Let's Get It On (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Let's Get It On (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 11

by Doris O'Connor

  “Five on each cheek I think, and the same again with the crop. If she takes that for us, then she might have earned your cock, Sloan.”

  Lily couldn’t help but groan at that mental image, and both men laughed.

  “Ask Sloan nicely, little subbie. You know what to do.” Cyrus’s voice was pure steel, and it snapped her attention to him. It was only the twinkle in his eyes that reassured her. Oh, she had no doubt that Sloan would make those swats hurt, but she also knew on the heels of that pain would follow pleasure. Pleasure so intense she might not survive it, at least not with her heart intact. She was fast becoming addicted to these two, and she wouldn’t want to leave, ever. That thought should have terrified her, but instead a sense of peace and calm fell over her.

  Cyrus’s face creased into a smile when she nodded and smiled up at both of them.

  “Please, Sir, I would like you to punish me as you see fit.”

  Sloan cupped her chin and crouched down low in front of her.

  “As you ask me so nicely, sweet girl. Give me a color,” he said.

  “Green, Sir. Please just punish me and then please fuck me.”

  The speed with which those words tumbled out of her astonished even her, and Sloan kissed her nose, and then straightened and walked out of her vision.

  Goose bumps broke out on her skin as the air moved around her, and she swallowed hard.

  “As you wish. Count the swats for me and keep your eyes on Cyrus, and if it gets too much, I expect you to use your safeword. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, Sirs.” Her whispered answer must have satisfied him because in the next instant pain exploded in her right ass cheek, and tears sprang into her eyes. She yanked on her restraints, but of course, that proved useless. She couldn’t move, just try and breathe through the pain and somehow gasp, “One.”

  No sooner had she done so, and her left bum cheek also smarted in pain.

  “Two.” She squeaked her answer, her vision of Cyrus blurry due to more tears filling her eyes. They spilled down her cheeks, and she panted and screeched herself through the first set of five swats with the paddle each, until the thing dropped to the floor in front of her, and Sloan’s large hands massaged her hot flesh.

  Lily jumped anew as the burn intensified, and then morphed into something else entirely when Sloan thrust the butt plug in and out of her ass in slow measured moves that meant arousal flared through her veins and made her groan in need.

  “That’s my girl.” The obvious approval in Cyrus’s voice made that need burn hotter still and when Sloan ran the crop across her smarting ass cheeks, Lily could only beg.

  “Please, please, yes… I’m so ready… please, just do it already so you can fuck… owww.”

  The crop stung like crazy with each carefully placed strike, and Lily blew the pain away with each count, until she floated. Blissfully away in her happy place, she was dimly aware of the men talking to each other, and then the wince and burn of the plug being removed from her ass, before Sloan draped himself over her back, and the pressure in her anus was back. Not as intense as before, it nonetheless made her pant, as Sloan pushed slowly into her. His harsh breaths in her ear felt cool against her perspiration-soaked neck, and when he at long last bottomed out inside of her, she whined.

  “So tight, so fucking good,” Sloan grunted.

  Cyrus swore and Lily’s eyes flew open when Sloan pulled out of her and then thrust back in. Nerve endings sprang to life and every sensation heightened. The feel of Sloan’s hairy thighs pressing against hers. The trail of sweat that ran down into the valley of her breasts. The way her nipples, sore from Sloan’s earlier manipulation of them, brushed against the sofa cushions with every thrust of his inside in her ass. The sound of Cyrus’s hand as it slapped up and down his shaft as he masturbated to the view of his brother fucking her ass. Pain in her scalp, when Sloan yanked her hair and used it for anchorage, as he thrust harder into her. Her own choppy breaths as her arousal built in ever tightening circles of need, until she was so close to coming apart again. So damn close.

  “Fuck that’s so damn hot. Tell me you’re close, Cy. I want us all to come together. She’s squeezing the shit out of my dick here. I need to let go.”

  Sloan pushed into her in jerky uncoordinated moves that made the settee shake, and Lily bit down into the cushion in front of her to stop herself from screaming as her orgasm crashed through her.

  “Now, yes fuck.” Cyrus’s shout of completion joined Sloan’s grunt, as he pushed in hard one last time and then pulled out of her. Thick, hot jets of cum coated her smarting ass cheek, and when Sloan pushed three fingers into her cunt, her just-waning orgasm flared anew. He kept up the relentless fucking her with his fingers, until she had come twice more, and her throat was sore from screaming in ecstasy.

  Only then did he relent and when he released her from her bonds and then pulled her into his arms and on his lap, Lily was crying. Not in pain, though her ass hurt like the fucking bitch, but in happiness and sated bliss.

  Cyrus smiled at them both through the computer screen and blew Lily a kiss.

  “Thank you for that, sweet girl. Same time tomorrow, bro?”

  Lily groaned and Sloan laughed.

  “Sure thing. Get some sleep, and we’ll do the same. Say good night to Cyrus, Lily.”

  Lily hadn’t been aware of nodding off until Sloan gently shook her and his words registered.

  “Good night, Sir,” she said, and Cyrus’s eyes flared with heat.

  “Good night, sweet girl. You two look after each other now. I’ll be back there with you as soon as I can.”

  “Promise?” Lily asked and Sloan tightened his hold on her.

  “Scout’s honor, Lily.”

  Cyrus reached forward and the screen went blank and Lily burst into proper tears.

  * * * *

  Sloan swore and simply held her. He wasn’t entirely surprised at her tears. That scene had become way too intense and he, too, was held in the grip of some powerful emotions right now. Come what may, the three of them were in this together. After what they had just shared, and the way she had responded to both of them so beautifully, there was no way they could be anything but a triad.

  Never in a million years had Sloan ever pictured a future where he would share the woman that he loved with his brother. Play was one thing. That was just sex, but committing to a three way relationship for ever more? Damn, that had so not been in his plans. Though to be fair, any sort of relationship with the opposite sex had not been in his plans since Annabel. And then Lily had shown up looking for a job, and he’d known then that life would never be the same again, as he’d felt drawn to her from that first meeting, and his attraction had just kept on growing.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t even know why I’m crying.” Lily sniffed in his arms and Sloan tipped her chin up to look at her. He dropped a kiss on her nose, which earned him a watery smile and made him hug her tighter to himself.

  “Don’t be, sweet girl. Cry if you need to. That was pretty intense, and any sort of scene is bound to prove emotional for some time I reckon after… well…” He let his words trail off, mindful to not trigger something else, and Lily sat up and wiped her tears away.

  “After the asshole master, you mean, right?” she said and Sloan grinned at the fire that lurked behind her eyes.

  “Is that what we’re calling him now?”

  He laughed out loud at her emphatic nod.

  “Yes, and besides, I couldn’t call him anything else. He never gave me his name, and once we were well into…” she hesitated and bit her lip so hard he was surprised she didn’t draw blood. Sloan gently tugged her bottom lip away from her teeth and soothed the angry indents left behind with his tongue. Lily opened to him on a sigh and he slipped in past her lips and put all of his emotions into the kiss that left them both breathless.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, you don’t have to talk about it, unless you want to.”

  Sloan rested his forehead on hers and Lily

  “I know, but I need to talk about it. I’ve let him rule my life for so long. Even when I thought he wasn’t anymore. Hearing him again, earlier, it just brought it all back, and I’m done with that shit. I don’t want to give him that power anymore. He doesn’t deserve it. He never deserved it, and I wish I could tell you his name, but I can’t. I don’t even remember what he looked like. He always wore a mask when he came to see me. They all did, and I was expected to just…”

  Lily started to cry again and Sloan swore under his breath while he held her close and let her. He sensed these were cleansing tears, a much needed relief and he would sit here forever if need be until she had herself back under control. When she finally did, he urged her to her feet and guided her back up the stairs.

  He bundled them into the shower, and proceeded to wash her clean, despite Lily’s protests that she could do that herself. By the time they were both squeaky clean, his dick was iron-hard again, but he swatted Lily’s hands away.

  “No, you don’t. That will go down soon enough. I owe you a massage and then just let me hold you. We need sleep, baby.”

  Her exaggerated pout had made him smile, and by the time he had massaged every inch of her glorious skin, Lily was half asleep. She sighed in contentment when he got under the covers with her, and putting one hand on her tummy pulled her close until his dick nestled right between her delectable ass cheeks. The little minx wiggled against him, causing his cock to jerk and Sloan sank his teeth into the fleshy part of her shoulder.

  A whimper escaped her, as he licked and suckled on the half-moon indent left behind, and he grinned.

  “Behave yourself. I said you need sleep. There’s plenty of time for hot sex in the morning. I hope you have no other plans for the weekend. I intend to keep you tied to my bed until we have to go back to work.

  Lily’s breathing sped up in response and he grew even harder at her breathless response.

  “I shall hold you to that promise, Sir,” she said. Sloan propped himself up on one elbow, better to see her face, and the trust and hope reflected back at him from the shimmering hazel orbs staring up at him took his breath away.

  “Count on it, little subbie. You’re mine and Cyrus’s and we’ll keep you safe. That asshole master will never get your claws into you again, and at the risk of getting my head bitten off, you’re not living in those flats again either.” She stiffened and he was all prepared for the fall out, but after what seemed like ages she nodded and sighed.

  “As you wish, Sir.” Sloan turned her head better to read her expression and she firmed her lips. “Truth be told, I wouldn’t feel safe there anymore, not after he turned up, anyway.”

  Sloan nodded and swallowed the red-hot fury back down again. Lily didn’t need his anger right now. She needed his compassion, and needed to feel safe.

  “That’s not to say I’ll expect you to live here. I realize you may want or need your own space, but until we’ve caught the asshole master, and believe me, Lily, we will, I want you close by me, okay?”

  Sloan searched her face and Lily blinked and nodded again.

  “When this is all over, Cy and I will help you find a new place of your own, if that’s what you want.” This time Lily’s smile reached all the way up to her eyes, and Sloan’s stomach tightened in need. God, how he loved this woman. He almost blurted it out there and then, but Lily chose that moment to reach up and cup his face.

  “Thank you, Sir. I can’t tell you how much it means to hear you say that, but we’ll see. Seems terribly extravagant to keep several homes when we can just be in one together. Especially with Cy away as often as he is. I’d rather have my Sirs close by, if they want me to be, that is.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, we’ll always want you. Now, sleep.”

  Lily offered him another shy smile and then her eyelids fluttered shut. Her even breathing told Sloan she was soon fast asleep. It took him considerably longer to reach that blessed oblivion himself, his mind too active with lots of satisfying string the asshole master up by his scrawny balls scenarios.

  He meant what he’d said to her. He would protect their Lily come what may.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next few weeks fell into a somewhat predictable pattern for Lily. She spent seemingly every free minute with Sloan and when he wasn’t around she was on the phone to Cyrus. It was a wonder they hadn’t broken Skype with the amount of hot sex that took place across the ether, so to speak. As wonderful as that was, Lily counted the days, hours, and minutes until Cyrus’s return. Not that he had given her a firm date. Whether he just wanted to keep her on her toes, or whether he genuinely didn’t know when he would be back, who could say. She wouldn’t put anything past Cyrus, really.

  Sloan had indeed proven her rock, just like Martha had said he would be. He was always there in the background looking out for her, and while his over-protectiveness had led to some spectacular rows, it had also led to the most awesome make up sex. Sometimes she wondered whether he didn’t goad her on purpose. He seemed to make it his mission to show her that she was allowed to be her. It was certainly a freeing experience. The knowledge that she could let go, and trust her Sirs to not abuse that trust was a precious thing indeed.

  They had moved the last of her things out of her flat only this week. It was piled high in boxes in Sloan’s spare room, until she decided what she wanted to do. Stay or go. Move in permanently with her men, or find another place? Cyrus had made his intentions perfectly clear.

  “You’re staying with us, of course, girl. Anything else is ludicrous.” She had bristled against his possessive tone, and Sloan had cleared his throat in the back ground, and Cyrus had run an agitated hand through his hair.

  “If you want to, of course. You know this is your choice—always.”

  Lily smiled to herself, remembering that last Skype convo, as she kicked back the covers and stretched. She had no idea what the time was. Mid-morning, if the sun streaming in through the curtains was anything to go by. Today was her day off from the diner, and she was going to spend it going through her boxes to see what she actually wanted to keep. She also had to get on with some studying. Somehow she didn’t think hot, kinky sex would get her the qualifications she needed to become a teacher. Lily pulled a face and cocked her head to listen. Was there someone else in the house?

  Sloan had left for the diner early, so there should be no one else here, and Sloan always locked the door. She wouldn’t have slept through someone breaking in, would she? Her heart beat faster and adrenaline swamped her system as a masked invader lurked in her mind. As quickly as that thought materialized, she pushed it away. It wouldn’t be her asshole master. It couldn’t be. Lily punched the pillow in frustration at herself. He still invaded her mind far too often, but last she’d heard, Sloan’s police friend was checking up on leads. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that either. James O’Hara had warned her that she would be called in to identify he asshole master if they actually managed to track him down. While she could only give a vague description, they seemed to think her recognizing his voice and hopefully the place where she’d been held all these years would aid in a conviction.

  Lily highly doubted that. The asshole seemed far too clever to her, and all she had to go by was the well-equipped cellar that had been her home. Well, not a cellar as such, come to think of it, more the very basement of a typical three story Victorian London property. She well remembered her awe at looking up at the white washed building the first time he had taken her home. How long ago that seemed, and what a gullible fool she had been. He must have drugged her that first night, because she couldn’t recall ever having left again, and her self-contained little flat had become her home and her prison. The barred windows too high up, and sealed shut, to be of any help. Not that she would have dared to try and escape anyway. Where would she have run to, after all? Back to the children’s home?

  A loud bang made her jump and a muttered curse drifted up the stairs, followed by the smell of brewi
ng coffee. She knew that deep voice and Lily grinned. Cyrus was home. Of course he was. He would have a key, and…

  She jumped off the bed, paused to pull one of Sloan’s shirts over her head, and rushed out of the door. Halfway down the stairs her steps slowed. She could see his shadow pace through the frosted glass of the kitchen door and he didn’t look happy. He didn’t sound happy either, as he argued with someone on the phone, and an ice-cold shiver of apprehension ran down her spine as she caught his next words.

  “I don’t give a fucking shit. She’ll not be used as bait. Lily suffered enough at the hands of that cretin. There must be another way… Well, fucking find it and do your job. I’ve handed the bastard to you on a fucking plate as it is… Do I look as though I care about police procedures?… Fuck, no. I won’t put her through that, and neither will… damn straight he won’t… Make sure you do… Yeah, just got in… Laters.”

  Lily’s legs wouldn’t quite support her anymore and she sank down onto the stairs and hugged her knees to her chest. This was all getting far too real. Couldn’t she just keep on sticking her head into the proverbial sand and forget that asshole existed? Cyrus made several more phone calls, his temper rising with each one, and Lily stuck her fingers in her ear. She didn’t want to eavesdrop, and she certainly didn’t want to hear anymore. Talk about a rude awakening. Instead she screwed her eyes shut and counted to one hundred in her head. By the time she opened her eyes again, the smell of burning invaded her nostrils, and Lily shook her head, as Cyrus swore again. Cy might be good with numbers and organizing people, but he was no cook. Taking a deep breath, she got up, pushed the door to the kitchen open, and the anxiety his earlier phone calls had caused evaporated in amusement. A flustered looking Cyrus stood next to the open floor to ceiling sliding patio doors and wafted a tea towel up and down in a vein effort to dispel the cloud of smoke. The charred remains of what looked like his attempt at a full English breakfast lay in an abandoned soggy mess in the kitchen sink, and to top it all the silly man sported a burn mark on his thumb. Cyrus swung round when the kitchen door banged shut behind in the draft, and the most adorable sheepish grin lit up his craggy features, before he ran his gaze up and down her barely covered up form, and lust replaced the sheepishness.


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