The Philadelphia Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set

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The Philadelphia Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set Page 6

by Taryn Plendl

  “I know.” I couldn’t argue that. “I don’t know what to say, Talia. It’s been so long since I was on the dating scene. Hell, I actually never really was, no thanks to Kyle. I should send him a bill for all my time he wasted.” I giggled at the thought. “I have no idea what I’m doing. You should have seen me last night. I was all over him, and he still turned me down.”

  “Ava?” Talia put her hand over mine. “I think you’re wrong. I think he really likes you. You should have heard him last night. He would not have sounded like that if he didn’t care.”

  “Thanks, Talia.” I smiled. I had no idea what I was going to do, but it felt good to have such a fabulous friend. Sometimes a girl just needs her best friend ... and a strong drink.


  I got to work early so that I would be in the office first. It was silly, but I felt like I could handle it better if I was already seated when Trevor came in.

  I was busy organizing my notes that I took yesterday, so that I could go over them with Trevor, when he set my coffee down next to me.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking up at him. My heart was beating like I’d run a marathon. “Hi.” My voice sounded soft, and I chastised myself for sounding so wounded.

  “Ava, I’m sorry.” He looked horrible, and I felt awful for being so mean to him. It wasn’t his fault that I’d thrown myself at him—that he had to stop me.

  “Listen, Trevor, I should never have pushed things as far as I did. I'm really sorry. It won't happen again.” I couldn't gauge his mood or what the look he was giving me meant, so I just went back to work.

  “I had a meeting yesterday with the Daniels group. I have some notes to go over with you whenever you're ready to get started.” I heard him sigh, but I didn't look back up. I didn't want his pity. This was my issue, and I wasn't going to allow it to affect my work for one more day. It wasn't his fault I misread the signs, right?

  We jumped right into our work without discussing anything else. We worked right through lunch before we even realized, and finally sitting back and taking a break, I couldn't believe how hungry I was.

  Trevor was still looking over some information. His eyebrows were pulled tight together, and he was biting on his bottom lip. I still couldn't help but appreciate him. He was gorgeous. His jaw was slightly squared, and he had a bit of stubble casting a shadow on his face. His hair was messy from his hands running through it, but my favorite part of his face was still his eyes. They were the most intriguing shade of green with beautiful golden flecks in them and were surrounded by long, black eyelashes.

  Almost as if he could hear my thoughts, he raised his eyes and looked right at me. I gasped from being caught staring, but he didn't say anything; he just gave me one of those half smiles of his and closed his folders, stretching.

  “What do you think about us calling it a day, Ava?” It was almost four o'clock anyway. We had accomplished quite a bit, and I needed to get something to eat.

  “Yeah, that sounds good.” I stood up and packed up, not looking back up at Trevor, but I could hear him doing the same.

  We walked out together and caught the elevator down. I wished the tension wasn't there. Trevor had become someone I'd thoroughly enjoyed spending time with, and it pissed me off knowing I was the cause of the tension. Hell, I was the one who told him I wanted to be friends in the first place, so how could I be upset just because I'd changed my mind, and he no longer felt the same?

  I stepped out into the lobby and turned to say goodbye to Trevor, but I felt his hand on my arm. “Let's go eat, Ava.”

  Part of me wanted to say "no thanks," but he looked hopeful, and I couldn't deny that I wanted to go with him anyway. I just nodded as he led me out onto the street. The sun was sitting low in the sky and the sidewalk was bustling with people. Trevor held tight to my arm and kept me close so that we could maneuver through the crowd. I’m not going to lie, the feel of his hand on my arm still sent chills through me.

  “Are you cold?” He raised his eyes at me. I shook my head and gave him a reassuring smile.

  We walked the few blocks to an Italian restaurant. It was packed already, but we were able to get a table in the back.

  We chatted a bit more about work and some of the new accounts we might be working on, and then Trevor proceeded to tell me about Nick's most recent hook-ups that just so happened to be complete disasters. He didn't seem to pick his women particularly well.

  We joked about how he and Talia seemed to always be at each other’s throats. It all came down to the fact that they were so much alike—strong-willed and stubborn as all get out.

  “What does Tom do?” I can't believe this had never come up. I knew that Nick was in accounting, but over the past couple of weeks, I hadn’t had the chance to talk to Tom as much. He was much quieter than his two friends, that was for sure.

  “He is a teacher.” He smiled. I could totally see that.

  “What kind of teacher?” I asked as I dipped a piece of crusty bread in the olive oil and herbs, careful not to drip on myself.

  Trevor finished chewing his bite, “He teaches ninth grade health, and he coaches junior varsity soccer.”

  I nodded. I bet he was a good teacher. He seemed to be immensely patient. “I’m sure he does well with that age group.” I smiled as Trevor looked at me curiously.

  “Why do you think that?” he asked.

  I smiled. “Well, he seems to handle you and Nick well enough.” I suppressed a giggle when Trevor’s mouth dropped open slightly.

  “Are you suggesting that we act like fifteen year olds?” His eyebrows were raised, and I could see the barely-there smile as he waited for me to answer.

  I just giggled. He nudged my hand with his. “Aw, come on, Ava. It takes skill to be this epic.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me, but didn’t move his arm away from mine. In fact, he seemed to move his arm even closer and run his pinky finger softly against mine. My heart started beating faster as I searched his eyes, trying to figure out what he was doing. I was so damn confused.

  He continued to look at me. I felt like he was seeing everything in me—all my thoughts—everything. “Trevor?” I couldn’t do this again. I was so tired of getting hurt.

  “Listen Ava …” Just then our meals showed up, and the moment was gone. We both moved our arms away and focused on our plates. As much as I wanted to figure out what was happening between us, I was ravenous with hunger. I took a bite of my pasta, closed my eyes and groaned. It was so good! When I opened my eyes, Trevor was staring at me.

  “What? I’m hungry.” I smiled. “I didn’t get my coffee or my muffin this morning.” I winked at him.

  “I’m sorry, Ava. I knew you were mad at me, and I didn’t want to push you.” He looked sad.

  “Hey,” I paused and reached out to grab his hand, “It was my fault. I misread the situation. You have nothing to be sorry about.” I pulled my hand back and took another bite.

  “You didn’t misread anything, Ava.” My eyes shot up. What kind of game was he playing?

  “What are you talking about, Trevor?” I whispered.

  “Christ, Ava! You were killing me that night! I wanted you so bad, you have no idea.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “What do you mean? You told me no. You turned me down.” I pushed my plate away. I wasn’t hungry anymore.

  “Will you come over? I’m not done talking about this. Please.” Against my better judgment, I agreed.

  Trevor insisted on picking up the tab, and we walked back to the office to get the cars.

  “Leave your car here. I’ll bring you to work tomorrow.” He grabbed my hand, pulling me to his car.

  “I can drive to your house,” I protested.

  “Don’t argue with me, Ava. I don’t want to give you the chance to change your mind.” He opened the passenger door and waited for me to climb in before closing it and walking around to the driver’s side. He climbed in and fastened his seatbelt before glancing at me agai
n, shaking his head as he started the car and pulled out of the parking garage.

  We drove the short distance in silence. I wasn’t sure what to say. He was sending such mixed signals, and I felt like an emotional basket case. I had fought my feelings for him for the past few weeks, swearing I just needed him as a friend. I allowed myself to let my guard down a bit, and ended up making a complete fool of myself. I needed to be careful.

  We parked in front of Trevor’s building. I reached for the door handle, but he was already there opening it. Before I could say anything, he took my hand and laced his fingers through mine. We walked into the building, still not talking. My heart was beating so fast that I was sure he would be able to hear it.

  The ride to his floor and walk in the hallway seemed to take forever. I can’t remember ever feeling this nervous. Trevor only let go of my hand to unlock the door and then reached down and took it in his again. He set his keys down on the small table inside his door and walked us over to the sofa. I sat down, waiting for whatever it was that he wanted to say.

  “Do you want a drink?” He walked over to the kitchen.

  “Water, please.” I didn’t want any alcohol right now. My stomach was turning from nerves, and the last time I’d had drinks with him, I made an ass of myself. I needed to have my wits about me this time.

  Trevor brought me a bottle of water and handed it to me before sitting down next to me. He leaned his forearms on his knees and looked down for a minute. I just waited.

  “I need to tell you some things, and I would appreciate it if you would keep your mouth shut until I’m finished.” He looked up at me. I was about to protest when he took my hands in his. “Please Ava; for once, just listen, okay?” I nodded.

  “I’m screwing things up with you at every turn. I have wanted you from the first night I saw you in that club. That kiss …” He sighed and looked at me. “That kiss was the single best kiss of my life, but I fucked it up by making it seem like it was for that asshole’s benefit.”

  I just stared at him. I couldn’t believe what he was saying.

  “Ava, that night I thought I’d lost you—before I even had a chance—but when I saw you walk into that boardroom, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. I know you had been hurt in your past relationship, and I hope you will feel like you can talk to me about it, but make no mistake ... what I feel for you is not a show for anyone. I want you like I haven’t wanted anyone before.”

  I couldn’t be silent anymore. “I don’t understand, Trevor. The other night I was all over you, and you turned me down. I felt like such an idiot.” I shook my head, looking down in embarrassment. I could feel tears stinging my eyes again.

  I felt his fingers gently lift my chin so I was looking at him. “Ava, you had so much to drink that night. I didn’t want you to have any regrets. When I finally have you, I want you stone cold sober, so there is no mistaking how I feel.”

  Holy shit!

  “Well?” He looked at me, waiting for my reaction.

  Chapter 9


  I could barely breathe. I had finally gotten it all out, but I couldn’t tell what she was thinking. She was just sitting there, chewing on her bottom lip. My hands were sweating, and I was starting to feel like I may have screwed up having even a friendship with her now. I had no idea what I was doing. I hadn’t had an actual relationship with anyone in my adult years. I hadn’t ever wanted one until now. This was uncharted territory for me.

  “Trevor?” She looked up at me.

  “Yes, Ava?” I whispered.

  “You’re in luck.” She smiled and my stomach leapt.

  “Why’s that?” My heart was beating so fast, just anticipating what she was going to say.

  “Well, I haven’t had a drop of alcohol today.” She bit her lip again as she looked at me, letting her eyes run over my face, down my body and back up.

  “Is that so?” I smiled at her, feeling my body react to her. She nodded. “Well, what do we do now?” I asked.

  “This.” Before I had a chance to react, she climbed onto my lap, straddling my legs. She took my face in her hands and smiled. “I’m not sure I remember that first kiss clearly. I’m starting to think that it couldn’t have possibly been as good as I’d thought.” I could feel her warm breath on my lips. I ran my hands over her curvy backside, enjoying the soft curves that were all woman and sexy as hell!

  “Oh? I can assure you that it was that good.” I smiled, leaning forward trying to close the distance between us. She smiled and backed away just enough so that I couldn’t reach her.

  “Ava?” I groaned.

  “Yes?” She sounded so innocent.

  “You are killing me!” I slid my hands up her waist and passed on the outside of her breasts. I laughed when she gasped. I didn’t give her another chance to pull away. I stood up, lifting her with me, and smiled as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I couldn’t look away from her. She was so beautiful!

  I walked us to my room, not stopping until I reached my bed where I lowered her until she was sitting on the edge. I unbuttoned my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders. Her eyes clouded over. “You like what you see?” I chuckled.

  She motioned with her finger for me to come closer. I walked to her, stopping between her legs. She slowly unbuttoned her shirt, leaving it hanging open as she stared up at me. Her white lace bra cupped her breasts perfectly, and I had my first glimpse of perfection. She backed up the bed, and I followed her, crawling over her until she reached the headboard. I brushed her hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear. “I want you so fucking bad, Ava,” I growled.

  “So what are you waiting for?”

  I needed no other invitation. I grabbed her gently behind the neck and pulled her to me, capturing her mouth. Sliding my tongue between her parted lips, I suckled and sipped, stroking her mouth to ecstasy.

  When she moaned, I lost it, claiming her with even more urgency, sliding my hands down her bare stomach and back up, cupping her breasts before flicking the front closure open and freeing them. I sat back on my knees and took in the extraordinary woman before me.

  “Oh God, Ava,” I groaned. She sat up and pushed her shirt and bra off her shoulders, tossing it somewhere on the floor. She leaned back on her elbows, smiling. “You like something you see?”

  “God, woman! You have no idea!” I growled. I reached forward and unbuttoned her slacks, sliding them down over her hips. A matching white thong! Seriously, I almost lost it right there. I grabbed her hips, stroking my thumbs under the edge of her panties. I slid my hand down cupping her mound.

  “Oh, Trevor. Please!” she gasped.

  “What do you want Ava?” I brushed kisses up her stomach.

  “Touch me!” she pleaded.

  “Where, baby?” I ran my tongue around her right breast, careful to avoid her delectable nipples, teasing as I went.

  “Everywhere, please!” she pleaded.

  “As you wish.” I sucked her plump nipple into my mouth, running my tongue over it until I felt it harden in my mouth. She threw her head back. I pulled back and gave the same attention to the left one as I continued to touch her through her panties, feeling her arch toward my exploring fingers.

  I pulled back, chuckling when she let out a frustrated groan. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll take care of you.” I reached down and slid her panties down, tossing them across the room. I stood up and pushed my pants and boxers off in one fell swoop, stepping out of them as I crawled back over Ava.

  I cupped her face and gently kissed her. “You are so beautiful. So much more than I dreamed of.” I pressed myself against her, shuddering at the feel of her soft skin on mine. I slid my hand down her stomach, resting right above her sex. “Do you want me, Ava?” I whispered.

  “Oh, yes!” she spoke in ragged gasps.

  I slid my fingers down to her folds, feeling how warm, wet, and ready she was for me. I moved two fingers lower and slid them inside, feeling her sides grip them as I moved in a
nd out. My thumb found her most tender spot, circling it with steady pressure until she screamed my name and contracted around my fingers in an explosive climax.

  I removed my hand and kissed her gently on the lips. “You are so amazing! Are you okay, baby?” I pressed kisses along her jaw as she caught her breath.

  “I want you, Trevor. Please. I want you inside me. Now.” She pulled me down into a deep kiss that made my cock throb with anticipation.

  I reached over to my bedside table and pulled out a foil package. I ripped it open and sheathed myself. “Are you sure?” I asked as I positioned myself over her, giving her one last chance to say stop.

  “Without a doubt,” she answered.

  “Look at me.” I placed myself at her warm entrance, watching her as I slowly guided myself in, inch by inch, until I was fully buried inside her. Finally, I couldn’t help but close my eyes, enjoying the feeling of our joining bodies.

  Slowly, I began to move. Pulling out and then thrusting in, each time with more until we were both moving in sync. She felt like heaven, and I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. I grabbed her hips and pulled her into me as I slid deeper than I had been before. I felt her walls begin to contract until ripples of ecstasy flooded through her, and she called out my name. I pushed two more times and shuddered through the longest, hottest release of my life. “Oh, Ava!” I groaned.

  I rolled off of her and disposed of the condom before wrapping her in my arms as I pressed soft kisses on her head. I had never been so satisfied.

  “Are you okay, Ava?” I turned her face toward me so I could see her eyes.

  “Never better, Trevor,” she whispered as she snuggled back into my arms. I couldn’t imagine ever letting her go.

  Chapter 10


  That was the single most unbelievable experience of my life. In the years I’d been with Kyle, he had never made me feel so turned on and cherished at the same time. Trevor was a phenomenal lover! I had never been able to climax with Kyle. I could stay in these arms, like this, forever.


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