about rushing this morning.

  Hauling myself out of the bed I strode to the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later I walked back out, threw on some boxers, and grabbed my phone to dial my mother. Lounging on the balcony overlooking the ocean I spent several minutes talking to her and found out that she hadn’t as yet talked to Kyle about the divorce. It seemed he was more often away from the house than in it. I asked if she’d spoken to a divorce lawyer yet, and when she told me ‘no’ I advised her she should do that immediately because she needed to understand her rights, and get a leg up on him. She deserved to walk away with a fair settlement after putting up with him all these years; especially if she’d done it for me…I didn’t tell her that last part. I offered to go with her to the lawyer but she declined, saying she would call me after though.

  We moved on from that discussion to talking about my job. She wanted to know more about what I was doing and how well I liked working for Dan. Her curiosity toward Dan snagged my curiosity and I was about to subtly question her on it when I got distracted by a mass of wild red hair walking in the sand toward the ocean.

  Jumping up out of the lounge chair I stepped to the railing. That was definitely Shaw down on the beach. What was she doing; out for a morning stroll? She walked up to the ocean wading into it up to her ankles, and then after a couple seconds she walked back out and began removing her clothes. My spine snapped straight as her body was slowly revealed.

  Shorts came off to reveal long creamy legs and firm thighs making my blood rush south. The shirt disappeared to reveal an unacceptable utilitarian black one piece swimsuit, and though it covered everything I wanted exposed the form-fitting material revealed a tight athletic figure with luscious curves.

  The veins in my cock throbbed with my heartbeat and I had to reach down and squeeze it to ease the ache.

  “Evan…Evan, you still there?”

  Mom’s voice yelling through the phone called me back to where I was. It also brought the creature in my pants some semblance of control, because shit…my mother was in the phone.

  The device had drifted away from my ear slightly; I brought it back and answered. “I’m here, mom; just got distracted there for a second. Listen, could I call you back later. I see someone out my window I need to go talk to.”

  “Of course, honey. I love you.”

  “Love you too.” I echoed before saying goodbye.

  Rushing back inside I yanked down my boxers, careful of my erection, and replaced them with swim shorts and a t-shirt. A minute later I was out the door and tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for the elevator. When it opened on the ground floor I dashed out and speed walked through the lobby. Jogging down to the beach I arrived to find Shaw standing in the ocean hip deep, but not making any move to go any further.

  Ripping off my shirt I tossed it, along with my phone, room card and sandals, on the lounge bed next to her clothes before making my way into the water after her. The water was cool, but not ball shriveling.

  I waded up to her silently. “You’re
not standing there peeing, are you?”

  Shaw spun startled green eyes in my direction. The morning sun was making her hair blaze in a different way than the setting sun had, but it was just as spectacular. I wanted to tangle my fingers in her curls and get completely lost in it.

  Shaw’s wide-eyed gaze felt like a live flame as it tracked my naked chest absorbedly, pausing on the tattoo in my left pectoral and shoulder. I grinned smugly as she appeared to shake herself out of whatever dirty thoughts were rolling around in her head.

  “If I said yes would it make you go away?” She asked, licking her lips.

  Grinning through my swollen discomfort I answered. “No, I think I’d actually appreciate it. This waters pretty shocking on my unmentionables.”

  “If they’re unmentionables, why mention them?” She snipped looking back to the watery horizon.

  She was throwing off an “I’m going to totally ignore you’ attitude but I could see her giving me what she probably thought were inconspicuous sidelong glances as I stood there silently next to her. The pretty pink coloring her cheeks and upper chest said she wasn’t unaffected by my presence, and the puckered nubs of her nipples was evidence that she wanted me here as well.

  “So, is there a reason you’re just standing here and not swimming?” I asked after one whole minute of silence. I wasn’t complaining because she was a sight to behold standing here half naked.

  She sighed. “I’ve never been to the ocean before.”

  My brows shot up. Charlottesville was only a few hours from the ocean; it was difficult to believe anyone couldn’t make it over here at least once.

  “Is there a reason why?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “My foster parent’s never came over this way, at least not that I know of,” her gaze skittered to me and away quickly, “and until recently I never had the money to come myself, and no car is a bit of a problem too. Now that I finally have my own money I just haven’t found the time.”

  Something in me lightened as Shaw revealed something of herself. I could tell she hadn’t been comfortable with it but she’d still done it and I felt like I’d jumped a huge hurdle.


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