1978 Trishul Shanti
1979 Aaj Ki Dhara
1980 Jyoti Bane Jwala Malti
1980 Jwalamukhi Savita Devi
1982 Sawaal Anju D. Mehta
1982 Namak Halaal Savitridevi
1982 Namkeen Jugni (Jyoti)
1982 Dharam Kanta Radha Singh
1983 Himmatwala Savitri
1983 Mahaan Janki
1983 Coolie Salma
1983 Pyaasi Aankhen
1983 Ghungroo Rani Maa
1984 Sunny Gayatri Inderjeet
1984 Mashaal Sudha Kumar
1984 Maqsad Sharda
1986 Singhasan Rajmata Vardhan
1986 Allah-Rakha Advocate Salma Anwar
1989 Chandni Mrs Khanna
1991 Lamhe Dai Jaan
1991 Swayam
2002 Om Jai Jagadish Saraswati Batra
2005 Water Bhagavati (Narayan’s Mother)
2005 Maine Gandhi Ko Nahin Mara Principal Khanna
2005 15 Park Avenue Meethi’s Mother
2006 Rang De Basanti Ajay’s Mother
2006 Chukkallo Chandrudu Arjun’s Grandmother
2009 Delhi-6 Dadi (Annapurna Mehra)
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First published in Viking by Penguin Books India 2014
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Copyright © Nasreen Munni Kabir and Waheeda Rehman 2014
Front cover photograph courtesy of Kamat Foto Flash and Arun Dutt
Back cover photograph by Peter Chappell
Author photograph by Jon Page
Photographs from the collection of Waheeda Rehman unless otherwise indicated.
Frontispiece: a still from Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam (1962). Photograph courtesy: Arun Dutt: a still from Chaudhvin Ka Chand (1960). Photograph courtesy: Arun Dutt
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ISBN 978-0-670-08692-4
This digital edition published in 2014.
e-ISBN: 978-9-351-18642-7
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Conversations with Waheeda Rehman Page 15