Triple Daddy Heat

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Triple Daddy Heat Page 5

by Pepper Swan

  “Well, from what I can tell, these virile men already fucked up with one woman. That won’t be happening with me. I don’t believe in taking any chances with another life. Now, just hold the bottle at an angle. I’ll come back in a few minutes and show you how to burb her. You can probably sit her up on your lap instead of putting her on your shoulder.”

  “Believe me, I’m not going to do anything until you return,” he said, kind of resembling a deer in headlights.

  “Good, now try to sit back and enjoy feeding your sweet little girl. Have you guys taken the paternity test yet and sent it in?”

  “No. We were opening them when you knocked on the door.”

  “Okay. That’s our first order of business once Belle is taking her nap. I’ll organize it. Where is everybody?”

  “I think Boone is working up in his office.

  “He has an office at home?”

  I couldn’t believe how these guys took advantage of Boone. It was way over the top.

  “We all do? They’re all upstairs.”

  “And what about Vince? Is he working as well?”

  “No. He’s probably skyping with his family. They talk every Sunday.”

  “What a nice thing to do.”

  I wished I had a family to skype every Sunday. I had no idea what that might be like. My dad was an alcoholic, and my mom had been MIA for most of my life.

  “Vince has five siblings, both parents, and four grandparents. They’re a close-knit group.”

  “I wonder how they’ll take the news about Belle?”

  “If I know that family, they’ll be thrilled. They’re very accepting of anything that Vince does, and they love kids.”

  “Well, at least Belle has one daddy who will be happy to welcome her into his family.”

  Tucker didn’t respond. Belle was too busy charming him, and from the look on Tucker’s face, he was too busy being charmed.

  I walked off and left them to get to know each other. I had a feeling that was already going great. And from what I heard about Vince, he was well on his way to falling in love with Belle.

  My only hope was that I didn’t scare Tucker off with all my sex talk. I didn’t know how long I would be Belle’s nanny, but for the time I was living in Silver Springs, I’d like to see if three men could satisfy me… that is if they’d go for it. I was simply too much woman for one man.

  I needed at least three, and these three seemed to be perfect for my little experiment.

  Meg 7

  “This is ridiculous,” Boone said, then opened his mouth to allow me to swab the inside of his cheek. I’d already done it to Vince and Tucker, but he’d held out. He thought no way was he the dad. It just wasn’t possible; besides, he had no time for a baby in his life. “She’s not my kid. I have enough going on. I don’t need to be responsible for a child for the next eighteen years as well.”

  “Whatever,” I said, then I put both his swab and Belle’s swab in the box that already had the address stamped on it. Tomorrow, he’d take them in with him and have Walter, his driver, drop them off at the post office.

  “It says it can take up to seven days to get the results, and we can get them on their site,” Tucker said, reading the back of the box. “That seems quick.”

  “Seems like an eternity to me,” Boone argued. “I don’t understand why these things have to take so long.”

  “For one thing, you don’t want the lab to make a mistake, and for another, why are you in such a hurry?” Tucker wanted to know. “What if she is your kid? Then what?”

  “She’s not,” Boone said. “This whole thing freaks me out. I don’t have time for a kid. Rosie will have to take her back, that’s all there is to it.”

  “And what’s so important that you won’t have time?” Vince asked. “Seems to me you could use a little downtime in your life.”

  “How about if we just enjoy our meal and talk about this when we know more,” I told them.

  Tucker had barbequed some amazing-looking steaks and salmon, along with corn on the cob and asparagus spears. It was the first meal I hadn’t heated in a microwave in weeks, and I intended to enjoy it.

  “I can agree to that,” Tucker said, as he put down the dish of grilled veggies on the table.

  “Who wants a beer or maybe a glass of wine?” Vince asked, standing at the end of the table. “Megan, what would you like to drink?”

  I hadn’t wanted Boone to use my full name, but for some reason, I loved how it sounded when Vince used it. I thought it sounded sexy, the way his baritone voice lingered on the first syllable, as if he was about to ask a question.

  The table sat in front of a glass wall that looked out over rolling hills and pastures. Their land was simply breathtaking to look at. And although the sun had already set, it was still light enough that the sky was streaked in different shades of orange.

  “Red wine, if you have it,” I told him, while everyone else ordered up beers.

  Belle was on her back on a colorful blanket only a few feet away, staring up at a mobile with brightly colored horses going around in a circle while baby music entertained her. She seemed to love it because not only was she cooing, her feet and hands kept moving.

  Vince delivered all our drinks, and we passed around the platters of steaks, fish, and veggies. When we were all finally seated and our plates were full, I said, “So, as long as we’re going to be living with each other for the next week, maybe we should talk about what you expect of me?”

  I took a bite of the salmon and realized it was some of the best I’d ever tasted. The corn and asparagus were fabulous as well. Tucker sure knew how to cook.

  “We expect you to take care of Belle until we know if one of us is the father or not,” Boone said.

  “I can do that. Anything else?” I asked, wanting to talk about my experiment but not knowing how to approach it. “By the way, this dinner is amazing. Tucker, you’re an incredible cook. I haven’t had a dinner like this since I landed in Silver Springs. Thanks!”

  “You’re welcome,” he said. “I usually only cook on the weekends. Ted cooks during the week. He’s a great cook, and he’s going to love you.”

  “We haven’t even thought about how Ted is going to handle Belle,” Boone said. “He might not like having a baby around.”

  “That’s why we have Meg. She’ll oversee Belle. Ted won’t have to do anything but cook, like he always does,” Vince said. “I think that’ll appease him for now.”

  “And what happens if you find out Belle belongs to one of you, then what?” I asked, wanting to know the future. Even if I wouldn’t be part of it, they should come to terms with it.

  No one spoke for a moment. It felt as if none of them had contemplated the situation. Here they were, four grown men, four grown filthy rich men who had brought their company into the Fortune 500 level, who could foresee the future and knew exactly what people by the millions would want next, but they didn’t think far enough ahead and consider the real possibility of what it would mean if one of them suddenly became “Daddy.”

  “We hope you’ll stay on, right?” Tucker said, looking around trying to get the other guys to approve. Like I was the answer to everything. Like I would take on raising Belle while they went about the business of, well, business… with a side of cowboying. I suddenly felt as if they’d taken on all they could do, and sweet little Belle simply didn’t fit into their daydream of what their lives were all about.

  I sat back in my chair. I hadn’t thought that far ahead, myself. I wasn’t ready to settle down, not yet anyway. I still wanted to see what the rest of the country held for me.

  “Here’s the thing, guys. I don’t know how long I’ll be here. I’m on an extended road trip across this country, trying to find out who I am and where I belong. Silver Springs is merely a pit stop along the way,” I told them, finally admitting aloud what I was essentially doing. When I’d left San Francisco, I only partially knew why, but sitting in front of these three incredibly handsome me
n and telling them my story, clarified things in my head.

  Sure, I wanted love, what human being didn’t, but I also wanted satisfaction, and that seemed much more difficult to come by these days.

  “In other words, you could leave at any time?” Vince asked, then he guzzled down some beer and took the last bite of his rare steak.

  Somehow, in the course of our somewhat sporadic conversation, we’d managed to knock off our meal.

  “Well, I’m here for the week. That’s a given. But after that…” I shrugged. “It’s anybody’s guess.”

  “I’m thinking you won’t be able to leave Belle. Not if she belongs to one of us, and we keep her,” Vince stated, as if he knew what would actually happen.

  “She has to pull at your heartstrings, right?” Tucker asked.

  I gazed over at Belle, who was still fascinated by the mobile above her. She already had my heart. That was a given, and already I didn’t know if my heart would heal when I had to leave her. At this point, there was no doubt I would be leaving her. The longer I stayed, the more difficult it would become.

  Still, the only thing that would keep me here for any length of time was amazing sex, and at the moment, none of these incredible-looking men seemed at all interested, at least not with me.

  Not one of them had come on to me… well, maybe Tucker, but even he hadn’t staked a claim. He merely hinted at the possibility.

  Not the kind of pass I was looking for.

  I didn’t want subtle.

  I wanted my man to be bold with his desires and needs. Nothing timid. Of course, I didn’t want him to harm me in any way, but I did want him or them to be more aggressive, and so far, they were about as aggressive as monks.

  “That’ll be difficult, no doubt about it. But here’s the thing, I’m looking for a relationship with a man or maybe with more than one man,” I told them as I knocked off the last of my salmon. “No strings attached. Just sex.”

  From the looks on their collective faces, I could tell they were confused over what I’d just said. For all their bravado, all their business acumen, they were still a bit nerdy at their core, and the thought that a woman might want more than one lover at a time, was way more than any of them could swallow.

  “We’ve just been through that kind of thing. Are you forgetting why Belle is with us?” Tucker said, as Belle cooed behind us, her soft voice echoing through the expanse of the mega ranch house. I hadn’t even been upstairs yet, and if it was anything like the first floor, it had to be gorgeous.

  “According to what you’ve said about Rosie, none of you knew what was really going on, that she was sleeping with all three of you at the same time,” I said, trying to ease them into my reality. “It was not a situation you’d all agreed upon before you started on that multi-lover path. Am I right?”

  Boone stood and cleared the table, as if he didn’t want to discuss it any further. “Just what are you proposing? State it clearly, so even sexual morons like us can understand it.”

  “Okay. If you’re going to share one woman, you’re all in on it. You all agree. Each of you, so there’s no surprises,” I told them. “But we should talk about this when we’re more comfortable and Belle isn’t going to cry for a bottle. Tell you what, how about if you guys clear the table while I get Belle ready for bed. It’s already getting late. I wanted her in bed by eight-thirty or nine o’clock.”

  Vince stood and helped Boone. “If what I think you’re proposing is true, I don’t know if I’m willing to do something like that. I’m not good at sharing. Been doing it my entire life with my family, and although I love them all beyond words, I like being on my own and making my own decisions.”

  “You’re not entirely making your own decisions. You all live together. You run your company together. From what I can tell, you even decorated this house together. And now, you’re all fathering Belle. So, tell me, where’s the individual decisions on any of that?”

  I had him, and he knew it. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and I wanted to hug him. Vince was by far the most adorable of the three of them. He even had a dimple in his right cheek when he smiled. He had everything else going for him as well, the muscled chest, the thick thighs, a high ass, and a bulge in his pants that looked like he had a continuous erection. I couldn’t wait to unwrap that package… if he would let me.

  “I never thought of it that way,” Vince said. “I guess we do share everything. Kind of creepy.”

  “It’s what makes you successful… at least in business,” I said. “The jury’s still out if you guys were successful with Rosie.”

  “Let me get this straight,” Boone said when he returned from the kitchen. “You want to have sex with all three of us? What? Can’t you decide which one you like best?”

  “I’m too much woman for one man,” I said. “I want all three of you. In my bed. At the same time.”

  None of them said a word. None of them moved. None of them even took in air. They were all stunned into silence, so I picked up Belle and walked out of the room, as I held her close and sang a lullaby in her ear while they contemplated what I’d just said.

  Boone 8

  I walked out of the house first and headed over to the stables, thinking I’d distract myself by brushing one of our horses, but when I arrived, I knew none of them needed or wanted me messing with them at this time of night.

  My horse, Mystic Beauty, came over as soon as I approached, her head poking over the door, wanting some loving.

  “Hey, girl, what the fuck should I do? We’ve got a woman in there who might very well break us, if Rosie hasn’t already,” I told her as I patted her head and ran my hand down the side of her body. I was so damn inept when it came to horses, I didn’t even know how to pet them properly. I was always afraid I’d do something wrong, so most of the time, I ran my hand over the top of her head, or along her side.

  She let out a shudder just as Tucker walked up.

  “Rosie didn’t break us,” Tucker said. “No one will, and certainly not Meg. If one of us is Belle’s bio dad, then we’ll all deal. I know Vince looks at Belle as a blessing, and ya know what?”

  “You agree with him?” I asked, already knowing the answer. I knew deep down inside Tucker liked kids and wanted a whole house full. Same with Vince. Me? I preferred to be the benevolent uncle.

  “I guess I do, yeah,” he admitted. “All we can do now is wait and see.”

  “And in the meantime, I hired a nanny who wants to fuck all three of us… at the same damn time. What’s that all about?”

  Tucker knew exactly how to pet and love a horse, probably due to the fact that he seemed to really care about their wellbeing. I’d never taken the time to learn about them, not that I had much free time, but still.

  “I never heard of such a thing,” Tucker said, while Mystic Beauty snuggled against him.

  “I have,” Vince said, as he wandered up to us. “It’s called polyandry. Granted, it’s usually the other way around, one guy to two or three women, but then Megan doesn’t strike me as the kind of woman who wants to share one man. She made that clear just a few minutes ago. You two make any decisions yet as to how to handle this turn of events?”

  “You can count me out,” I told them. “I’m not getting into bed with you two. Way too many cocks vying for one pussy, if you ask me.”

  “I don’t think we all have to climb into bed at one time. We can stagger it,” Tucker said.

  “Do you realize how this sounds?” I asked, running my hand through my annoying hair. There were days when I wanted a buzz cut, and today, right now, was one of those days. “You two seem anxious to get this thing rolling.”

  “If we set ground rules, I think we can do it,” Vince offered. “She says she wants to take us all on at once, but I have yet to be with a woman who can do it more than two times in one night.”

  I thought about my time with a woman I’d met at a conference. We did it four times in the span of just under three hours. “That’s not
exactly true.”

  They both gave me looks like I was crazy.

  “How many times?” Tucker asked.

  “Four, but we were in a hurry before she had to speak on a panel. It was in Vegas at one of those tech conferences. I wish I could remember her name… Jamie or Janie… I don’t know, but that was a great fucking conference.”

  “Okay, so then you can’t back out of this. You can go all night, and I’m not too sure I can do it more than once,” Tucker said. “I think we should start tonight, when this proposal is fresh in her head.”

  I chuckled at his eagerness. “How long has it been?”

  “Since I’ve been with a woman?” Tucker asked.

  “No. Since you jacked off. Of course, since you’ve been with a woman, and don’t tell me Rosie was the last time. I’ll throw something at you.”

  He played with the buckle on his belt, then grinned. “There must have been someone else, but damn if I can remember who or where it might’ve happened.”

  “I admit it. I haven’t had sex since Rosie. I guess I was too upset when she dumped me. I thought it was just me that she dumped. Never figured it was all three of us. We need to talk more about these things,” Vince said.

  “Like we are now?” I asked.

  “Exactly,” Tucker agreed. “So, what are we gonna do?”

  “If we do this, we can’t get jealous if she favors one of us over the other,” Tucker offered. He slid his foot back and forth, as if he was really contemplating the situation.

  “Well, you two have at it. This whole thing isn’t my style. I don’t want anything to do with it. Sounds like another complicated fucked-up mess. Besides, I’m usually not here during the week, and we should have our results by the time this week is over, and she’ll be moving on. You heard her. We’re only a stop on her personal discovery road. I’m thinking you two shouldn’t get involved, either. Vince, you already had your heart broken with Rosie. This is going to lead to the same end, only this time, there’s a possibility that you’ll get a double hit, once with Meg and another when we learn that Milo Ambrose is the bio dad, and we have to go chasing around God knows how many states to find them.”


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